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Character Registry: Glade 120

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 12:48 pm
by Paragon
Character Registry for Glade 120

1st- The weather begins to take a turn in the direction of warmth. While the chill of Frost still clings to the environment, the days begin to rise in temperature to allow for the departure of most heavy winter clothing.

8th- The Slayer’s Keep offers up a reward for a beast at large in the Wildking’s Forge. While several expert members of their teams have been dispatched to deal with it...none have returned. [Moderated]. Contact Paragon if interested.

15th- Holiday. Day of Reverence. Giving reverence to the patrons of the region, large paper mache dragons and their incarnations are made and displayed. Each person creating a paper lantern with a prayer inside where they go outside and lighting a candle inside, they wait for the sound of the gong to let them know to release their lanterns to the sky. It is a beautiful display as it can be seen from a fair distance like fire rising to the Heavens.

30th- March of the Legion. Commemorating the sacrifices that they make both as conscripts and volunteers, the Legionnaire’s of the Dead Legion march in formation from the western arch of the city, through the Plaza of Jeweled Arches, and into Mistreach Keep. So begins the annual descent of the Legion into the deeps of the Warrens. Most will never return. Citizens often tack tokens to the armor of the Legionnaire’s as gestures of either thanks or as prayers to the gods for protection. The parade is a celebration of sacrifice and citizens often garb themselves in black or grey. The streets are dusted with the petals of the black orchid, a flower sacred to Wraedan the God of Death.

50th- Holiday. Iroai Celebration. Some call this the “festival of spring”, “festival of colors”, “festival of love”, or “festival of unity”. It is a time differences are set aside and to come together as one where caste, race, and gender doesn’t matter. People come around noon for music, dancing, and food for the next couple of hours until around 3pm when everyone is given colored powder to throw in the air. This happen every hour till the late evening and it is suggested that one doesn’t wear their best attire to this event, since sometimes the clothing is stained and depending on which dye is stronger, so is the skin for a day or two.

70th- An explosion rocks the docks at Port Udori sinking two trade ships and damaging the port. Investigators put out a reward for anyone able to uncover who might have been behind the incident. [Prompt.] Contact Paragon if interested.

81st- An entire family is found in the Low City completely slaughtered with dark symbols reported at the scene of the crime. Unrest begins to creep across the commoners of the city and rumors of a Mistlord Cult begin to circulate. [Prompt] Contact Paragon if interested.

92nd- End of Glade.

Code: Select all

[b]Name:[/b] [url=Character Sheet Link]PC Name[/url]
[b]Race:[/b] Character's Race
[b]Likes and Dislikes:[/b] What do you like to write about? What do you not like?
[b]Reason for Visiting:[/b] What brought you to Kalzasi?
[b]Goal for the Season:[/b] What are you hoping to achieve this season?
[b]Duration of Stay:[/b] How long will you be with us?

Re: Character Registry: Glade 120

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:45 pm
by Kotoru

Name: PC Name
  • Kotoru Hattori

Race: Character's Race
  • Regular Smegular Human :cry:

Likes and Dislikes: What do you like to write about? What do you not like?
  • Is up for pretty much anything

Reason for Visiting: What brought you to Kalzasi?
  • Born & raised in Kalzasi

Goal for the Season: What are you hoping to achieve this season?
  • Make some ways in the city
  • Obtain new magics
  • Make a name for himself
  • Start a business

Duration of Stay: How long will you be with us?
  • Till Fate says otherwise