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A Sick, Perfect World

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 5:47 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk
"A Sick, Perfect World"

38 Ash 122
Continued from Mission Incomplete

The sensation of a cold streak against his side caused Reiner to let out a distressed cry and begin climbing faster. He looked over his shoulder to see one of those damnable insectoid creatures tumbling back toward the roof of the hotel. He also saw ribbons of scarlet falling with it and it was only when his hazel gaze found the gaping gash at his side did he feel the pain of it.

"Scheiße!" He exclaimed, as the adrenaline gave him the burst he needed to scramble his way up to the ship- or at least close enough for someone to grab him by the arms and drag him the rest of the way. Bleeding profusely, he groaned as he tumbled onto the deck and passed out.

Then he was at a bar toasting his Cousin Brenner with the Air Commander-cum-First Minister's favorite spirit: Gelerian schnapps. He tipped his head too far back as he down the shot and fell backwards off the barstool, but instead of hitting the floor of the bar he shot up in a cot in the Noble Gambit's sickbay. He'd been dreaming... or crossed so close to the edge of death that he'd met his deceased cousin at the borders to Wraeden's realm.

He found himself surrounded by medics and winced as he processed the fact that one of them was piercing the tender flesh around the wound with a needle and sewing it shut. Tears were streaming down his cheeks revealing the pale, white complexion beneath the soot and blood that overwise covered his boyish visage. Two soldiers moved to grab him bodily by his arms to hold him still despite the reflex to writhe against the pain. He screamed until they muffled him by shoving a bit between his teeth.


Re: A Sick, Perfect World

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 7:44 pm
by Eitan Angevin
Eitan was glad he couldn't feel the flesh of the creature as he grasped it, yanking it away from Reiner's side and flinging it as far from the rope ladder as he could. The private's blood obeyed the laws of gravity and splattered in his eyes. He couldn't see whether the man was all right, but it had to be better than being bled by an abomination.

"Steig, Soldat!" he ordered at the top of his lungs, doing the same with all his might until something pierced the back of his knee. He bellowed, but had long ago learned to turn a scream of pain into something more heartening to those who followed him.

Eitan tried to keep climbing, occasionally pausing to try to kick the thing off. He couldn't see. He couldn't focus. He just kept climbing, pausing, kicking. It must have worked out because eventually his hand hit the taffrail and hands grabbed him and began to pull him bodily over. A gunshot rang over his head, leaving his ears tinny as many voices shouted at him, some in panic, some in encouragement. The mutant fell away. He could feel the hot wet slick from the back of his knee down into his boot.

"I'm the last," he shouted. "Get us out of here. Help me up."

Someone did, and he wiped the blood out of his eyes, staggering toward his fallen cousin-in-law. The Noble Gambit hove to one side when his orders were executed, and then the man holding him up urged him to sit so he could have his wound seen to when there were medics to spare.

By the time Reiner came screaming back to consciousness, Eitan had only allowed them a tourniquet and a tight bandage around his wound. They would not lose one of the few, precious remaining Dornkirks—not on his watch. His 'scratch' could be seen to once Reiner was stable, or when the airship docked at White Knight Island and the Grymalka and Kindred healers could blend magic, medicine, and the herbs they grew on his property to ensure his wound was clean and stitched properly.

As the soldiers moved to hold him down, Eitan lurched painfully to his feet and hopped over to grasp him by the hand.

"Look at me, Dornkirk," he shouted over his howling. Then he was silenced, and Eitan hoped that would prevent him biting off his own tongue. "You are going to be fine. You're safe. Now stop being a little bitch and squeeze my hand as hard as it hurts, all right?" Despite the mocking words, there was a hint of weary relief and gallows humor on his face, held close to his kinsman-by-marriage to distract him as much as possible.

Re: A Sick, Perfect World

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 10:47 pm
by Rune
Kuno had not been tapped to go down to the old hotel to bring supplies and protective aetheric upgrades to the soldiers who had held out there, and he wasn't particularly fussed about it. Matter of fact, he was rather glad, of it, though he wouldn't admit it if he'd been asked. Faffing about with starving civvies and putting boots on the ground in an active danger zone wasn't what he'd signed up to the military for and anyone who had bothered to take note of his career as a whole would have seen that. The situations in which he had stepped into the breach hadn't ever been his own idea, or, if they had, it was in situation where the calculated risk had felt worth the potential reward.

So, when Reiner had informed him that he was going down to his old stomping grounds to help his fellows and that Angevin was accompanying him it felt like the perfect opportunity to let his young friend shine in the spotlight. An excellent propaganda moment for the brand that Kuno was trying to build around the man he'd attached himself too.

Lieutenant Kämpfer spent the early afternoon in the communications office, chatting with the men that had been doing the job for more than a year. He had been what amounted to a uniformed messenger with a rifle before the 34th, so they knew him well and didn't mind if he spent a lazy afternoon 'checking up' on them. Keeping the relationships up was important and you never knew what you might overhear or become privy to in the hub. Over all it was a good way to pass the time, at least, it had been before one of the men inscribing the incoming ship messages stopped chuckling at one of Kuno's jokes and went pale. He wrote quickly and did not wait for the repeat before quickly handing the report to his superior. The Watch Captain read it while the first man began making copies. As soon as the Watch Captain finished he glanced around, quite obviously for a runner and, seeing Kuno, now standing tall from where he'd been leaning back against a desk, folded the message over itself once and thrust it towards him.

"Kämpfer, get this to the Minister, at once!"

Knowing better than to ask questions he snatched the note and took to the stairs that led up to the Ministers office. Even taking them two at a time, as his long legs allowed, he was still able to read the words written on the paper and refold it before he made it to the top. Upon arrival he himself was pale and worried but snapped to attention before the officer's desk outside the Ministers office only to be informed that Minister Dornkirk was working from the Hall that afternoon.

Swearing under his breath Kuno literally ran from the building and took one of the waiting small aircraft that were used to ferry folk between the growing number of islands. Not bothering to strap in properly for the short hop he just managed to land properly before shoving his way back out of the little pod-like vessel. The soldiers who were attending the landing area saw his rank insignia and recognized him on sight, at least enough not to stop him when he ran for the house with a look of stern determination planted firmly on his face.

He was admitted immediately to the house, having to say only, "Urgent message for the Minister.", at the side door. He was stopped, of course, right outside the Minister's home office by the man's butler, or whatever he exactly was in fancy folk terms. He saluted, because however much the man was called a servant he was also the key to anyone being allowed access and therefore outranked everyone but perhaps Angevin and the Minister himself.

Taking the note, Deinerin cast his eyes over it and then stepped into the office with only the pause of a quick knock to announce himself. The man might stand too much on ceremony but he wasn't stupid, Kuno would give him that. From the other side of the open door he could easily hear Dornkirk asking questions that none of them currently had answers to and then asking to be informed as soon as the Noble Gambit arrived. Kuno took that moment to move himself somewhere less conspicuous, not wanting to be asked to leave. He could hang around in the kitchens, pretend he was waiting to carry a return message. He'd done that very thing on more than one occasion and no one would question it. Even if they did, he was not leaving until he saw Reiner, orders or no.

Re: A Sick, Perfect World

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 11:07 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk
Reiner's hand felt numb, which only occurred to him because there was pressure upon it. His lolling eyes found the blurry image of a figure with a familiar voice barking commands at him. The Captain Seeker came into focus through the tears that were still being forced out by the sharp pain. There was blood everywhere and he knew most if not all of it was his, which made him woozy just to think on.

After a long delay he did oblige and squeeze Eitan's hand. That made him even weepier, because it felt like something family would do. This was perhaps the first moment Eitan truly felt like family to him, even if it was something they'd been playing at for weeks now. One of the medics thanked Eitan for the distraction as a syringe was produced and plunged unto Reiner's arm, putting him out within a matter of moments so the doctors could continue their work in comparative peace.

Reiner was sedated for the bulk of the flight back, only coming to as they were making their final approach and one of the medics roused him with smelling salts that jolted him to consciousness. He looked groggily around the room, which had been cleaned of a lot of his blood. The Captain Seeker was still there which, at first, he took to be a kind gesture but then realized that he, too, had been injured and probably needed care in the sickbay.

"Did I... stop being a little bitch?" He rasped weakly as he lifted his head from the cot to peer over at Eitan. "I kinda blacked out, so I don't really recall." He winced at the sting piercing his side as he moved his core.

Re: A Sick, Perfect World

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 11:17 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
The morning had passed pleasantly; work was still work, and there was always more, but between Deinerin and he having worked out a priority system, Eitan convincing him that feeling guilty over the things that had to go on the back burner was a good way to lose his mind, and Delia somewhat insistently suggesting that he spend the days he set aside for paperwork at his home office so he could interact with his family more, he felt he was making headway while also quite comfortable.

So used to the ways of his manservant was Stefan that, when he heard the tone of Deinerin's perfunctory knock, he knew something was wrong before the door was even opened. Coming to his feet behind his desk he took the note that was passed to him and read it without either of them saying a word. Deinerin waited while he reread the short missive, lacking in so many details that were suddenly vitally important that it made his chest clench.

Sending his brother-in-law and his cousin down to give relief to a group of fighting men that had held out without aid since the disastrous events of the 34th was a noble thing and spoke well of Reiner's instincts and intentions. It had been the right thing to do and also an easy decision to make, a rare combination in Stefan's life currently. It was supposed to be a quick flight down, drop off supplies, pick up civilians, ward the place for added safety, but something had gone wrong. The ship was returning post haste but there were dead and there were wounded. Both Eitan and Reiner had been named in the latter category but without specifics of any kind.

Trotting to the door in search of a messenger he spotted Lieutenant Kämpfer just about to turn back toward the section of the house mostly used by servants and called out to him. The man turned, saluted, and trotted back over to him in a perfect balance between understanding the gravity of the situation and knowing better than to outright run inside the manor house. When he was a few feet away he stopped and addressed Stefan formally. Ignoring military etiquette Stefan ordered him to go bring Orator Beeman as well as an Order healer. Kämpfer snapped off another salute and turned without comment to follow the order, whereupon Stefan added that, if any were in the building when he went to collect Beeman, that he should bring a Grymalka too. On hearing this the young soldier snapped off a 'Yes, Sir!' but kept right on going, for which Stefan could be only grateful.

He watched the messenger go, which he then realized he need not have done, and instead turned back to Deinerin and said he was going to go inform the wives. The statement went up at the end, making it almost a question. His man would hear it, he knew, and let him know if informing Eitan's wife and sister of his unknown, but injured, status would be cruel until they knew more. Deinerin gave him a firm nod that anyone else seeing would take for assent to his master's statement, but which informed Stefan that he should tell the ladies of the situation before their wounded relatives arrived. Accepting this reassurance Stefan went and did just that.

Re: A Sick, Perfect World

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 3:07 am
by Eitan Angevin
The Captain Seeker was rewarded for his efforts by a tremulous attempt at a smile, and after the injection, the lines of pain disappeared from the face of the Schönling Dornkirk. Only then did he allow a medic to pull him away and show some proper attention to his wound. They cut away the pant leg to assess the damage, and he waved away an injection of his own.

"Unnecessary," he said in a clipped tone, not unkind but certainly shorter than normal. "I need to be alert when we arrive in order to report."

And so, he was not sedated, but did quaff a canteen full of water to wash down a pastile that might dull it at least. By the time Reiner awoke, Eitan was seated stiffly in a chair beside his mechanical bed. He startled at the first rustle of stiff sheets, then smiled almost apologetically at the weary quip.

"Aye, soldier," he said, then flashed a grin. "You did all right. We are almost home. You'll live, and you'll be recovering at my house. That's where we're headed now. I'm to report to Stefan and the family physician ought to be there by now."

An airman with years in the service, Eitan was aware they were docking before a medic came in to alert them. He rose stiffly and was immediately handed a cane. Glancing at it, he sighed but did not make a fuss. He liked to present a strong, invincible front, but better the cane temporarily than a half-healed wound that pained him forever and marred his manly gait. Meanwhile, the medic strapped Reiner into the bed as others came in to help carry the bed, which would transform into a gurney. He would have liked to have walked beside the gurney—it felt as though they had shared an actual moment back there—but the airship's corridors were too narrow for that.

When Stefan had gone to inform the wives, Eitan's valet had appeared as if psychic and communed with his cousin. Lucrece was terribly pregnant and playing something soft on the harpsichord while the littlest Dornkirk napped in her bassinet and Delia worked at her desk, a pair of delicate, wire-framed reading spectacles perched on her nose. Better spectacles in her office than lines on her face, she assured her husband. They had taken the news in stride, which was to say, they were stoic about it. Lucrece looked pale, though. The three of them held quiet vigil then as the clockwork moved around the rest of the house preparing.

It was Eitan's Dienerin who knocked lightly before entering to announce that the Noble Gambit had been sighted. The nanny swept past him and waited until Delia stood, bowed, and then took the mistress' chair to oversee the sleeping infant while the ladies followed Dienerin out, and then each took one of Stefan's arms to meet the injured heroes. Delia knew that her husband wanted to leap ahead, and gave him a surreptitious squeeze to his arm and a knowing look. Rushing wouldn't get Eitan and Reiner to them faster, would only worry people more than they already likely were. They didn't dawdle, of course, and Dienerin prepared them for who would also be waiting at the quay that had been built by Stefan's engineers to make the floating manor easier to dock to.

Kindred and mundane farmers looked up from the crops they were tending in what had once been ornamental gardens and lawns. They glanced askance, taking their cues on how to respond by those presented by the Minister and the ladies. As per Dienerin's report, Dr. Stechpalme was waiting at the quay along with a sober-looking young man—Bruno Storlock—with a patch sewn to his arm that marked him a licensed Grymalka healer. Orator Agata Beeman was with them, as well as an officious-looking Warder and another Minder who looked more together than the Orator herself, who was brilliant, but often taken up with various trains of thought at the same time. Stefan's Dienerin and Lieutenant Kämpfer also stood waiting.

Meanwhile, on deck, Eitan was standing beside the gurney as they quickly moored to the quay. He had waved to his people, putting on a dashing smile, though he was a bit pale from everything. The ladies both relaxed their death grips on Stefan's arms at that. The reports that both men were stable hadn't been the same as seeing for themselves.

"Fuck," Eitan muttered, half to himself and half to Reiner. "Beeman's going to be pissed I didn't bash the one that had you against the hull and bring her its corpse for study. Oh well." He waved the gurney forward so the more grievously injured man could be taken to safety and comfort first. He followed close behind, carefully walking down the quay with his crutch. If he was missing a pant leg, at least he had a nice calf to show off. But his face grew grimmer as he approached.

Suddenly Lucrece was in his arms, but at least she wasn't attempting to bowl him over. Beeman began pestering the nearest medic for any samples from the new mutants.

"My apologies, Minister. Schiller has fallen."

Re: A Sick, Perfect World

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 11:17 am
by Reiner Dornkirk
Reiner donned a groggy smile in answer to Eitan's approval and the update on their status.

"Got it." He rasped, trying to sit up and wincing at the pain as he released the tension in his core and gave up, falling back against the pillow. Breathing heavily through his clenched teeth, he took a moment before trying to lift just his head to look around him at the state of the room. At least it wasn't completely painted in Reiner red, anymore, but there were still plenty of signs that the sickbay had fulfilled its function quite recently.

When the medic approached and started to strap him down, Reiner's somewhat addled mind was initially confused.

"Hey! What are you doing?" He knitted his brow and looked to Eitan for help.

"We're just moving you, son. Do you want to tumble off the gangplank and tear open that wound I just stitched shut?"

"Oh." That seemed to settle the private, even if it also yielded a blush of embarrassment. "Okay, sorry." He let his body relax as best he could, and sighed at the strange sensation of being wheeled through the ship. He'd never spent so much time looking at the ceilings of the Noble Gambit, but he felt like he was floating. It was sort of soothing being wheeled about on so flat a surface. Nothing at all like a bumpy carriage ride. The angle of descending the ramp was stranger still, as the attendants held firm to the gurney to keep it from rolling off on its own. At that angle, he was able to see the people waiting for them, which made him nervous. Stefan and the ladies made him anxious enough, but it was actually seeing Kuno (who he hadn't expected to be there for this moment) that really set his heart racing.

"At least you can walk there on your own two feet..." Reiner replied to Eitan's grip, "They're gonna think I'm an invalid." He glanced to the medic, tempted to ask if he could get off the gurney now that they were on the solid ground of the island, but not wanting to tempt ridicule in front of the august company they were now approaching.

As Eitan addressed Stefan, Reiner's eyes trailed to Kuno looking glassy and deeply apologetic, though he remained silent.

Re: A Sick, Perfect World

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 4:24 pm
by Rune
Kuno had run to do the Minister's bidding as soon as he was out of sight of the man himself and protocol be damned. He got a few alarmed looks from staff and the others that were on hand most of the time in the home of the Seeker and Minister, and a disapproving one from an older woman who he guessed was the housekeeper, but he neither stopped nor made any signs of being apologetic.

Taking back to the tiny airship he returned to The Windworks, which now held the double meaning of being the place in which all the government workings of the soaring islands took place, with at least as much haste as he had made in his first flight of the day. Upon arriving he, due to his rank, was allowed almost to the room in which the Orator was stationed. When he was stopped he gave the order that had come from the Minister as though he were the Minister and it had the desired effect. No one in such a small community would drop the Dornkirk name without its actual backing. It was a bit of information to tuck away for later that, should he ever find himself in a position to need to get something done more than he needed to remain in good standing, he could simply say the Minister had ordered something to get what he wanted and accept the consequences later.

While he awaited the Orator, for he fully intended to return with her, he had lower-level staff run for the others who had been requested or ordered. In a surprisingly, and relievingly, short amount of time all of those he'd been sent for were gathered at an airship that was somewhere between one of the little island hoppers and a real ship like the Noble Gambit. No one seemed to have thought to call for a pilot, which suited Kuno well as he was able to step into the role without anyone questioning this either. He didn't have nearly as much experience with the size of ship, but none of those coming aboard were even military, let alone ZADC, so if his take-off wasn't perfect according to protocol, no one would ever know it. Docking was more of a challenge since he was used to just landing small craft, but he managed it. When everyone exited they moved to the larger docking area where the Gambit would be coming in. After the Minister addressed the group they separated into three distinct little camps; Scientific Order members clustered together discussing what was known, the two healers, one of the Order and one of a Coven, silently waiting for their patients, and the Dornkirk group, the Minister, his wife, Angevin's very pregnant wife (who was well pretty enough that Kuno might have tried to tumble her had she not been off limits for several reasons) and the two man servants that were basically shadows of their masters, also quiet, though not wholly silent. Kuno considered before going to stand close enough to the family group that others might think he was there by their invitation but far enough from them that they themselves might assume he was there to carry messages or even as a soldier for their protection.

The Gambit arrived in due time, later for having stopped to drop off the other injured soldiers at the military infirmary first. This had been the Minister's order, once he knew neither of his kinsmen were in mortal danger. Kuno tried not to frown knowing that he, unlike Reiner, would have been sent off with the others if he'd been assigned to the mission. It was only a moment before medics from the ship brought Reiner out on a wheeled stretcher, followed by an obviously limping and bloodied Seeker.

It was actually an effort not to step up and meet his roommate and friend, particularly when their eyes met and he saw guilt and perhaps fear on the younger man's face.

The Seeker was addressing the Minister and Kuno knew he should be listening, should be tucking the information away, but it was hard to give his attention to anything but Reiner's wide, shocked eyes and the bandages, already soaking through with blood, wrapped around his middle. He did not say anything, of course, or move, but the tension in his body at not doing either would have been obvious to anyone who was paying him the slightest attention. Which was no one, except, maybe Reiner. Which was comfortingly reassuring; even in the presence of so many notables, Kuno was worth looking to.

Re: A Sick, Perfect World

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 4:50 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
Upon stepping into the room where Luca and Delia were going about their own day Stefan pulled himself up abruptly, at least, mentally. Physically he offered them each a small smile of greeting before starting with the words,

"Eitan is not in danger." Because it felt far safer than starting with any other fact, particularly considering his brother's wife might well go into labor if exposed to significantly shocking news. The sentence had an immediate reaction as both women ceased what they were doing and gave him their full and grave attention. An explanation followed and then the three of them made their way outside to wait, no one suggested they do otherwise. It felt right that he should support both of them with what strength he had in that moment, made him feel significantly stronger than he had when he went to tell them.

His Deinerin had been given orders about what message to return to the Noble Gambit and joined them only once that task was finished. In due course, they were joined by the group from the Order he had sent for, in addition to the Grymalkan he had requested and some other folk he assumed Beeman had brought of her own volition. That Dr. Stechpalme had come herself comforted him and he gave her a grateful nod but, outside of him informing them all of the situation (though they seemed to already know some), he did not speak to anyone. The only ones who spoke were, in fact, Beeman and her small team. When the Gambit was spotted approaching, still, no one spoke. It wasn't until Reiner, alarmingly on a gurney, and Eitan, less alarmingly but still worryingly, walking with a cane, appeared that anyone spoke above a hushed tone, and then it was Eitan who did it. Even with an arm around his wife and one of his pant legs missing the Seeker managed to look and sound official as he made the preliminary report, and apology that failed officers made to their superiors. Stefan's urge to brush it off or call it nonsense was tempered by his time as a leader of his people so, instead, he gave a formal nod of acknowledgment.

The good doctor and the Coven healer both stepped forward, the former going to Reiner, who appeared the worse for the wear, the latter to Eitan. The Grymalkan knelt there on the grass and closed his eyes in what Stefan could only assume was his aetheric way of examining a wound but Delia made a tsk sound before any real work could begin.

"Unless either one of them is dying," She started, her stance forming into the one that Stefan called 'I am not putting my hands on my hips because I am a Lady', "Then we should move this inside, out of the wind and into a sterile environment."

Beeman and her people had already began interrogating the healthy navy men and no one called them back as the group began to make their way into the house. As Stefan turned to follow the group he noticed that Lieutenant Kämpfer was still standing by, it spoke well of him but there was no longer any need for the man. As the Minister turned back to dismiss the man back to his other duties he caught the look that the young officer was casting at Reiner for just a moment before Kämpfer met Stefan's own eyes. The first look, worry, fear, helplessness and determination all mixed, and the second, which recognized that he was about to be dismissed and was in the balance as to whether to rebel against and order to that effect took Stefan aback for the split second before the man moved his eyes back to Facing Forward.

The thing was, Stefan had seen that look before, on Brenner, on Eitan, on other young officers who were being faced with following orders or supporting their close comrades in times of need. So, though his mouth stilled opened to give an order the words that made it up changed to,

"Lieutenant, accompany Private Dornkirk and see that he and the healers have everything they might need." The soldier opened his mouth quickly, as though to protest, eyes flashing, before his brain processed to contents of the order, at which point he too turned tack, snapped his boots together and saluted with a,

"Yes, Sir!" Before quickly following after the retreating group.

Inside, Delia had moved everyone into the bedroom they had arranged for the upcoming birth because it had basically everything that might be needed for immediate medical care and it was meticulously cleaned. It would have to be restored once the injured were seen to, but that was trivial.

Re: A Sick, Perfect World

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 9:51 pm
by Eitan Angevin
Eitan gave Reiner a pat on the shoulder, unsure whether their disparate duties would separate them, Reiner to a sickroom, Eitan to give further explanation. But Major Trier stepped forward as well, offering his own apologies and explanation while Eitan relied upon his cane and his wife to make progress back into his home. The married couple was able to put their heads together and assure themselves that the other was all right. His hand wanted to reach out and rest upon her swelling belly, but he refrained from it where everyone was watching.

Little Devil was peeking from behind a decorative stone vase now filled with an apple tree rather than flowers. He winked at the little Lysanrin as he made his way gingerly up to the front door. His Dienerin swooped into the other side of him in case wife and cane proved insufficient. Thankfully, Stechplame, Storlock, and the others were tending to Reiner and the other wounded. His knee was as good as to be expected and the sooner he was off of it, the less likely Schepalme would box the ears she had so carefully scuplted into human seeming when he was young.

Oh, good, he thought. Reiner's little friend would be with him. That ought to comfort the both of them.

"Dornkirk and I will be fine," he promised. "The graver threat is what ate through my wards, which withstood the explosions and the Dread Mists... something akin to what we found in the Warrens, they have adapted, mutated, and were able to feed upon my wards, which allowed other mutant creatures through them. They may have some samples from our wounds. I regret that in my haste, I yanked one off of Dornkirk and, instead of bringing it for examination, tossed it to the ground." He frowned as he would be beating himself up over that one for a while yet.

Eitan could only hope that between Stechpalme, Beeman, and Stefan, they could figure out more ways to combat the new threat.