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Whip me into shape!

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 5:55 pm
by Cloud Caelum Garr

Glade 42 123

Garr sat in his room, pondering his life and the direction it was heading. He knew he had to make some changes, but he wasn't quite sure how to go about it. He remembered the lessons he had learned at the Academia about summoning spirits and thought that perhaps one of those spirits could provide the guidance he needed.

He carefully prepared the room, arranging things as necessary to perform a summoning. He took a deep breath and began the incantation he had memorized from his studies. The room slowly filled with a soft, ethereal glow, and a small, unassuming spirit materialized before him.

"Who dares to summon me?" the spirit asked in a surprisingly deep voice for such a small being.

"Uh, I do," Garr stammered, taken aback by the spirit's sudden appearance. "My name is Garr, and I was hoping you could help me. I learned your name from school and…"

"Help you with what, mortal?" the spirit inquired, cutting him off its eyes narrowing as it scrutinized Garr. It was about as weak a spirit as one could summon, but it acted tough.

"I've been feeling lost lately, like I need to make some changes in my life, but I don't know where to start," Garr explained, trying to sound more confident than he felt. "I heard that you have helped others find their way, and I thought maybe you could give me some advice."

The spirit seemed to consider Garr's request for a moment before responding. "Very well, Garr. I will observe you and offer my guidance, but know this: the path to self-improvement is a difficult one, and you must be willing to put in the effort if you wish to succeed. What’s in it for me anyways?"

"I understand," Garr replied, nodding eagerly. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes. And you can get to know me a little better. I’m pretty competent at elemental magic."

"Good," the spirit said, its tone softening slightly. "I enjoy a nice fire. Bathe me in flames and we have a deal.” Garr pointed a finger at it and created a sphere of flames for it to bask in for a while. The spirit then said, “Thanks. Now, let me take a closer look at you."

The spirit floated closer to Garr, its eyes scanning him from head to toe. After a moment, it spoke. "Garr, I see that you appear physically weak. Have you ever considered exercising and building your muscles?"

Garr hesitated before answering. "I've never really thought about it, but I suppose it couldn't hurt."

"Indeed, it could not," the spirit agreed. "Physical strength can improve your overall well-being, increase your self-confidence, and make you more resilient in the face of adversity. I believe that focusing on building your muscles would be an excellent starting point for your self-improvement journey."

Garr considered the spirit's advice for a moment, then asked, "But how do I go about doing that? I don't have any exercise equipment, and I'm not sure what exercises I should be doing."

The spirit smiled. "Do not worry, Garr. I can show you some simple exercises that you can do using items found in your room. With dedication and hard work, you will see progress in no time."

Garr's face lit up with excitement. "That sounds great! Please, show me what I need to do."

The spirit nodded and began to demonstrate various exercises that utilized objects within Garr's room as makeshift weights and equipment. As Garr watched and listened intently, he felt a spark of hope growing within him. Perhaps this was the beginning of the change he had been seeking all along.

After receiving the spirit's advice, Garr wasted no time in starting his new exercise regimen. He looked around his room and spotted a heavy wooden chair that would make a decent makeshift weight for lifting.

With determination in his eyes, Garr grabbed the chair and began lifting it up and down, following the spirit's instructions. "Like this?" he asked, his muscles already beginning to feel the strain.

The spirit nodded approvingly. "Yes, that's it. Make sure you don’t hurt your back. You're doing well."

As Garr continued his workout, he felt his body begin to respond to the challenge. His muscles burned, and beads of sweat formed on his brow, but he pushed through the discomfort, driven by the spirit's encouraging words.

"You're making progress, Garr. Pain is a great motivator," the spirit advised, its ethereal form floating beside him.

"Thank you," Garr replied between heavy breaths. "I can already feel the difference. My body feels stronger."

The spirit smiled. "That's the spirit! Keep pushing yourself."

Garr said, “I think I’m getting a little light headed actually…”

The spirit hissed, “don’t you dare pass out on me and leave me here with nothing to do. Take a break!”

Garr rested then continued his workout for another hour, incorporating different exercises that the spirit suggested, such as push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. As the time passed, he found his movements becoming smoother and more confident. Finally, as his last bits of energy were expended, Garr decided it was time to wrap up his impromptu training session. He placed the chair back in its original position, panting heavily from the exertion.

The spirit, still hovering nearby, offered its praise. "Well done. Now, unless you’ve got more fire for me, I’ll be going now."

Garr nodded and said, “be seeing you then.” Then the spirit was gone.

Slowly, Garr made his way to his chair, his legs protesting with every step. Once he was seated, he let out a sigh of relief. He could feel his muscles slowly relaxing, and his heart rate began to return to normal. But, he knew he couldn't just sit there all day. There was work to be done, and he had to get back to it. With a deep breath, Garr reached for his paperwork and began to read through it. He had to focus his mind on something else, something mundane and ordinary. He knew it was the only way to shake off the strange experience he had just had. For an hour, he worked diligently, filling out forms, and filing reports.

As the day progressed, Garr's body began to feel the full effects of the intense workout. Although his muscles were sore, the satisfaction of pushing himself and making progress overshadowed any discomfort. The spirit, still present, offered more advice for Garr's future improvement. Garr nodded, taking in every word of the spirit's guidance. "Thank you, I'll make sure to do that. I'm grateful for your help." As Garr prepared to retire for the night, he thanked the spirit once more for its guidance and assistance. The spirit smiled, proud of the progress Garr had made in just a few short hours.

"Your determination and commitment are admirable, Garr. I know you will continue to grow stronger and succeed in your endeavors. Don't hesitate to call upon me if you ever need more guidance," the spirit said, its form beginning to fade.

"Thank you, I will," Garr replied, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and confidence in his abilities.

With that, the spirit vanished, leaving Garr alone in his room. As he lay in bed, reflecting on the day's events, Garr couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism for the future. For the first time in a long time, he had hope that he could change his life for the better. Garr's body felt utterly drained from the intense workout session guided by the spirit. Every muscle ached, and even the simple act of standing up felt like an exhausting challenge. Despite his determination to push through, the fatigue was overwhelming.

As he sluggishly made his way through his family's estate, trying to maintain some semblance of normalcy, Lily unexpectedly came by for a visit.

"Hey Garr!" she called out cheerfully as she approached him. "I thought I'd drop by to see how you're doing."

Garr tried to muster a smile, but even that felt like a Herculean effort. "Hey, Lily," he said, his voice weak and breathless. "I'm... I'm doing okay. Just... really tired."

Lily's brow furrowed in concern as she took in his exhausted appearance. "You don't look too good, Garr. What's going on? Did you overexert yourself or something?"

Garr hesitated for a moment before admitting, "Yeah, I guess you could say that. I've been working on... improving myself, and I guess I pushed a bit too hard today."

Lily looked sympathetic but worried. "Well, it's great that you're trying to better yourself, but you should be careful not to overdo it, Garr. You need to give your body time to recover."

"I know," Garr sighed, his legs feeling increasingly unsteady. "I'll try to take it easier next time."

Lily glanced around the estate, her expression apologetic. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I can see you're not really up for it right now. Maybe we can catch up another time when you're feeling better?"

Garr nodded, grateful for her understanding. "Yeah, that sounds great. Sorry, Lily. I just need to rest."

"No need to apologize," she reassured him with a kind smile. "Take care of yourself, Garr. I'll see you soon."

As Lily left the estate, Garr could barely muster the energy to wave goodbye. His legs finally gave out, and he slumped onto a nearby bench, his body crying out for the rest it desperately needed.

Re: Whip me into shape!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 1:34 am
by Hikami
Whip me into shape!

Points awarded:
  • 8 - Not for Magic
  • Bodybuilding: Lifting makeshift weights
    Resistance: Surviving a spirit’s workout regimen
    Resistance: Being sore after a long workout
    Resistance: Pain is a great motivator
    Resistance: Stopping before you pass out
    Summoning: summoning a minor spirit
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!