Zapping Rocks

The Umbrium is the lower half and secondary seat of the Solunarian Capital and one of the dual-cities that comprises Solunarium Proper. Before the rise of Aværys, mining revealed the site of a ruined, underground city which they dubbed Oblitium “The Forgotten City”, the foundations of which were incorporated into what is now The Umbrium. Warmed by the magma that churns just behind the walls, the Umbrium houses the Palatium Umbrarum (The Shadow Palace) which was constructed directly beneath its sunlit counterpart, the Blazing Palace. This palace serves as the primary seat of government when the sovereign is moonborn, and houses the headquarters of The Silver Sentinels.

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Cloud Caelum Garr
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Garr had lately grown weary of the mundane tasks that occupied his days. Operating his business from the old, rickety barn on the outskirts of town had brought him an income, but it lacked the excitement and challenge he craved. He couldn't shake the feeling that his true potential was being wasted, so he decided to take some time out of his busy schedule to practice his elementalism magic. He knew that honing his skills would not only bring him personal satisfaction but also help him advance in his magical studies.

With a deep breath, Garr stepped outside the barn and scanned the vast open space that surrounded it. The land was mostly flat and barren, with not so much as a gentle breeze. It was the only place he could afford property with his paltry loan. He imagined what it would have been like to have his business up above where the sun was probably high in the sky, casting its warm, golden rays on everything it touched. No matter, the underground was the perfect environment for Garr to practice his magic.

Having settled on a suitable area, Garr rolled up his sleeves and prepared to create his makeshift training ground. He focused his mind and began to manipulate the earth beneath him, moving and shaping the rocks around him with the power of his elemental magic. Slowly, life-sized test dummies formed from the dirt and stood at attention, awaiting their inevitable destruction at Garr's hands. As he surveyed his work, Garr couldn't help but feel that his sculpting abilities left a lot to be desired. The dummies were a testament to how little artistic talent he had. He supposed that how the dummies looked didn’t matter. With a determined gleam in his eye, Garr turned his attention to his next target: the element of air.

With a flick of his wrist, Garr summoned a gust of wind to whip around the dummies, sending dust and small debris flying in every direction. He watched in satisfaction as the wind grew stronger, bending the dummies and causing them to sway precariously. It was time to move on to the next element. Harnessing the power of fire, Garr conjured a small, flickering flame in the palm of his hand. The flame danced and swirled, growing in size and intensity as he focused his energy on it. In a swift motion, he hurled the fireball at one of the dummies, setting it ablaze and reducing it to a pile of ash.

Finally, it was time for Garr to practice his control over the element of lightning. He raised his hands to the sky, drawing upon the energy of the sun and the charged particles in the air. As he concentrated, a crackling bolt of electricity formed between his fingertips. With a deep breath, he unleashed a powerful lightning bolt, striking the remaining dummies and turning them into charred, crumbling piles of dirt. As Garr continued to practice, he lost himself in the thrill and power of his elemental magic. He could feel the energy coursing through him, connecting him to the very essence of the world around him. Little did he know that his display of power had caught the attention of a passerby, who stood nearby, observing the scene with great interest.

Garr stood in front of two earthen dummies he had created as targets, focusing his energy and determination to improve his elemental mastery. With a deep breath, he extended his arms, one towards each dummy, and called forth a surge of lightning from his fingertips. The bolt shot forward but, to his dismay, it failed to split and struck only one of the dummies. Frustration mounting, Garr continued to practice, refining his aim and control with each attempt. Gradually, his accuracy improved, and he started to get closer to his goal. Finally, after a handful of tries, he managed to achieve the perfect balance, and the lightning bolt tore through the air, splitting into two distinct streams that connected with both dummies simultaneously. A triumphant smile spread across Garr's face as the electrified targets crackled and sizzled.

As Garr continued to practice his elemental magic, he became so absorbed in his training that he didn't notice the stranger approaching him. The man was tall and lean, with a calm and confident demeanor that drew attention to his presence. He stood at a safe distance, observing the spectacle of elemental fury that Garr was unleashing on the dummies. It wasn't until Garr had finished his latest round of attacks that he finally noticed the stranger. Startled, he ceased his magical assault and turned to face the onlooker, his heart pounding in his chest. He was unsure if the man posed a threat or if he was simply curious about what he had witnessed.

"You're not half bad," the stranger commented, an impressed expression on his face. "You should consider using your magic to make money. There's a market for mages with your kind of talent."

Garr studied the man for a moment, trying to gauge his intentions. He had never thought of using his magical abilities for financial gain, as he had always considered them a personal pursuit of mastery and growth. However, the stranger's suggestion intrigued him. "I appreciate the compliment," Garr replied cautiously, "but I've never really considered using my magic in that way. Sure, to help out my slaving business, but not as a sole means of making a living."

The stranger nodded, understanding Garr's perspective. "I understand," he said. "But there's no harm in at least considering the possibilities. You could make a comfortable living for yourself while still pursuing your personal passions."

Garr couldn't deny that the idea held a certain appeal. He had grown tired of the mundane routine of his current life, and the prospect of using his magic to create a better future was tempting. He decided to give the idea some thought, though he was not yet ready to commit to any specific course of action.

"Thank you for the suggestion," Garr said, offering the stranger a genuine smile. "I'll definitely think about it."

With that, the stranger wished Garr good luck and continued on his way, leaving the mage to ponder the possibilities of his future. Garr decided to round out his day by creating an elemental lodestone, a magical artifact infused with the power of all four elements. He believed that mastering the creation of such an object would further solidify his prowess as an elemental mage. After seeing how well Hilana used it in their last outing, he felt compelled to make one.

As Garr focused his energy on the lodestone, he couldn't help but think about the stranger's words. He knew that he was capable of great things, and perhaps it was time for him to consider using his magic for more than just personal growth. The thought of making a living with his abilities was becoming more appealing by the moment, and Garr found himself excited at the prospect of what the future might hold.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden hue over the landscape, Garr focused intently on the elemental lodestone he was creating. The small crystal was a challenge to craft, requiring a delicate balance of the four elemental powers. As he poured his energy into the lodestone, he slowly fed it lightning energy, shifting and merging within it, each one blending seamlessly with the others.

As the minutes ticked by, Garr became increasingly aware that the hour was getting late. He knew that he needed to push through the fatigue and maintain his focus if he wanted to successfully create the lodestone if he was going to get home by the time supper was served. With a deep breath, he drew upon his inner reserves of strength and continued to channel the elemental energies. Finally, Garr could feel the raw power of the elements contained within it, pulsing and thrumming like a heartbeat. With a final surge of effort, he completed the damned thing, and it settled into his palm, radiating warmth and power.

Garr, having completed his training for the day, turned his attention to the barn where his slaves were hard at work. Under his watchful eye, they had been given the task of tidying up the area, organizing supplies, and ensuring the barn was clean and well-maintained. As he observed them, he noticed the varying levels of efficiency each slave exhibited. Some moved with a sense of urgency, their bodies bent under the weight of their workload but determined to complete their tasks to the best of their abilities. Others seemed to be struggling, their movements sluggish, and their efforts clearly lacking. Garr could see the fatigue in their eyes and the way their limbs trembled under the strain of their duties. He knew that the work was difficult and the conditions far from ideal, but it was crucial to maintain order and productivity on his property. He pelted the slackers with a couple of small rocks to show that he was indeed watching them, then headed back home.
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Zapping Rocks

Points awarded:
  • 8 - Not for Magic
  • - 6
  • +1 charged elemental lodestone (master/lightning)
  • N/A
  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!
word count: 81
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