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Of All Gods [Pharaoh]

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 12:47 am
by Kala Leukos
► Show Spoiler
37th of Glade, Year 123 of Steel

Eikaen had created the place. Naori had taken her there, then taught her how to reach it on her own. The parliament of divine luminaries had finally made her feel divine. At least, she was aware that she was the least among them. Perhaps Rickter was newer to apotheosis than she was, but she could sense the stars beyond the veil of the eclipse—the chaos between Arcas and Shaeoth plaguing the world—and in the manner that stars clocked time, she and the wolf god of winter were like unto twins. She had merely taken her first inspiration before him. But he was not her twin; that was Kaus. She felt keenly the shift between them. They were as devoted to each other as ever, but the new differences were undeniable. Perhaps that was why before the Gods had parted ways, she had reached out to the Divine Twins—Aværys and Varvara—asking to meet a week hence.

Kala had already thought to greet her cousins. She could find a way to twist things such that Lord Minister Tianoch sent her to Solunarium as a trade ambassador. She would greet Phocion, then get to work, even though Karnor was her demesne. But she would also seek out Streleon and Ugrimal reborn.

Now she didn't have to, though she longed to see the Atraxian Expanse, the dragons circling Mount Sorokyn. Responsibility had always kept her tethered to Karnor, and now she had even more, both temporal and divine.

The Lady of Stars knelt alone in the pantheon as though in meditation, a low table before her with cushions surrounding, a tea ceremony laid out and waiting. The Pantheon responded to her will, and the tea, at least, would be as close to perfection as her imagination and will could provide.

No longer was she clad as she had been at first. She looked much like her mortal self, albeit with a starry veil across her face. This was not enough that the Gods wouldn't recognize her if they met her in person, but she was still leery of being taken out by mortal agents as Talon had been at his wedding reception. What good was a vulnerable God? Perhaps they all were, though. Now that Ugrimal was Varvara, was she vulnerable to the loss of Aværys? Talon at least had a dragon for a husband and a newly raised paramour. Kala's twin was only Avialae, vulnerable and precious to her. And the Silver Wings were like brothers-in-arms. She was unused to the prayers of her people in Starfall. Hers was a small cultus, and a new responsibility.

Perhaps time with the Divine Twins would lend her some new perspective, some new wisdom. Meditation was a habit now. She had been a fiery child; now she had the heart of a star, the furnace of creation. But she was more potential than power. She needed time. Her apotheosis was incomplete.

She knew that she knew nothing, which was said to be the seed of wisdom. She could only hope that she had time enough to coax that seed into flower before the dangerous tides pulled her and those she loved under.

Re: Of All Gods [Pharaoh]

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 12:23 pm
by Pharaoh
The sound of rattling chains against the tile behind Kala could be heard. The clanking of link against link against stone, as a train of barbed chains followed Her along Her path. She of the Scourge preceded Him of the Sceptre to this meeting. Stalking into view, her pale skin seemed to glow like the more pallid of Ransera's moons, set against the velvet black of her robes accented with thick, heavy chains with barbs that cut into the fabric of the garment beneath them, though no blood answered their incursions.

"Good morrow." She lowered herself to recline against one of the cushions across from Kala, and glanced to the offerings. "He shan't be long." She muttered and, as if on cue, a speck of golden light materialised from the æther behind and above Varvara, which grew large enough to house the elf-sized deity who emerged from its warm glow. He, too, wore chains. His, however, were forged of thin, delicate gold links woven to form a garment that jingled lightly and left little to the imagination.

Aværys knelt down to kiss his sister-spouse, before taking up a lounging spot of his own and regarding their host. After a moment, he returned his gaze to Varvara.

"Wings were really a missed opportunity, I'll be bound. We ought to have done more with wings in Our time."

"Thy cupbearer serveth thee well I take it? Worry not. I'm told the Zalkyrians have taken to remaining winged in elven form."

"Aye. Their princeps was feeling like an outcast, poor dear..." Aværys chuckled, before turning his attention back to Kala.

"Ought we to be flattered at being singled out for this invitation, or art thou treating with all the Pantheon's privileged guests?"

Re: Of All Gods [Pharaoh]

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 12:18 am
by Kala Leukos
"Good morrow," she replied, and began to pour the tea. Kala didn't look up at Aværys' arrival, but paid studious attention to the art of service as she had been taught. To her mind, it wasn't a submissive act, but one of beauty to share. When she had poured for the three of them, she looked up to smile, sharing her greeting with the other half of the pair. "Good morrow."

Amused, though nervous, she smiled. "The wings come with their share of responsibilities."

Kala had to wonder if she and her twin made others feel like a third wheel; thankfully, through their bond, they could communicate telepathically, and so their inside jokes often remained in the inside of their heads. She would have to redouble her efforts to make people feel welcome and seen in their presence.

"The honor is doubly mine," she declared, raising her tea bowl, "for I have two divine guests. You will have to gauge the honor for yourselves, however. I met Talon Novalys before either of us ascended, but he does not know who I am. Mother Naori infused me with the divine spark. Garel the Necromancer gave me wings. But I am not yet fully formed, only aching to pupate." She thought of herself as a cocoon, at least, in the process of becoming divine, though the question was rather academic. "At the parliament of gods, I came masked as was my Queen. I would fain be captured as Talon was from his wedding reception. I am... cautious. But at the parliament, your words held a particular weight for me. I have taken up the mantle of Nazam Draegir, at least in part. First, I claimed Unity." She paused. "I thought you would be excellent allies. Your servant Phocion made a good impression upon me, and there is the fact that I too have a twin."

She paused again, curious whether they too shared in that ineffable bond between those who shared a womb before coming into the light.

"So you know my secret: I am Kala Mizal of House Leukos. I need to consolidate my power and my cultus so the first winged Avialae woman in generations doesn't become a thrall of the Gelerian Imperium or other. I yet have mortal responsibilities, and Mother Naori's bequest came with divine responsibilities." She sighed. "But this transition is difficult. I thought, perhaps, you might understand, having been reborn as twins, having your dual kingdom, and all."

Kala smiled apologetically.

"I find I have no friends who understand what I am going through."

Re: Of All Gods [Pharaoh]

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 11:18 am
by Pharaoh
Both of the guest gods accepted cups and settled back. Aværys reclined in supine comfort, whilst Varvara sat upright and straight-backed.

"I can appreciate your more... clandestine inclinations." Varvara offered before taking a delicate sip of Kala's offering.

"E'en I have grown to relish a spot of anonymity whilst I do assess the state of this modern world." Aværys noted, arching a brow to His sister.

"Unity hath potential..." The raven-haired Varvara began, thoughtfully. "Tis not so ephemeral a concept as some younger gods have adopted. Unity is an end, not the mere means thereto..."

"A noble aim to which We do also strive after Our own fashion." Aværys added. "An thou dost share enough of Our world view to stand with Us in alliance, We would welcome the support. This divine congress Eikæn hath assembled is... jarringly eclectic. In the awe of a summons to stand before His Peerless Majesty, Our fellow gods were on such good behaviour..."

"We believe many of them were in earnest about their dreams for the future of the world..."

"We are not, however, convinced that they stand willing to make the difficult decisions or the sacrifices required to realise a true and lasting equilibrium that would serve the majority of the populace."

"Perhaps they will surprise Us and their mettle be as mickle as their aspirations, but We shall not count on this. Rather We shall gather to Us those who understand that one buildeth not a pyramid from the peak down, but from the foundation to the firmament."

"If thou hast a twin, wherefore sit'st thou alone and outnumbered to treat with Us, Kala Mizal of House Leukos?" Aværys inquired over the rim of His cup, eyes glinting with a touch of mischief.

Re: Of All Gods [Pharaoh]

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 12:36 am
by Kala Leukos
"Thank you for the compliment," she said with inclined head, "but the wisdom of that choice was not mine. Mother Naori bequeathed it upon me as well as divers missions on Her behalf. I did choose the Stars, though." Her eyes sparkled with a distant joy at that. "But... I am not Nazam reborn. I am not even Drægir, but a Moritasi as are you. I do not know if I am without precedent, but I did feel different from the others at the first meeting in the Pantheon. Yet another reason I am moving slowly from mortality into the future.

"But, aye... I cannot say whether all our views will coincide, but there does seem to be enough upon which we might build some bridges. The Great Gods have greater agendas; it will be the so-called demigods who enact change upon the land. While I reside in Kalzasi, I do not wish to claim it, nor do I believe Talon should. Like the Great Gods, he ought to have a greater agenda than merely ruling his earthly father's domain." She was diffident here, unsure whether Streleon's heir would be infinite in his hunger for power or if he too would see the wisdom of allowing his mortal agents to tend to the realm of his mortal days.

"And I wish the audience with the Most High had come... perhaps centuries hence, when I am more sure of myself and able to avail myself of his wisdom, but Naori, at least, has an eye upon me."

Her lips curled into a strange sort of smile as she wondered whether Aværys was teasing.

"If you wish that balance, I believe I could bring him safely hither." Balance, she thought. "Perhaps if I succeed as She bade me do, he might become the God of Balance. I would fain live eternally without my twin. We have been core bonded in the manner of Avialæ since the womb."

Re: Of All Gods [Pharaoh]

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 10:45 am
by Pharaoh
"We are all of us without precedent in one way or another." Varvara offered in a soothing, soft tone.

"You speak as if one cannot enact a greater agenda whilst one doth rule withal." Aværys countered pointedly. "Even Absolute Authority cannot be unilateral. Not truly. Once We Twain shared Our quondam empire... Furthermore did We employ the services of sundry faithful subjects placed in positions of influence and authority to enact Our vision that it might be carried out e'en when We were in absentia. No savvy sovereign deals in minutiæ, but practises perchance the paramount art of leadership: Delegation."

"If greater beings than mere mortals would more oft claim seats of earthly pow'r, there might be fewer conflagrations o'er subjects such as succession and usurpation."

"Even divine beings must find their proper place in the hierarchical pyramid." Quoth Aværys. "As you say, Kala, it is ours to enact change upon the land as those of higher tiers stand aloof to tend to the affairs of the greater cosmos." He took a sip of His tea, and with a soft smile and the tone of an earnest enquiry rather than that of a critical interrogation asked: "How wouldst thou see us achieve this?"

An amused glance passed between the Twins at the mention of Eikæn's gathering.

"I daresay We rather wish the audience had come centuries prior, whiles We were confined and unable to thwart the imbalance that hath, in Our absence, aris'n i'th'world. But We understand thine hesitancy."

"Aye, the boon of so aloof a reign as that of His Paramount Majesty is that, barring any explicit strictures, thou'rt free to act. As 'twas not directly stated that mortals be barred from standing in the halls of Pantheon, perhaps thy brother may be the first..."

"I would caution thee, godling..." Varvara began, "That this was a realm created by the God King that hath been mitigated to fall before the eyes of the Divine such as We may look upon His greater works and process them and brook no affliction. Should a mortal look upon these same vistas, he might go mad or worse... If thou wouldst bring him, We would filter this chamber further from pernicious Mysteries that might afflict a mind untouched by Divinity."

Aværys knitted His brow bemusedly,

"If he be thy bondmate and thou wouldst see him ascend to such heights, why wouldst thou like to live evermore bereft of him?" In Unity He found himself confused by this ostensible contradiction.

Re: Of All Gods [Pharaoh]

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 11:54 pm
by Kala Leukos
"There might," she allowed, considering Varvara's take.

"I don't have a plan as yet. I am still becoming this new thing, and trying to sort out how to rearrange my life. First, to accommodate wings, which makes me a target of the Gelerian Imperium. Second, as a newborn demigod even as our Shinsei was. Your own example gives me pause, as well, trapped in a volcano for centuries. I am pleased you are no longer captive. Of course, I don't expect you to share your own plans in their entirety, but an idea of them might allow me to help. Your Sentinel Phocion made a good impression in Kalzasi. He invited me to visit, though that was before I grew wings and the Iron Queen-Regent put me in a gilded cage, which I can fly at will."

That much was obvious; she was here.

"Otherwise, I am putting my home in order, ensuring my family is in a good position. I will attempt to do the same for Kalzasi while I may. I've been made Vice-Minister of Finance, in charge of trade in Karnor. Perhaps if our cousin Avenna favors me, I can stabilize the area while still seen as a mortal."

Kala paused, confused, then realized: "I apologize. I misspoke. Your style is poetic, and I am distracted. I would fain live eternally with my twin. To live without... I know not how I would manage. 'Twould be an undiscovered country that I would rather leave a mystery. But if you can help me ensure his mortality is shielded, I will bring him hither."

As they did, she paid keen attention so she might be able to duplicate it in the future. She hadn't yet claimed a plane for herself, but it would be convenient to have a back door out of danger for herself and, if she shielded them, her people. Hopefully, no other deity would witness her making use of the Pantheon as a safe house, but she had learned it was easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

She could sense him, of course; their core bond was ever present. For now, she relied upon her mortal magics, tracing sigils in the air to alter the trick to it that Naori had taught her. She pulled on that connection, and he came, eyes wide and wondering. He was taller than she was, though short by Avialæ standards. He was tall enough by human standards, and putting on more muscle every day, though he was also lean for one of the winged men of Kalzasi. Lightly armored, he had come directly from a training salle, leaving the Silver Wings to their own devices. He recovered quickly, and bowed low to the Twins.

"Deus Aværys, Domina Varvara," Kala said, "may I present my twin, Kaus Siv of House Leukos. Kaus, the Divine Twins of Solunarium."

"Your Divine Majesties," he said. "'Tis an honor to make your acquaintance."

Re: Of All Gods [Pharaoh]

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 1:59 pm
by Pharaoh
"First We observe." Varvara explained, "Our perspective hath long been limited. Whilst We have felt the shifting of energies throughout greater Ransera, Our scions have been Our eyes..."

"And Our scions have, by and large, been isolated within Atraxia's borders. Thus have We watched Our civilisation decline in solitude, whilst We have much to learn about the progress beyond the sunlit sands of Solunarium."

Varvara nodded thoughtfully as Kala spoke of her immediate aspirations. In a way they were humble enough, though one notion seemed to amuse Aværys.

"Stability in Karnor? As God of Ambition, I must credit thee with possessing it in profusion. That seems a lofty task indeed, though a worthy one."

At the clarification and the expression of intent to invite another to their gathering, the Twins nodded, and began to set about the work of augmenting the environs to prove friendlier to mortal minds. Pantheon had been constructed entirely of Divine magic, to which all of its prior guests had access and understanding as deific beings. What the Twins did now was to layer Arcane magic over this divine construct, effectively shielding the potentially maddening power of Eikæn's work from the eyes of those who lacked access to divine power. Aværys would also emit a soothing energy from his Symphony, and one which would serve to dissuade Kaus from spending too much effort inspecting the surroundings.

"Oh, good morrow..." Aværys smirked as His eyes trailed over the form of Kala's twin. The song woven into His Symphony altered slightly, perhaps unconsciously- It was still urging Kaus not to pay attention to their surroundings, but now it urged him to cast those attentions instead to Aværys Himself.

"And We are pleased to make yours." Varvara offered with milder attention.

Re: Of All Gods [Pharaoh]

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 2:48 am
by Kala Leukos
"I also observe," she said, nodding at the common ground. "And build my strength."

A smile answered Aværys' jest. This felt familiar. Kaus had always been easier with people, and she more reserved. Now she was playing the middle ground, but perhaps when Kaus arrived, they would fall into old habits.

"I am not the only one seeking it. I am putting what political clout I have earned to use, and will continue to observe to see how best my divine clout might be assayed. Perhaps if I broker a trade deal with Prince Phocion, I will be able to oust Lord Minister Tianoch and assume his mantle. Avenna might bless me as well."

While the Twins worked their magic to make the Pantheon safer for her brother, she observed with all the skill she had acquired as a Sembler. Some was beyond her grasp; she was no Mesmer. Some she could enact herself through Runes or scrivening, she supposed. Later, she would meditate upon what she observed, what Mother Naori had taught her, and hopefully gain greater understanding of the Aetherium and the structure underpinning Creation. She might only be a demigoddess, but she was damned if she wasn't going to be an effective one.

"Please, Kaus, sit." While she made more tea appear, he knelt with a warrior's grace—Kala was the dancer—and tucked a zafu under him. "And now we are four."

"Thank you," he said, and took the tea carefully. He too had been trained to diplomacy, though he was more often the charmer while his sister got things done. The elven demigods were beautiful to look at, though he found Deus Aværys tugging at his attention. A slight shiver ran through him at the thought of what they might do to him, and how much he might enjoy it. There was a sort of gravity to deities, he had found. His sister's presence was the only one that was entirely comfortable. But it wasn't a bad thing, the numinous nimbus, merely beyond him.

"What do you think, cousins?" Kala asked. "Is he a Zedros or a Mythori?"

"What?!" Kaus asked, momentarily distracted from the golden glow of Aværys' skin that was certainly going to find itself in his next poem.

"Well," she said, "you are lucky, athletic, and are young as Glade, but on the other hand, you are a creature of the Air, and an aeromancer to boot."

It was not lost on her that these Twins might be her greatest allies in deifying her own twin.

Re: Of All Gods [Pharaoh]

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 3:53 pm
by Pharaoh
"First We observe." Varvara explained, "I am not blind to the potential presented by the chaos in Karnor... As Aværys haunts Our undisputed desert realm, I do assess Our quondam provinces for opportunity." Varvara noted perhaps too mildly.

At the leading question about Kaus, Aværys tsked and shook his head.

"Næ, he be a creature altogether his own. As My Sister lately quoth, We are all of Us without precedent. I no more beseem Streleon than Talon beseemeth Eikæn."

"Fie! My brother doth draw in this a loaded comparison." Varvara seemed more amused by this than Kala (and certainly Kaus) had yet seen her. "Prithee forgive My second self, that he hath an æsthete’s eye, a poet’s tongue and a drunkard’s restraint."

Aværys’ pursuant laughter was good natured, and he displayed greater restraint than a drunkard in declining to retort. Turning his gaze instead from Kaus to Kala.

"Nary a trice elapsed since thou didst first introduced thy mortal half and already thou wouldst align him in Our minds with Our divine compeers." Aværys smirked,

“Thou art no idle observer, Kala Divina. It is meet that patience and subtly should complement one with such novel boons but salient sights…” He trailed off as he cast his own sights heavenward. He could see the lofty ceiling of Pantheon beyond His own illusory conjurings. It was as if the very masonry contained all the breadth of the Cosmos. Eikæn may not have been prolix, but he certainly had an eye for grandeur that Aværys had to appreciate. It was fascinating to see how the other gods regarded him. As long as it had been and with so many young gods, it struck him how little deference was shown to he because of whom all of them existed. No wonder imbalance rules these dread days.