Traces Left Behind

[GST] Talon receives a visit from a pair of misfits with something of interest.

The Holy Citadel of Light

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Title: Dabu
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Glade 70th, 123rd Year A.o.S.

The architecture was something out of a fairytale wherever he looked, having never seen such grandiose constructed in the manner it had. His family had been excited to visit and even explore Dawnhold days before he did, however, Patrick knew that his time would soon come to see it with his own eyes. Apparently, that day was today. "You still got that box, right?" The lusty rogue that followed him checked with her usual candor, as Patrick never found anything but a snobby attitude from her regularly.

He understood her concern though in asking the question, and was quick to pat the belted pouch hung from over his shoulder. "Don't worry, safely in this pouch right here." The brunette gave him a minor stink eye with a raised brow, as though she were impressed he hadn't lost it on the way to this place. But again, the architecture was immaculate to behold, and it became obvious when Patrick eyed every visible structure with a slight sense of wonder.

But not Hannah.

The brunette strutted onward ahead a couple of paces, if only to rest her hands on her hips and huff a bit. "So where do you think we'll find Him in this paradise?" Clearly she hadn't the slightest clue where to go, and to some small degree, Patrick was in the same boat given he'd not seen Talon for seasons yet.

"According to my Pawpaw, he frequents the citadel almost regularly?" Patrick reflected as he remembered what tidbits of information his father could provide.

"Then why are we in town?" Hannah's tone grew aggravated, leading the bartender to slightly grin at her in turn.

"... Sightseeing?" The rogue turned to give him yet another dirty look, her arms crossed as she started to march forward; with him following behind.

"We don't have time for this, Patty, Telion's back at the manor waiting. The sooner we find the big guy, the sooner we can share what he thinks on the matter." If he weren't nearly being reprimanded by her he'd say she sounded sexy being all about business, but the bartender did see her point in the matter, sightseeing would have to wait until they didn't have something important to do. After all, he promised the maimed mother that he'd meet with Talon, and share what little findings she had to bring up with the Demigod.

"You're right, I'm sorry. Maybe it's in this direction?" He corrected with a bit more pep in his step, with a thoughtful nod in the direction he thought they'd find their destination. Truth be told, the Atinoran hadn't the slightest clue where they would locate the Demigod, but he had a feeling that they weren't too far off from bumping into Him further down the way.

Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:41 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 500
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...and so by restructuring the internal core of the dragonshard, you can redirect and heighten the flow of power within it.” Floating within the palm of his hand was a magmatyte dragonshard. It glowed with volcanic fires. The air around it was emitting a mirage of heat that warmed the air but he remained in no danger from the scorching heat of the crystal. Fire was his kin element and made no effort to burn him. Still, he was holding it aloft with a simple application of Kinetics after having just displayed to several students of the Silver Tower that the magic of telekinetics could be used to alter and augment the flow of aether within an object. One of the Aspirants raised their hand. Talon inclined his head to them. The young woman rose to her feet, offering a reverent bow.

“Your Divine Highness.” She righted herself. “Are there other methods of achieving this feat? The manipulation of the Aether Flux is, of course, a powerful ability but…can this be done in other ways?”

Instead of answering her directly, Talon looked to his squire.

Mathias?” The young man did not miss a beat as he responded after getting to his feet.

Runeforging can achieve this same outcome through the utilization of the forge and rebuilding the aetheric pathways within the structure. Alchemy can also…umm…” He searched for the right word. “...the word for when…uh…you make something not--not natural…

There was a small chuckle. The young woman offered helpfully.

“Synthesize?” Mathias snapped his fingers.

Synthesize! Alchemy can also synthesize different and more potent properties!” Mathias grinned. Talon nodded, pleased with his squire’s response. Though he was much like Aoren in that he was more prone to wield his powers through intuition as opposed to academically, Mathias was not lacking in the capacity to learn and grasp arcane concepts. He surmised that was due to the fact that the young man had been in possession of Semblance for most of his life. Talon had found in his travels that Semblance bred curiosity. A bell chimed and the students began to gather their belongings, various books, papers and their quills.

This Wraedas, there will be an exam on the fundamentals of Scrivening! Do not forget to practice your pictography!” Talon nodded his head to Mathias as his squire waved. As soon as the aspirants made their way toward the door, his squire was encircled by other curious students. He could see Mathias being a little uncomfortable but he was glad that the young man seemed to be making friends among the Order. Talon turned to his desk so that he could begin collecting his materials. He was picking up his satchel when there came a knock at the door. He looked up to see a grey robed older woman with a silver belt around her waist. The informal attire of the Spellforged Magepriests of the Order had become that of grey robes with silver accents. Most of them carried wands bearing various enchantments at their hips and all of them wore amulets bearing the holy symbol of the Dawnmartyr Order.

Archmagister?” He recognized one of the most senior sorceresses of the Order. The woman bowed.

“My Light. There are guests to see you. Patrick Barnell and Hannah Venward. Shall I allow them entry, my Light?” The Knights of the Dawnmartyr were supremely selective of whom they allowed to get near him while within Dawnhold and even at Light’s Reach. He did not dissuade them from this practice but he worked to temper it with common sense and good judgement.

I know them. You may. Thank you, Archmagister.” Agatha bowed and departed. Talon continued quietly gathering his materials until he heard footsteps.


“You will be given precisely thirty minutes. No more. No less.” Agatha turned to face both Hannah and Patrick before rounding the corner leading to the classroom that Talon was located in. When it had become clear that both Patrick and Hannah had been wandering rather aimlessly and were seeking an audience with the Demigod of Light, the Knights had ushered them to the Silver Tower. There they had been met with some of the senior magepriests of the Order who had not been unkind but had been rather clear that Talon was not to be disturbed while giving one of his periods of instruction. They had then been taken to one of the Archmagisters of the Tower, Agatha Feldmont, an Atinorin woman with an outwardly stern countenance.

“Please make good use of this audience. His Divine Highness gives of His time freely, the little of it that He has but make no mistake, many are the things that require His Light.” With that, she gestured for Patrick and Hannah to proceed.

They would find Talon within a classroom with high windows overlooking the citadel. The sunlight streamed in through the windows and sought him out. It illuminated the silver of his hair, eyes and the feathers of his wings. The various witchmarks and runes upon Talon’s body glowed with a soft silver-white light. The room was heavy with the presence of the domains that Talon embodied, that of Justice, Light and most powerfully, Hope. He smiled as he saw Patrick and Hannah enter.

Patrick. Hannah. It is good to see you. Is Telion well?

"Hope light's the way."
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After having been guided and brought to the Silver Tower, the pair of misfits were clearly stricken with varying levels of impression. Patrick himself was still astounded by the very architecture they were brought into, while Hannah seemed more generally impressed with the number of people that had flocked under Talon's leadership. When they were guided to the classroom by Archmagister Agatha, she made it clear just how precious the Demigod's time would be, leading the rogue to side-eye the bartender sarcastically when they reached the doorway.

"Thank you, Archmagister, we'll keep it brief." Patrick assured with a soft smirk of affirmation, determined to be the more diplomatic of the pair, since Hannah was likely bound to smart off and merely create a situation. It helped that he recognized a fellow southerner when he met one, their temperance was not to be tried unwittingly either. Once the two were allowed inside he allowed the woman to enter first, the rogue strutting in with her usual gait as he followed with a soft chuckle.

The classroom looked immaculate if not brightened by Talon's very presence, the bartender having forgotten that he was in fact the very reincarnation of Arcas. He'd missed out on a lot in his time meandering the North, wandering the streets of Kalzasi to learn its culture. "Hey big guy, long time no see!" Hannah cooed rather playfully with a grin, with a brief glance past her shoulder as Patrick joined her side.

"Agreed, good to see you again pal." The bartender greeted as Hannah folded her arms, her hips poignantly tilted when he addressed Telion's health. "She is, for the most part."

"Not really fun when you're regrowing limbs from starfish though." The rogue added with a playful smirk, before she actually took a moment to consider herself, and her expression grew a bit more serious in turn. "She's actually been recuperating nicely, but lately, she's been obsessing over something."

"Which is why we came actually," Patrick weighed in with a thoughtful glance to Hannah, "she wanted to reach out to you to see if you could make anything out of this." He started to reach for the belted pouch across his chest, pulling the sleeve open so that he could tug out an object snuggly fit inside.

"By the way, we heard how precious your time is from Madame Luminance before she showed us in." Hannah started with yet another playful grin, though, Patrick quickly interjected once he finally pulled the object out of the pouch.

"And, we appreciate the that she did!" He warranted almost with a sarcastic snap to Hannah, though, he'd almost dropped the box which he'd pulled out in the process. Close one. He chuckled it off with a grin as he approached Talon to present the container, looking to be nothing more than a mere box the size of his palm; with scrivening markings etched with Traversion pictographs on the exterior. "Telion said that she'd been caught up in something she couldn't figure out."

"Apparently," the rogue went partially serious again, "she's been caught up in her memories. Saying something wasn't adding up."

"And when she mentioned you, she thought maybe you could help." Once the box had been presented Patrick held it there, allowing Talon to take it whenever he wanted to inspect the container. "She has a good memory as is, but she explained to me that since she found out about her pregnancy, she's been keeping memory logs in this box here. The father,"

"Asshole," Hannah lightly corrected which led him to briefly roll his eyes and chuckle.

"There's memories of him in there where she cannot remember him. Which is why she wanted us to seek you out." He finally finished with a soft and friendly smirk, admittedly pondering if later down the road Hannah would be the death of him or not.

Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 678
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It is a miracle that they allowed you in at all.” Talon chuckled, shaking his head. “The knights are selective of who they grant permission to come see me when I am here. Some of it, I think is born from a sense of reverence. Some, I think comes from fearing a repeat of what happened at my…at my wedding.

Aoren was not at his side at the moment. He was with a group of both knights and squires, currently flying through the skies of the surrounding area. The benefit of being a dragon, they had found, was being able to assist the gryphon riders in training to fight on gryphon back. He reached out to his bondmate, feeling the cascade of fiery warmth that always spread through him upon connecting with his beloved dragon’s mind and soul. Aoren was in the midst of aerial drills with the gryphon riders but he returned the telepathic affection before returning to the task at hand.

As Hannah and Patrick presented the box and the subsequent lorestone within it, Talon arched an eyebrow. He knew nothing about the father of the twins, only that he had been a man that Telion had loved very much at the time but memories of him seemed brief. A man in faded dreams who was just a shadow. He knew that Telion remembered the passion she had for the father of the twins but little else. An absent father and lover was not something Talon was familiar with. His own father had been quite present in his life. Even ruling as king, Savien had been a loving father that, no matter how tired he had been, always brightened at being around his family. He and Aoren did not enjoy spending prolonged periods of time away from each other. So he could only imagine how Telion must have felt as a single mother. It was one of the reasons he had made it abundantly clear that she, the twins, and their friends were welcome at the palace.

Talon picked up the lorestone. He brushed his thumb over it. He could see the aether flowing inside of it as easily as he could see the aether flux on any given day. He saw a brief flash of Telion holding her children. The woman’s smile was as bright as the sun. It made him drop his head for a moment as his thoughts went to his own child.

I often wonder what my son thinks of me.” The words escaped his mouth before he truly registered them. He had never spoken about the child the Imperium had forced him to sire. But he could feel him. Sometimes he could feel him as strongly as he did Aoren. It was in those times that he knew his son was experiencing emotional stress. He could not go to him. He did not know where his son was and every time he had tried to pinpoint where he was, his concentration grew hazy as though something were concealing him. So he would simply send him the warmth that he wanted to feel for his child. He could not sense his thoughts, but he could sense that his son was alive and that he was strong.

With the words spoken, Talon could not just take them back. He cleared his throat, opting to simply move on.

You wish for me to explore the aether of this stone? Perhaps see if I can discern anything?

"Hope light's the way."
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The Atinoran chuckled heartily at the express of being lucky with granted entry, his arms folded over one another as he gazed up at Talon with a certain fondness. "You're tellin' me pal! I about had to beg just to even reach the Archmagister." Hannah started to giggle a bit then, adding a bit of euphemism to the suggestion as though he actually might've.

"Telion and I still feel bad we missed that by the way," Hannah regarded more seriously after the mention of the wedding, "that Gods awful blizzard was a nightmare..." Truth be told she wasn't even sure how they would've made it, nor who's crazy plan she followed to even go out there. Only that Telion needed her the most at that time, therefore, provided the healer with that same unending support the rogue always showed.

"My mother Elinora, if you remember her at all, would send her condolences to you personally if she could. I know she intended to come to Kalzasi to help out your cause before..." As Patrick continued he trailed off, knowing that the subject was still sensitive to Talon, as well as moot to bring up given the event had already passed. "Well, regardless, she extends her love and wishes you well." The Atinoran assured her with a more passive smile, hopeful that the words would at least lighten the mood thereafter.

When Talon had picked up one of the numerous lorestones stored within, Patrick then continued to elaborate on what other instruction Telion had sent with him. "Telion said that the stones inside are all the ones she could find of this man. The rest she kept to store in another box she'll make, so you can hold onto these for as long as you need." It was then that the Atinoran and the rogue both heard a statement that warranted a look of astonishment. Both beheld Talon with a sense of awe when they heard what he had said, as it had been complete news to them that he even bore such a child.

"Oh... shit..." That would probably be one of the fewest times Hannah grew quieter, her stance loosened as she gazed at Talon with the utmost sympathy.

"Wow... Is there... anything we can do to help? Anything whatsoever?" Patrick offered as the woman gently walked over to approach Talon, her arms extended out to offer the winged Demigod a hug as she drew close.

"You name it, and I'll do everything I can to see it happen." She expressed in turn, clearly not afraid to slip back to Gel'Grandal herself if necessary. Though, both were doubtful that they could really do anything in turn, but regardless, Patrick and Hannah wanted Talon to know that they were there for Him. In any way possible. Whether or not He did accept the embrace from Hannah, the rogue would give him the space he might need afterward, and stood back near Patrick once Talon posed the inquiry.

"Yes, well... Not just that one. That box has an enchantment scrivened onto it so-"

"It's got every memory of that asshole that contradicts her memory." Hannah cut in almost with her tone at full sass, though, she clearly still had her mind on Talon more so than the stones themselves now. "You don't have to go through all of them, just a few, and you can send them back with word to Telion afterward."

The Atinoran faintly smiled once more, before looking from Hannah to Talon half-heartedly. "In your spare time of course, she knows that you're a busy man- er, God so to speak. So, whatever you discover during your time holding onto those, she'll be thankful to hear from you after your assessment." He confirmed with a tone of respect, the rogue glancing over to him with another fold of her arms, before the pair waited to hear what Talon had further to say on the matter.

Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 684
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Talon shook his head. He politely declined the hug. Any further intrusion upon this emotional ground and he felt as though some very raw wounds would rip open much wider than they already were. It had taken him months to reconcile the fact that not only had he been used by the Imperium as…whatever the Emperor had devised, but had also coerced him into siring a child he might never know. When he was certain that he could speak steadily he nodded.

I will examine them and see what I can find. Bear in mind that lorestones are not impervious to meddling or manipulation from outside forces. However, I am usually fairly schooled at looking for such things.” It was the only forewarning he would or could give with regard to what he might find.

Now, what specifically are you wanting me to search for? There must be a reason you are coming to me as opposed to a Sembler of the Circle of Spells?” There must have been a reason they wanted him in particular to perform this task. The perusal of lorestones was possible with anyone however searching for key clues and insights required the work of a Sembler and Talon was hardly unique in that regard when it came to Kalzasi and the myriad of magical practitioners in the city. He wanted to be sure he had a solid heading on what he was supposed to be searching for as he examined them in order to move forward as efficiently as possible.

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Hannah refrained from pushing the matter as she understood the boundaries Talon maintained, after all, the desire to keep yourself together in a moment of vulnerability always challenged her also. Thus she felt it best to keep their request brief if not to the point, knowing full well that the Lord of Light would retain a busy schedule in the process afterward. "That's all we can ask for." She assured him calmly with a more empathetic look, her arms folded over one another as she looked to Patrick next.

"Well that's kind of the motivation behind the request." He admitted reluctantly with his eyes back upon the box. "Telion's worried that magic might be involved somehow. But from what she's described, it's her memories that aren't adding up."

"If anything, she wants to find out who that man in the stones really is. If she can get a lead on him then we'll likely handle the rest." The rogue elaborated with a slow strut for the door, which led the Atinoran to eye her with a press of his brows.

"But c'mon, seriously Hannah?" The brunette then turned to eye him expectantly. "You don't think there's something to the inconsistencies as well? One day out of the blue Telion, you, and I all just forget whoever the father is?"

"The only thing I want out of all this is the opportunity to kick that man in the stones. For leaving Telion the way he did." There was a cold ruthlessness in her tone, and an anger in her eyes likely not unfamiliar to Talon. Yet she didn't wait any longer, rather, Hannah gave the demigod a final glance before her stern gaze softened into another soft grin. "Times up, right? We'll see you around big guy."

With the click of her heels on the floor the rogue proceeded to leave the room, leading Patrick to exhale a hefty sigh through his nostrils before he looked over to Talon. "There's something going on that Telion and I can't quite place. My mother's already looking into a couple of things, but if you can pick out any details that can help, then please just send word my way Talon." There developed a sentimental look in his eyes when he started to softly grin at the Lord of Light. "Telion deserves to know whatever happened to this guy, and I'll do whatever I can to help her find him."

"Until then," He started with a modest bow of his head toward Talon, "thank you so much for your time. We're only a letter or word away if you ever need anything." He assured the man before raising his head, and then taking his leave of the room once the farewells were exchanged.

word count: 490
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Title: Forge your Legend


Points: 10 XP
Loot: 1 Tiny Magic Chest
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Comments: Talon has been loaned a small box that has been scrivened with magic, the wooden surface etched with Traversion influenced pictography. Inside are what seem to be near countless memories of a person whom he cannot recall, at least until the man in question has finally had his existence restored.

word count: 77
Templates, Workshop
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