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[Faction] The Slayer's Keep

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 5:54 pm
by Paragon
Since its founding, the Free City of Kalzasi has been in the business of fending off hordes of creatures that scurry up from the depths of the Warrens or beasts that wander the Wildking’s Forge. At first, these troubles were faced and exterminated solely by the Sky Guard and the various warriors throughout the settlement who rose to the challenge. As Kalzasi became more established, however, so too did it begin delving deeper into the Warrens in order to exploit the resources that are present there. With the Sky Guard directing its attention in multiple places, the excursions into the Wildking’s Forge became more defensive as opposed to proactive. This lead a group of hunters to form a fledgling troupe of mercenaries in the 207th Year of the Age of Sundering. As the troupe rose to the prominence it caught the attention of the Daizoku of House Dahshida at the time. With the patronage of one of the Greater Houses, the mercenary troupe was converted into a full operation guild adopting the name “The Slayer’s Keep”. It has remained a prominent faction within the city ever since as its members provide both a vital service to the city and offer a lucrative business in acquiring exotic hides and other animal parts.


Overall, the Slayer’s Keep doesn’t have much in the way of a hierarchy. The Huntmaster of the Lodge is the head of the guild overall. The Huntmaster accepts contracts on behalf of the guild and then disperses them to the various Hunting Troupe’s within the guild. Each Troupe has a Seeker, who is designated as the leader of that particular troupe. Every Seeker has a voice and a vote when it comes to broader guild deliberations. Beyond that, there are simply roles given to each member within their individual Hunting Troupe’s but such roles are not part of any official listing in the guild itself. Seekers are given autonomy to organize and structure their troupe’s however they wish.


The Slayer’s Keep does not accept individual members into the guild per se. Rather, they accept the members of various independently operating Hunting Troupe's that fall under the umbrella of the guild. The success of their endeavors and their reputation is founded upon their hunter’s ability to work cohesively as teams. While each troupe operates independently unless the whole of the guild is called to action, they are all expected to maintain a level of capability in the eyes of the guild or else lose their affiliated status. What that means is, in order to become a member of the Slayer’s Keep, one must become a member of either a troupe that is already affiliated with them or form one and gain affiliated status. The Slayer’s Keep leaves it to each individual troupe to determine their entry requirements. However, twice a year the guild as a whole host a contest of skill and ability in order to provide a pool of potential hopefuls for the existing troupe’s to pick from. Completing the Slayer’s Trials is not a prerequisite to joining a troupe but it certainly makes one appealing and often bypasses any requirement individual troupes might fashion for prospective members.

The Slayer’s Trials

Twice every year, once in Searing and again in Ash, the Slayer’s Keep hosts a challenge that is open to the public. Anyone with the desire and skill to participate is welcomed. Candidates are welcome to enter the contest as individuals or as a team but at some point, all participants will have to work alongside others. The contest is designed to test participant’s skills in combat, their ability to capture live prey, and their ability to work as a team and follow instructions. Most often, these trials begin at Kalzasi’s Proving Grounds where participants are pitted against strong beasts from either the Warrens or the Wildking’s Forge. Those who successfully complete the trials are welcomed into the lodge where they often have their pick of which troupe they want to join.

Benefits of Membership

The Slayer’s Keep provides a vital service to both Kalzasi and some neighboring cities. When the often dangerous wildlife of the Wildking’s Forge wander too close to civilization or become a nuisance, towns, villages, or even individual’s contract the guild to dispatch with these creatures. Given the guild’s reputation for getting the job done, they are often the go-to faction for magical practitioners to hunt and acquire particularly exotic creature parts for experimentation. Wizards from both the Circle of Spells and the Scholia Arcana regularly contract their services. As a result, members will find no shortage of work and will certainly have a more steady income than if they chose to go freelance.

Members are given access to the guild’s lodge which provides room and board for members who wish to stay there. While the accommodations are not free, they are comfortable and offer a convenient place to congregate and stay in touch with potential contracts that are both high risk and high reward. Furthermore, members are able to buy weapons and tools at a discount from the lodge’s quartermaster as well as receive repair services to their arms and equipment at a discounted rate than might be found at the shops in the city.

Derrall Othmar


Derrall Othmar
Race: Human
DoB:79th of Ash, 60th Year of the Age of Steel
PoB: Kalzasi, Karnor Region
Title: Huntmaster of the Lodge
Troupe:The Stormbreakers

Derrall Othmar has been a member of the Slayer’s Keep since he was a young man at the age of twenty. He formed his team and displayed considerable leadership ability and skill long before he even participated in the Slayer’s Trials. Upon being welcomed into the guild, it was quickly noted by the Huntmaster at the time that Derrall had a passion for seeking out more impressive and risky game. Over time, he earned a reputation as one of the wildest and most charismatic hunters in the guild. His tenacity and thrill for the hunt eventually saw him invited into the Stormbreakers, one of the oldest and most prestigious troupe’s in the guild. Derrall remains one of the most accomplished hunters in the guild’s recent history having never failed a contract and always getting the job done no matter the extreme circumstance. As the Huntmaster of the Lodge he doesn’t often get to participate in hunts personally these days. As Seeker of the Stormbreakers he ultimately has final say on who joins his troupe but typically leaves the running and organization of the troupe itself to his Second. These days he spends much of his time negotiating contracts for the guild, divvying out those contracts to the individual troupes and ensuring that the guild’s more mundane services such as hide and leather procurement are in working order.




Zelith Yoralista
Race: Jastai
DoB: 90th of Searing, 73rd Year of the Age of Steel
PoB: Grimholdt, Atinaw
Title: Seeker
Troupe: Firelancers

Zelith immigrated to Kalzasi from the Kingdom of Atinaw some years ago. When she first arrived in the city she immediately heard of the guild and sought entry into one of the established troupe’s. Not only was she brushed off, she was laughed at for being a woman seeking entry into what, at the time, was viewed predominantly a man’s guild. Eventually she was accepted into the Firelancers, who at the time were considered the laughingstock of the guild. A disgraced troupe with a drunkard for a leader, it received the least amount of contracts and often got the poorest paying ones at that. It was not long before Zelith proved herself as a formidable combatant and able leader that eventually saw the ousting of the troupe’s old leader. She was named Seeker of the Firelancers and has blazed a trail for the troupe ever since. She turned it around and fashioned it into one of the most prestigious troupe’s currently in the guild. Additionally, she has remained a strong advocate for women being taken more seriously and recruited more openly in the guild. At present, Zelith is considered second to none in her ability and leadership. Though rather blunt and harsh to deal with at times, there is an admirable honesty and wisdom to her demeanor. Zelith says what she means and means what she says and a promise made by her is a promise kept.




Arctvald the Crow
Race: Human
DoB: 3rd of Glade, 88th Year of the Age of Steel
PoB: Kalzasi, Karnor Region
Title: Seeker
Troupe: The Winding Path

Arctvald’s family originally came from the Gelerian Imperium. They chose to settle in the Free Cities in an attempt to get away from the often harsh lifestyle in the Imperium. While originally he was being groomed to take over the family business of fishing, Arctvald was never satisfied with that life. He sought entry into Kalzasi’s Circle of Spells and was successfully inducted into the battlemages of the Sky Guard. Arctvald served as a battlemage for roughly six years before leaving the guard. Still craving adventure and a good amount of prestige for himself, he entered into the Slayer’s Trials and proved himself a suitable candidate. His training as a battlemage brought a unique angle to the hunt that, up until that time, hadn’t been widely explored. While the guild was no stranger to magic it was not often that a wizard chose to sign up to become a hunter of the lodge. Arctvald changed that. As it stands, the Winding Path troupe is comprised solely of mages trained to use their abilities to the benefit of the hunt.




Yasurai Sen
Race: Synnekar Avialae
DoB: 13th of Ash, 93rd Year of the Age of Steel
PoB: Kalzasi, Karnor Region
Title: Seeker
Troupe: Black Claw

Yasurai is one of the most notorious of the Seekers of the Slayer’s Keep. A strong and able bodied Avialae, he hails from a prominent House under the banner of House Veyl. He is bold, headstrong, and unyielding in the face of a challenge. There is a decided cockiness and arrogance to the young man that while difficult to deal with at times, is well earned. Yasurai’s notoriety comes from his competitiveness. He never backs down from a challenge. He is aggressive in his pursuit of the more lucrative and dangerous contracts. In spite of these things, he inspired great loyalty and admiration among those who hunt alongside him. He is known to go to extreme lengths to protect and defend his fellow hunters in his troupe. Beneath his sometimes boorish demeanor rests the heart of a warrior who very much enjoys the thrill of the hunt and who is equally loyal to those who hunt alongside him. He is known to be one of the most demanding of Seekers in terms of approval into his troupe. As a result of this, some of the best hunters in the entire guild are members of the Black Claw, a fact that only serves to boost Yasurai’s belief in their place as one of the most prestigious troupes.


Re: [Faction] The Slayer's Keep

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:09 pm
by Aegis
This has been Approved and can be located in the Kalzasi Codex