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First day on the job

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 7:09 pm
by Cloud Caelum Garr

Frost 50 122

Garr had finally achieved his goal of buying the barn for his slave business. As he walked through the dimly lit stalls, he heard a commotion coming from one of them. He walked over to investigate and saw a young woman who was clearly having behavioral issues. She was thrashing about, knocking over feed buckets and kicking at the stall door. Garr approached the seller and began to negotiate a price for the young woman. The seller was hesitant to part with her, as she had proven difficult to manage and control. But Garr was confident that he could condition her to become a more obedient slave.

After some back and forth, Garr and the seller settled on a price. Garr gave the seller the money, and the young woman was handed over to him. As he led her out of the barn, she continued to thrash about and resist, making it difficult for Garr to control her. Once they arrived at his barn, Garr immediately began working with the young woman to improve her behavior.

Once they arrived at the barn, Garr wasted no time in getting to work with the young woman. He could sense her agitation as she tried to fight back against the restraints that he had put on her. Garr knew that this behavior would not be acceptable for a servant, and he was determined to train her into a more obedient state. He decided to tie her up and let her thrash about until she was exhausted, hoping that this would be the first step towards conditioning her.

As the young woman struggled against her bonds, Garr observed her movements, noting her physical strength and the patterns of her behavior. He knew that it would take time and effort to break her will and transform her into a compliant slave, but he was determined to see it through. He spoke to her in Common, hoping that she would understand that she would remain tied up until she began to behave appropriately. Garr watched her for several hours, taking note of her reactions and behaviors as he tried to devise a plan for her training.

He figured that he needed to use a combination of rewards and punishments to encourage the desired behavior. At first, the young woman was resistant and defiant, but as Garr continued to work with her, he began to see signs of progress but he still felt like he was going to need some advice. He left her with a single bite of food and said her attitude better improve when he comes back.

Garr's heart was racing as he left the barn and headed to his brother's room in the family estate. He knew that he needed some help if he was going to turn this young woman into a more obedient slave. As he walked through the door, he saw his brother sitting at the kitchen table.

"Garr! What brings you here?" his brother asked, looking up from his cup of tea.

"I need your help," Garr replied, taking a seat at the table. "I just bought a young woman who has some behavioral issues. I want to condition her to become a more obedient slave, but I don't know where to start."

His brother raised an eyebrow. "Condition her? That sounds pretty normal, Garr. What kind of issues does she have?"

"She's stubborn, argumentative, and doesn't listen to her masters," Garr explained. "But I think with the right kind of training, she could be a valuable asset to my business."

His brother nodded slowly. "I see. Well, I don't know much about conditioning, but I do know a thing or two about training animals. Maybe some of the same principles could apply."

Garr leaned forward, eager to hear more. "What do you mean?"

"Well, first of all, you need to establish yourself as the dominant one in the relationship," his brother said. "You need to make sure she knows who's in charge, and that disobedience won't be tolerated."

Garr nodded, listening intently. "And then what?"

"Then you need to set up a routine for her," his brother continued. "Daily exercises, chores, and tasks designed to promote obedience and discipline. And make sure to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior."

Garr scribbled notes in his notebook as his brother spoke. "That makes sense. And what kind of rewards and punishments do you suggest?"

"Positive reinforcement is always the best option," his brother said. "Offer her praise, treats, or privileges when she does something good. But if she misbehaves, you need to discipline her. It could be something as simple as withholding a meal or denying her access to something she enjoys."

Garr nodded slowly, processing everything his brother had said. "Thank you, that's really helpful. I think I have a better idea of how to proceed now."

"Anytime, Garr," his brother said with a smile. "Just remember to be patient and consistent. It takes time to change behavior, especially in someone who has been defiant for a long time."

Garr left his brother's room feeling much more confident. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to turn this young woman into a valuable slave. As he walked back to the barn, he thought about how he would implement his brother's advice. He needed to establish himself as the dominant one and set up a routine for her. And he needed to be patient and consistent, even when it seemed like nothing was working.

When Garr arrived back at the barn, he saw the young woman was still tied up where he left her. He untied her and helped her to her feet.

"Listen, I know you don't want to be here, but I want to make this work," Garr said, looking her in the eyes. "I'm going to help you become a better slave, but you need to be willing to cooperate. Can I count on you?"

The young woman looked at him warily, but she nodded her head. Garr smiled, relieved that she was at least willing to try.

"Good. Now, let's get started," he said, leading her to the corner of the barn. He commanded the woman to clean up some of the mess she'd made before. Garr tugged at the rope around her neck whenever it looked like she was even thinking about disobeying.

The woman did as she was told, but Garr could see the defiant look in her eyes. He knew that he had a long road ahead of him to break her spirit and make her a willing and obedient slave. He decided to start with something simple, like teaching her to sweep the floor properly. "Here, take this broom," he said, handing her a wooden broom with rough bristles. "I want you to sweep every inch of this barn until it's spotless. And if you miss a single spot, you'll be punished."

The woman glared at him, but Garr didn't back down. He knew that he had to be firm and unwavering if he wanted to train her properly. He stood behind her, watching her every move as she began to sweep. At first, she was slow and awkward, but as she got the hang of it, she began to move more quickly.

"That's it, keep going," he said, encouraging her. "You're doing a good job."

As she worked, Garr thought about what else he could do to help her become more obedient. He knew that he needed to be creative and find ways to make her want to do what he asked. After a few minutes, he had an idea.

"Stop," he said, holding up his hand. "I want you to stand on one leg and sweep with the other."

The woman looked at him incredulously, but he didn't back down. He waited patiently as she lifted one leg off the ground and began to sweep with the other. It was difficult, and she stumbled a few times, but she didn't give up. Garr watched her closely, waiting for any sign of rebellion, but she didn't protest.

"Good," he said, nodding his approval. "You're doing very well. Now switch legs and keep going."

The woman obeyed, and Garr felt a sense of satisfaction. He knew that he was making progress, but he also knew that there was still a long way to go. He would have to be patient and persistent if he wanted to make her into the obedient servant he knew she could be.

After a few hours of training, Garr decided to take a break. He untied the woman and let her rest while he went to get some water. As he walked across the barn, he heard a soft voice behind him.

"Thank you," the woman said.

Garr turned to look at her, surprised. He had expected her to be resentful and angry, but instead, she seemed grateful.

"You're welcome," he said, smiling. "You're doing very well. Keep it up, and we'll have you trained in no time."

Re: First day on the job

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2023 10:07 am
by Hilana Chenzira

Name: Garr

XP: 8 Points, no magic
Lore: 6 Lores
Injuries/Ailments: none
Loot: Progress with his initial project.

Notes: It's good to see that his brother was willing to offer advice! At least Garr has some modicum of support within his family. But perhaps success here will get his father's attention in a good way.