Winter's Shield [Rickter]

Wherein Kala follows up on her treatment of Rickter's packmate.

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
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91st of Frost, Year 122 of Steel
The House of Waves

Kala had warned them that treatment for such severe physical trauma would be long and uncomfortable. This was not her first return visit, nor would it be her last. Sometimes the lord of the manor would be present, but often he was not. Sometimes it was easier for the patient when he was not hovering over her. His worry was palpable, and while not a bad thing in and of itself, the patient needed to focus on her recovery more than his feelings. It was a difficult lesson to learn, and Kala did not feel as though she was fit to teach it. Assuming she and Rickter survived as demigods, he would have plenty of time to learn it.

The house's staff knew her well enough now and she was welcomed. Unfailingly polite, she had sent word ahead whenever she planned to visit, and so they were expecting her. A servant helped with her cloak, revealing her oft disguised wings. Then, when her black leather bag was handed back, she thanked them. Now she knew to bring her full kit lest she be unprepared for anything she might find. Regrowing limbs was a challenge, and she had spent time in conference with her former teachers at the Tranquil Gardens to ensure she made no errors. Even so, it was a tricky thing; she could only do the best possible job and hope that the rest took care of itself.

"Ioniri willing," she murmured to herself, earning a curious smile from the servant who led her to the sickroom even though she knew the way well enough by now. Sometimes it was a kindness to allow other people to do such little things so they could feel as though they were helpful rather than helpless in a situation.
word count: 317
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Title: Dabu
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Winter's Shield
Frost 91st, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

Since the return of the trade envoy from the Imperium, things had steadily taken a few interesting turns. Evermore keeping Rickter busier as things should've settled down in certain aspects, as one would think, but clearly, the work itself never ended for one such in his disposition. Needless to say the entirety of Frost had been spent helping others where he can, and in turn, seeing that his beloved recuperated in the best possible manner. What he'd asked of Kala was no small task true, and she had already helped Telion make immense strides.

Albeit strides that were wrought with pain and even tears, nevertheless, the wolf did everything he could to continue encouraging the recovery. So when he had heard that Kala had arrived, thanks to the excellence of his hearing, the wolf looked up from the tome he'd taken time to read. It had been one of the few, even rare, breaks he'd allowed himself just to rest at his beloved's bedside. The pair were sharing a pot of tea as Telion had been given herbs to help ease much of the pain, though, it often made her sleepy as a result and led to more bed rest.

Not that the wolf didn't mind it, since he felt that he very much needed to see her at ease. Every reminder he faced when seeing her condition often wracked him with guilt still, even though she often tried to remind him that it wasn't his fault in the matter. As lovely as those words were coming from the lady, they still didn't change the fact of what he did to her in the end. Nothing. No matter who or what remained responsible... would ever change that fact in Rickter's mind.

Thus, the wolf lowered his book down into his lap when he heard the knock, and the gentle slide of the panel door revealed the arrival of their guest. "Welcome back, Lady Leukos." He greeted in a polite and soft tone, as to avoid disturbing the sleeping maiden in the bed next to his chair. The servant which guided her took her leave with a polite bow, and then went to resume her duties within the manor, leaving the three of them alone once Kala had entered the room.

"Time for another visit already?" He then politely inquired as he checked out the window past his shoulder, admittedly already losing track of time now that he'd sat down to relax for a bit.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion"
word count: 526
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
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Kala thanked the servant with a smile and her name; she had been to the House of Waves often enough to get to know some of the staff. She offered Rickter a slight boy, which was leagues more informal than she normally was. Perhaps it was due to her youth or her diminutive size or her upbringing in the remote mountains, but she had a strange way about her. Someday, perhaps Rickter would recognize a complementary wildness about her for all her calm. If he had the soul of a blizzard within him, she had starfire. Countless hours of meditation and pouring her youthful energy into dance and combat had helped her rein in her flashfire temper and people who met her now would be surprised to hear of her recklass childhood.

"Lord Maze," she said with a smile. Perhaps her formality was rubbing off on him. Certainly, they had spent more time together in this room fretting over the sleeping woman than anywhere else. She tended to be quiet in general, but was more so now as she noted the patient was sleeping, which was the best thing for healing.

Kala brought a chair close to the bedside and set it down silently before she sat. She could meditate upon the state of Telion's aetheric body and the progression of her flesh while they spoke.

"As much as I enjoy my work at the Palace, when I agree to something, I want to see it through and do it well. Even though it seems painstakingly slow, she is regenerating quite rapidly and I need to check frequently to nudge everything along on the right path." She had implanted the starfish artifacts in both Telion's shoulder and hip to encourage her body to learn that intrinsic regenerative power, and only hoped that the timing of completion was close to the time that the artifacts would lose power. Then she could simply let Telion's body cannibalize the foreign flesh rather than perform yet another surgery to remove them. But if that was necessary, she would bring Marda Ahtivin and Ioniri's grace would speed the healing and ease the pain.

"Has she eaten today?"
word count: 366
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Title: Dabu
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Winter's Shield
Frost 91st, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

The wolf couldn't help but softly grin now that Kala had taken to visit again today, her presence had not only influenced things between him and his pack, but practically everyone here within the House of Waves itself. He had yet to fully understand what domains or powers she possessed, never having the courage to really pry and ask, nevertheless, he treasured the positive changes that were developing from her involvement.

Since Telion's treatment began it had been a difficult process, even so, the wolf had seen the dynamic between him and his pack change little by little. Improve even, as Hannah's demeanor changed considerably over the course of the season, leading the wolf to sincerely value Kala as both a dear friend and fellow Demigod. In a way, her presence had influenced him also, which he'd hoped for the better, during the times which he was needed to assist his beloved with her treatments.

All the same, he'd developed a profound respect for her and her craft, which is why it was easy to tell when she started to read in on Telion's aura, once the lady had taken her seat between the bed and Rickter. "You've been nothing short of admirable, and our house has been blessed by your presence." He complimented when regarding her philosophy of commitment, especially given the dedication she'd devoted just to their cause alone.

Those at the palace and at the gardens were lucky, for in the time the wolf had spent getting to know Kala, he'd never seen anyone as caring and compassionate as her. When asked if she had eaten he looked over to the sleeping beauty, with a minor glance at the half cup of tea she'd drank before dozing off. "Twice." He finally remarked with a small if not humble smile. "Half her breakfast, but then all of her lunch. She's been eating more in-between treatments each day." Rickter elaborated with his gaze directed back to the winged healer.

"I think she's inspired by you and your diligence." The wolf then contemplated on their first meeting earlier in Frost, and the promise that he made in regards to Kala when she'd requested a rune from him. Naturally, she was welcomed to any in particular, and not just because she'd helped his pack in turn.

No, Rickter would look at Kala and he could see now that she was more, so much more than the graceful noble she carried herself as. And since she truly sought to preserve and protect those she cherished, then who was he to deny her that gift when he could provide it himself.

"I've not forgotten, by the way, and whenever you're ready... I'd be happy to provide you with whatever rune you seek. Negation, was it?" He inquired out of respect more than anything, but to also keep an open mind about the other types of magic she might want. Bearing runes could sometimes be a difficult process, but with Negation, he felt that Kala would be able to handle the threshold felt from it's initiation.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion"
word count: 633
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Kala Leukos
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Eventually, it had become clear that he knew what she was. Perhaps her skill at Semblance would not be enough to protect her secrets from other demigods forever; she would have to keep that in mind. At least he didn't seem to be the sort to run and tell others, else Talon, at least, would likely have come calling. For the most part, though, keeping her secrets was easy enough. Sahfri was running interference about her wings already. Most people only seemed vaguely aware of her existence, which was just how House Leukos had always wanted it.

"Thank you," she said simply for the compliment. "I believe anything worth doing is worth doing right."

She nodded thoughtfully, glad that Telion was providing her body the fuel required to recover. More than anything, Kala had had to assure her time and again that her limbs wouldn't always look so "ugly." But Kala had seen premature babies in her time at the Tranquil Gardens. People looked like many things before they looked like people, and eventually, her strange limbs would be whole. The skin would feel like skin. There would be nails, hairs, and all the little details that came last. To her Semblance, it also seemed as though the artifacts would not lose power before the work was done, but it was unlikely she would have to physically remove them. Once the magic was spent, her body would cannibalize them.

It had all been a learning process for her as well. She thought that she might do this again for someone and do it more quickly, but she had wanted to do it right rather than quickly this time.

When she woke, Kala intended to tell her that the time had come for her to try walking again, try using her arm. Even if they weren't fully formed yet, strengthening the nascent muscles would help them find their final form, answering the needs she set to them.


She hadn't forgotten the request and his reply either, but she had schooled herself to patience. If he had not brought it up by the time Telion was successfully treated, she would have asked again.

"Aye, Negation. The shadows remain a problem. I can fight them. I can empower others to fight them. But if I can ward things... those wards will survive even when I am not there. I would like to have that peace of mind, knowing that people are protected even in my absence. I know how threshold sickness presents with that Rune. If you would prefer to wait until Telion's treatment is complete, or have me bring in another healer to ensure I don't become reckless, I would submit to that." She smiled at him, liking the quiet, reliable Rickter as much as she appreciated the ferocious warrior in a battle.
word count: 478
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Title: Dabu
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Winter's Shield
Frost 91st, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

Rickter gave a hearty nod along with a warm smile to Kala, understanding the value in doing something right himself, after his blundering he had done the past several seasons.

In observing the healer using her Semblance he thought of doing the same, even if he weren't entirely aware of what he was to look at, there was still a slight grasp of understanding what the methodology of her treatment entailed.

Telion had expressed time and time again that the artifacts used to help her heal made her feel odd at times, and regaling the side effects she'd experienced throughout the past few months, the wolf almost couldn't count how many times they had something seafood related for supper.

But that was all in all part of helping her treatments, wherever he could at least, once he no longer felt as useless as he used to during the initial stages of her recovery. In a way, the two had come a long way from where they hard started, and though the wolf still held himself sorely responsible; his beloved made it clear that the mistake did not put him at fault entirely.

Whoever the Jester was from that night clearly had powers none of them were prepared for, and, was also connected to the Onishio attack in itself one way or another. What that meant in the long run was something they would find out eventually, but for the time being, the wolf spent his efforts on helping every member of his pack recover.

With the return of those left in the Imperium finally out of the way, things were beginning to turn around for the better. At least that's how he felt in the initial moment, the rest would sort itself out while they all carried on. Which is where he decided to bring up the promised Rune to Kala, having every intention to keep his word and provide it to her whenever was most convenient.

"Having that peace of mind is a blessing." He admitted in agreement at her expression, understanding her desire to keep others safe even when she wasn't around them. Wards he created could last a long time if he wanted them to, and after the Demon Tide's appearance, his loved ones had a few still in place for their own benefit.

No matter how protected he wanted them to be though, he knew he could not always be around to guarantee their safety. Therefore, he was left to reason that further down the road, others like Telion would continue to maintain and reinforce those wards should he ever fail to do so.

It was a countermeasure he felt necessary to keep them safeguarded, and having others around with Negation would certainly add to that benefit. But it wasn't just that, ideally, he knew Kala well enough to believe her more than knowledgeable. Time spent with her the past few months had given him more than that. Therefore, he nodded along to everything she expressed, and proceeded to glance over to his beloved in the thought of everything heard.

"When I went through the initiation upon receiving it, I was drawn into myself and had to decide my path from there." He shared with the recollection of the first time he received Negation, the rune being the first that his beloved bestowed unto him a little while after they'd met. "In a way, I'm sure the threshold sickness reinforced my... forbearance at the time."

He hadn't forgotten how quiet he used to be toward others, how his stoicism would remain ever-present wherever he went. Rickter wasn't honestly sure how Kala would be affected by such threshold sickness, but he believed her more than capable of dealing with it in her own clever manner. She was brilliant after all, and another example he could only hope to live up to. "Telion's treatment has come a long way thanks to you, and unless you feel it better to wait, then I see no harm in providing you with the Rune as is."

He figured if anything Kala would have whatever resources she needed at that time, seeing as how he'd provide her with whatever was needed to help carry out the treatment. Whether that was more of a helping hand from himself, one of the other packmates, or even from someone else with superior experience than their own. The wolf wanted to guarantee all the hard work his beloved put in would continue to pay off, and that her recovery would remain unhindered by any outside influences.

He trusted Kala's own judgment though, and rewarded her with another gentle grin before he leaned forward in his chair. "I'll see to it that you have every resource needed to handle her care, and, if your inclined to stay for the duration of the threshold sickness; we've a small garden in the backyard of the manor. As well as spare rooms we can provide you or anyone you deem necessary for the stay."

It wasn't much on his part, but it was better than providing what little he could.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion"
word count: 970
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
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Not only was she using her Semblance to check up on the patient, but she could sense the gist of Rickter's thoughts as well. Having spent quite a bit of time with Telion and whichever members of the pack who were around at those times, she had some idea of what had gone on and what had gone wrong. A great deal of the healing she had learned in the Tranquil Gardens had nothing to do with herbs, surgery, or even necromancy—physical injuries and even diseases were often caused or supported by stressors. He was putting himself under a great deal of stress; she knew because she did the same to herself, worrying more over her loved ones now that she had more power to look after them. If she failed in that with all that she had been granted, then it would be difficult not to tie that into her self-worth.

Perhaps they would both grow wiser, more dispassionate as they moved from mortality to immortality, but for the moment, she knew it wasn't easy.

"She is healing well," Kala averred. "I am probably overly fussy, but I was attempting something new and I do not want her to suffer for my inexperience. Even if threshold sickness takes me for a week or more, she ought to be fine. We don't have to delay things." She laughed quietly. "I will rest here afterward, though my brother might insist on carrying me home if I can't make it under my own power. Twins are overprotective sometimes." If she stayed or if she went, she knew she would be taken care of. She might not be part of Rickter's pack, nor he of hers, but like two creatures in the wild, they had circled each other, sniffed the air, and decided there was no threat.

Kala hoped he learned to believe that he wasn't just a threat to his loved ones or, rather, that with greater power, they had a responsibility to control themselves, to learn how to manage. Of course, with Naori's gift had come an attraction to Chaos. She didn't know yet what that meant.

"We all hurt the ones we love," she said suddenly. "Whether a mother's chance comment wounds a child or a man loses control of his power. From what I gather, what happened doesn't make you the same ilk as a man who beats his wife. There is power in you. Wildness. Aye, even violence. You must learn to channel all that into what you wish to accomplish. Telion has forgiven you. Now you must forgive yourself so you can heal as well. And if your loved ones know the risks involved in loving you, you must honor their choices to stand at your side. Allow them the agency to choose."

She looked down. Normally, she wasn't the type to offer advice without a request. But they were becoming something different than they had been before. The demigods must be united, too. She rolled up the left sleeve, revealing her Semblance Rune near her wrist. She kept rolling it up, thinking he could add his Rune to her skin closer to the flexion crease of her elbow—unless her words excited anger and he changed his mind.
word count: 555
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Title: Dabu
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Winter's Shield
Frost 91st, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

Ease was a beautiful affirmation when Rickter heard Kala express his beloved's progress, the fact Telion applied all her effort into it meant their goals were paying off. From the sound of it the winged healer had things figured out, if not sorted already, when she revealed her thoughts on the matter of staying around for a while.

The wolf nodded heartily in turn as he glanced from Telion's sleeping form, and back to Kala herself with a soft grin across his lips. "Family in general can be overprotective. Sometimes it's not such a bad thing though." He admitted as he found respect for Kala's twin, understanding the drive to keep something important to you safe from any possible danger.

Regardless, he looked at her as more than just a guest in his familial home, and the invitation he had extended had been done out of more than mere generosity. Rickter favored Kala because she was resourceful and brilliant, and from the way she applied herself, someone worth taking heed of whenever a beneficial word had been offered. Such was the case when she reached out to him, out of the blue, in regards to the event which still hung heavy inside his own heart.

What she had to say on the matter was true to contemplate; be it with magic, might, or even words, there was always the chance when one might hurt their loved ones. It flustered him at how truthful her words really were, and how sincere they came across when he actually heard them. Not because he didn't want to admit how right she was, but because of how hard he had been on himself since the moment he'd realized his error. How many times would he think to keep his pack mates close, only to find reason to put them at a 'safe' distance because of his actions?

At every turn he oft found himself at war with his own choices, when everything Kala expressed clearly stated the opposite of what he needed to do. Find peace. Heal from the past. It had been something he struggled with off and on before, but hearing her remind him brought out a more astonished reaction for a moment. Rickter honestly felt his eyes well with emotion briefly, before he genuinely smiled in response to the wisdom of a close friend. "Thank you." He conferred with a clearing of his throat, to at least exorcise the emotion which lingered there.

"I... Am my worst enemy when it comes to dwelling on past events. And somehow even your words are a sweet anodyne for troubled fools like me." He admitted with a hint of fondness in his tone, the corners of his lips rolling into another genuine grin as she started to reveal where she would like her rune to be located. "There then?" He nodded toward the spot before the crease of her elbow, shifting a bit more forward in preparation for channeling his aether. It wasn't every day that the wolf was able to confer a Rune onto another, the only people he'd ever shared with being Talon and Telion herself.

With Negation though, he had no doubt Kala would be able to handle herself well. Therefore, with the confirmation on location, Rickter gave his hands a brief rub over one another. The surface of his palms glimmered momentarily as the aether between them felt charged, and with a gentle take of her forearm, the wolf focused on the spot where the lady wished to bear her new Rune of Negation. It was a subtle motion he made honestly, one soft stroke of his thumb over the spot, and the aether within the digit laced its way into her skin upon contact.

The moment he felt the connection made his Negation rune gently flared, generating a glimmer beneath the sleeve of his shirt as the new Rune wove itself into Kala's flesh and soul.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion"
word count: 768
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
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Kala smiled at his response. Normally, she was not the type to offer unsolicited advice, but now she was rising toward divinity; perhaps her words should be heard. She would ruminate on that later. From what she understood, she was most likely going to have some mental and emotional backlash from this initiation. Work could wait a few days. For all that she didn't fully trust her demon-touched assistant, he was good at what he did.

Her face rose as he thanked her, sharing her smile with him and nodding. Whatever she was expecting, it was not the quick, careful swipe of his thumb across her skin. Years had passed since she was last initiated; she felt the tingle under her skin as well as the corresponding spiritual reaction. His application of the Rune was elegant and gentle, quite the opposite of how he was in battle. She hoped he remembered this side of himself when he felt like he was only the violence of a winter storm.

They said this Rune came from Keela Herself, a gift to protect people from the irresponsible use of magic. When he released her arm, she looked down, ran her fingertips over the new mark that would be with her forever. Well, as far as she knew—perhaps as she ascended, her Runes and arcane knowledge would blend into something akin to divine archmagic. Nobody had truly given her a lesson on how all this worked.

"Thank you, Rickter," she said. "I will use it to protect yours as well as mine." She paused, gaze turning inward as she tried to gauge her response to this new etching upon her soul. "I wonder whether I ought to race home to beat the threshold sickness or wait for Kaus to rescue me."

A soft laugh escaped her.

"From what I understand, it can make one feel invulnerable. At least we have seen that it is not so." Talon hadn't been invincible, after all. Thank the Gods he had returned, though she hoped a decision was made about the succession and soon. A regency was all well and good, but it wasn't meant to stretch on ad infinitum.

She could sense Kaus through their intense bond, and her other people through their easier connections. There was concern, but no true worry. Though she be but little, she was fierce.
word count: 398
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Title: Dabu
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Winter's Shield
Frost 91st, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

As the wolf left the mark of aether upon her flesh, he looked up from where the rune began to crest, and gauged the lady's reaction when it settled into her soul. In some ways, he could see a lot of his own beloved in Kala, which was probably another reason why he took to her so warmly.

Despite that though, having her around had brought much greater peace in mind, leading Rickter to appreciatively grin at her when he gradually pulled away. She would become a stalwart companion in the days to come, of that he felt sure, now that the rune itself rested upon her like a new beacon of hope.

With the sound of a promise though he almost heartily chuckled, still rather unused to the idea of others protecting his own for him. It was a promise he accepted with full confidence all the same. "Thank you." He remarked before her soft laughter filled the room, leading him to slightly tilt his head in curiosity at the lady.

"If need be, I'd be happy to escort you to him myself. Or even home if you prefer." He offered perhaps out of responsibility, though, that didn't mean he didn't wish to see her off in better form. Rickter felt certain she'd feel the effects of the threshold sickness soon, and while he wanted to ensure her safety regardless, he also understood the necessity for her if she chose not to have him as an escort.

Besides, Telion would need to be awakened in a little while anyways, and he certainly wanted to be there for her in the event she also had need of him in turn. "I can understand that much, as a power it certainly led me to feel the same at times." He didn't even need to recall what those times were, remembering how quickly he flew into the sun once he exercised such power with his own Rune of Negation.

Seeing as how she seemed inclined to prepare for departure, the wolf rose to a full stand with a hand offered for her. He had every intention to see his guest off in good spirits, therefore, wanted to ensure she'd be alright once the time finally came for her to leave. "You're going to be alright, Kala. More than that, you're going to do great things in the future. Greater than what you already have today."

He complimented with a warm smile to her, before nodding for the door in turn. "Shall we?"

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion"
word count: 531
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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