Knowledge in the Tower of Lore

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?p=24709#p24709
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=4433

123, Searing the 3rd

Stepping inside the library within the Tower of Lore used to be a regular affair for Ivar. It was a quiet place to study and he had spent much time there during his first year or so when most of his time was dedicated to non-practical learning.

Now his studies erred on the practical side which was best conducted elsewhere. When he did come to the library it was usually because he’d forgotten a certain pictograph or he needed some inspiration. Today he came for another reason entirely, one that he hoped would bear fruit.

Ivar’s biggest issue with scrivening was that it hurt his hand and wrist to do all that drawing. It had gotten easier to do with time but it was still a big pain. When he thought about scrivening as a full time job he thought that his wrist might give out before he hit his thirties.

It didn’t help that he’d sprained his wrist this morning while practicing Traversion. Again. His hand was wrapped up and his arm was in a sling that wasn’t comfortable with the black robes he wore. His hair was lazily brushed to one sized and his glasses were folded on the neck of his clothes in case his eyes gave him trouble. Over his shoulder was a bag that contained some utensils and pages for notetaking.

It was this hope for something better that had brought Ivar to the library today. He’d got an idea in his mind that there might be a way to automate the process. He’d seen artificing students make objects seemingly act on their own volition and he thought that he might be able to get a quill to draw pictography on its own.

“This is either a waste of time or brilliant.”

That was what he told himself as he started walking through the library. He hadn’t come with the intent of finding a book that could teach him all there was to know. He doubted such a book existed. Rather, he just wanted confirmation that his idea was possible.

He found himself muttering as he scanned books title by title.

“Surely there’s a book somewhere that might cover the subject of mixing artificing and scrivening together. Or maybe one of the librarians know…”
word count: 393
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