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Fighting For Your Life!

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 4:31 pm
by Læbirius
☠ 4th of Glade, Year 123, A.o.S ☠


took the rest of that day off and decided to use it wisely, before he could train his magics, he needed to train his body even more. Sure he was in athletic shape, and his body was adorned with lean sculpted muscles but he knew it wasnt enough. He knew he would need strength and endurance if he wanted to be able to handle the pains of combat at greater levels.

He decided to use one of the fighting dens in Drathera as a training ground, as it was oddly vacant at this time of night. Getting into more comfortable attire, Læ decided to run around the den a bit, you know to wake his body up and get ready for the training he was about to try and put his body through. He liked to train with as little hindrance as possible, feeling it restricted his movement and hindered him from being familiar with the techniques he was using.

Once his run was over he stretched, first with his legs. Sitting on the ground he spread his legs as wide as he could and reached for his toes, holding them for a few seconds then switching to the next leg. He brought the right leg back, holding it by his heel to stretch the quads, and mirrored the same move with his opposite leg. Bending over he spread his legs as far as the dirt would allow and reached both hands for the ground. He held himself in place for 5 minutes, fighting through the tension of the stretch till he was satisfied all the kinks had been pulled out.

The upper body came next, Læ placing one arm over the other's shoulder and pulling, and vice versa on the opposite arm. He would shift an arm up and over his head and reach behind to clasp his hands together and pull, repeating it on the other arm as well. Now that the stretching was done, he got to work.

In a pushup position, Læ would do a pushup, and move one space to his left till he reached the other side. By the time he got to the other side, his chest was tight and warm from the exercise doing its job, showing the result of the pump he just had. After warming up he went to grab his axe and shield from where it was resting and ventured to where Tydrian was waiting for him. It was a way into the lush jungle that surrounded the city of Drathera, and where they were lodging had an easy route to and from there.

He found Tydrian and Varinios in a clearing after traveling a moment, the two looking as though he had arrived at the tail end of a heated conversation. Varinios walked by Læ, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder, before taking his leave, giving the older half-ork and death glare. Today we are going to fight like true Ecithians, and this will determine if you are a true warrior or not.

In a weird and sudden rush of force, Taidryn rushed toward lae with his axe and shield and lifted their left hand to parry whatever strike he threw his way. His right came in for a shallow strike across Lae's chest and landed them with a widened stance. Like a switch was flipped, it seemed his mercy and kindness were gone. Taidryn's mouth remained flat, devoid of so much as a smile or even a snarl.

Lae knew that this wasn't going to be like the last sparring match they had, no this one was for higher stakes. The fact that he could die frightened him and got his blood pumping. The aspect of danger sent a rush of adrenaline through him a bit. It was clear the goal of this was to push Lae to his absolute limit, holding no reservations just because of who he was facing off against. In the half-elf's mind that meant one thing, he had to fight Taidryn with the clear intent to kill the man. He had no other choice, lest he be felled by the more experienced warrior.

As Taidryn came in with his ax, Lae dodged out of the way, trying to keep his distance from the warrior. He found himself looking for a way to gain an edge over the warrior. If he could stay away he would have some time to get a plan together to take Taidryn down. With that in mind, the moment Taidryn's axe hit the ground where Lae should have been the mage used that to slip into the dense jungle that surrounded the clearing they had been fighting in.

Even though he was out of his line of sight, Lae understood his other senses still worked, like his hearing and sense of smell. Lae needed to turn those against him but was struggling with which one to tackle first. He didnt have any throwing knives, which he could have used to throw the man off, making him think that he was near and use that to surprise him.

He did, however, have his shield. As the dust settled Lae threw his shield to the left side of the half ork, dipping around to Taidryn's right side. Coming from out onto his blind side Laebirius swung his axe with the intent to take the half-ork's leg off from the knee down. However, Taidryn's reaction speed was faster than Lae, and his axe came around parrying the weapon from making a clean hit. Rolling away Lae had no time to catch his breath as Taidryn had already closed the distance, his axe coming down hard, Lae blocking the strike, using his free hand as a brace.

The impact alone sent painful reverberation throughout his forearms as he rolled away once more onto his feet before another strike could connect. Stop running and fight me! he roared, charging Lae once more with a hail of attacks. Lae could barely keep up, but he wasn't going to back down from the assault either, blocking each strike and trying to strike back as well, though Taidryn was well prepared and easily parried it only to follow it up with a solid backhand to Lae's jaw before kicking him in the stomach and sending him across the grassy floor.

The thud from the impact of the kick was loud, and pain reverberated through his body like water pouring over him. He cursed in his native tongue but didnt remain on the floor long. He needed to get up and keep his wits about him. It was hard as his body hurt, his ears and head pounding with the dull ache of his pain. He moved his jaw around but found it to be dislocated, wincing from the discomfort of it.

He couldnt land a successful hit, he couldnt catch him off guard, so what was the best way to defeat such a warrior? How could he defeat a warrior of this skill? It pained and irritated him knowing that he had no options, that it was a truly one-sided fight, but he did ask for this. He could have very well learned a new technique in Summoning or one of the world magics with Varinios, but he wanted more strength, the be strong like Taidryn, so he sucked it up and pressed forward.

With one hand he punched his own jaw back into place, and after a few whacks, it was back in place, throbbing from the abuse, spitting out blood he had apparently had filling his mouth. He didnt know what he would do but he was determined to win. Getting within striking range the half-elf aimed for a slash across Tai's face, primarily his eyes. Taidryn saw this and leaned back to avoid the attack but it was a ploy.

Dropping the axe into his other hand he gave Taidryn a clean slash across his chest, the attack causing a reactionary response in the half-ork. He immediately returned an attack of his own and slashed across Lae's chest as well, disarming the young warrior and sending him falling back onto the grassy floor. In his rage, he went to go bring his axe down on Lae, but Varinios's blade parried and disarmed the enraged ork. The tip of his saber kissed the flesh of Taidryn's neck as the Vastian male glared death into the man. "I think that's enough Ecithian training for today, don't you?" he growled.

Both men glared at each other, till Lae began to cough up some blood, holding the wound on his chest. Varinios came to his side, sheathing his blade and picking Lae up bridal style. Taidryn, after finally realizing what he had done, went to reach out for Lae, but Varinios backed away from him, turning to head back to the inn. "...I'm sorry," he said while Lae was carried away. "I lost my senses for a moment... I'll do better next time." he apologized, watching as Lae gave him a smile, and a thumbs up. Varinios would treat his wounds anyway, so there was no harm in this in the eyes of the half-elf.


"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"

Re: Fighting For Your Life!

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 3:23 pm
by Rune


Points: 8 points, not for magic

Injuries/Ailments: Chest injury, please write the healing of this wound in another thread, otherwise it will be healed after a season.

Loot: None
