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Selákhos "Fishbones" Apothalassía

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 5:49 pm
by Fishbones
Name: Selákhos Apothalassía
Nickname: Fishbones, Dontás
Race: Shark Rathari, Delta Neptori
Gender: Xhal (He/Him)
Height: 5'7
Birthdate: Glade 51, 98
Birthplace: Tertium
Profession: Butcher
Factions: n/a
Fluent: Nepthal, Vastian
Conversational: Common
Inept: n/a

Fishbones has green-tinged, pale skin, hinting towards Tidal Neptori ancestry, though his father (who gave birth to him, a Foréas in Nepthal) is from the Delta clan. Black hair catches a strange myriad of colors in the light, with oranges, reds, and greens being most apparent. Otherwise, in his Zoan form, he appears as a middling-height Neptori, with fanned ears and gills along his ribcage. His rathari heritage primarily presents itself in the coloring and his doubled-row of sharp teeth. In his Lycan form, his torso and head stay much the same, with a more pointed nose, and his legs disappear into the body of a shark, allowing him to swim much more efficiently than most. In his Beast form, he takes the form of a very large, odd-colored tiger shark, with a length of 25'3".

Despite his odd appearance, sharp teeth, and handiwork with a cleaver, Fishbones is cordial. He loves to talk to strangers and entertain questions of any kind, and is generally gregarious.

His whole life has been spent around Tertium, where he works in his Rathari father's butchery business, who has a reputation for being able to butcher nearly anything edible placed in front of him. His family calls him Dontás, for his sharp smile, or Donnie for short, and most Neptori call him Selákhos -- but to non-Neptori, he is always Fishbones. He was one of the few children to have a knife placed in his hand. He spent most of his childhood playing in the Vasta river delta and swimming faster than anyone else (though most would count his Lycan form as cheating).

Though his childhood playmates also encompassed Vastii children and those of other Peregrini, as he grew, most often it was other Neptori that stayed his friend, and he focused more on working to be useful, especially as a salesman behind the counter. Freeing up his father to work with the meat and fish was far more interesting to him than the actual preparation, but on quiet days he was taken into the back and taught what to do.

He always saw it as an excellent responsibility, a family business, but trips to Solunarium proper were seldom. Every day feels the same to him, regardless of the changes in Solunarium, they have yet to necessitate a substantial difference in routine. Though his Neptori father travels far more, he’s always been stuck in Tertium. As comforting as it is, he cannot help himself from thinking about a life more exciting.

Re: Selákhos "Fishbones" Apothalassía

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:46 pm
by Fishbones
SkillSkill Level
One-Handed Blades25

EXP Tracking
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning TotalPoints Left
Starting Package+100- Butchering 25
- One-Handed Blades 25
- Semblance 25
- Swimming 25
Character Creation Bonus+15- Elementalism 151150

Re: Selákhos "Fishbones" Apothalassía

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:56 pm
by Fishbones

Starting Package*
1 Set of Clothing
- - - (shirt, pants, cloak, shoes, undergarments)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
- 1 Set of Toiletries
- 10 days of rations
- 1 Set of Eating Utensils
- - - (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
- Flint & Steel

- Cleaver
- Hunting Dagger

Housing in Tertium.

500--Starting Package500
--- 0.50 - Cleaver 0.25
- Hunting Dagger 0.25

Re: Selákhos "Fishbones" Apothalassía

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 10:44 am
by Fishbones

Glade 123
87 - Smells Fishy [Amersis]

Searing 5, 106 - Learning From the River [Hilana]