
The Umbrium is the lower half and secondary seat of the Solunarian Capital and one of the dual-cities that comprises Solunarium Proper. Before the rise of Aværys, mining revealed the site of a ruined, underground city which they dubbed Oblitium “The Forgotten City”, the foundations of which were incorporated into what is now The Umbrium. Warmed by the magma that churns just behind the walls, the Umbrium houses the Palatium Umbrarum (The Shadow Palace) which was constructed directly beneath its sunlit counterpart, the Blazing Palace. This palace serves as the primary seat of government when the sovereign is moonborn, and houses the headquarters of The Silver Sentinels.

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Cloud Caelum Garr
Posts: 66
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Glade 14 123

The sun was setting over Solunarium, casting an orange glow upon the city as Garr walked from the surface and down into the Umbrium. He made his way towards the barn where his slaves were kept. He'd been securing some contracts to have some supplies delivered and now he needed to check on his goods to make sure everything was going okay. His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his burgeoning business and the challenges he faced in properly conditioning the slaves he had recently acquired. Little did he know that one of those challenges would present itself sooner than he had anticipated.

Inside the barn, a young man, who had been sold to Garr as a slave just a week ago, had been carefully observing the daily routines of his captors. He knew that the only way to regain his freedom was to seize an opportunity when it presented itself. Over the days, he had noticed a weakness in the restraints that bound him, and with a combination of patience, determination, and ingenuity, he had managed to loosen the very things that held him captive.

As Garr approached the barn, he couldn't shake off a nagging feeling that something was amiss. He had always been perceptive, and his instincts had rarely led him astray. He quickened his pace, eager to address any issues that might have arisen in his absence. Meanwhile, the slave had succeeded in freeing himself from his chains and was now attempting to make his escape. He moved cautiously through the dimly lit barn, careful not to alert the other slaves to his plans. He knew that his best chance at success was to slip away unnoticed and blend into the shadows until he could find a way out of the Umbrium and into the wider city of Solunarium.

As the slave approached the barn door, he hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that once he stepped outside, there would be no turning back. With a deep breath, he steeled himself for what lay ahead and slowly pushed open the door, stepping out into the light. Garr was only a few paces from the barn when he spotted the slave. His eyes narrowed as he observed the young man, realizing that this was an escape attempt. While he was disappointed that his security measures had been so easily circumvented, he also felt a strange sense of admiration for the resourcefulness and determination the slave had displayed.

Despite his admiration, Garr knew that he could not allow this escape attempt to go unpunished. His business relied on his ability to maintain control over his slaves, and any sign of weakness could lead to disastrous consequences. He quickly formulated a plan to recapture the slave and set off in pursuit. The slave, unaware that he had been spotted, continued to move through the shadows, trying to put as much distance between himself and the barn as possible. He knew that his freedom would be short-lived if he were caught, and he was determined to avoid that fate at all costs.

As Garr closed in on the man, he prepared to use his earth manipulation abilities to apprehend the young man. His powers were formidable, and he was confident that he could bring the escape attempt to a swift end. However, he also knew that capturing him would only be the first step in addressing the issue. The real challenge would be ensuring that his other slaves did not follow suit and attempt to escape as well.

With a deep breath, Garr called upon his powers, feeling the energy surge through him as the earth beneath his feet trembled in response. He did not know why the slave didn't hear him. Perhaps he was focused on escape that there was no reason to look Garr's way. He knew that the moment of confrontation was fast approaching, and he was ready to do whatever it took to maintain control over his growing empire. As Garr continued to follow him, he knew that he needed to act swiftly and decisively to ensure the escape attempt would be quashed without drawing the attention of the other slaves as the door was still open. Timing was crucial, and Garr's plan hinged on his ability to capitalize on the element of surprise. He waited for the opportune moment, carefully observing the escapee's movements from the shadows.

The slave, still oblivious to the fact that his escape had been noticed, continued to make his way through the dimly lit pathways, seeking an exit that would lead him to freedom. His heart raced with a mixture of fear and excitement as he considered the possibility of a new life beyond the confines of his enslavement. He was so close to achieving his goal, but he could not afford to let his guard down. It was then that Garr saw his chance to strike. The escapee had momentarily paused to catch his breath, providing the perfect opportunity for Garr to put his plan into action. Drawing upon his elemental powers, Garr focused his energy on the ground beneath the slave, causing the earth to tremble and shift.

Before the slave could comprehend what was happening, the soil beneath him rose up and coiled around his legs, effectively immobilizing him. Panic set in as he realized that his escape attempt had been thwarted, and he was now at the mercy of his captor. He struggled in vain, but the earthen bindings only tightened their grip, ensuring that he could not break free. Garr emerged from the shadows, his face a mixture of disappointment and determination. He approached the captive the slave and looked him in the eyes, seeking to gauge the young man's resolve. While he could not deny the resourcefulness and courage that the slave had displayed in his escape attempt, he also knew that he could not allow such defiance to go unpunished.

"You have shown great cunning and determination," Garr said, his voice cold and unwavering. "But you have also displayed a lack of respect for the authority I hold over you. I cannot allow this to go unchecked."

With that, Garr willed the earth restraints to drag the slave back towards the barn, the young man's protests and pleas falling on deaf ears. As they approached the barn, the other slaves and the guards watched with a mixture of fear and curiosity, wondering what fate awaited the captured escapee.

Once inside the barn, Garr released the slave from his earthen bindings and addressed the assembled slaves, his voice booming with authority. "Let this serve as a warning to all of you," he declared. "Any attempts to escape or defy my authority will be met with swift and severe consequences."

As he pondered the situation, Garr became increasingly determined to create an improved system that would ensure the obedience and submission of his slaves. He knew that his business depended on his ability to maintain control, and he was prepared to do whatever it took to achieve that goal. Garr, having made his point clear to the slaves, now focused on addressing the security issues in the barn. It was evident that the current measures were insufficient, and he needed to utilize his elemental powers to reinforce the containment of his slaves. As he paced around the barn, carefully examining each corner and doorway, he assessed the weak points in the structure and identified areas where his elemental skills could be most effectively employed.

He decided that the most effective way to ensure his slaves' confinement was to create makeshift cages using his earth manipulation abilities. Not only would these cages serve as a physical barrier, but they would also be a constant reminder of the power he wielded over his captives. The mere sight of the earthen enclosures would instill fear in the slaves and deter any further escape attempts.

Garr began by focusing his energy on the ground beneath the barn. He visualized the structure of the cages he wanted to create and concentrated on bringing his vision to life. As he tapped into his elemental power, the soil beneath the barn floor began to rise and take shape, forming the walls of the cages.

The process was labor-intensive and required a great deal of focus and control. Garr moved methodically from one side of the barn to the other, ensuring that each cage was formed to his specifications. The earthen walls were thick and sturdy, designed to withstand any attempts to break through them. Though the cages were not aesthetically pleasing, their primary purpose was to reinforce security, not to win any awards for beauty.

As Garr completed the construction of the cages, he could feel the exhaustion setting in. He wasn't anywhere near overstepping, but he was tired from a long day's work. Granted, a hard day's work for Garr was simply walking around a lot. He took a moment to survey his handiwork, admiring the strength and durability of the structures he had created. With the cages completed, Garr now faced the task of relocating the slaves to their new enclosures. He ordered the elements to assist with the process, ensuring that each slave was securely contained within their respective cage. The slaves, having witnessed Garr's display of power earlier, were reluctant to resist, fully aware that any defiance would be met with severe consequences.

Once the slaves had been secured in their cages, Garr took a final walk around the barn, inspecting the new security measures and ensuring that there were no remaining weak points. He felt a sense of satisfaction in knowing that his slaves would now be effectively contained, unable to escape and disrupt his business. He made a mental note to maintain a more vigilant watch over his captives, determined to prevent any future escape attempts.

As Garr exited the barn, he felt the weariness in his bones. His muscles ached, and his mind felt drained from the day's events. Yet, despite his exhaustion, he knew that the effort he had expended was necessary to protect his interests and preserve the stability of his business. He had demonstrated his authority and shown his slaves that any defiance would be met with swift and merciless retribution. As he made his way back to his home, Garr contemplated the events of the day. He knew that his actions had been harsh, but he also recognized that maintaining control over his slaves was crucial to the success of his business. He could not afford to show leniency or allow any sign of weakness to undermine his authority.

However, as he walked, a small part of him wondered if there might be another way to ensure the loyalty and obedience of his slaves. A way that did not rely solely on fear and intimidation but instead fostered a sense of cooperation and respect. Unfortunately, the few times he had been soft on his slaves had all backfired in some way or another.
word count: 1856
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Joined: Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:38 pm
Title: The Iceborne
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Points awarded:
  • 8 - Not for Magic
  • Business: It's tough not having any employees
    Business: Being accountable for all aspects of a business
    Business: it's important to keep your inventory secure from theft
    Business: recovering missing business assets
    Elementalism: Constructing restraints out of earth
    Elementalism: Building a prison cage out of earth
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!
word count: 122
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