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Submission [Solunarium]

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 7:16 pm
by Cloud Caelum Garr

Link to your Business Sheet: Business Sheet
Description of your Business Location:

The barn is a large, wooden structure with a thatched roof, and it is situated in the Umbrium. It is surrounded by a tall fence, and the gate was always kept locked. Inside, the barn is well-lit, with two large windows letting in light from the outside. The floor is made of hard-packed dirt, and there was a large central area, with several stalls off to the side.

The stalls is where Garr keeps slaves. Each one was lined with straw, and had a small window at the back that could be opened to let in fresh air. Each stall isalso equipped with a manacle, a collar, and a length of rope. The manacles are made of iron and were designed to fit snugly around the wrists and ankles of the slaves, while the collars aremade of thick leather and aredesigned to be worn around the neck. The rope is used to tie the slaves to the walls of the stall, and to keep them from running away.

At the back of the barn, there is a small area where Garr kept all of his tools and supplies. Here, he has a variety of items, such as whips, chains, shackles, and other implements of control. He also keeps a selection of food and water, which he provides to the slaves.

The conditions in the barn are far from ideal. While the slaves were given food and water, the amount is the bare minimum to sustain them. The air is often stale and filled with the smell of sweat and fear. The manacles, collars, and ropes were uncomfortable and often caused chafing and sores. The straw in the stalls are often damp and infested with bugs, and the walls of the stalls are often cold and damp.

The slaves are often kept in the barn for long periods of time, and are rarely allowed out. Garr will occasionally take them out for exercise, but this is usually short-lived and he would often be accompanied by his whip. The slaves are also punished for any perceived infractions, and Garr was known to be particularly cruel in his punishments. Submission's barn is a place of misery and despair for slaves, and it is a place they dreaded.

Services Provided:

Slave Training and Conditioning: 250gp or your money back, guaranteed.

Items Sold:

Human Female Laborer: 1,500gp 50 Skill Points. No L2+ Skills
Human Male Laborer: 1,000gp 50 Skill Points. No L2+ Skills

None - not a high enough skill level to have NPCs

Re: Submission [Solunarium]

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 2:31 pm
by Pharaoh