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Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 8:09 am
by Cloud Caelum Garr

Frost 79 122

Garr awoke to the sound of his brothers causing a ruckus somewhere else on his family’s estate. He got up and peered through the curtains of his room and saw that one was chasing the other. He shook his head and decided not to get involved. He had to get to his esteemed magical school, Academia Arcanum. Today was a day he had been eagerly anticipating for weeks, as he was scheduled to learn a new ability in his Traversion magic, the Window ability. Garr felt a surge of excitement coursing through his veins as he readied himself for the day ahead.

As he walked down the grand hallways adorned with intricate tapestries and ornate chandeliers, Garr couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and privilege. Academia Arcanum was home to some of the most talented and powerful mages he’d heard of, and he was determined to make the most of his time here. His mind was abuzz with thoughts of the various ways in which the Window spell could be applied, from espionage to communication, and he was eager to learn the technique from none other than Professor Felix.

Professor Felix, a highly respected and accomplished mage, specialized in Traversion magic. He was known for his vast knowledge, impeccable skill, and patient teaching style. As Garr entered the classroom, he saw several objects arranged on a large table at the front. There were mirrors of various sizes, several glass orbs, and even a small basin of water. He understood that these reflective surfaces would serve as the focal points for practicing the Window ability.

The classroom was filled with a palpable sense of anticipation as the students filed in and took their seats. Professor Felix, a tall and slender man with a gentle smile and silvery gray hair, greeted the class and began the lesson.

"Today, we will delve into the fascinating world of what we call Window," Professor Felix announced, his voice filled with an infectious enthusiasm. "This powerful ability allows a Traverser to create a porthole between themselves and a place in mind, using the reflection on an object. It's an invaluable skill for scouting, establishing communication lines, and even remote observation."

The students listened with rapt attention as the professor went on to explain the principles behind the Window spell. He emphasized the importance of focusing one's magical energy and visualizing the desired location in detail. With a graceful wave of his hand, Professor Felix demonstrated the technique, placing his palm on a large mirror. The surface shimmered and the reflection shifted, revealing a breathtaking vista of the school's gardens. The class gasped in awe, and Garr's excitement only grew.

"Now, it's your turn to practice," Professor Felix said as he gestured towards the array of reflective objects at the front of the room. "Choose an object that resonates with you and find a partner. Remember, the key to success with Window magic lies in your ability to concentrate and visualize the desired location clearly."

Garr's heart raced as he selected a smooth glass orb from the table. He could hardly wait to begin practicing the Window spell under the guidance of the esteemed Professor Felix. As the students paired up and settled into their practice spaces, Garr knew that he was about to embark on an enthralling journey into the world of Traversion magic.

Garr chose his partner for the day's lesson, a young mage named Eamon, who shared his enthusiasm for mastering the art of Traversion magic. The pair found a quiet corner in the classroom to practice, and Garr carefully cradled the glass orb in his hands, focusing his attention on the task at hand.

Eamon, an experienced student in the art of Traversion magic, offered words of encouragement and advice. "Remember, Garr, concentrate on the place you wish to see and channel your magical energy into the glass orb," he said reassuringly.

Garr nodded, taking a deep breath to steady himself. He thought of his favorite place in the school's expansive library, a cozy nook nestled between towering shelves of ancient tomes. He could almost smell the faint scent of parchment and ink as he closed his eyes and visualized the serene spot.

With a deep sense of focus, Garr directed his magical energy into the glass orb. He could feel the power coursing through his fingertips, and as he opened his eyes, he eagerly awaited the results of his first attempt. However, the orb remained disappointingly unchanged. The reflection in the glass showed only the classroom around them.

Eamon, sensing Garr's frustration, offered a gentle smile. "Don't be discouraged," he said. "Traversion magic takes time and practice to master. Keep trying, and I'm sure you'll get it."

With renewed determination, Garr took a few moments to compose himself before attempting the Window spell once more. This time, he focused even more intently on the library nook, the feeling of the worn leather chair beneath him, and the soft glow of the lanterns that illuminated the rows of books.

As Garr channeled his magical energy into the orb once more, he felt a subtle shift, a connection forming between himself and the glass. The surface of the orb began to shimmer, and the reflection slowly started to change. While the image was faint and indistinct, Garr could just make out the familiar outlines of the library shelves.

Excited by his progress, Garr turned to Eamon with a triumphant grin. "I did it! It's not perfect, but I can see the library!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mixture of pride and relief.

Eamon smiled warmly, sharing in Garr's excitement. "Well done! Keep practicing, and soon you'll be able to create clear and stable Windows with ease."

Over the next hour, Garr and Eamon continued to practice the Window spell, offering each other support and guidance. With each attempt, Garr's connection to the glass orb grew stronger, and the images reflected in it became clearer and more stable.

As the lesson drew to a close, Garr knew he was well on his way to mastering the Window ability, thanks to the support of his partner and the skilled instruction of Professor Felix. He couldn't wait to continue honing his Traversion magic skills, eager to unlock the full potential of this fascinating and powerful art.

The final part of the lesson focused on refining the Window spell to create a stable and clear image. Professor Felix encouraged the students to experiment with different objects and surfaces for their reflections, emphasizing that this would help them develop a deeper understanding of the intricacies of Traversion magic.

Garr, eager to master the Window ability, continued practicing with Eamon. The two students pushed each other to improve, and as the hour progressed, Garr's control over the spell grew stronger. He could now create stable Windows on various surfaces, such as mirrors, polished metal, and even pools of still water. Encouraged by his progress, Garr decided to challenge himself further by attempting to create a Window using the reflection on a small, irregularly shaped piece of obsidian. As he focused on the task, he found himself drawing upon the lessons he had learned throughout the day: the importance of a clear mental image, the connection between the caster and the reflective surface, and the steady flow of magical energy.

With a deep breath, Garr concentrated on the desired location, a bustling marketplace in the heart of Solunarium. He visualized the vibrant colors of the market stalls, the chatter of merchants and customers, and the enticing scents of freshly baked goods and exotic spices. Channeling his magical energy into the obsidian, Garr could feel the familiar shift as the spell took hold.

The reflection in the obsidian began to change, and Garr watched in amazement as a clear and stable image of the bustling marketplace appeared. He could see merchants haggling with customers, children darting between stalls, and a group of musicians playing a lively tune on their instruments. The scene was so vivid that it felt as if he were standing in the marketplace himself.

Eamon looked on in admiration, clapping Garr on the back in a gesture of congratulations. "Incredible work, Garr! You've truly mastered the Window spell in no time."

Feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment, Garr smiled at his classmate. "Thank you, Eamon. Your guidance and encouragement made all the difference. To be honest I am usually quite slow at grasping abilities with Traversion. I’m glad to have mastered at least one thing relatively quickly"

As the lesson came to an end, Professor Felix addressed the class, praising their dedication and progress. "Today, you have all taken an important step in your journey as Traversers. Remember that the art of Traversion magic is vast and ever-evolving, and the key to mastery lies in continued practice and exploration."

Garr left the classroom with a newfound appreciation for Traversion magic and the power it held. He was eager to explore the possibilities of this incredible art further, unlocking new abilities and techniques as he continued his education at Academia Arcanum. Reflecting on the day's events, Garr knew that the lessons he had learned went beyond the mere mastery of a single spell. He had gained valuable insights into the nature of magic, the importance of perseverance, and the power of collaboration in the pursuit of knowledge.

Re: Window

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 4:16 pm
by Hikami

Points awarded:
  • 8 - For Traversion
  • Traversion: The importance of having a clear mental image of the desired location for the Window spell to work effectively
    Traversion: Proper concentration and focus to maintain the Window's stability
    Traversion: The use of reflective surfaces as a medium for creating the Window porthole
    Traversion: Limitations on the distance and duration of the Window spell based on the caster's skill and experience
    Traversion: How to manipulate the Window's size for different purposes, such as observing or communicating
    Traversion: The potential risks and precautions when using the Window ability, such as not revealing one's location or intentions to potential adversaries
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!