A Midway Point

Læbirius & Varinios meet their contact in Drathera

The vast, wild, and largely undiscovered and untouched tropical jungles that dominate the majority of the Ecithian Continent.

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☠ 71st of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠


Company: Varinios | Thoughts: ??? | Mood: ???

Imposing.......no it was more than imposing. The walls and the city itself were like a sentinel on the horizon. Just like the magnificent buildings and palaces in the Luxium, the city of Drathera itself was an impressive sight in its own right. As he walked in pace with Varinios into the bustling streets of the city, he could help but be awe-struck by it. Besides Kalzasi and the Solunarium, he had never been able to travel, but he could see the perks of being the son of a noble. The fact they were able to leave as they had was a miracle in itself, though he believed his father may have had a hand in it.

The journey to Central Ecith, to Drathera, was long, mainly because it was on foot, and even for him, it was a lot. From the walking to the attacks from shadow beasts, there was never a dull moment. The journey allowed Læbirius & Varinios to bond along the way and revealed some things about the vastian man that the young mesmer was shocked to know, but it made Læbirius admire him more.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he was glad, one for the fact that they made it here before nightfall, and secondly so that they could fill their stomachs with some food. It was weird seeing the people of the city so cheerful, so.....welcoming. It was his first time seeing Orks and he had to say they were nothing like the horror stories he would hear about them. It was rather interesting to see that those people's perceptions of the orkhans as a whole were wrong.

Once in town, they headed straight for the nearest tavern, if only to quench their thirst. However, Varinios revealed they were to be meeting someone there.

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She watched as they came in, her eyes tracking them from the corners of her own. She sipped at something golden and bubbly, appearing interested in a heated debate between two large Orkhan men over whether the eclipse was a natural phenomena or a harbinger of destruction. They raised some rather tired points, the woman felt. These Orkhan were young and their wit was about as sharp as their poorly cared for blades upon their backs.


She waited as the two she was watching them sit down, as an Orkhan barmaid approached and shamelessly flirted with both Laebirius and Varinios while balancing a tray of flagons that had to be at least seventy pounds of the bulge of her muscles were any indicator. She reached into her pack pulling out a small piece of paper. Her deft elven fingers quickly went to work folding, unfolding and shaping the paper until a small, white dragon took shape.

She held it up to her lips and whispered to it, and it flapped its wings, coming to life, flying across the tavern to the pair. It landed on their table, squeaking out a small roar as it strutted around the wooden surface. The moment one of the two would touch it, it would bounce up in a flurry of motion as it instantly unfolded and become the perfect piece of paper once more, only this time with words written upon it.

‘You’ve kept me waiting.’


She turned to face them, her glare unamused and unimpressed. She drained her drink and held it up and toward the pair.
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Company: Varinios | Thoughts: So this is our contact | Mood: Anxious, Curious

He had never seen so many orkhan in one place, the many shades and hues of their skin as he looked around the tavern. From the way their muscles flexed to the intricate tattoos that were etched across their flesh, Læbirius was fascinated by them. He couldn't see why so many were afraid of them in the Solunarium, but he knew he would never understand from a foreigner's point of view.

Læbirius could help his blushing when the large Orkhan woman flirted with the both of them, not having experienced anything like that before. However, he found Varinios excelling in such flattery, even offering up the young mage as an appetizer in a 3-course meal of sexual expression. Læbirius blushed even harder but found himself pouring over the contents of the bar and its patrons when a paper dragon came fluttering over to their table.

Curious eyes from both men looked at the peculiar paper creature, Varinios reaching out to pet it only for it to contort back into regular parchment, words written clear as day across it. Looking around Læbirius saw the woman who had sent the paper dragon over. "I do believe that is our contact" he noted, motioning to the woman over at the other end of the tavern. Varinios smiled, nodding to his protege, and stood, both men moving toward where the woman sat.

Læbirius was taken aback by her expression as she looked at both of them, the look a parent gives their child when disappointed. "Apologies my dear, with the incursion of shadow beast that beset us on our journey here, we had been delayed, but we assure you that there will be no more delays henceforth." Varinios purred, putting on the best charm he had at the moment. He could hide the strain of travel on his face, accompanied by having to fight for their lives on top of that.

The half-elf awaited the woman's reply, unable to stop his stares as he looked over her features. she was beautiful, her skin as rich as mahogany wood, but with a stare that could instill death in the unprepared. He wondered just what he had signed himself up for now that they were here.

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Last edited by Læbirius on Mon Mar 13, 2023 5:39 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 454
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She looked between the two, her eyes moving slowly, carefully, those of a calculating predator. They settled upon Laebirius, “It seems a hatchling has finally left the nest.” Her lips curled into a dark smile, revealing that her teeth were far more pointed and sharpened than the teeth of any elf either had likely seen before. “Good, you haven’t had time to form bad habits.” Her eyes slid over to Varinios.

She cast a nod to the ever watchful bartender, that sent over three small claw cups of a crimson, transparent liquid, strong smelling and would bring tears to the eyes. Ecithian Pepper Whiskey. She grasped one of the little cups herself, locked eyes with Varinios, nodding, then repeating the same with Laebirius. Then she drained the shot in a single motion. She smiled as it went down, sighing with pleasure, as steam, or maybe smoke, whisped out of her maw, lazily curling until it dissipated. She waited until their drinks were drunk and if they never were, she’d wait still.

“You may call me Jae.”

She looked at Laebirius, “I’ve come to understand you’ve come looking for something. I am a Librarian here in the Commonwealth, though I prefer to head into the field.” A teasing glimmer in her purple eyes, “Tell me everything you know about what you seek, and I’ll share the information that all of Ecith has about it.”

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Company: Varinios | Thoughts: So this is our contact | Mood: Anxious, Curious

She was straight to the point, and it was somewhat intimidating, but since her eyes were fixed on him, he felt he had no other choice but to speak on their behalf. Reaching into his bag he pulled out his notes on the subject matter. "We are searching for a book, one of the books of an ancient and legendary world mage by the name of Setrah." he began taking a breath before continuing.

"He wrote 9 books, three books on Necromancy, Runeforging, & Artificing. The benefactor of this expedition notes that one of the books on necromancy is here, in a ruin somewhere. But Im curious why his books were scattered. I couldn't find much on him in the Solunarium, so I'm curious to know more, to know all you can offer, it could be useful in our endeavors." he noted, closing his notes, which now that he looked at them, wasn't much.

His curiosity was overwhelming, his eyes looking to the woman with intent and intrigue as this was something that could lead to more for him. More prestige, more influence, more room to maneuver, and he could study the books along the way. He was hoping this wouldn't turn out to be a wild goose chase. "This is something that I believe could be helpful to the magical community. My passion is to uncover this magical mystery, so anything you can divulge it would be helpful."

His eyes shifted from the notes to the woman, but he wasn't sure how this interaction, how this quest would turn out for him.

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"Vallenor Speech"
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The glimmer in Jae’s eyes upgraded to a sparkle. She leaned forward, raising a well manicured eyebrow in interest. “Setrah’s Codex? I most certainly wasn’t expecting that.” A sharp whistle pierced through her lips and the flirty barmaid came over. Without looking up, “Three Ogrogoru.” Then she paused, looked up at the barmaid, “Pour one for yourself too.”

The barmaid brightened up and dashed off to fetch the drinks. Jae leaned back in her chair, far more relaxed now. She waited until the woman came back with a tray. Jae opened her coin pouch and dropped a large pile of gold coins onto the table. The barmaid smiled, “Gerd had to find it buried under the other bottles. Hasn’t sold this spirit in two years.”

Jae laughed lightly, as the maid passed the sapphire blue shots around. “A proper drink for the tale of Setrah and his cursed codex.” She held up the shot glass, staring each of her companions in the eyes before downing it. It was a complex swirl of licorice and coconut, sweet and strong, smooth and putting a gasp in your throat.

“Setrah was an amazingly gifted mage. His powers created wonders both terrifying and miraculous. We don’t have much hard evidence of his existence or feats, several rumors and tales of disreputable sourcing, but we know a few things for certain. The first is that many efforts, as recorded in their missives, were made by the Dawnmartyrs to locate the codex in an effort to destroy it. The second is that the pieces of the codex have been in many hands across time, but each and every single owner died within a year of acquiring it. This has been found constant in many stories and logs. And finally,” she grinned, “The Book of Death is located in the ruins of Kythera.”

She laughed, “But as a foreigner I wouldn’t fully expect you to know of Kythera. It was one of our three cities, the gems of Ecith, until the Imperial Invasion. Ailos was razed, Dratir was under siege, and Kythera was sacrificed to destroy the Imperial army. An entire city just as plentiful and beautiful as this destroyed. And we thought we would recover and rebuild it once the Imperium was routed.”

A sadness crossed her face, “But then the Queen made the city her throne and none have been able to challenge her to drive her out.”

A sigh escaped her lips, “But the Book of Death was there on loan for research when Kythera fell. If you’re lucky, it’s still sealed in one of our vaults there.” A smirk grew upon her face, “Vaults with which I’m quite familiar.”

“As a representative of the Archives, I’m authorized to offer you this. We can offer you our full resources including my company and expertise in this endeavor in exchange for two things. The first is you let us record a copy of the Book of Death upon recovery. The second is that after we give it to you, you swear to only return it to us, especially in the likely event of your death. Agree to that, and we’ll find it together.”

She leaned forward, grinning and showing her sharpened teeth, “What say you?”

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Company: Varinios | Thoughts: So this is our contact | Mood: Anxious, Curious

His eyes gleamed with both excitement and curiosity as she detailed what she knew about Setrah and his books, his codex. He could only imagine what secrets lay within those pages. Though the warning that came with the book, that most die within a year of possession didn't scare him in the least. It was just all the more reason to discover the means to become a lich, to circumvent such things.

Her terms didn't seem to be all too bad, but he knew it would be up to Varinious to agree as well to them. He wasn't sure what arrangement the benefactor had wanted but he was certain that obtaining the book was of the utmost importance. The older male contemplated the offer made before them, the waitress coming with new drinks for them all, and after some time had passed, Varinious finally looked to him before looking to Jae. "I do believe that this will suffice, our benefactor's only wish is that we retrieve that book." he noted, taking hold of his mug of ale and holding it up to Jae.

"Let us toast to a fruitful endeavor." he toasted, looking between both Lae and Jae. The half-elf wondered what exactly awaited them more so he wondered who this woman was. It had dawned on him that she had mentioned something about "leaving the nest". She seemed to hold secrets. He figured she would ask one thing that seemed to be bothering him. "Is there nothing you can tell us about the other eight books? I take it this Book of Death is one of the books on Necromancy? Is it possible that there are details about becoming a lich in there? And who is this Queen that has made Kythera her throne?" he inquired, eyes scanning the woman over.

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She smiled, then summoned the barmaid over, whispering in her ear. She scuttled off, “We’ll make the agreement official once a Seer arrives.”

Looking at Laebirius, “Well so little is known about the books. We can’t even confirm if they were all actually written by Setrah, or if they were simply in his possession. We know of their existence, we know of some places and hands they’ve been in, and general rumors of their contents. There are three books believed to cover great and powerful secrets pertaining to not just necromancy but all facets of life, death, and undeath.” Jae leaned in closer, “And mentioning them around a black or gold dragon is great way to die.”

She sniffed the air, “But the nearest black or gold dragon is on the landing above us so we’re safe for now.”

Smiling mischievously, “I would assume the Book of Returning contains all the secrets of Lichdom. The Book of Death, I would think, would contain the details for inflicting death, avoiding and preventing death, and what happens in that fateful moment when death comes for you.”

The barmaid returned with a heavily tattooed and giant Orkhan man, a tattoo of an eye in the middle of his chest that moved and stared at each occupant of the table. Jae smiled, “Ah, Jaeger! I didn’t know you were back in town!” He smiled brightly at her, “This morning’s winds were favorable. Needing another notary binding?”

She flashed her bright smile, “You know me so well.”

Jaeger looked at Laebirius and his companion as Jae stuck out her arm. Nodding at Laebirius, “Grasp her forearm.” Then looking at his companion, “You grasp his, and Jae will grasp yours.”

He waited for them to do so, calmly explaining what was to happen. “I will bind the three of you in your agreement, and bind you to the tenets of the Commonwealth, with my authority as a member of both Raxen and Galetira’s temples. Let it be known this binding will see through the truth of your heart, it cannot be deceived or circumvented. Any attempt to do so will break the binding on all, and make the one to do so an Oathbreaker. Oathbreakers are forbidden from setting foot in Commonwealth territory and will be killed upon discovery by any and all followers of the Ecithian Tenets. If you agree and are ready, I shall begin.”

He reached up behind his pointed Orkhan ear, tapping a tattooed feather there which materialized into reality there, grasping it. He brought the quill down, starting upon Laebirius’ arm, drawing a loose and flowing design that continued onto Jae’s and Varinios’. The ink didn’t need to dry but rather seemed to instantly have colored the skin. It was a kaleidoscopic serpent, reminiscent of ocean waves and dark starry skies. Once it was finished, it flashed silver and then faded back to its normal state.

“You are now Oathbound.”

And with a nod of his head to Jae, he turned and left.

She smirked, “And as for the Queen of Kythera, she’s an especially dangerous primal. She’s the only plant primal we’ve discovered so far, filled with vines, thorns, poisons, and the like. But what makes her unique is that she seems to be continuously growing and she can reproduce. This has allowed her to claim the entirety of the ruins of Kythera for her own.”

She pulled out a cigar, blowing on the tip of it through shining, pursed lips until it ignited. She popped it in her mouth, inhaling the smoke, “You two make your preparations. Show the oath to any merchant and they will give you the resources you require, paid for by the Archives. When you’re ready to depart, touch the oath and say my name and I will meet you.”

Jae’s eyes transfixed on a particularly curvy Orkhan woman that wandered by the table, “Until such time, I’ll enjoy the pleasantries of the city.”
 ! Message from: “Aegis”
You can continue to post as much as you wish in this thread and then I will review it. Any threads you do in this plot line, send to me for review. When you’re ready to call upon Jae and depart, contact me and we will continue.”
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☠ 71st of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠


Company: Varinios | Thoughts: How exciting | Mood: Intrigued, Excited

His eyes were both intently gazing back at her as she spilled what she knew, a bright gleam and twinkle forming at the mention of Lichdom. That was the book he would covet the most once he got his hands on it. To know that the secrets of life and death would be in his grasp excited him, so much so that he realized he was salivating at the mere thought of holding each one of those books. He was glad that his foster father put him on this path, to finish what he may not have been able to achieve on his own.

He tensed up at the mention of death by dragons if he were to bring up the subject matter within the books, but he knew better than to insult beings who could level cities. His eyes went wide at the mention that one was so close to them, causing Læ to look up just to be sure. His eyes fell onto the large orkhan male that arrived and he had flashbacks of that day, but tried to calm his rapidly beating heart with some breathing techniques. He quickly went into a quick meditation, taking in one deep breath after another. "He won't hurt you, you are safe." he recited a few time in his head.

Once his nerves were calmed he looked to the male ork who began to explain some ritual that had to take place. He must have been the seer Jae had mentioned. Læ eagerly followed the instructions given and watched as the seer etched a serpent like tattoo on the flesh of all three of them. He had never seen anything like it but knew the words of the man to be true, as he ran his hands over the part of the serpent that had been etched on him. Jae made it clear that by using it, whenever we found ourselves ready, to use it to call her and she would come. With that, she left us to prepare and as she departed, Taidryn entered the bar.

He had been procuring us a place to stay, using the information given to us by our benefactor to do so. Varinios looked to Læ who was still wrapped up in inspecting his part of the mark, and could only laugh. "This is going to be quite the adventure for sure."

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Lores: 8 Skill Lores

Loot: None
Injuries: None

Points: 15 Exp

Comments: Looking forward to seeing this plot line develop.

Aegis - 4 posts - 4 Skill Lores granted to Norani

word count: 71
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