Astral Sea Thread Donations
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:56 am
I’m creating this thread so that people may donate completed and reviewed threads for use in the Astral Sea. While in the Astral Sea, Seers and others may view both memories and current events, but are not able to manipulate or change them. The locations these memories take place also creates a haunted echo of a landscape within the Astral Sea that holds the memory / event. As such, I’m requesting people donate threads to this for use. By donating, you give permission for any Seers or character in the Astral Sea to use it for their own threads, allowing them to glean information from the thread. All PCs in the thread must give their permission to use it unless said PC has been formally retired (greyed out).
Additionally, if the thread includes a God (PC or NPC) that thread becomes a collaborative, as the God will be made aware that someone is watching them. If it’s an NPC god, this must be done with a moderator.
Finally, it should be noted that the Seer/individual entering these memories only has access to the information available to the memory holder. This does include thoughts and feelings they had at the time. This only changes if the Seer/individual has additional powers/resources that could grant more insight.
Blurb about Astral Sea from Wiki
“ The Astral Sea is the plane of existence that touches upon all dimensions across all the planes created by the Dragon Gods. Within it is the ghostly reflection of the various places it brushes up against. To wander the Astral Sea is to bear witness to the world as it is reflected in accordance to what it might truly be. Spirits and entities wander the Astral Sea from across the spectrum, some begnign...some not so. All who venture there should always be vigilant for without a firm will and clear direction it is easy to be set adrift and become lost.”
My own personal interpretation in line with the above
“ My interpretation is like walking through a ghostly reflection of the world, but all mixed up. Because each area that one is traveling through is centered around whoever’s life one’s near to along the lines of destiny.
So could be like walking into a shell of Zaichaer in one scene, then onward to an empty forest from another part of the world, then into say, a dilapidated variant of Sol’valen.”
Code: Select all
[url=link]Name of Thread[/url]
PCs involved: (all must give permission)
Any deities? if so, who?:
Brief Description of the physical location: Take the broad location from the thread and describe it in ways that fit the Astral Sea lore.