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[Astral Sea] The Sweet Taste of Memory

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 4:08 pm
by Yeva

It was desolate.

A sea without end, formless and touched with an echo of loneliness that resonated in her bones. Yeva stepped forward, shaking as she inched through the abandoned streets, the buildings getting closer together, bits of straw sticking between her toes. She dared not cry out for anyone. This place was too unknown, and Yeva wasn’t sure if she wanted to be found.

Or what might find her.

With the silence of a shadow, the young woman slipped past crumbling buildings and rotting beams. The smell of molded hay and autumn mud were heavy, and she was the splash of color, of life, creeping between the streets.

What was this place?

She tried to recognize the layout, the simplistic architecture, but it was neither the industrial grit of Zaichaer, with sharp edges and militant chaos, nor the sterile and curated beauty of Sol’Valen. This place felt human, or the remnants of such a civilization. Simple materials made of earth. Lost to time and man’s consequence.

She moved towards the center, her imagination struggling with great effort to try and imagine what this place looked like in another life, perhaps still. Outside and far away from The Sea.

Yeva lifted on her toes to try and peer into a grimy and broken window, squinting to make out the shapes in the dark, when movement caught the corner of her eye. She tensed, coiling back and crouching. Making herself small and unseen, a harder target, ready to run.

No footsteps, no sounds of breath. Not even a rat scuttling across a broken floorboard. She waited, spotting the movement again, just inside the village square, rising from the ground. It rumbled upwards, curling like a beckoning finger, rising to vanish into the air. Smoke, a single tendril, dancing to die.

Yeva scanned the vicinity, expecting a trap, but even those without the gift of interpreting signs could see its significance. Moving closer, her eyes darted around until settling on the lone cigarette discarded on the floor. Over half smoked, it was barely flickering, but still an undeterred rise of purple haze reached out. And beside it, as if it had fallen out of someone’s pocket, was a piece of candy wrapped in purple paper, so bright it looked fake against the dreary backdrop.

She picked up the candy, turning it over in her fingers, and then the cigarette, trying to piece together the two items, and the type of person who carried both. She did not yet understand.

The smoke stung her eyes as it knotted into her hair, pungent and yet… familiar. Rolling the candy over in one hand, Yeva glanced around once and quite tentively brought the cigarette to her lips.

The sharp bite of tobacco, sweet in aftertaste. It filled her lungs, electrified her nerves and when she blinked, she stood someplace like home, with two familiar faces.

“Franky!” she shouted, jumping up from where she was crouched near the tavern’s window. She beamed with joy. The old goblin was enjoying a morning coffee, and Weston, across, stood leaning over the bar, the ledgers opened before him, “Weston!”

Light and color so vivid, it shocked her and she spun around, relieved at the sound of voices, even shrill and nagging ones produced down the hall. Franky laughed, the sound pulling her attention back and she rushed forward, “You won’t believe what happened,” she rushed, running towards the goblin, reaching out as if expecting a welcome hug from being gone so long. She wanted to embrace both the men, having missed them and the others at the Knob dearly.

It wasn’t Ecith, and she would need to find Norani, but she wasn’t gone anymore, she wasn’t in danger, she was back, she was with allies, she was- “You might believe it,” she half laughed, her confusion as to his blatant dismissal of her return making her look uneasily between the two men, “But I was in Ecith and I met Galtiera. But I think something happened, I was in this awful place, Franky. It was so scary, there was nothing there, no people, and-”

A knock sounded at the door and all three looked up. Franky and Weston exchanged looks and the innkeeper rose to answer, “Franky?”

Still, he did not acknowledge her.

“Weston,” she pleaded, rounding the bar. Fear tinged the edges of her voice and she gripped the candy still in her hand tighter, “Did I do something wrong?”

The two had barely exchanged more than a few sentences when she had been in the city, but the brunette had always been welcoming to the mystic, treating her with respect and the occasional wayward smile, “Did something happen?”

He too, ignored her. As if she wasn’t even there.

Yeva reached out, putting a hand in his face, watching up close how Weston’s sleepy eyes seemed to sharpen as he listened carefully to the other men across the room. Never once acknowledging her. She was invisible.

She wasn’t back, she realized.

She was somewhere else, stuck between a moment of time, watching the ghost of an old memory.

A wanderer in the Astral Sea, lost but not forgotten.

Re: [Astral Sea] The Sweet Taste of Memory

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2023 9:09 am
by Yeva

Something was going on in Weisberg and the news had found itself to the Hobbled Gobbler. Yeva's eyes continued to dart back and forth between the men, a tight fist of anxiety clenched around her heart. She was stuck, but there might be a lesson here. Her understanding of the Astral Sea was juvenile, at best, and she didn't want to have to relive the same memory, every day for the rest of her life. Which begged another question... Did one age in the Astral Sea? And-

What if she never made it home?

Yeva felt her heart pound, the thought not having occurred to her until just now. Before her, Franky handed over a coin to the messenger, the words lost to the rush of blood in her ears. No, she thought. I can't think that. Norani will find me. Or Galetira. Maybe this was even part of her test... But in her heart, Yeva knew.

Something horrible had happened.

Her attention snapped back to Franky and Weston. There was a tension in the air that hadn't been there before and in complete understanding and without a word, they began to move towards the back room. Before the door could shut, Yeva slipped beneath the man's arm and into the office, pressing against the wall.

Weston spoke first. There was a furrow to his brow, a hard set to his face, but his fingers twitched in his lap. He was restless, "A lot of my men in my first command unit were from Weissberg. I really got to know those men and their families. And the lad's right, if the authorities ask for help, they either are completely stumped or deem it far beneath them."

Oh right. She had always known these men had come from military backgrounds, but she had never asked specifics. In fact, as Weston recalled a small detail of his former life - his dedication to his men, how well he knew them, and that this news bothered him - Yeva slipped forward to sit upon the arm of the couch, getting a closer view of the discussion. Her eyes darted to Franky when he spoke, then back to Weston.

Raised heckles.

Had he left on bad terms?

His eyes dropped and his shoulders slumped. Yeva's concern for her own well being was pushed aside and she frowned at the sight. She had never seen him so... burdened? Or perhaps she had never known a reason to notice. He was still composed, but there was a past that Franky seemed to understand. This weight he would share.

Franky has a past too.

And yet the goblin stood, taking the officer signet passed to him. Yeva leaned forward blatantly to see its design, curious. Franky would go. Weston would hang back. The plan was decided.

Yeva lingered.

Re: [Astral Sea] The Sweet Taste of Memory

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 11:14 am
by Yeva

Like a puppy at his heels, Yeva followed the tavern owner, unseen and observant. It felt strange to follow him like this, to consider what it meant to comb through someone else's experiences as if engrossed in an interactive theater. So much of it appeared real, the sights, the sounds. But in subtle ways, she knew it wasn't. Although she ate nothing, she did not hunger. She soon learned that temperature, while present, remained dull. These things did not affect her to the same degree, no matter if stood beside the fireplace. This existence, her witness to the lives around her, was lukewarm.

It was not true life.

Only a reflection, a shadow.

"Franky," she said, forgetting for a moment that he was not really here with her as the wagon came into view, "I don't know about this."

There was something uneasy on the air, a hardness ground into the faces of those around them. She looked over her shoulder, skittish as those who offered aid climbed aboard and tried to remind herself it wasn't real life. She was in a memory, like a star. She was unseen and unharmed. Wasn't this better than being launched without control, never in the same direction, to grab helplessly at a galaxy of time?

Yeva hung on the back of the cart as it rolled down the road, looking over her shoulder as they left Zaichaer and inched further away from the comfort of early morning and into uncertaintly. Once or twice the wagon jostled from rolling over an indent or rock along the path, but she held fast. Eventually, the whispering touch of fog began to creep beneath the wheels and up, lurking across the the fields and trees. Its thickness grew, slithering up and around her legs, then her waist, her chest, her throat. The dark shadows of buildings sagged downward, tired and weatherworn.

"The fuck you looking at?"

Yeva looked towards the direction of the question, to find a human man holding a piece of bread and scowling at an unlucky Rathari. The man fished into his pockets and withdrew a pack of cigarettes, throwing them towards the victim, "Rude!" she shouted, feeling her anger bristle. It was a quick exchange, but the muttering discomfort of the Rathari did not escape her. Yeva's nose wrinkled in disgust, gripping the wagon tighter as she observed those inside.

The same man displayed indifference, whistling as he snapped his fingers and a small flame produced. The mystic openly scoffed in disgust. Such arrogance. Magic was a dangerous game in Zaichaer, so he must have had the authority to do so. Military in some way? Politician's pet?

She glared at him.

“What? I forgot my lighter.”

"What?" she mimicked childishly, doing a poor imitation of the stranger's voice, "I forgot my lighter," Disdain, "Show off." He spoke to no one seeking conversation, yet clearly wished for attention. Then, more grumbled now, less in character, "Prick."

Honestly, she couldn't stand soldiers. If it wasn't for Franky, Norani, and Weston, she might have written them all off entire. Yeva looked back to the Rathari, wishing she could say something in his defense, or offer words of comfort. While she mulled over what she would do, even if she could be heard, a new voice joined in.

"Don't mind them. The Reconciliators have to sleep on a bed of nails, so they tend to be cranky in the wee hours."

It source was unexpected. Another soldier - wasn't this a job requesting civilians? - with sandy blond hair. He was younger than the first, his eyes kind, and when he held an offering out to the offended, Yeva gasped to see it was the same purple candy she had in her possession.

Whoever this man was, he held significance to this memory, and she smiled. Had she made assumptions too soon?

Re: [Astral Sea] The Sweet Taste of Memory

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 9:20 pm
by Yeva

She observed the man known as Myles a bit longer, dropping from the wagon when they arrived, waiting a bit more anxiously standing in the old road as the men and women filed out of the transport. When Franky's scarred face swept through the mist, she filed in behind him, following as he casually - remarkably so - offered a smoke to a group of officers already present. As usual, he had paid the driver, showing proper respect to those around him. Yeva smiled, nodding in nervous satisfaction. This was why she enjoyed his company, this was why she missed him.

He treated those around him well.

He's a good man, she thought.

He gathered a smoke of his own, the smoke a familiar purple plume, and she knew this must have explained the stub she had found in connection to the memory. How strange, that out of so many moments, this had been one to be witnessed, "It's Goblin Weed if you like the pungent stuff." Then, casually and without missing a beat, he was a tactician of conversation, "My pal, Weston, tells me that Weissberg grows some of that real sticky tobacco up here. He can't get enough of it. Always keeps one behind his ear, even if he's already smoking one."

The comment would have never fazed her had she been in the place of the soldier. Now, knowing the events prior and spying the look the gunman levelled upon her friend, Yeva realized exactly why Franky he had said it. He was testing the waters, speaking in a sort of code.

Hec nodded, tasting his inhale of smoke, “Aye, grow some good stuff. At least, do when the mists don’t roll through.”

And that was supposedly that.

Until, "He alright? Saved me dad’s life, he did. Been years since I seen him.”

Interesting. Yeva took note, head turning one way to the other as she looked between the men speaking. Low tones, "Don’t know what they said ‘bout Weissberg but if Wes sent you… Can breathe a little easier.”

Weston was a good man too. A reinforcement of what she had witnessed back in the tavern. Franky's right hand man was chosen well, even if his name held mixed reviews.

Yeva sidestepped as Hec silently excused himself to join the group that was ordered to gather.

Behind them, the kind soldier from the wagon was introducing himself, "Sergeant Myles Arnnette reporting to the distress call...."


Sounded important. Which one was that again? Yeva racked her brain with no luck. Damn military. More explanation regarding the call was given and it was soon revealed that people had gone missing. Like the Unknown? No... That was...

She turned, eying the mist. Impossible... right?

Can't be, she rationalized, refocusing. If it was the Unknown, those present would not even remember the missing. It didn't make sense to her to recruit unqualified strangers, though. If so many families had vanished, including military personnel, wasn't this something to involve actual investigators, or the government, even? While musing over this, a bright voice shocked her from her thoughts, big eyes and pale face popping out among the mists.

"Mr. Franky!"

Yeva jumped a mile, screeching and clutching her chest, "Fate's sake!"

A dozen curses crossed her mind, none of which she vocalized. Beside her, Franky was speaking to Hector again, and began separating from the others after more conversation was exchanged. When she noticed, he was already standing near a chicken coop, thinking.

"Hey, wait up," she whispered, the ominous setting and recent scare reinforcing her skittish nature. Yeva rushed to catch up, peeking beyond the grizzled figure to look down at the white cluster of birds, two of the hens a bubbly pink. Hector slipped closer, keeping a distance for plausible deniability.

The barkeep did not speak at first, and Yeva could hear the others still clustered, conversing under the new direction of Seargent Myles. A Zaicheri nationalist and enthusiast like the rest of those in uniform. The traces of interest in the man with the sweet tooth shriveled up and she decided to focus her attention on the Goblin beside her. The mists swirled. Yeva blinked. The world began to waver, as if staring into a heatwave. Sound began to distort.

She rubbed at her eyes. A sweat produced on her brow, an unfamiliar nausea washed over her.

Franky spoke once more, and she reached out for his arm but came short, as if to stabilize herself. Her mouth had begun to water, she spat at the ground. She was going to be sick, "Franky-" her breath grew labored. Buildings stretched like taffy. The mists and everything around her began to warp, little more than twisting color. Pinpricks of light began to pierce the image, tiny needles of light speckling the world around her. Stars and darkness bled through the openings, as the world started to tear apart.

"Find me when you're turned loose. Something is definitely not what it seems."

The memory was swept away, and with it, the Seer to be was cast into the void.

Re: [Astral Sea] The Sweet Taste of Memory

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 11:22 pm
by Aegis

As the Seer-to-be was swept away, a voice repeated some words across the memory of Franky and Myles, in an amused and curious, distinctly feminine voice. "Not what it seems," followed by a laughter that made the stars of the Astral Sea quiver and shake.

Lores: 6 Skill Lores

Loot: 1 spent Goblin Weed cigarette and 1 piece of candy
Injuries: None

Points: 8, may not be used for magic

Comments: It is quite a pleasure to see an old thread through fresh and voyeuristic eyes. I look forward to seeing how Yeva experiences more memories.