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The World Has Gone Cold (Paragon)

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 3:32 am
by Norani

Frost 46, 122 following viewtopic.php?t=4020

A lazy green eyelid dragged open, as the Orkhan lass slowly awoke in this strange place that had called to her. She saw orange in front of her, felt the warmth of embrace, and smiled. It had all be a bad dream, just a really bad dream, and Yeva was here, safe, with her. Norani went to give Yeva a small squeeze around the midsection, when there was a tiny chirrup, and she felt bark against her palm. She focused her eyes, just as the orange mass she thought was Yeva's hair turned, smiling at her, the fire elemental pleased to see the Elementalist was awake.

And Norani's heart broke again, as it did every morning Yeva was gone.

She smiled softly, sadly at the little elemental. She reached up, caressing its flames as it chippered and chirruped happily. Norani yawned, realizing the reality that she was in. As she moved a bit, the leaf that draped over her raised up. She smiled broader now, realizing that more elementals had come in the night to cozy up to her.

"Good morning," as she wiped the sleep from her eyes.

She slowly eased out of her nest, her cadre of elementals scurrying about curiously and excitedly. She walked over, grabbing her clothes from where she had let them fall, tossing them over her shoulder. She slipped outside into the morning sunlight of this magical world she had found herself. And down the path, she saw Ruvaf, sleeping on a bed of fern fronds, surrounded by just as many elementals as herself.

She walked over to her companion and his friends, kneeling down next to his head. Groggily, he raised his head, an eyelid sliding back. She rubbed on his beak, touching her nose to his forehead, "Rest my love. I'll find you some food." She could see the understanding in his eyes as he lowered his head back to his nest. She smiled, studying his wing. It looked as though it might heal just fine, though it would take time. She'd be on this island for a while it seemed.

She turned, glancing up at the tree, then around the area. Her stomach grumbled loudly. How long had it been since she'd eaten? She looked at her little procession, the spirits chasing after one another in an amusing manner, water chasing fire, ice chasing water, earth chasing ice, wood chasing earth, and so on. Norani used her little trick from yesterday, starting to speak to Glorpb Glorbp in the watery language, before pausing. She remembered what Astrid had said in regards to personal languages and world magics and the need for intent. She mentally filled her aether with that deep sound the lake back home would make, the taste of its water, the way seeing it made her heart swell. She attached every emotion the lake made her feel into her aether, and then spoke to Glorbp Glorbp, "Will you help friend Norani find lake? Friend Ruvaf needs fish."

Glorbp Glorbp cheered loudly, rapidly chippering to his companions. "Yes! Yes lake!" He began bouncing and splashing down a path, and Norani took off after him, with all the other elementals racing to keep up, laughing all the while. They raced through a small stretch of jungle foliage, hopping around a large exposed root of the great tree, around a berry bush of some sort, when the small lake revealed itself. Crystal clear waters, light grey stone seen at the bottom, a waterfall pouring into it from a branch of the tree above. Norani realized she had been holding her breath before sighing out, "Wow..."

She hung her clothes on a branch and ran to the water, diving in. Glorbp Glorbp and a few others cheered and jumped in too. Up on the rock she had jumped from the little fiery one, the shadow, and a few others were continuing the game they had been playing. The water was warm to Norani's skin, and she floated about, letting the pains and sores of her body wash away. She rolled over on her belly, looking into the waters, to see Glorbp Glorbp staring at a large fish. He gave a mighty, bubbles filled squeak, before the fish began to wriggle and writhe, then went still. The fish floated to the surface and Glorbp Glorbp came over to Norani. "Fish! Fish for Friend Ruvaf!"

Norani smiled at the little guy. She grabbed the fish by the tail, "Thank you, Glorbp Glorbp." She pulled herself out of the lake, grabbing her clothes and some berries from the bush it hung upon, and made her way back to Ruvaf, elemental procession in tow. She knelt down by Ruvaf, who saw the fish and screed happily. He opened his maw and she slid the fish in and he swallowed it down in one go.

Norani dressed, still drying in the sun.

Yesterday had been a lot to take in. And it seemed she would be given more information from Astrid today about exactly what was going on with Ghoron, with this sacred grove he was locked in with the missing seasons, trapped with a terrible entity. But the fire within Norani had not diminished. She would find him, she would bring about balance, and use that to reach Yeva.

She assumed Astrid to be sleeping in her hut, so Norani knelt down next to Ruvaf's wing, and began studying the runes that had been inscribed there, trying to understand just what had occurred during the healing process.

She remembered her hunger and slowly munched on the elemental berries, curious as to the taste she would hope to share one day.

Re: The World Has Gone Cold (Paragon)

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 10:16 am
by Paragon
Draped across Ruvaf’s form was a flowery elemental that seemed utterly content to sprawl upon the pterodactyl’s back. The whole of its body was no larger than that of bunny rabbit. It perked up as Norani neared, letting out a musical noise that Glorbp Glorbp replied to with a bubbly burble. Various other elementals were going about what appeared to be a game of blending together their various forms to see what sort of reaction it produced. Wind joined with mud to create sand. Mud joined with fire to create clay. Light danced with Shadow to create an aurora that glittered brightly. By the time that Norani settled herself down to eat her berries, the flowery elemental was peering at the berries curiously and watching Norani eat them intensely. Every time that Norani brought a berry to her mouth to chew, the elemental would bunt her hand with its head and a new berry would blossom in her palm. The elemental would then watch in utter fascination as she ate.

“It seems Vomi Vani has taken a liking to you and Ruvaf.” Astrid emerged not from her hut but from a path that had not been entirely obvious at first. It was behind a curtain of floral vines with flowers that appeared to be made of crystal. Astrid carried a basket that had cooked fish wrapped in purple leaves along with fruits and vegetables. She came forward, setting the basket down nudging it toward Norani.

“Eat. I suspect you are hungrier than you realize. Both of you.” Astrid helped herself to some of the food.

“You must ask me your questions before we go to the grove.” Astrid took a bite out of a green colored fruit. Purple juice flowed from it once she had bitten into it. The flesh inside was a red-purple color and smelled of citrus and berries. She picked up a leaf and wiped her lips.

“You will not be able to return once we reach the grove. Not until it is done.” She did not say what it was, leaving that to Norani’s imagination.

Re: The World Has Gone Cold (Paragon)

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 2:29 pm
by Norani

Norani peeled her eyes from her study to watch as the elements danced and blended. It was fascinating to see what they could do so easily as a child might with laughter and play. Norani had tried to work with something as simple as mud a while back and found it quite difficult. Yet here, there was an easy harmony in place. Maybe it was a struggle for the Orkhan because she was not in harmony with herself, so her magic could never be in harmony either.

She did smile as the flowery elemental kept growing new berries for her and watch with rapt attention. It reminded her of one of her brothers, Kip. He was quiet, but he was always watching, always speaking with his eyes. Norani ate another berry from her hand, then conjured water into her palm, offering it to the flowery one. A snake like root reached out, drinking from her hand, and Norani's smile only grew.

Norani looked up as she heard Astrid's voice, "They truly are without good and evil, as you said. Innocent as children. I... I had no idea that the elements were like this. Or that there were so many." She looked toward Astrid now, seeing the flowery curtain and crystalline pathway, "I feel like an entire world has gone unseen by my fumbling through with this magic mine." She could hear Yeva's voice, asking her to not be so hard on herself, "Though I did learn that the elements have voices, at least. The lake back home was deep, steady, constant. The winds there were often playful and full of laughter, the muds content and welcoming."

As Astrid offered food, Norani smiled, nodding, "Thank you. Will you join us?" And Astrid did. And almost on cue, Norani's stomach growled loudly, startling Vomi Vani, who broke into a giant smile at the sound. Norani reached for the fish, passing it to Ruvaf. Norani still hadn't eaten meat since that day with the boar. She grabbed a fruit that Astrid had picked and bit into it as well, moaning loudly at the flavor and juiciness of it, her tusks staining purple from the flesh.

It seemed that this would be a one way mission. That was terrifying. Succeed or never return. Put everything on the line for this. Her family. Kaiko. Ruvaf. Yeva. Her world. Her home. She would have to be willing to give all of it up for just a chance to make things right. She knew Astrid said she could ask questions, but for now Norani silently cried into her fruit. She had lost so much already, and now she must take the chance to lose it all, forever.

But the tears weren't from fear, but rather, because her mind was made up even before Astrid had said this.

Norani pulled out her journal, the special one reserved for Yeva, and she began to write, while also asking her questions of Astrid. The paper she wrote upon soaked up several tears as she worked with her charcoal.

"In Zaichaer, how was a Titan such as Ghoron, and yourself, held prisoner? And by whom?"

"Who were you searching for, and did you find them?"

"What do you know of this beast that is fighting Ghoron, the elements, and the seasons with him?"

"How can I let Ghoron know I come as a friend and ally, from you?"

"Why are you unable to reach the Sacred Grove, but I am able to do so?"

A long pause.

"Who told you to expect me? Why was I chosen, over all others?"

Norani tore out the sheet of paper she'd been writing and crying upon, folded it in half, and offered it to Astrid. "I don't know where she is, but the dearest friend to me.. no. The woman I love," Norani touched the lotus over her heart, "Yeva Bleu, is missing and lost in the world. I don't know if you're able to help, but if you somehow ever manage to come across her, please, give this to her." Norani smiled, wiping away her tears, "You two would get along well, I think. She'd love it here, just as much as I love it here, just as much as I believe you love it."

Norani closed her eyes, remembering that mess of curls she'd woken up to that morning, Yeva's serene face as she slept late into the morning as always, the last time she'd seen her love, outside of the nightmares that haunted her nightly.

"If you think I am ready enough, I will say my goodbyes, and we can go."

Within the note...

Dear Yeva,

I hope this letter will never need to find you, for if it does, it means I have failed, and the world will continue to be stuck in perpetual winter. And if I have failed, it means I will never be able to come back to you again. For that, I am sorry. I am so sorry. I have been trying to find you far and wide, cursing that eclipse that came when you, my sun, left the world. And this means that I have failed to find you, and for that as well, I am sorry. My dreams are haunted by you in pain, in fear, in a broken world of stars.

I miss you. I miss how your hair carries the scent of our campfire and those flowers you like to place behind your ears. I miss the strength you give me when you squeeze my hand, the warmth of your body against mine, the glow of your laughter at every new wonder you find. You've brought so much warmth and joy and love into my life, and I hope I could give you the same. Even in my struggles, I've never been happier than I've been since we've met.

I love you, Yeva Bleu.

I am departing on this impossible mission that I hope to be able to tell you about when we meet. But if not, know this, you are family-around-me. You are an Ecithian, and will always have a home among our people. Ruvaf will find his way home should I fail, but if you call upon him, he will join you in your journeys after I am gone. Please, take him with you, he will enjoy traveling the world. I wish I could've seen more of this beautiful, wondrous world with you.

And if you are willing, please tell the family-broken-from-me that I am, as of this moment, ready to try and forgive them.

I hope to see you soon,

Norani Windwalker

P.S. Astrid and the elementals are all very nice, and if you ask nicely, she knows a secret language of the elements. I know how much you love learning new languages.

Re: The World Has Gone Cold (Paragon)

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 9:12 am
by Paragon
“To live is to stumble. To trip. To fall and get up again. Ours is a life designed to explore and question the impossible, Norani. To succeed or to fail in whatever manner we choose. Such is the design of this world of ours.” Astrid sat with Norani in quiet contemplating of her present company. She allowed the silence to stretch on comfortably. Even as Norani began to shed her tears, Astrid did not intrude on the emotional moment. She let the Orkhan woman cry. Glorbp Glorbp drew near and sat with Norani, laying his head upon her side. Vomi Vani also drew near, sitting in Norani’s lap, staring up at her curiously as she wept. Several other of the elementals floated and planted themselves nearby in a show of comfort, clearly sensing the Orkhan woman’s pain.

“Ghoron did not know his heritage until very recently. He grew up in captivity. A slave that served to be an experiment for the Zaichaeri authorities in their effort to find a way to beat all magic into submission. Ironically, it was those very experiments that ended up giving him the strength he needed to achieve the events that have unfolded.” Astrid’s hands tightened in her lap. Clearly remembering uncomfortable things.

“I was born among the Covens of Zaichaer. The witches there found their own way of living. I was a daughter of the Kindred Coven. Among my people, sometimes there are witches born with the capacity to act as a medium for the spirits. They speak to us. They tell me things. Share with me things that were, things that are and sometimes things that have yet to come. They told me I would be taken by the same people who imprisoned Ghoron. They told me what they would do to me there and what it would lead to. They told me about you.” Astrid’s head dipped slightly. Her long hair fell over her shoulders and a heavy weight settled upon her. Her hands came to rest upon the swell of her stomach.

“I was ten years old.” Astrid looked to be a human woman in her late twenties, meaning she had spent years in captivity.

“We did not find him. He was the catalyst for our freedom. We had been hoping to join up with him again. I suspect our paths will not cross for a long time yet.” Astrid said no more about the person they had been searching for.

“I know only that this beast is a vile thing that is spawned from the deepest reaches of the Void. It seeks to consume, to destroy, to annihilate. Ghoron, the elements, the seasons, they represent focal points of a cycle that this creature hates. So it is bent on their destruction.” She lifted her head, turning it slightly as though she were listening to something or someone. Astrid worried her bottom lip before turning her attention back to Norani. When she did, she reached over to one of her wrists where rest a bracelet made from glass beads. She took off the bracelet and extended it to Norani.

“Show him this.” There was a softness to her smile as she regarded the bracelet. When it was taken she returned her hands to her lap.

“It is not that I am incapable of reaching it. If I were to go there…” She wrapped her arms around her stomach, instinctively curling around what was clearly her unborn child.

“I have the burden of knowing what will happen if I go.” She looked at Norani. “I do not know if you will succeed. I know only that you could. If you go, you might prevail. If you go, Ghoron might be saved. If you go, the elements and the seasons might be returned.”

She chewed her bottom lip.

“If I go, the elements and seasons will be saved. But---” Her arms tightened around her belly. She was silent for a long time.

“I do not blame you if you believe me to be a selfish coward.” When Norani handed her the letter, Astrid took it. She rubbed her fingers over it gently.

“If you succeed, I will help you deliver it to her yourself.” She gave Norani a timid smile. She then shook her head.

“You have only just barely managed to get some rest. You need to spend a few more days recovering your strength. Besides…” Zipping through the air nearby was the stormy elemental. It was peering at Norani curiously but intently.

“I think you have a few more things to discover before you set out. I also have some things to finish making for you if you choose to go.”

Re: The World Has Gone Cold (Paragon)

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 4:03 pm
by Norani

Norani listened, running her hands over the elementals that were comforting her. Tears wiped from her eyes were given to Vomi Vani, a gently touch to send ripples bounding through Glorbp Glorbp. Norani did not shy from touching any of them, and urged them all closer to her. She had grown a lot in her magic lately, but without a formal mentor, without really anything to measure it against, she did not know just how her power lie. She did not realize that it was her own power that allowed the little fire elemental, Crackalackle to climb up and sit upon the crown of her head and not set her hair on fire. She felt his warmth there, and it was comforting, but there was no sensation of burning. She made sure to give him a good little caress, actually able to feel the flames like a solid, sharp yet a bit liquidy, something she'd never felt before.

She felt her anger rising to learn that Ghoron was a slave. Enslaved in Zaichaer, the same place that Yeva spoke not so fondly of. As her anger welled up, as it would in many Ecithians, for slavery and captivity are both fierce abominations, the Elementals began to flare up a bit in response. Glorbp Glorbp's surface grew wavy and ripply, the little tornado sent leaves flying through the area, Crackalackle burned brighter, his core turning blue. But the story moved on and Norani found a better grip on her temper, and the elementals calmed to match.

Then Norani's eyes went wide. Astrid had been told by the spirits many years ago about her? Wait. Norani felt her heart begin to fracture, "Wait..." Her mouth hung open, in shock as she was realizing what was being said, "You knew..." Tears began to flow, "But you were a child... you shouldn't.. not for.." Norani was aghast and disgusted and appalled and ashamed. This woman as a child had made the choice to endure whatever horrors she had seen in captivity, because the spirits had told her that to do so would bring her and Norani's paths together.

Why? Why her?! She would never want anyone, and certainly not a child, to go through such things in her name. Why would the spirits ask that of a child like that? Why would they even think to do so? Norani herself would only be a child. She had no magic when this would have happened.

"I'm so sorry, Astrid."

She didn't know what else to say. She couldn't fathom how any of this could have come about. She knew these words to be true, but it turned her stomach. Why would anyone think that she was worth such a massive sacrifice? Norani could feel revenge etching itself upon her heart. She knew Zaichaer had suffered greatly, she and Yeva had been told about it. It drew out an ugliness and an anger she had never known before, but she found herself hoping that those who had brought suffering upon Astrid, upon Ghoron, upon Yeva and every other they sought to oppress, she hoped all of them found suffering a thousand fold in the calamity and that they did not die so easily.

And if they didn't, she would bring it upon them herself.

At the mention of the beast, it seemed there was not a lot of information to go upon. A destroyer. Not a predator, predators hunt out of need, this was simply something that wanted just to spread destruction. Norani had never faced anything such as that, but she knew she would. At the offered bracelet, Norani nodded, slipping it onto her own wrist. Norani watch as the mother grew more protective of her child, and she spoke of knowing things, speaking in the way of Seers.

But at the question of selfishness and cowardice, Norani reached out, a gentle hand and eyes full of tears, pressing her palm gently against Astrid's belly, "To be a good mother is never selfish, is never cowardly." Norani kept her hand there, wondering whose child it might be. At her offer, Norani nodded, "Thank you."

It was true, Norani still felt tired, drained. Ruvaf wasn't healed up yet. Her eyes followed the stormy elemental too. It peered at her curiously and she did so in return. She sent forth a small flick of wind toward it, a playful gesture, an invite perhaps, just to see how it would react.

"You're right, Astrid. I have not regained my strength yet, and I want Ruvaf to be healed as well. He is family, I've lost too many, and he goes where I go."

The stormy elemental sent a little shock, not painful, but filled with its curiosity back through the wind and Norani's aether, jolting the elementalist a bit, sending her hair scattering in many directions. "I think there is much for me to learn here."

She sent more aether filled wind to the stormy one, a question charged into the magic. "What's your name?"

She looked back to Astrid, "I will go. I must go. The world needs the seasons back, the elements and Ghoron must be freed." She found Astrid's eyes, "You suffering will not have been in vain."

She looked around at all of the elementals around her, "I think I'll need all of your help." She beckoned them all up into her lap, embracing them, metal on wood, fire on water, air on earth, and every mingling between, wrapping them up snugly against her, "Help me to bring Ghoron home."

Re: The World Has Gone Cold (Paragon)

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 9:37 am
by Paragon

“The spirits did not force me down this path, Norani. They showed me my options. They gave me a choice. I chose. Am I afraid? Yes. Am I uncertain? Yes. Would I change my choice?” Astrid shook her head. “No. Not even if Velar and Vicis, the Twins of Time and Fate, stood before me and made the offer.”

Astrid took Norani’s hand with a smile.

“Do not weep for me, Norani Windcaller. I chose my path. I am choosing this one too.” When Norani touched the swell of Astrid’s belly, there was warmth there. After a few moments, there was a light kick as the baby moved in her womb. When Norani sent her trill of wind and aether to the stormy elemental, it responded with a buzz and a shock. The resultant response was one that evoked thoughts of a thunderstorm. Beyond that however, there was no translatable response.

As Norani gathered up the elementals, some of them wriggled and squirmed, unaccustomed to such mortal affections only to resolve themselves to being hugged. When the moment passed, Astrid rose to her feet.

“Take time to rest, Norani. You will need your strength. I would encourage you to explore as well. The palarae spirits likely have much they would be willing to show you. If you can convince them.” She smiled, turning to go into her hut.

Off Topic

Name: Norani
XP: 15 XP
Requested Lore: 8 Lores

Note(s): Norani has her task. I would recommend taking time to explore the area and showcase Norani developing a stronger relationship with the elements. When you are ready to progress this questline, please contact me and Astrid will show Norani a few techniques to assist her in the task at hand.

-Ruvaf will be fully healed in about 2 weeks from the date of this thread.