Assassins meet

The underbelly that lies beneath the city.

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Luna Freya
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Luna cautiously descended into the Midden some time ago, her senses assaulted by the pungent smell that hung heavily in the air as she made her way to Hahseu which was someplace she’d heard was a decent place to engage in illegal activites. She navigated the damp, dimly lit tunnels, following Channel #16 until she reached the heart of the notorious shantytown. The place was a squalid, chaotic mess, with makeshift homes constructed from scraps and materials found in the Midden. A low, constant hum of chatter and activity filled the air, accompanied by the occasional shout or scuffle. Luna's eyes darted around, scanning the sea of shady characters that seemed to be lurking in every corner, knowing that she needed to blend in and not draw unwanted attention to herself.

As she meandered through the labyrinth of alleys and passages, Luna felt sympathy for the unfortunate souls who called this place home. She knew, however, that she had a job to do, and her focus remained on finding someone in need of her unique services as an assassin. She approached a few individuals, discretely inquiring about any assassination jobs that needed to be taken care of. Most people seemed wary of her, casting suspicious glances her way before brushing her off and hurrying away.

After a string of unsuccessful interactions, Luna found herself in a decrepit tavern that looked like it was barely holding itself together. The air was thick with smoke, and the dim candlelight flickered, casting eerie shadows on the walls. She took a seat in a corner, nursing a cheap, watered-down drink as she kept her ears open for any information that might lead her to a potential job. The tavern was filled with a motley crew of disreputable characters; thieves, smugglers, and thugs; all engaged in hushed conversations or heated arguments.

As time ticked by, Luna felt a sense of frustration and doubt creeping in. She had come to Hahseu in search of a job, but so far, her efforts had been fruitless. She wondered if she had made a mistake by venturing into this wretched hive of scum and villainy, but she knew that she couldn't afford to give up. With a steely determination, Luna reminded herself that she was a skilled assassin, and she just needed to be patient and persistent in her search. As she sat in the dimly lit tavern, her thoughts were interrupted by a low, gravelly voice. A hooded figure had taken the seat next to her and was regarding her with a curious expression. "You seem out of place here," the stranger said, a hint of amusement in his voice. Luna's heart raced, wondering if this could finally be the lead she had been searching for. Despite her doubts and the oppressive atmosphere of Hahseu, she prepared herself to seize the opportunity and prove that she had not made a mistake coming here after all.
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Isolde's mouth and nose was covered by two black cloths tied around her neck, a couple of lavender and petals were stuffed in between the two cloths to help with the repungent smell of the midden that assaulted her sense of smell. Due to her Rathari Heritage, her sense were heightened including her sense of smell. Which made strong vile pungent scents unbearable for long.

The Assassin wore her black leather armour, her black cloak was clipped around her neck. Her daggers were sheathed and strapped to her tighs with a couple throwing knives stashed in each boot. She had a single dose of fast acting poison stashed in her boot, she could slather her blade with it if she needed it.

The Black Panther Rathari kept her guard up, there was no telling what monstrous creature she could run into in here. The odd shout or scuffle made her ears twitch slightly, though it was far away from her. Isolde rarely went to The Midden and when she did, it was usually to purchase a couple of things; poison. She can make poison herself, but the type of poison she was after was king cobra Venom. It was just her luck that Ghost wanted her to come down to the midden in order to aquire the venom. She scowled. She'll be paying him back with her body within the next week for the Venom. So, Isolde didn't see why she had to come down to this repugnant stench of a place.

Isolde walked through Channel #16, until she made her way into a shady tavern, the note she held had Ghost's terrible directions drawn onto the white paper. As she entered, she did not see Ghost, her scowl deepend. Where was the bastard? She only saw thugs, smugglers, and theives. None of which, would attempt to steal from her least they wanted a hand cut off. Did he send someone else in his place to give her the Venom?

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“Hey, I’m talking to you,” said the man who was trying to converse with Luna. She would have responded but her attention was caught by a woman who crossed in front of her. Luna wondered why she hadn’t seen her before, but then her dark outfit and armor was a good giveaway that she was probably good at keeping her presence hidden. Luna held up a finger to the man talking to her and said, “we’ll chat in a bit,” without having any intention of seeing him ever again.

What drew Luna to the woman was that she was dressed similarly to herself. Luna also wore leather armor in a similar style and in all black, though the exact shade of black did not match. Also, the woman didn’t carry any large weaponry, meanwhile Luna had a katana at her side. Luna guessed that she might be able to help her find whoever it was around here that gave out contracts. Luna’s body subconsciously leaned a little in the woman’s direction then realized she wasn't going to get anywhere by just sitting around. She needed to ask for help. Though she considered herself a proficient assassin, she was anything but.

Luna got to her feet and shuffled closer to the pair until she was several feet away. “Hey, I don’t mean to interrupt… Actually, that’s a lie. I couldn’t help but notice we wear similar clothing. Are you looking for someone? I’m looking for work.” She wished she had something cooler to say but that was another area she needed work in. She wanted to seem like a seasoned killer, not some kid desperate for a job. In fact, she was a kid. She was under 18, if that counted for anything. She had a goal of getting her first assassination contract completed by her 18th which was only a season and a half away.

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"Where is he?" Isolde grumbled to herself, voice low, and barely audible. She let out a sigh, about to take a step forward to ask the barkeep if he saw Ghost when a youthful voice began asking her questions. Isolde hummed as her attention was drawn to a young girl, late teens, perhaps.

"You interrupted, Darling." Isolde set her eyes on the girl.

The girl was dressed similarly to herself. However, the shade of black wasn't the same, and the armour was different, but both were light leather armour, and her weaponry was too noticeable. Isolde's weaponry was noticeable as well, but it was smaller, a little more discreet, and her cloak concealed her two assassin's daggers strapped to her tighs. And the girl seemed to be alone.

"However, may I ask, why is a young thing such as yourself down here all alone?" Isolde avoided her question, for now. "It isn't safe down here you know."

Her father didn't particularly care when she was 14 and sent down here to navigate the tunnels, what he didn't tell her was that he was stalking her from the shadows the entire time. Isolde was sure she was going to die that day.

If the kid died, she died... Isolde didn't particularly care all that much as she didn't know this person... and it wasn't her problem.

"I am looking for someone, a fucking lying snake!" She half growled the word out, her Rathari side showing with that growl. "You're looking for work, eh? How would you like to find a white haired fuck for me and bash his skull in?"

Isolde didn't actually mean that, but the black panther was rather annoyed at her lover. He didn't show up! He stood her up! The bastard. He between not think he can still get her services anymore, because he won't!

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Luna Freya
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Luna raised an eyebrow at the woman's sudden outburst, her curiosity piqued. Despite the apparent danger, she felt intrigued by the woman's clear frustration and offer for work. "Well, I didn't come down here for a pleasant stroll," Luna replied, her tone sarcastic yet genuine. "And I can handle myself just fine, thank you." Her voice quivered at the end, betraying her bluff. She felt like she needed to act at least a little tough if she was going to make it down here.

She leaned in a little closer, her eyes glinting with determination. "As for the white-haired fuck you're looking for," she said, "I might be able to help you out. I'm not exactly in the business of bashing skulls, but I can definitely track people down." Another bluff. But hey, what was the worst that could happen?

Luna smirked, her confidence shining through despite the grim surroundings. "So, why don't you tell me a bit more about this lying snake, and maybe we can work something out?" She offered, her interest in the woman's plight clear. As much as Luna was a skilled fighter, she couldn't deny her curiosity in the situation and the opportunity to potentially make a new ally or at the very least, earn some coin. She never would have thought that the target was actually someone who harm was not supposed to befall.

“Nice outfit by the way,” she added at the end. She supposed when it came to armor, one wore what one had. She found it unlikely that most people could afford to have multiple sets so it made sense for the one they had to look good. As Luna admired Isolde’s getup she noticed a couple of her weapons. They looked very suited for… killing. Meanwhile Luna’s seemed more meant for monster killing, which was what she’d initially trained for.

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"Of course not, Darling." The Assassin chuckled, and shook her head. "Who would come down to this dump for an evening stroll? I certainly would not."

The stench was still strong, even in this run down, decrepit tavern, and with the lavander. She definitely would not be ordering a drink from this dump. Who knows what filth would be in the drinks down here, or the state of the dishes. Her lip curled in disgust.

"Excilent!" Isolde's grin was hidden behind the cloth that covered her mouth.

"Well, he has white hair, of course. Pretty emerald eyes. He is sexy... you'll know it's him when you see him." Isolde told the girl, and wouldn't tell her more than the basics. Not his name, not what his race was... perhaps, she'll figure it out when she sees him.

"Thank you, Darling." Isolde patted the girl's head. She liked the compliment. "your own outfit isn't too shabby either."

"You wait here, I am going to ask the barkeep if he saw the man I am looking for." Isolde headed to the bar, her lips curled up in disgust at the state of the Tavern.

"Hello, love, I have a couple of questions I want to ask you." Isolde would have put on her most charming smile, but with her mouth covered, that wasn't an option. "If you are willing."

"I don't say shit for free, girl." The man grumbled, a sly smirk on his lips.

Isolde frowned, and pulled out a single Gold Aven, and handed it over to the shady tavern owner. "Now, my questions. Have you seen a man around here? White hair, green eyes, a shit eating smirk? This tall." Isolde held up her hand, showing the barkeep how tall Ghost was.

"Hmm, perhaps I have seen him. Perhaps not." The barkeep grinned, holding out his hand.

Isolde gave the man the stink eye, and refrained herself from cursing him out, for now. She pulled out another gold aven, and handed it to the man.

"Yeah, saw him earlier. Looked like he was waiting on someone, then left." The man grumbled.

"Thank you." So, Ghost did come here, then why did he leave if he was waiting on her? It didn't make sense, unless he just wanted to get on her nerves, but she doubted that.

Isolde strolled back over to the girl. "Alright. New plan, let's not bash in his skull, alright. He's somewhere in the midden, but I am not sure where. He was last seen in this tavern. You said you can track people, right?" Isolde could have tracked him herself by his scent, but with the strong stench of sewage, that wasn't possible.

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Luna Freya
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Luna smiled at Isolde's reaction to the less-than-ideal conditions of the tavern. She watched as the assassin went to question the barkeep, trying to gather more information on the elusive white-haired man. When Isolde returned and shared the information she had obtained, Luna nodded in understanding. "Alright, no skull bashing, got it," she said, the corners of her lips turning up in a slight grin. "As for tracking, well, I do have some experience in that area, and I'm confident I can help you find this guy." She was going to have to fake it till she made it.

Luna took a moment to think about the best approach to locate the white-haired man in the midden. "Given that he was last seen in this tavern, it would make sense to start our search nearby. Maybe we can find some clues." She suggested, trying to develop a plan. She had a clear lack of determination in her voice.

Luna stepped out of the tavern, scanning the area for any potential sources of information. She pretend to have found some footprints and followed them for a while. She approached a group of people and she tried her luck. "Excuse me, have any of you seen a man with white hair and green eyes around here?" she asked, trying her best to sound confident. The group exchanged glances, and a tall man with a scruffy beard replied, "Maybe, maybe not. What's it worth to you?" Luna frowned, realizing that she didn't have any money to bribe them with. "I don't have any coin right now, but I'm just trying to find this man. Any help would be appreciated."

She moved on, stopping a woman carrying a basket of goods. "Excuse me, ma'am, I'm looking for a man with white hair and emerald eyes. Have you seen anyone like that?" The woman eyed Luna suspiciously before shaking her head. "I don't know nothin' about that, and I ain't got time for this." She huffed and walked away, leaving Luna feeling frustrated.

As she continued her search, asking passerby after passerby, she received similar responses. Some ignored her, while others replied with disdain or skepticism. Luna was beginning to feel disheartened, wondering if her attempts would be fruitless. Then, as she turned a corner, she spotted a man with white hair haggling with a merchant at a nearby stall. Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly ducked behind a crate, peering out cautiously to observe the scene.

“Is that him?” she asked her newfound ‘client.’

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Isolde watched the girl search for Ghost. She was skeptical about the girl's tracking abilities as she didn't seem too experienced with tracking, expecially when she pretend there were footstep, but Isolde humoured her. Her lips quirked up into an amused smile as she watched the girl 'track' her lover and client.

The first time she met Ghost, he paid for her services, and after that he kept coming back to her, until they both found out that they worked for the same organisation, Ghost came to her more frequently after that.

Isolde glanced down at the girl, arching her eyebrow as she watched her hide. "Why are you hiding, may I ask?" Then she glanced over at the man that the girl asked if he was him. Isolde observed the white haired man, his familar black coat with the collar, her lips tugged up into a smirk.

"That's him! Thanks, Darling, for finding him!" Isolde pulled out a few gold avens, and held them out for the girl to take. "For your troubles."

She was rather stingy with giving people money, in fact it annoyed her greatly, but if they helped her. She would pay them. She was still skeptical of the girl's tracking abilities, however, as she did find Ghost. Perhaps she was alright at tracking after all.

"I appreciate your efforts!" Isolde grinned, the outline of her mouth slightly visible through the cloth that covered her lower face. "You have my thanks."

Now, once she gets to Ghost. They'll have having a little chat about leaving the place they were supposed to meet up at. It was inconvenient of him to do that when he knew she was coming. It was him who even picked the place they'd meet at, the damn rat infested midden rather than her cozy comfortable cottage.

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Luna Freya
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Luna peeked out from her hiding spot, her eyes following Isolde's gaze towards the white-haired man. She couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and pride that she had managed to find the right person. In response to Isolde's question, Luna explained, "I thought it'd be best to stay hidden since you mentioned the aggression earlier. I figured he might be dangerous, and I didn't want to startle him or put either of us in harm's way." She flashed a sheepish grin, hoping her caution would be seen as reasonable rather than cowardly.

As Isolde handed her the gold avens, Luna's eyes widened in surprise, but she gratefully accepted the payment. "Thank you. I'm glad I could be of help," she said, her voice filled with genuine gratitude. Luna watched as Isolde prepared to approach Ghost, wondering what their conversation would entail and whether she'd have any further role in this particular mission.

With a slight nod, Luna acknowledged Isolde's appreciation. "You're welcome, and if you ever need assistance again, don't hesitate to ask. I’m Luna by the way" She offered a friendly smile, hoping that she had proven herself useful enough to be considered for future endeavors. Luna couldn't deny her curiosity about the relationship between Isolde and Ghost, but she respected the privacy of her new ally and decided to step back, allowing Isolde to handle the situation as she saw fit.

Luna stood in place, thoughts swirling in her head as she debated whether to stay or leave. She had accomplished her task, and now she was uncertain of her next move. Was it her place to stay and pry into the situation? Or was it better to slip away, leaving the strangers to their mysterious business? Her curiosity gnawed at her, but she reminded herself that some situations were best left alone. She’d pick on the woman’s cues and make a decision shortly.

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"Isolde," The Assassin offered her name, and lifted up her hand to pat her head. "Thank you for your help in locating him, Luna. He went shopping instead of waiting on me."

Her eyes narrowed as she turned her attention to Ghost, who was still haggling with the merchant. She couldn't make out what he was buying as the front of the stall was hidden by him, but with the weapons hanged up on the wall, she took a guess at what it was. She rolled her eyes, and strolled over to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Hello, Handsome. You weren't at the tavern like you said you would be." She drawled, leaning over his shoulder to see what he was haggling for. "Instead, I had to find you. It was an inconvenience."

"Isolde! Took you long enough." Ghost grinned. He motioned towards the merchants stall where several daggers laid out kn display. "A new dagger for my collection."

"Hmm, never too many daggers to stab you with." Isolde nodded, her lips quirked up into a slight smile. Though, she only had the two strapped to her tighs. "I suppose... Now, where is my items? That is the only reason I came down here to this dump. You could have stopped by and dropped it off, instead of making me come down here."

"Violent thing, aren't you? And I have it, so why don't you wait until after I purchase this dagger and I will give it to you?" He grinned.

"Of course, Darling," She gave him a sweet smile that he could not see. 'But, don't think I'll be repaying you anytime soon.'

Coming down to this filth and stench was... disgusting. Isolde unwrapped her arms from around his neck, and stood behind him. Will she be repaying... the answer is no. He made her come down here, then to the tavern, and wasn't at the tavern. Instead, he went shopping, without waiting on her to accompany him...

She was annoyed...

Five minutes later of Ghost haggling and arguing with the merchant, he finally got his dagger, and turned to Isolde. "Now, for your... items." He hid the dagger away on his person, and ushered Isolde over to stand by the wall, out of sight from praying eyes.

"Your doses of King Cobra Venom as promised." Ghost slipped out a small yellowish wrinkled paper bag from his coat, and handed it to her. Isolde folded it up, and shoved it in between her armour.

"Thank you and goodbye." She turned to walk away.

"Remember, my payment, Isolde. I'll see you tomorrow."

"We'll see..."

"Common" | 00FFF6
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