Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

The conclusion of a two-season period finally reaches its end!

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Title: Dabu
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Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
Frost 90th, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

Five months ago, a private expedition started to rescue a couple of men of considerable worth, depending on how one might've weighed their value. In the hands of the Inquisition it seemed like a nigh impossible feat, but they were family to a member of Rickter's own pack, as well as loyal soldiers dedicated to the Order. Whether everyone would be coming back or not, those left behind in Kalzasi would have no clue, until, a sudden message finally came through the mirror within the office of Nami No Ie.

Having remained inanimate for the duration of this venture it was like a beacon had lit up the dark, albeit, the Traversion spell used to generate the image proved strained and weak. The Eclipse simply did not help with this, however, those that had departed on the Windrunner had found a way... and they were coming home at last. Their estimated time of arrival had been today, and they came with a bit more substantial amount of cargo than they originally planned. That was fine. So long as those who were meant to be on board and part of that cargo were in it.

Thus everyone gathered at the Skyharbour to await the arrival of the Windrunner as the cloudjumper came into view, the jettison engines which kept sputtering at certain intervals. It was clear that the ship and magical technology that kept it afloat were quite challenged in comparison to its usual behavior patterns, however, the bulky vessel managed to steer into the alcove of the docking bay, with groans and sputters filling the air as the airship gradually eased into place with a near lofty thump in tow. "Oof! That thing has seen better days." Connor rapted with a wince to the airship as he rested his hands at his hips.

"If I had to guess, I'd say that the Eclipse threw a wrench in their escape plans for a bit." Patrick reasoned without looking away from the vessel, the final whirl of the magic propulsors dying out to signal the shutdown of the Windrunner's systems.

"Nobody could've anticipated a worldwide event stifling magic everywhere anyhow, the important thing is that they're finally back home." A fact that was not lost on anyone but a distinctive reminder from Rickter's own beloved, the excitement rising from everyone gathered though remained palpable within the loft of the skyharbour. Literally all those that were left behind when their last meeting had been held together, Rickter's family and Patrick's family, had come together in this moment to see their loved ones finally return home.

And so the bulkhead door on the deck clicked loudly several times, the structure swinging ajar moments after to allow those within to step out. Crew members of the vessel soon came pouring out, meeting with their own families that had been notified of their return as well. Soon after though, the main group that the wolf hoped to see finally stepped through, aiding those who needed help down from the vessel as they scaled ladders to reach the portside dock. There were crew members and... goblins? Rickter never knew Otis had employed goblins prior to this trip. The realization led him to narrow his gaze for a moment, before he really scrutinized the rest of the faces that came into view.

Otis and Erikson led the few Dawnmartyrs that had gone with them, with the five goblins sauntering in a cluster near the Windrunner's captain. Behind them though, a woman with dirty blonde hair who donned Grandal attire walked alongside a pair of men. "They're here!" Lady Elinora gasped with excited awe as the Barnell brothers all chimed in alongside her.

"Well shit, she's here too..." Patrick murmured with a low sigh before Rickter's father and uncle stood before the group.

"We finally made it back." Otis greeted them somewhat warmly, as the Maze family drew close to surround and hold him right away. It made sense, of course, Rickter could see the amount of love and worry Selene and their children had for the captain. And of course, Erikson was not left outside of their group hug either.

"I take it things went awry at the right time?" Rickter inquired as he noticed the lack of a few faces, since not all Dawnmartyrs nor Trevor seemed to be accounted for.

"Things quickly went awry the moment the sun became Eclipsed." Erikson remarked with a thoughtful gaze to the wolf, his expression softening to a near somber state before he looked toward the Barnells in turn. "But at the very least, we've brought a couple more soldiers home."

Allowing the pair to step through the small gathering, Albert who looked incredibly worse for wear hobbled forward, with Burton and the woman Patrick held reservations toward helping walk him. Elinora looked to be on the verge of tears as she bolted forward, and sure enough, the dear embrace of the parents led their grown children to follow suit and hug the two returned tightly. "Such a touching moment." Telion admitted warmly to Rickter and Erikson.

"Beautiful even." Hannah agreed as she seemed to hold back tears of her own. Rickter looked upon the reunited family with a soft smile, but a sadness lurked beneath his eyes as he pondered what happened. What had gone down during their venture in Gel'Grandal? Where was Trevor? Who were these additional people that had come home with them?

"I already know you have questions," Erikson noted as he drew close to the wolf, an arm reaching over his shoulders to pat Rickter and draw him in close from the side. "we'll talk more when we're back at the house. Better that we keep things between us that way."

"Understood." Rickter murmured in response before his blue eyes moved from his uncle to the family before him. A lot was going to be taken into account within the next hour or so, for now though, it was simply best to take in the bittersweet moment of the reunion between mother, father, and brothers who all shared laughter and tears together.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 1109
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Title: Dabu
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Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
Frost 90th, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

Back within the office of the family manor things had quickly grown excitably chaotic, as the staff now suddenly had to prep a rather hefty supper for not just the returned family members, but for the crew and additional stowaways that had come back with them to Kalzasi. A bit of a household banquet for the ones who put a lot of stock into this endeavor, as well as the crew members who had to give up weeks of their own personal lives just to help make this day achievable.

Telion had taken to watch the twins as she helped some of the staff make preparations, helping out Selene and Rickter's younger siblings with the arrangements. The Barnells were kept busy in the main hall with the Dawnmartyrs that accompanied them visiting Albert and Elinora, while the brothers made sure both their father and eldest brother Burton were kept comfortable. The goblins were scattered about investigating things, poking their noses into places they probably shouldn't have, and getting sassed by the staff of the house during the process. Chaos. Chaos everywhere.

But it was a good kind of chaos to hear, to listen to, from the confines of the office room that Rickter stood within. Otis and Erikson had accompanied him here, with Hannah, Patrick, and his female informant following along to join them before the office door slid to a close. "Now that we're behind closed doors, you should set a ward in place to silence the noise. We'll need to keep the details of this between us." Erikson suggested as he stood next to his brother Otis at the meeting table, Hannah and Patrick immediately glancing from the two men to Rickter as the wolf nodded in turn.

With a brief flourish of his hand, there came a soft pulsation of aether from Rickter's left arm, as the Rune of Negation flared in response to the fluctuation of aether the wolf unleashed. Though quick and quiet about it, there came an astounding silence from beyond the walls of the office, as the ward instilled upon them softly flared into a faint sheen of aether upon the surface. "There," the wolf remarked as he lowered his hand to turn toward his family and packmates, "no words shall be heard from within and beyond these walls."

Rickter then approached the meeting table where all the old notes they had stacked before remained, his eyes briefly on the maps of the Imperium and of Karnor, before they rested upon Otis and Erikson with intense curiosity. "Tell me everything that happened when you arrived in Gel'Grandal."

Both men nodded responsively as Erikson looked to Otis first, allowing the older to speak given he was the captain of this operation. "We navigated the Imperium skies fairly well, with minimal resistance and no threats from sky pirates. Things seemed to settle smoothly when we finally arrived at the capitol proper, as the business front we proposed there garnered some attention. Companies as well as a few crime organizations sought to hire us for transport, so we remained particular with our clientele the first couple of months we remained there."

"That's where things went to shit not much later..." Erikson remarked, garnering invested looks from those who were being clued in on what went down in the Imperium. "We did some detective work and investigated the names on your list, Hannah, and though they came to be a little useful... we still had little leeway on gaining information regarding the Inquisition."

"That's where I came in," Patrick's friend remarked after as he slightly frowned a little, "as they reached out to me asking for help infiltrating their ranks. Found it impossible given what they were asking, but from what they told me and reading Mother Nora's letter... I knew I had to do something to help."

"You're the informant she mentioned then? Patrick's friend?" Rickter inquired as she started to step forward toward him.


"Alexandria Stalgruhn." The woman introduced herself with an extended hand, as Rickter shook it with an intrigued look in his gaze. "Something like that. You're the one that sent all these men to rescue them, no? It took a lot of string-pulling just to make that happen, I hope you know that."

"I'm well aware..." He reluctantly agreed as she released his grip, a weighted sense of responsibility on his shoulders after she reminded him. "So what happened from there? Why didn't Trevor and the others make it back?"

"Well, thanks to Miss Stalgruhn here, we were able to make a few deals with some of the criminal organizations. But then the Eclipse started, and when we hoped there'd be ensuing chaos, the Empire somehow quickly managed to control the situation. Almost too easily." Erikson reported as he resumed the story, leading Hannah and Patrick to raise their eyebrows as Alexandria didn't seem hardly impressed.

"So I take it while shit got complicated real fast," Hannah chimed in with a fold of her arms beneath her chest, "Good to know the Empire hasn't changed much. How did Trevor fair when you all arrived there?" The rogue inquired respectively with an intrigued look to Alexandria, remembering she would've worked with the black robe a little during his time in the city.

"We collaborated a little bit, but for me to get on the inside of the Inquisition, he had to pull a few strings with members of his family." The sandy blonde responded with a falter in her gaze. "Since the information I needed to locate Bert and Burt wasn't easy to come by, I requested him to reach out to a couple of people. GIM Company and SMILE Incorporated representatives mainly, but a couple of The Families within the capitol. I don't know exactly what he did, but after losing contact with him last month, he finally reached out to me out of the blue."

"When we heard back from him," Erikson then weighed in, "he left a cryptic message related to getting into the Inquisition. He didn't provide any information beyond that."

"So in other words, he knew something was afoot, and struck a deal that likely cornered him in a tight spot." Hannah sighed with a pinch at the bridge of her nose. "I told that bastard to avoid making hasty decisions and unnecessary risks."

"If he isn't hiding out from one of The Families because of this, then he's probably in the custody of the Inquisition as is." Alexandria remarked with a few taps of her fingers on the table. "But his instructions were clear once we figured out his meaning. We had a fortnight to locate Albert and his son, knowing that we had a deadline, I had to continue fishing for information among the ranks before that came."

"So in other words..." Rickter trailed off with a suspicion as to where this was headed.

"We had an opportunity but it felt minuscule, and with the Inquisition likely closing in on us, we had to prepare for an extraction sooner than we anticipated." Otis elaborated as Erikson frowned in turn.

"We knew there was a chance that this would be a trap." The uncle clenched his jaw for a moment before he looked at Rickter. "Yet even so, something was off when we went to retrieve Albert and Burton. It felt as though that part of our operation had been rigged for us..."

"If any of the Families had anything to do with it, or if Trevor made a deal with someone superficial... Either way I don't see how we would've gotten them out with as little resistance as we did." Alexandria spoke in turn next, garnering a perplexed reaction from Rickter and Hannah. "Both of them went through unspeakable amount of torture in their time there. Burton suffered his share of physical and psychological injuries, Albert though... They put him through the wringer, enough so that he no longer walks the same, much less even talks now that he is finally free."

"Damn..." Patrick cursed with a clench of his fists.

"Those bastards." Hannah flared her moment of anger before she turned to reach out to the Atinoran, a thought to comfort him before a noise was heard. Scratches along the wooden planks of the floor, as the sound of nails signaled that the present company wasn't alone. Immediately they looked to find a Grackle lurking beneath the desk.

"EEEE!" The Goblinoid shrieked as he scrambled out from his hiding place, with an eagerness to run not for a window or door, but for cover behind Alexandria! Every single Maze in that office had braced their hands for weapons, only to pause when the lady held her hand up to prompt them for pause. "No hurt Gizmo, please! Gizmo no mean to eavesdrop on conversation!"

"Well, there's one Goblin that heard the story of this little operation..." Rickter couldn't help but sigh in annoyance, having felt a bit of frustration in not picking up the Grackle's scent.

"It's alright! He's alright! Gizmo's a good gobbo, aren't you?" Alexandria reasoned as she turned to look down at him, the ashen skin-toned Grackle eagerly looking up at her with dark beady eyes.

"Gizmo good! Gizmo best Grackle you ever know!!" Patrick looked at Alexandria completely stumped by the interaction, while Hannah could only stifle a giggle in turn before she folded her arms once more.

"So we lose a few members, and bring back a whole pack of Goblinoids. Why is that exactly?" The wolf finally inquired with a raised eyebrow, a little put off by Gizmo but not so much that he felt the creature a threat.

"Ironically, much to some of the crew's chagrin, the Goblinoids were wanting to leave Gel'Grandal. Some even offered to work aboard the airship for the chance to leave." Otis elaborated as he seemed to visibly relax, his older brother still a little wary of the Grackle.

"Gizmo help! Gizmo will work here in the shop! Help keep Imperial tech running even!"

"You brought back a bunch of tech?" Rickter then regarded with a look of surprise, his father and uncle both slightly grinning in response.

"Aye," Otis nodded in response, "much of which is going to House Veyl for investigation and distribution... But..." Rickter tilted his head forward as the amusement in his father's gaze grew. "We did bring home something you'd probably like. And Gizmo here seems like the best mechanic we know, at least to mentor Ramira on how to maintain it."

Somehow Rickter felt a sense of excitement that evoked those ghostly tail wags he'd sometimes get, as he didn't have a single guess as to what they could've meant. It would have to be retrieved from the Windrunner's cargo hold later, but for now, those assembled decided it best to cut the meeting short by that point. The information between those in that office would remain sworn to secrecy between all involved, and, soon after, a feast was to be had for the sacrifices made and the small victories that made this rescue such a monumental success.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 1979
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: Forge your Legend


Points: 8 XP
Loot: 1 Imperial Motorbike: Bronze Bronco model
Injuries: N/A

Comments: The culmination of a long overdo plot that I wish had more time to be thoroughly explored. Regardless, a write up on the motorbike is due from this. Looking forward to seeing when and how Rickter gets to learn the skills necessary to drive and operate it.

word count: 76
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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