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Call of the Damned ❷

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 5:01 am
by Læbirius
☠ 4th of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠
Company: Taidryn & Spirits| Thoughts: A magic to interact with Spirits?| Mood: Curious, Excited
Continued from HERE

Læbirius found himself drifting in a void-like darkness, waiting for something to happen. He was meditating on reaching out to the spirit realm, allowing his aether to waft off him and out into the open, the rune of summoning glowing a vibrant emerald color. As he meditated he thought of calling forth the spirits of this initiation and continued to wait for something to happen.

Moments passed and he soon felt wind blowing passed his face. Opening his eyes he found himself sitting in a space with four pillars at cardinal points. Each pillar had a unique look to them. The pillar at the northern point was covered in vines and moss, the smell of the forest wafting from it, sounds of birds chirping in the far distance echoing in his ear as it glowed in hues of green. The southern pillar had a white aura coming from it, a sense of righteousness and courage being instilled in him, the faint view of feathers fluttering off it like petals from a blossoming fruit tree.

The eastern pillar echoed with sounds unknown to Læ, a coalescence of stars glittering beneath the surface of the pillar, giving it an amethyst hue, tentacles seemingly writhing from beneath it as if to snag and strangle anyone who came close to it. The western pillar was wreathed in a spiral of fire, and the longer one looked at it the more they would be hit with an overwhelming feeling of hate and rage, wanting to lash out at others. Red hues swirled violently beneath the surface of the pillar like a storm.

Læ stood from where he sat and watched as four spirits manifested in front of each pillar. In front of the green pillar was an orb, covered in moss like the pillar, in front of the white pillar was a diamond that was shimmering in ivory and golden light, In front of the amethyst pillar was an unknown shape as purple tentacles sprouted from it, and in front of the red pillar was a jagged shaped spirit that was wreathed in the same flames as the pillar.

Each spirit looked at Læ until one of them spoke."Come to the light my child, and we shall bring forth justice to those who defile the innocent." the diamond cooed, glittering feathers falling from it with each word. "No no, let loose and free yourself of the bonds of civilization, embrace your wild side." the orb whispered. "The secrets of the universe are within your grasp, the question is are you brave enough to claim them." the amalgamated shape hissed, the tentacles reaching out to try and caress his face. "Destroy those in your path and cast their ashes into the wind me, allow me to give you the power to do so." the jagged shape seethed, flames spilling from it as the words came out.

Læ was now presented with a choice, a choice of picking one of these four spirits to make his first contract with. Of the four spirits, none of them seem to resonate with him, each one vying for his attention as he contemplated his choice. Each one trying to display the benefits of choosing their sphere. Of all of them he couldn't help but feel compelled to look in the red spirit's direction, unable to look away.

Approaching the spirit he placed a hand up to touch it, and its jagged form floated down to meet his hand. The other spirits looked as the two interacted. He couldn't explain why but something about it called to him, called to the rage in him about his past, about not being able to defend the one he loved, his aversion to male orks. Touching the red spirit caused the other three to fade as Læ was pulled to a whole new place. He was surrounded by a decaying city, lights of green fire illuminating certain spots.

The dead silence was almost deafening for him, as he looked around the area for any sign of spirit. As he walk he could hear the faint sounds of something coming, galloping up behind him. He didn't see it at first but the sounds were getting louder, and louder till green hoof prints darted towards him. They came up and around and then the visage of the creator of those prints began to form. A horse of ghostly form appeared before him, galloping around in a circle.

It came to a stop in front of him and stared deep into his soul. "Hello there, I do believe you are the first spirit I've met. I wish to make an accord with you." Læ said, the equine simply staring, its wispy mane and tail flowing in the stale wind. As he observed closer he could see the souls writhing beneath the mare's flesh, and it unsettled him.

The steed came to rest its head on Læ's and he could a voice echo in his mind saying "Ride with me!". Taking a step back he watched the spirit turn and kneel down, prompting Læbirius to saddle the creature, taking hold of its mane as reigns. He couldn't see it, but the demonic horse held a smirk on its face, and took off, which surprised Læ. In the midst of his confusion, Læ began to feel something intrude, trying to force itself onto his soul. He realized this was what Taidryn was warning him about, that spirits would try and overtake him for his body.

He wouldn't allow that to happen, a look of determination fixed on his face as he fought both to hold on and to maintain control of his soul. "You will not have my body spirit, you will agree to my accord. What is it you want from me?" he questioned, though he was only met with silence as the horse raced through the desolate landscape. Then the demand came into his mind again. "To run forever, to trample the deserving." it seethed, making sharp turns and leaping over collapsed walls.

Læ was holding on for dear life as those words came into his mind, contemplating his response. "If that' is all you wish I can grant that to you. I can allow you to run every day by my side. If I travel the sands of the Solunarium you shall be how I move across the sands, in exchange for an agreeance to serve me." proposed, causing the demonic steed to slow its pace before coming to a full stop. Læ dismounted the spirit, finding that it was calm now.

Its pale glowing green eyes looked to him before it turned and began walking towards a nearby ledge. Læ joined the spirit as the two looked out into the distance at the view. Even in a desolate hellscape, a haunting place that could inspire fear in most mortal men, Læ found he was at peace looking at the landscape and the eerie ambiance it held. The spirit turned to him, its muzzle touching the rune glowing on the back of his left hand. He could tell that the spirit was comfortable with the terms, and had agreed to the accord.

Læ would find himself smiling as he soon came out of his trance but not before hearing the spirit's name, Taidryn and his aidolon sitting there patiently waiting for him to awaken. Well I take it you succeeded? he inquired, Læ noticing his hand resting on the hilt of an axe that was laid across his lap. Nodding Læ got to his feet. "Yes it appears that way. I do believe I chose the infernal sphere." he could see Taidryn make a peculiar face before standing himself, and shrugging.

What kind of spirit did you make a contract with? he asked as Læ held out his hand and spoke a single name. "Urelp Parm" he whispered as the sound of galloping came into earshot, and soon the demonic horse soon found itself sprinting around the two men. Urelp came to rest next to Læ as his bodyguard inspected the spirit. He seemed pleased as Urelp showed no signs of malice toward the young mage.

Well I think we can call it a day, I'm sure you'll be witness to the threshold sickness in the coming hours, so we should get you back to the estate. I would hate for you to pass out in the middle of the Axtrian desert.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"

"Everybody is going to be dead one day, just give me time!"

Re: Call of the Damned ❷

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 5:23 pm
by Hector


Lore: 6 æther-touched lores
Points: 8, magic ok
Injuries/Ailments: threshold sickness
Loot: None

My commentary on the last thread still applies, but since this is a continuation, I don't have much to add.