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The Jewel of the Northlands

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Posts: 1054
Joined: Wed Jul 24, 2019 9:54 pm
Location: The Northlands of Karnor
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=127
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=151


1st of Glade, 220th Year of the Age of Steel

Talon walked the halls of the Palace of the First Wind. A breeze flowed through the halls, the long silken drapes fluttering in the winds bringing with it the cool spring scents. Talon could smell the mountain air as it turned to the revitalized essence of Glade. He could feel the frost of Winter ebbing, just like every Avialae in the city. They could sense their native season leaving just as they could sense that it was arriving. It had been a troubled winter but they had weathered it with the same resilience and strength they always did. Despite the attacks from the Warrens, the murder that was yet unsolved, and the roaming of beasts from the Wildking’s Forge, there was no place Talon was prouder of.

But as his bare feet padded across the cool floors of the palace, the large silver feathered wings that sprouted from his back draped behind him like a cloak, Talon couldn’t help but feel a sense of melancholy. He felt that there was a change on the horizon, one that would inevitably shift both the world and his place in it. In the time since his father had privately told him that he would not yet be naming him Shinsei, Talon felt relieved. There were things he could explore about himself, free of the weight of looming duties. Certainly many in the city expected his father and the council to follow tradition and name him Heir to Kalzasi but with that quiet divulgence, Talon had been offered the opportunity to see a life outside of that mantle. It was not that he begrudged the idea of stepping into the role expected of him he’d simply never contemplated a life outside of what that would be like.

Now? He could.

A small chirp caught his attention, bringing a smile to Talon’s face. He felt the soft grip of claws on his shoulder and the brush of wings against his cheek before a fuzzy head was rubbing against his face. He chuckled. Reaching up, Talon pet his Minova bat companion affectionately on the head before stroking beneath his chin.

“Hello Trinket, where did you get off to?” The bat chirped, showing its proud catch. A big fat cherry that it nosed with pride. Talon shook his head and poked the bat in the stomach gently.

“Eat too many of those and you will get fat.” The bat gently nuzzled his cheek before making himself comfortable on his shoulder. Talon didn’t mind. Trinket was warm and his presence was comforting in light of more recent events.

“My Prince?” Talon came to a stop. He looked up to see Danica, his mother’s handmaiden before him. The Siltori woman curtsied before offering him a smile, which he returned. “Your mother wishes you to join her in the gardens.”

“Thank you, Danica.” The woman curtsied again then went off to tend to what other duties his mother must have had for her. Trinket contented himself with nibbling on the cherry in his grasp while perched on Talon’s shoulder. As Talon made his way through the palace and toward the gardens, he was again struck with that feeling of something looming on the horizon. His feather fluffed up momentarily before settling. He suppressed the shiver. The cool grass beneath his feet felt nice and having the air brush over the feathers of his wings brought with it the desire to stretch them and fly. It had been some time since Talon had simply just taken to the skies and soared.

“Do not fly off just yet, my son.” His mother was seated at one of the polished wooden tables. She was dressed in a beautiful floral gown that signified the coming of spring. Her slippers were beside her in the grass as she sat comfortably on one of the large cushions. In front of her was a fresh, steaming pot of tea and an assortment of his mother’s favorites. The bowl of fruit nearby immediately grabbed Trinket’s attention. His reaction prompted his mother to laugh softly.

“You may have some, Little Mischief.” Trinket chirped, gobbling down what was left of his cherry before licking Talon’s cheek then fluttering over to the bowl. His excitement brought a smile to Talon’s face, prompting his mother to speak.

“That is the first genuine smile I’ve seen on your face in some time, my son.” He didn’t miss the concern in his mother’s voice. Talon had indeed been in a dark mood as of late. The clouds of which were only just beginning to part. He knelt and placed a kiss upon his mother’s brow before seating himself beside her. He stretched out his nearest wing and wrapped it around her so that the early Glade chill was staved off comfortably. She poured the both of them some tea which Talon accepted thankfully. He blew on the steam then sipped it quietly. Not far off, Talon could hear some of his younger siblings playing in the gardens, either with their pets or with each other. The sound brought a warmth to his chest that had been missing for a while. He and his mother sat in comfortable silence as Talon contented himself with watching Trinket bounce between trying to decide whether he wanted fruit or some of the almonds nearby.

“Your father told me.” Talon nodded. He was not surprised. He also knew that it was likely his other brothers and sisters as well as his other mothers knew as well. “What are your thoughts, Talon?”

He considered his words carefully. His mother’s grey eyes searched his face as though looking for something.

“I think Father made the right decision. I am not ready. There is much I still do not know. There is much I must yet prove, to myself, to our people. I do not want to be Shinsei because of tradition. I do not want to be Shokaze because it was simply expected of me and the traditions of our city. I want to lead because I am worthy. So I must find what that means.” He took another sip of his tea. Something of what he said must have pleased his mother for she nodded.

“I want you to meet someone.” Talon quirked a brow. He hoped it was not a suitor. His heart was not in a place where he could fathom pursuing such games. When his mother nodded in the direction of the palace however, Talon turned his head.

“She comes.”
word count: 1116


"Lord Levis -- how have you managed the raid into Dalquia while I've been away?" she asked. The woman stared into a window, constructed of the arcane, crafted before her face and with the familiar half-smirk of the other Siltori staring back. He had aging skin and an ashy sort of hair, far from healthy in appearance. Anyone who understood Daravinic politics knew: Lord Levis was her prized adviser, the heart of her internal discourse and the facilitator of many of her policies and decisions. The Treveyn of Couronne trusted him beyond all else.

"Brilan . . . we have discovered something of interest while you've been away. I dare not speak of my findings amidst these unsafe walls, knowing the extent of the Candor. But when we return to Ardenserat, you will know."

"Lovely," she replied. "Anah'falah val'dilorz, Sil Levishan. Muil fe'dhan alumai." Always a pleasure to hear your voice, Lord Levis. In these worrying times.

- - -

"Your Grace," the handmaiden frantically chirped. "Your dress may be suitable for our present company, but not for the Daravinic court. I worry of what words may make their way into the next soiree. Do you not believe you should dress in more . . . suitable attire? Perhaps with a corset, a caged lower-half to your dress, puffed shoulders... long frilled sleeves? I have a brilliant cowl for you, as well, to ensure that Ulen smiles upon your modesty. I've prepared this outfit for you for--"

"Leara," the Treveyn interrupted. "We are already walking through the hall. All I hear from you and Levis is Candor, Candor, Candor. Daravin. Does your mind not live outside of that country? The Empire's tendrils stretch far, but not as far as you would think. And besides . . . perhaps Ulen will not smile on me as I am, but Veratelle will. It has been some time since her branches have been covered in all too many leaves; the great, gnarled beast of her form is bared out towards the world. She is well-dressed for what she is, as our attire is a symbol of our role. I am dressed for what I am -- an Elven Queen."

"Very well, Your Grace," the Siltori woman said softly. Brilan softened her with a small smile, as if to make clear that she held no true disapproval. Only defiance of the Candor and its will.

"Ah, there they are," she noted. Her eyes caught the entrance to the gardens, and beyond them signatures of aether that she could very well define. Brilan remembered the traces of each of her... old friends, scattered throughout their world. Sahfri's was not far. "How will you introduce me, Leara?" she asked.

"As I normally do, Your Grace," she quickly replied.

"Include my name, will you? The one I've always had."

"I will."

She wore a white dress, but with a vibrant gloss that shimmered with each movement, revealing a radiant golden-ivory shade. Her earrings were platinum, and her upper attire was somewhat revealing for the time of year. It was, however, very Siltori -- they had never been afraid of revealing their forms, and a long V ran into the center of her chest with no sleeves hiding her shoulders or arms. On her fingers were many rings, all of them gold save for a single silver one that held a series of words in Silvain. Trust in our history, for what comes of pride and greed.

Before long, she stepped through the doors that led to the gardens, and as she elegantly walked towards the Novalys mother and son she was preceded by her handmaiden, who bowed and knelt before Talon and Sahfri.

"I present to you, now, Lady Brilan of House Ald, Treveyn of the Land of Couronne, Queen in your tongue. Bearer of the Riftwick, Elder-Ascendant, premier of all magi. Rightful claimant of Railon and Verant, and regent-mother to the true heir of Indories."

The Elder grinned. "Sahfri," Brilan addressed her peer casually. "It has been too long. I would ask how fare your boys, but it appears I am before one now. Hello, Prince," her eyes averted, "I am Brilan -- consider me a friend. Does your nation fare well in these days?"
word count: 732
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Location: The Northlands of Karnor
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=127
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Talon’s eyes beheld the woman as she glided through the garden. The picture of elven refinement and grace, she was dressed in an immaculate gown that complimented the colors of his House. He wondered quietly if she wore such attire to honor House Novalys as a guest or simply because she preferred them. Whatever her reasons, the woman was every bit the queen that her handmaiden professed her to be. It was in that moment that Talon truly grasped the heights of old elven society, the stories his mother had told him as he grew up. While his mother was every bit the noblewoman she presented herself to be, in this woman, Talon saw a different side of nobility. He couldn’t quite place what it was but he could see a difference in the bearing between his mother and this Brilan of House Ald.

As his mother rose to greet her, Talon did as well. He folded back his wing so that she could step forward to the Lady. Sahfri stepped forward, extending her arms so that she could rest them lightly upon Brilan’s forearms. Leaning forward the Lady of House Novalys planted a kiss on each of Brilan’s cheeks with a warm smile.

“Brilan. It has indeed been too long.” Ever the hostess, Sahfri gestured to one of the plush cushions assembled around the polished wooden table. It was no more than ankle high but the table itself was spacious. Assembled was an array of small sandwiches, fruits and nuts with a tea pot and cups. Sahfri herself poured a selection of tea with hints of mint and berry. It was warm and made without milk or sugar as was customary for most Kalzasi brewed teas. Curled up next to a small saucer of fruit and nuts was the fluffy Minova bat that was ever Talon’s companion. The bat observed Brilan curiously, its sac inflated slightly giving it a puffy appearance.

Talon inclined his head and bowed slightly at the waist upon being addressed by Brilan. He knew not the meaning of her station but it was clear that his mother had great respect for her if Sahfri were serving the woman herself. Brilan’s titles, from her introduction, were many and certainly they were lofty though Talon knew only the meaning of a scant few. He acknowledged her as a woman of importance to have been invited to the Palace of the First Wind as an honored guest. He had to wonder though, for what purpose had his mother invited her? As he’d grown up, Talon had come to recognize that his mother seldom introduced him to people without reason. Often times that reason was to learn something from them? Exactly what? He would have to discover that himself through polite conversation.

“Well met, Lady Brilan. I am Talon, Firstborn son of the Sovereign. We welcome you to our home. Kalzasi has weathered a hard winter but we are stronger for it.” When his mother seated herself, Talon did as well. He again extended a wing for her, the insulation providing both warmth and shade. The silver cast of his wings shimmered slightly in the sunlight, Sahfri brought her tea cup to her lips and drank lightly. She spoke conversationally.

“Lady Brilan lives in Daravin. She rules over the province of Couronne from the palace of Ardensarat.” Sahfri’s voice became almost wistful as she spoke of the ancient palace that was Brilan’s home. Talon didn’t miss the note in his mother’s voice. He thought on the names of the places that were mentioned and when no memories of significance were forthcoming he smiled.

“Would you tell me of your home, Lady? I am afraid I know little of Daravin except that it neighbors my ancestral homeland.” Daravin was not often a topic of conversation in matters of Karnor except as a trade partner. There were quite a few accounts registered with the Novalys Mining Company that exchanged gold for the dragonshards that his family’s holdings mined. Indeed, Daravin was one of the largest importers of their shards if Talon’s memory served correctly. Beyond that, he was not familiar with its internal workings other than that it was an empire to rival the strength of the Gelerian Imperium if he was to believe the rumors.

word count: 735

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