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Making Fun

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 8:54 pm
by Cloud Caelum Garr

Glade 29 123

Garr found himself pacing back and forth in his room, his mind restless with curiosity. He knew that it wasn't right to pry into others' conversations, but the thought of what his slaves might be saying about him when he wasn't around gnawed at him. He tried to shake the idea from his mind, but the temptation grew stronger with each passing minute. Finally, Garr made up his mind. "I need to know," he muttered to himself, "I can't allow them to mock me behind my back." He focused his thoughts and began the process of astral projection. As he channeled his energy, he felt his consciousness separate from his physical body, and he silently drifted toward the barn where his slaves were resting after a long day of work.

As his spirit approached the barn, he noticed a group of slaves huddled together in a corner, whispering to each other. His curiosity piqued, Garr moved closer to listen in on their conversation. To his surprise and dismay, he heard them speaking ill of him, mocking his abilities as a master and even making fun of his appearance.

"What a fool he is," one of the slaves snickered. "He thinks he's so powerful, but he has no idea what he's doing."

"Indeed," another chimed in, "Have you seen the way he dresses? As if that would make him look any more competent."

Garr felt a surge of anger and frustration at their words. He considered revealing himself to them right then and there, but decided to listen in a bit longer, hoping to gather more information about their true feelings toward him.

As the slaves continued to exchange cruel words about their master, Garr fumed silently. "I provide for them, and this is how they repay me?" he thought bitterly. "They don't even know half the things I've done for them." He continued to listen as they laughed and shared more stories about him, each one more disrespectful than the last. Garr felt his anger reaching a boiling point, and he knew he couldn't stand idly by any longer.

"No more," he growled to himself, "I won't let them continue this mockery." With that, he decided to make his presence known. His astral form materialized in front of the startled slaves, who immediately fell silent. Their eyes widened with fear, and their faces turned pale. "So this is what you talk about when I'm not around?" Garr snarled, his voice laced with rage.

The slaves, frightened by the sudden appearance of their master's spirit, stammered and tried to make excuses. "M-master," one of them stuttered, "We didn't mean any harm. We were just... just joking."

Garr sneered at their pathetic attempts to appease him. "Joking?" he spat, "You think this is something to joke about? I am your master, and you owe me respect!" Garr was not a particularly frightening person but under the circumstances the slaves cowered before him, their expressions a mixture of fear and regret. They knew they had crossed a line, and they could only hope that their master would show them mercy.

"Please, Master Garr," another slave pleaded, "We didn't realize you would take offense. We were just blowing off steam after a long day of work. It won't happen again."

Garr studied their faces, trying to determine if they were being genuine or if they were simply trying to save themselves from his wrath. In any case, he knew that he couldn't let their disrespectful behavior go unpunished. "You ungrateful wretches," he spat, "You dare to speak ill of the one who provides for you and keeps a roof over your heads? I shall make sure you never forget the

Garr glared at the trembling slaves, his anger barely contained. "You will pay for your insolence," he seethed. "Every single one of you." The slaves exchanged panicked glances, their fear evident. They knew that their master was not someone to be trifled with, and they braced themselves for whatever punishment he had in store for them.

"You," Garr pointed at the first slave who had spoken, "You will spend the next week cleaning the human waste in the barn. You will do this without rest and without complaint. Do you understand?" The slave nodded frantically, tears welling in his eyes. "Yes, Master Garr. I understand. I'm sorry."

Garr turned to the next one, the one who had mocked his appearance. "You," he growled, "will be responsible for maintaining the grounds. Every speck of dirt – you will ensure that everything is in perfect order. And you will do this for two weeks."

The second slave also nodded, her voice barely audible. "Yes, Master. I understand."

Garr surveyed the rest of the group, his eyes cold and unforgiving. "As for the rest of you, I expect you to double your efforts in your daily tasks. Any hint of laziness or incompetence will be met with severe consequences."

The slaves bowed their heads, all of them murmuring their apologies and promises to work harder.

"Good," Garr said, his voice icy. "Now, let this be a lesson to all of you: I will not tolerate any disrespect from those under my rule. Is that clear?"

The slaves nodded vigorously, their expressions filled with fear and regret. Garr felt a twisted sense of satisfaction at their obedience, knowing that they had learned their lesson. With that, he allowed his astral form to dissipate, leaving the slaves alone in the barn. He knew that they would remember this day for a long while, and he hoped that it would serve as a constant reminder of their place in his world.

As Garr returned to his body, he felt a mix of emotions. He was still angry at their disloyalty, but there was also a sense of relief that he had been able to assert his authority and remind them of their place. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, but he knew that it was necessary to maintain order. Back in his room, he took a moment to collect himself before deciding to return to the barn in person to ensure that his orders were being carried out. He closed his eyes and focused his energy, preparing to Vault directly into the barn.

Upon his arrival, he found the slaves hard at work, their earlier laughter and camaraderie replaced by a somber atmosphere. They were all aware of his presence, but none dared to look him in the eye. Instead, they focused intently on their tasks, desperate to prove their worth and avoid further punishment. Garr surveyed the scene, his expression stern and unyielding. While he didn't enjoy punishing them, he knew it was necessary to maintain order and control.

Garr stood in the center of the barn, his presence casting a shadow over the slaves as they toiled away, their once jovial demeanors replaced with fear and submission. He watched as they went about their tasks with renewed vigor, their earlier transgressions fresh in their minds. The atmosphere was tense, but Garr reveled in the power and control he held over the slaves. He knew that maintaining order and discipline required a firm hand, and he had no qualms about being the cruel, heartless master who ruled through fear and intimidation.

As he walked through the barn, observing the slaves as they worked, he felt a sense of satisfaction at their fear and submission. He could see the terror in their eyes, and he knew that he had successfully instilled in them a healthy fear of their master. He approached the slave who had been assigned to clean the place, watching as the man scrubbed the floors with an old, worn-out brush. The slave's hands were raw and blistered, his body covered in sweat and grime. Garr could see the exhaustion in his movements, but the slave refused to let up, his fear of further punishment pushing him beyond his limits.

Turning to the other slaves, he spoke in a cold, unforgiving tone. "You've all seen the consequences of disrespect. Let this serve as a lesson for the future. There will be no mercy for those who dare to defy me."

The slaves looked up, fear evident in their eyes, and quickly returned to their tasks, desperate to avoid Garr's wrath. Garr knew that he had successfully cemented his dominance over these slaves. Their fear would keep them in line, and that was all that mattered to him.

With a final sneer at the slaves, he decided to leave them to their work. He had other matters to attend to, and he was confident that the lesson he had taught them would keep them obedient and compliant. As Garr walked away from the barn, his thoughts turned to other ways he could use his power to keep those around him in check. The woman he had saved earlier was just the beginning. He knew he had a lot to gain from wielding his power with an iron fist, and he looked forward to exploiting it to the fullest.

As Garr walked away from the barn, his mind raced with conflicting thoughts. He did not typically consider himself cruel. He did not want to hurt slaves more than necessary or give them a relatively terrible life. However their mockery had triggered him and he felt entirely justified in his cruelty.

Re: Making Fun

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 1:24 am
by Hikami
Making Fun

Points awarded:
  • 8 - Not for Magic
  • Intimidation: maintaining unwavering eye contact to assert dominance and make the other person feel uncomfortable.
    Intimidation: using a deep, stern tone of voice to convey authority and demand attention.
    Intimidation: projecting an air of confidence and control, making it clear that one is not to be trifled with or challenged.
    Intimidation: invading personal space to make the other person feel trapped or cornered, leaving them with a sense of vulnerability.
    Intimidation: utilizing subtle threats or insinuations that hint at negative consequences should the other person not comply with one's wishes.
    Intimidation: showcasing one's power or abilities as a means of demonstrating the potential consequences of disobedience or defiance.
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!