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Visiting the dangerous city

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 6:04 pm
by Ivar
123 Glade 53rd

Ivar had set foot in the city not too long ago after his airship ride. It’d taken over a day and while he had napped during the trip he did not exactly have good rest because the experience of flying was entirely new to him. He hated every second of it. He liked having full control over his own movement. Every time the wind buffeted the airship he tried to calculate how many blinks he’d have to do to get to the ground, not that he thought that’d be a very good idea.

He felt dread knowing that he was treading into unknown territory. Despite the knot in his stomach, Ivar knew that this journey was necessary. To be a respectable traverser, one must traverse. To stay within the comfort of familiar realms would be to deny the very essence of his chosen path.

Wandering through the streets, Ivar was an outsider in every sense. His steps were tentative and unsure, lacking the confident strides of a man familiar with his surroundings. Yet, he refused to let his unfamiliarity show on his face. His eyes were constantly on the move, scanning the area for any signs of a place where he could rest for the night.

It was clear that things were not quite right in this city. Of course he’d heard vague details of the danger but it didn’t really hit him until he’d arrived. Amidst this chaos, there was a sense of thrill, the feeling of being part of something bigger and more diverse than his usual confines.

He was looking for an inn. One he could stay at for a short while during which he hoped to be able to navigate the slipspace back to Kalzasi. He was going to give himself a week or two to do it and if he couldn’t he would have to pay for another expensive ride back home.

Re: Visiting the dangerous city

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 8:36 pm
by Dreyfus
⚔ 53rd of Glade, Year 123, A.o.S ⚔
Company: ???| Thoughts: ???| Mood: ???

Carnage....that's all he could hear was the sound of himself fighting and the death wails of the abominations, the squelching of mutated flesh as his magic rendered them asunder. Accompanying his footsteps was the sound of something giving chase behind him as he fled from one of the districts. There was definitely more than one behind him, their towering footsteps echoing through the ruined streets.

Two sets of footsteps, more like paws, tearing up dirt as the rabid monstrous hounds they belonged to were right behind the vampyre. He cut around a corner only to find himself in an alley and turned to find his pursuers closing in on him. Many would panic, but as the first demon hound leaped to devour him whole, his hand went forward, and an anchor formed causing a shield to shimmer into existence as the beast chomped onto it.

The impact of the rabid mongrel hitting the glittering shield sent the vampyre back crashing into and through the brick wall of the alley as it struggled to bite through it, allowing Dreyfus to unsheath Blood Thorn and drive it through the unholy hound's skull. Catching his footing he forced the damned beast to the ground and his eyes fell on the other. It came charge at him, but the vampyre never flinched, his eyes glowing intensely as he seized control of its motor functions.

He forced it to kneel, its head moving into a bowing position. Raising Blood Thorn high, he brought it down slicing through its neck. He let out a sigh as he walked past the headless corpse and back out onto the streets. He wouldn't make it to his house if he kept getting caught and attacked by the creatures that stalked the streets.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

[S E T T I N GxxT H E M E]

Re: Visiting the dangerous city

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2023 7:15 am
by Ivar
Ivar was in shock as he witnessed the staggering display that had just taken place. The sight of spilled blood was enough to make this danger-averse man panic. He stood frozen as the vampyre made quick work of the two demonic hounds, dispatching them as if it was just another day in the life of a Zaichaer resident.

"That was... incredible."

Ivar found his voice, his eyes wide and filled with a combination of awe and fear. The sheer display of power was unlike anything he had ever seen before. Every fiber of his being wanted to flee, yet he was rooted to the spot, mesmerized by the unbelievable scene that had just unfolded.

Slowly, he found his legs moving of their own accord, carrying him closer to the aftermath of the battle. He felt as though he was walking through a dream, his steps echoing loudly in his ears, the sounds of the city fading away into a dull murmur. He swallowed hard, his hand instinctively tightening around the hilt of his katana. Suddenly, his own sword felt woefully inadequate in his hands. The katana seemed like a mere twig compared to the Blood Thorn.

When he thought the coast was clear, he teleported such that he would appear a few meters in front of the man as he walked back out onto the streets. The dawnstone in his pocket made it so he could still use basic magic. It’d been a necessary purchase for the purposes of his visit.

"Hey there, you okay? Are there... are there more coming?"

His eyes darted back to where the man had come from, half-expecting to see more of the monstrous beasts charging towards them. He’d expected the city to be dangerous, but not THIS dangerous. He was suddenly starting to regret coming here at all.

Re: Visiting the dangerous city

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:10 pm
by Dreyfus
⚔ 53rd of Glade, Year 123, A.o.S ⚔
Company: Mortal| Thoughts: Who are you?| Mood: Cautious

He felt the new presence before he saw the man, and even then his guard was already on high. Hearing his voice however alerted the vampyre that he was a mere mortal, not a flesh abomination or mist monster mimicking a human. Turning he regarded the male with glowing crimson eyes as he smirked at the man's praise, and shook his head when asked if more of those damned hounds were around. "No, for the moment none seem to be in the area, though I'm curious as to why a tourist is walking the streets of a ruined and forsaken city."

He appraisingly looked the man over, before motioning him to follow, as Dreyfus had to continue to push his way to the west end. He felt it was best to go through the city to get a lay of the condition of things before making plans for his much greater task. He didn't think it was going to be an easy attempt, not to mention he was bordering a serious hunger, another reason why he didn't want to look the man in the eyes, as he wouldn't be able to help himself and drain the poor sap dry.

"Judging from your attire I can only assume you are not a native son of Zaichear, correct? So where is it that you hail from?" he asked, holding up and hand to signal they needed to stop, crouching down and looking over his shoulder, making a Shhhh gesture as he could feel something moving. Moments later he could see more of those twisted bipedal hounds looking about, far enough away that they would go unnoticed but close enough to close the distances within a few steps.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

[S E T T I N GxxT H E M E]

Re: Visiting the dangerous city

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 2:28 pm
by Ivar
Ivar followed the man and thought about what to say. He didn’t know if he could trust him but if he had to stick around someone, it’d be the guy with proven combat experience.

"Actually, you're right. I'm a magical student from a college in Kalzasi. My ambition, a bit lofty I confess, is to learn to teleport myself back home as a test of my skills. In my defense, I didn’t think things were this bad. I take it you live here?"

He was instructed to be quiet so he gave a nonchalant shrug, trying to downplay the enormity of the situation here. His thoughts shifted towards the dire state of the city. His sphere of knowledge as an info broker rarely extended outside of Kalzasi. It was easy to see that the city was a mere shell of its past.

He was going to talk some more but he spotted the hounds that he guessed Drey had somehow detected earlier. They were nightmarish creatures, far removed from what he’d expect of a normal animal. As he watched them silently he felt a strange mix of fear and fascination.

He drew his katana as silently as possible but he wasn’t quiet enough. The sound of his unsheathing motion was enough to catch a few of their attention and they stared right at their hiding spot. Ivar gulped and decided to take action.

In an instant, he was standing beside one of the hounds. He slashed at it once, gouging its flank. He hadn’t been strong or skillful enough to immobilize it. He quickly learned that cutting through a hound was nowhere near as simple as cutting through a slime.

He debated slashing again but by this point all the hounds were lunging at him. He swore then blinked up to a balcony on the adjacent building. He looked over to Drey with a puzzled look as if asking what the hell he should do now.

Re: Visiting the dangerous city

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 9:57 pm
by Dreyfus
⚔ 53rd of Glade, Year 123, A.o.S ⚔
Company: Mortal| Thoughts: You Fool! | Mood: Irritated, Focused

It was just his luck that one of all the humans he would have met, it would be someone brazen enough to attack when the situation called for stealth. Granted the smell of their slain kin on his body drew them closer, but the unsheathing of steel was enough to gather their attention. He readied himself for their advance but hissed in irritation as the mortal lunged into the horde himself. "You fool, what are you thinking?!" he hissed as he watched the fool hearty attempt, only for it to fail.

Quickly he launched himself into the fray, using his dual sword in combination with some well-timed pushes and pulls of the flux of aether around his feet to move swiftly between the monstrous hounds, cleaving off legs in the process. Pushing himself forward he embedded his blades into their skulls, as more came to swarm him. Pushing off the ground he allowed kinetically pressed platforms to materialize, a technique that he had come to use well in battle and travel. Leaping off the platform he spun around two more, landing behind them.

In that same moment, he pushed backward into a turning spin to take the two by the neck with his blades as they had turned to lunge at him. More seemed to be charging from different spaces in the ruined city, but there was one that caught the vampyre's eye. This one was larger and was an ashen white color. It watched from afar as the other came in to attack. Looking up to where the mortal had teleported to glare for just a moment. "I believe it best you sit tight up there as I deal with these abominations." he ordered.

Opening his aether to the run of vitalis, Dreyfus enacted Adrenosis, his veins becoming visible within manner flame as his system was flooded with adrenaline heightening his reflexes, perception, and agility. Taking off he cleaved through the leading monsters as he made his way to the ashen one. He hoped the human wouldn't do anything to garner any more attention or danger to himself while the vampyre focused on his prey.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

[Village & Void]

Re: Visiting the dangerous city

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 2:28 pm
by Ivar
Ivar was absolutely starstruck as he watched Drey brandish his sword and carved through the monstrous entities that had spilled into their world. His movements were fluid, graceful even, making each swing of his blade look like an artful dance of death. An array of platforms materialized under Drey's command, a tactical maneuver that held Ivar's gaze in awe.

This was all so different from what Ivar had seen or learned at school. Not that he hadn’t learned practical uses of magic, but slaying beasts wasn’t exactly a course he was aware of. The stark difference between the application of their skills brought forth a sense of inadequacy in Ivar.

As Drey cut a path through the monstrosities, heading towards the assumed leader of the pack, a sense of urgency overcame Ivar. A realization that he couldn't remain a spectator any longer. His mistakes had caused this chaos, and it was time he took responsibility.

Ivar knew he'd been ordered to stay put but he felt the need to prove that he wasn't worthless. He suppressed his urge to let Drey do literally everything on his own and extended his hand forward. He conjured a portal, a small, one-foot diameter window through space. After a few steps back, he charged forward, his curved blade leading the way, piercing the fabric of space as he thrust it into the portal.

The tip of his sword emerged from a similar ripple in space, right beside the ashen creature. As Ivar roared and pushed with all his might, the blade bit into the creature's flank. Despite his effort, he knew that his physical strength and skill with a blade was limited. His attack was enough to embed the weapon into its body but that’s about it.

With a startled cry, the creature turned, investigating the source of the unexpected attack. In doing so, it yanked Ivar's sword from his grip and disrupted the portal. Ivar held out his hand with the intention of hitching the weapon back to his hand, but it was difficult to do so because it was lodged in a living being. This was yet another thing that Ivar hadn’t been prepared for at school.

Ivar had intended to kill the creature but at least he’d done well to distract it. With any luck Drey would take advantage of the opening. If Drey did end up coming out victorious, Ivar would blink down and yank his sword out of the creature before saying, “sorry about that. This had gone a lot more smoothly in my head. I'm not used to having to use magic offensively... Where'd you learn how to fight like that?”

Re: Visiting the dangerous city

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 6:44 pm
by Dreyfus
⚔ 53rd of Glade, Year 123, A.o.S ⚔
Company: Mortal| Thoughts: You Fool! | Mood: Irritated, Focused

This was one of the rare cases in which Dreyfus could flex his magical might. However he couldn't get too lost in the battle as he still had the mortal to deal with, granted it wouldn't be his fault if the man died trying to fight above his weight class, but Dreyfus knew Victor would never let him hear the end of it. Quickly he moved to intercept the man.

Bouncing from one kinetic platform to another, Dreyfus was building anchors in his sword hands, and when he landed in front of the mortal male, he launched them forward, a ward coming alive in front of him as the ashen white demon hound lunged at them, its maw wide open to swallow them at an angle. He focused on keeping them both safe, as it would take the smaller ones some time to get to them, but he didn't plan on fighting that long. In all honesty, this was both a nuisance and a problem, as despite needing the arcane exercise, he did have time to waste.

As the beast clashed with the magical barrier, Dreyfus took a risk, his rune of vitalis coming to life as he flooded it once again with his vitale. Thrusting a hand forward he reaches out into the beast, seizing control of its blood. His eyes glowed a bright red as he began to cause the cells in the beast's mutated blood to burst and decay rapidly. The evidence of this for Ivar if he was paying attention would be the beast reeling in pain and agony, yelps of pain echoing as parts of its body exploding with bloody bursts.

Every orifice on the creature began to spew blood as its body convulsed, more pockets of blood bursting forth, its ashen fur now a muddy red. Clenching his fist, the vampyre sealed its fate as a fountain of blood erupted from its eyes and mouth, its body thudding onto the ground. Before he could even assess if the thing was dead, which he was sure it was, Dreyfus grabbed the mortal male and accelerated the male away. The speed at which he moved, mixing both the acceleration of the flux, as well as pushing off the ground to gain more ground allowed them to clear much distance, and find a spot to rest.

Fiery red eyes finally glared at the man. "What in the gods were you thinking, hm? Were you trying to get yourself killed?" he scolded, taking a moment to catch his breath, he had expended a bit more aether than he had anticipated and it was just now catching up to him.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

[Village & Void]

Re: Visiting the dangerous city

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 8:37 am
by Ivar
Everything happened so quickly. One second everything seemed fine, then the next the damn creature was exploding and he was being pulled away with speeds that seemed inhuman. Ivar didn’t think he took a single breath until they stopped at which point he started breathing quite heavily. He just wanted to teleport back home where the only things he had to worry about was submitting his assignments on time and making appointments.

"I'm sorry," Ivar responded, grimacing at the grisly scene they had just escaped. It seemed this instinct had not served him well in this situation. "I was just trying to help. I didn't realize..." He trailed off, glancing back towards the remains of the creatures. It was a fairly gruesome sight even from this distance

Guilt gnawed at his insides, the sensation far sharper than the physical aches that were now making their presence felt. He had thrown himself into a fight he was ill-prepared for, nearly costing not only his own life but also jeopardizing the safety of his unknown savior who certainly didn’t have to save him.

Ivar shook his head, trying to clear the image from his mind. "I still don't understand," he admitted, looking back to Dreyfus. "How did that explosion even happen? You just sort of killed it without even touching it. Almost as if you killed it from the insides..." There was confusion in his eyes, tinged with a hint of fear. “Don’t tell me… you’re a blood mage?”

Ivar's heart sank. Had he only been saved so he could be a meal? His voice quivered, laced with the weight of gratitude and sincerity. "Blood mage or not, you saved my life and I am indebted to you," he confessed, his hands flexing anxiously at his sides. "I can't express enough my gratitude for what you've done. So please, tell me, how can I repay you?" His expression was earnest enough.

Re: Visiting the dangerous city

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 8:01 pm
by Dreyfus
⚔ 53rd of Glade, Year 123, A.o.S ⚔
Company: Mortal| Thoughts: You Fool! | Mood: Irritated, Focused

The vampyre could only glare more intensely at the human as they explained their motives, and where could admire the determination, it was clear the man was out of his depth here. When he put two and two together, the vampyre stopped moving, clenching his fist. He could simply just crush the man's windpipe and be done with it. Could easily consume him of his vitale and finally satiate the hunger coursing through him.

Turning to face the man, Dreyfus's gaze drilled into the man, his burning red eyes looking upon the mortal with curious contemplation. However, when Ivar thanked him and regarded that he was in his debt, Dreyfus simply shrugged it off. "You just remember that you owe me, as I may come to collect on that debt when the time calls for it. For now, all I want is for you to listen to my every order and not get in the way. That way we bo........." he stopped mid-sentence as an intense scent smacked him in the face.

Blood, he could smell it and it was nearby. His eyes honed into the distance as he enhanced his vision with one of his abilities. Scanning the horizon he saw it, the scarlet glow coming from what used to be a busy square full of shops and cafes. Sprinting off the roof he races towards the location. If the human wished to follow he would find the vampyre soon enough as it wasn't too hard to see where he had gone, as the sun was beginning to set and the scarlet glow could be seen in the dimming light.

Upon his arrival, he could hardly believe what he was seeing. All across the once bustling city square were veins of sanguinyte. "Jackpot." he whispered as he crept closer to one of the massive shards sticking out of the ground. As he looked to his left he could see an odd structure. It was a tree, ivory in color and growing out in a weirdly beautiful spiral-like nature. From the branches hung teardrop-shaped, blood-red fruit, and upon close inspection, these too were sanguinyte.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

[Village & Void]