
The Jewel of the Northlands

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Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet:
Plot Notes:
Character Secrets:

☵ Reflection ☵

☵ 1st of Glade, Year 120, Age of Steel ☵

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
"Sojin Speech"

☵ All he could hear was that vile laughter, her disturbingly haughty laughter. He was in complete darkness, nowhere to run nowhere to hide, engulfed by utter darkness. All that accompanied him within this pitch-black abyss was her blood-curdling laugh. He couldnt move, just like that day.

He could see the cords of power latched to his form, holding him in place, her visage materializing from the shadows. One by one her disturbing figure sauntered toward him, hands cold as ice caressing his frame. The feeling made him sick to his stomach. He winced and whimpered in her grasp no full well there was no escaping it.

It was all too surreal to him, and he found himself crying. He was pathetic in this state, and even on that day, he was pathetic despite his best attempts. This time however there would be no one to save him. No unknown mages to aid him in his time of need. He wished for it to end and as if she had been reading his mind her taloned hand found its way buried into his chest.

With a gasp he awoke, covered in a cold sweat as his head looked about his room, heavy breathes escaping his lungs and he wiped the sweat from his face. That's how his morning began, that's how most of his morning began ever since that day. Even though it happened so long ago the memory of it all was still as fresh as if he had just lived it moments before.

Koto decided to take his mind off of it by training. He decided to train out in the estate courtyard. It was peaceful there and the trees were in bloom this season, it was beautiful to him. It was nice to see such things, helping the young viper clear his head of those nightmarish thoughts.

Before he could even begin though, his father called to him. With him was a gentleman Koto had never seen before, but as they got closer it was clear his father knew him very well. Koto stood and bowed to his father and guest. "Is there something you need father?" he inquired with a quirked brow. Now that they were close enough he could see this stranger with more clarity.

He was a tall man, with a bald head and a look in his eyes that Koto hadn't seen before. His eyes danced over the new face with scrutiny as his father introduced his guest. Kotoru, this is Sojin. From this point on he will act as your personal bodyguard. I have known Sojin for quite some time now. Since he was a young adolescent in fact. Kyofu explained, patting the man on the shoulders.

Kotoru bowed to Sojin again, as custom when meeting someone of the patriarch of the family. "As much as I appreciate your concern for me, I dont need a bodyguard." he refused, going back to where he was training at. Sojin couldnt help but laugh at that response.

"Is that right snake prince? If you didn't need a bodyguard, you wouldn't have gotten your ass kicked by that witch in the woods now would ya?" he teased, giving Kotoru the stink eye in such childish fashion. At that moment Kotoru was ready to punch the man clear into the next day.

The look on his face was that of pure anger as if Sojin had insulted his very mother with her standing there. Koto came at him, fist cocked and aimed to connect with Sojin's jaw, though it was caught by his father. There is no need for that my son, he didn't mean it, though it is something you needed to hear. he noted, tossing his son's fist to the side.

Sojin chuckled at the display of Koto and took a seat on a boulder in the courtyard. In any case, I wasn't suggesting he be your bodyguard, it has already been decided upon. Your mother and I believe this would be best for you. he added, which only added to Koto's disbelief and frustration. Now he had this guy being his "bodyguard", which he knew was his parent's eloquent way of calling him his glorified babysitter.

Besides, he comes bearing a gift at our request, a gift I'm sure you will come accustomed to in time and with adequate training. he added, giving a wave as he walked back into the estate. Koto was confused by such cryptic words. What gift could this man possibly have for him? Koto's glowing amber eyes looked to Sojin who seemed to be staring off into space, at least that's how it looked to him.

The longer he observed, the more he noticed that was not the case. It looks like Sojin was having a conversation. But no one was there but himself and the man so who could have been talking too. It was baffling to him, but then he saw it, well more so like felt it. The wind blew past him, then to Sojin as if welcoming an old friend. Sojin seemed to be at peace, the wind whirling around him and only him. He looked to Koto with a smirk his hand dancing just above the ground as the soil reached up to meet his fingers. Koto was amazed to witness this first hand, a twinkle of curiosity in his eyes, one that Sojin noticed.

"Its the beauty of Elementalism, what you are seeing. Its a rune magic, and its the gift your father was talking about. In exchange for giving you the Rune of Elementalism, he promised to help me with some unfinished business." Sojin explained, his eyes now falling onto Koto, "Consider this a peace offering, plus from what I've been told, it may mellow you a bit." he said with a chuckle, beckoning Koto to approach him.

Reluctant, Kotoru finally moved to sit next Sojin, observing just how Sojin was interacting with the ground and the wind around him. It was weird and amazing all at once. To think one could actually command the natural world with a rune of magic. The urge to learn all he could about the magic stirred in him like a vortex.

"If you want I can explain to you about this particular rune of magic as I inscribe it on you." he offered, gesturing to Koto to come closer. "Its the least I can do as your new bodyguard." he chuckled. "Just as long as you know I'm the one in charge of this dynamic." Koto chimed, lifting his shirt exposing his sapphire scales to the morning sun. They gleamed with a flash of brilliance as if it were the precious stone itself inlaid upon his very back.

Finding an empty space, Sojin began inscribing the rune upon Kotoru's flesh, explaining what was to come to the young lord. "I must warn you the threshold sickness that accompanies this rune of elementalism is a wild one. It will range depending on the person. For me, my bones felt as if they were breaking, healing, then breaking twice as painful."

That bit of information caused Koto's body to tense a bit, which Sojin felt and place his hand on the young lord's shoulder. "Relax, no matter what yours is it will pass after a few days." he assured, continuing his inscription of the rune upon him. "What can you tell me about Elementalism? Do you know its origins?" Koto inquired, turning his head slightly with the question.

"From what I hear, many believe it was a gift from the Dragon God of Nature, Aedrin. Among most common folk, however, when they think of mages they often think of us, as the things one can do with this magic is awe-inspiring. They honestly believe being a mage in of itself allows to bend the natural elements to one's will, but that's not the case." he noted with a hearty laugh.

"In any case, the Rune of Elementalism is as old as most rune magics, but it allows for the communication between mage and the world around them on a whole new level. If you are not aware, the four cardinal elements are Fire, Air, Water, & Earth. You really become one with nature, in all sense of the phrase. The elements of our world are the foundation of our livelihood, which many truly fail to understand.

Without the wind in the sails of our ships, the warmth of the fires in our homes, the soil that our crops grow from, and the water that nourishes our bodies we would no doubt perish. Be grateful to have this rune, for if you take care of the world around you, they too will look after you in turn."

His words seemed to hold some weight with Kotoru, why he could say. Maybe from witnessing how Sojin interacted with the ground and wind around him, and the mere fascination with the magic himself. That was his one fatal crutch, the love of magic and all it entailed. Who was he to discredit a practitioner so willing to share this rune with him?

After several moments later, Sojin had finished his inscription of the rune. "Come you should rest, the threshold sickness will no doubt be setting in rather soon." he advised, though it was too late as Kotoru had already collapsed over, his body cold to the touch and chills running up his spine. Sojin had no choice but to carry the young viper back within the estate and into the tender care of his mother. ☵
word count: 1783
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera


XP: 5/5
Magic? Yes. Can be used for Elementalism.

Elementalism: Initiation
Elementalsim: The Cardinal Four{Fire, Water, Air, Earth}
Elementalsim: Communing with Nature
Detection: Noticing when something isn't right
Etiquette: Bowing to Guests
Investigation: Observation is always better than asking questions.

Notes: Kotoru has been awarded the Rune of Elementalism. As his body adjusts to the conditions of being awakened to the raw Elements, he will find himself a little out of whack for a while. Seasonal allergies that he otherwise wouldn't have, shall bother him for a duration of 10 days. Throughout the season of Glade 120, Kotoru will occasionally be wracked with chills, fever, and even body aches along with dreams of being accosted, soothed or otherwise submerged in the elemental forces of Ransera. These are not debilitating conditions and remain on the level of mere annoyance. They can be mitigated with conventional medicine. However, they will persist for the duration of the full season and then will dissipate harmlessly.
word count: 174

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