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Posted: Sat May 27, 2023 10:35 pm
by Evandria

Full Name: Evandria
Race: Dragonborn (Human-Sea Dragon) Approval
Sex: Female
Age: 23 years old
Height: 5'7
Weight: 134 lbs

Birthdate: 25th of Searing, 100th Year of the Age of Steel
Birthplace: Somewhere in the Crystal Sea

Profession: Cartographer
Housing: Hitchhiking between ships
Partners: None

Fluencies: Common, Ecitharese
Conversationals: Nepthal
Ineptitudes: None


The sun-kissed skin and brown hair wild from the breeze are proof that the young woman spends most of her time in beaches and the open sea. Her unique lineage might not be noticeable at a first glance, but it is obvious enough when one properly laid eyes on her. Her eyes are impossibly blue and everchanging, mirroring whatever sea she is nearest to. Her body is laced with silvery blue, scales merging seamlessly with skin - more obvious in some places than others. Evandria embraces the stares she often gets, not bothering to hide her skin.


Easy smiles and freer laughs. One would believe that Evandria has no care in the world, not a weight in her heart. Her father taught her that the world is a wondrous place and that’s how she chose to view the world. She longed to see the world and experience every bit of it. Her bright mannerism seems to equate to naivete in other people’s eyes. Well… it is occasionally proven true, but the dragonborn is smarter than she looks.

Blessed with a quick wit and a sharp tongue, Evandria is not one to keep her opinions to herself. Being playfully and coy comes as naturally to her as swimming. The free-spirit often acts before she thinks, naturally getting into more trouble than she should. Her quips can be sharp and snide when she feels slighted, feeding into her delight if she can rile someone up. She’s reckless enough to risk getting into trouble for the satisfaction of a petty revenge. Nonetheless, her anger often dissipates as quick as it fires up.

Re: Evandria

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 7:17 pm
by Evandria

A girl born of the uncharted oceans. At least, that’s what her parents told her. Evandria’s first memory had always been being underwater, the expansive blue around her and the warm currents embracing her. Born out of the love of a sea dragon and a human man, Eve has always known who she is, the blood that runs through her veins.

Her father, a lighthouse keeper of the coast of Drathera, and formerly a sailor has fed her love for the ocean. He would often rent ships so they could go on sailing trips whenever the money allowed them to. Caemon also taught her about the stars, how to read them and let them show the paths of the world. She couldn’t count how many days they spent lying on the beach pointing at the skies.

Summer seasons were the best times of her life. It was the season where her mother, the sea dragon Eshadra, came to visit them. Her mother would stay with them during its entirety and in those brief pockets of time, they could pretend they were a normal family. Eshadra would take her for dives deep into the ocean, exploring places unreachable by most mortals. She learned of the water and magic it holds.

At least, until the sea dragon disappeared.

When she turned seventeen, that was the first time in her life that her mother wasn’t there on her birthday. The same thing happened the next year, and the year after that. Her last interaction with her mother was when she was sixteen. There was no news, no warnings. Her gifts never came. It was like she vanished from the face of the earth.

Once she was older, Caemon realized that her daughter’s yearning was far too strong and finally agreed to let her leave home to travel. With a heavy heart, the young woman finally found the nearest ship willing to take her into the seas. Now, she sails the seas in hopes of finding her mother or perhaps someone who knows where to find her.

Re: Evandria

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 12:56 pm
by Evandria

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Elementalism 25/100 Apprentice
Cartography 25/100 Apprentice
Swimming 20/100 Novice
Navigation 10/100 Novice
Astronomy 10/100 Novice
Drawing 10/100 Novice
Semblance 5/100 Novice
Seafaring 5/100 Novice
Survival 5/100 Novice

ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Character Creation+1001000
CS Approval+15150



Draconic Resilience - Every dragonborn has inside of them a spark of elemental or aethereal power that manifests as a natural resistance to the elemental power of their ancestry.

Magic Affinity - Because of their unique heritage, a Dragonborn will always survive an initiation into Rune Magic. However, they will always suffer the absolute worst form of that discipline’s threshold sickness. Furthermore, in the event that a dragonborn makes the choice to take up magic, because of their heightened capacity for it, they are able to take up (1) additional Grandmaster Magic as opposed to a singular one. However, this Dragonborn Magic must be a Personal Magic as this increased capacity for the arcane stems from their blood and biology moreso than their capacity to practice World Magic.

Limited Dragoncraft - Dragonborn can manifest their elemental breath weapon once per day.

Beastkin - Dragons are considered the apex predators of whatever biome they inhabit, with very few exceptions. For dragonborn, this translates to most natural beasts recognizing the draconic presence in their blood and giving them either a wide berth or are less likely to be timid or aggressive around them, depending on the dragonborn's lineage.

Mist Resistance - Because of their draconic lineage, dragonborn can naturally ignore the effects of Category 1 and 2 Dread Mists.

Re: Evandria

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 1:42 pm
by Evandria


1 Set of Clothing (Cloak or Coat and footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel
Charcoal (2)
Simple Compass
Blank Book


Aboard whatever ship willing to take her.


Starting Package +500 gp

Brushes -50 cp
Paint -25 cp
Quill - 20 cp
Ink -75 cp
Charcoal (2) -10 cp
Simple Compass -50 cp
Spyglass -60 cp
Blank Book -5 sp

Total: 499.21 gp