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Clear Water Assault{OPEN}

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 9:45 pm
by Hikami
龍 13th of Glade, Year123, A,o.S 龍

He had been sitting in the center of Lake Udori that day, meditation, contemplating. There were a lot of things he needed to find clarity on. His dreams, his current state of being living magic, the new spirit housed in his body, and the fact that he still hasn't gotten answers from Freya. He also meditated on the growth he has achieved over the seasons. With every up, there was a down and vice versa and he wasn't sure how to navigate it all.

He wished to call on Talon, but as much as he wanted to he knew the prince had far more responsibilities to attend to than his own needs. So he sat and opened himself to the lake, hoping to reach Freya or the spirit of the lake itself. In some way the two were connected, as he didn't start to hear her voice until after allowing the Spirit of the lake to envelop his body. "If you can hear me, I wish to know what....what becomes of us now?" he inquired, allowing himself to be open to whatever would respond to him.

On the shores of the lake Yumeko stood watch, knowing that even in this delicate and precarious lull of shadow beast activity, one could never be too careful. She sat on the dock, two armed attendants at her side as she watched her nephew as he communed with the lake and its supernatural inhabitants. As the iceborne continued to meditate and think about things, he finally felt a sort of pull. It was faint at first, but soon became stronger, the spirit of Lake enveloping him in its presence.

"I take it you are the one that saved me that day?" he asked, though no words were ever spoken, he could feel an affirming sensation to his question. He smiled, as the energy and sensation he felt was playful, almost like the excitement of a child. Though that energy changed, as the space around him and the spirit became dark, as if plummeting into the dark fathoms of the ocean floor.

Imagery flashed into his mind of blood, monstrous sea creatures, and something.....massive and dark, several sets of glowing red eyes. With those images came a sense of urgency, and the phrase "The water is tainted" came to mind. The spirit seemed to send him a general direction of where the source of this tainted water was coming from. Eyes open, he stood and crossed the water till he reached the dock where Yumeko was waiting.

As he came to her, a horn could be heard blaring in the distance. "That is a call for help. It's coming from a village not too far from here, but it's a major fishing port." she noted, the regal woman giving a look to one of her attendants who bowed and rushed off. "Go, we will rally those we can and meet you there." she urged, turning to leave the docks. The sound of the horn could be heard again, before being cut short. The next sound to fill the air was that of prismatic crystal wings as Hikami took to the air, soaring towards the fishing port.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

[Capricious Wind]

Re: Clear Water Assault{OPEN}

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 3:16 pm
by Moon Jae-Seong
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As seasons passed by and the weather refused to let go of winter, Jae-Seong grew concerned on top of the natural restlessness that had been building within him. The past three seasons since he returned to Kalzasi had been eventful, what with the start of the Eclipse and everything that had preceeded the appointment of the new Shokaze. However, the latter almost made his wanderlust stronger; though he knew that if he were to stray too far from city's borders he'd be liable to run into shadow monsters, he almost didn't care at this point. He wanted to explore the effects thereof and to assist smaller settlements in fending off attacks, but he'd thus far kept himself tethered to the city's vicinity.

Earlier in the morning, he'd been fishing at a quiet point along the shores of lake Udori; this was something he often liked to do while meditating, slow as the hobby could be. But as dawn waned into the day, he packed up his things and wandered more towards the docks. He didn't like to fish there, actually, because the movement of other people and boats would ruin his ability to catch anything. Though he wasn't quite sure why, something had compelled him to stay within the lake's vicinity, fishing or no.

Perhaps it was intuition, perhaps it was fate, or perhaps it was simply coincidence, but he was glad he'd decided to stay when he heard the sound of a blaring horn. He actually knew what that meant, given this time wandering 'round the greater forests and mountains of Kalzasi. Horns like that were often used in emergencies; they were loud, resounding cries for help. This was further confirmed by two figures on the docks. A woman approached a man, saying as much, and then the woman would run off and the man would fly away on wings the likes of which he was unfamiliar.

Nevertheless, Jae-Seong would jog away from the docks and into the woods before he'd shift into his Lycan form. Like this, he, too, could fly in the direction of the horn's blare.

- - -

"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"

Re: Clear Water Assault{OPEN}

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 4:15 pm
by Rickter
Clear Water Assault
Glade 13th, 123rd Year, A.o.S.

It had been a hectic couple of days since his venture to Terra Nimbus. After his return with a somewhat envious haul of Illumite dragonshards, Rickter had been determined to share the vast majority of it with Ivar. Except, the Traverser didn't seem to want much out of it for all the hard work he put in anyway. Even so, the wolf had imposed at least one of the few Greater quality dragonshards from the hoard, seeing as how he technically already had two or three extra ones available at home.

The rest of his pack wouldn't mind him putting them to greater use anyhow, especially when several villages were on the line against the incoming horde of Voidsent. Speaking of which, the wolf had been exceptionally busy preparing for that. Rickter wanted to make sure that the detailed work spent Scrivening those was exceptional at best, having not forgotten how elaborate his designs were with the lodestones prior. What he hadn't taken into account was the fact such stones did not continue to maintain charges, therefore, it was no small wonder that they had a bit of a close call up on the underside of those peaks.

While Rickter had prepared the four Greater Illumites with scrivening, his father had chartered for couriers that would deliver them to the townships at higher risk in the process. With the amount of detailed Pictography that even his beloved double-checked after he'd worked, the Greater Dawnstones that were shipped out would've likely arrived via Traverser from the Circle of Spells. Rickter wanted to make sure that there was at least an impenetrable line of defense against the wave of shadows they were likely bound to face, because if it were another Onishio attack like before... then this time he wanted to be ready.

"Your father just checked in, he said that the couriers arrived safely." Hannah reported quickly as she joined Rickter, Telion, and Patrick at the map table in the office. "Now the bigger question is, what are you going to do with that nice hunk of a gem there?" Her eyes fell onto the superior Dawnstone lain at the corner of the map, with Rickter leaning over the table as he moved his finger from a village he'd pointed at prior to her entering.

"Well, I had one other purpose for it in mind. But as of right now?" He admitted with a slight grin cast down at the Dawnstone, rather proud of what was in store for it when the time would finally come. "It's going to handle the main body of the horde. The Demon Tide might've been tough against our other stones, but it won't last against what I've in store for it with this one." The wolf paid Ivar a mindful look as he hadn't forgotten the man had decided to accompany him, hopeful that the Traverser would stick close to either him or Patrick when it came to the fighting.

Patrick wasn't as much of a protector as Rickter was, but he would fight valiantly when pressured to at least. "Nora sent word that the horde is likely bound to appear here," the wolf pointed out with another look down at the map, "so we're going to head there and deal with the bulk of it ourselves if we can." His finger dragged across the map parchment right to where their intended destination was, before he stopped and raised his head up with a sense of alertness.

Gongs were being banged as there were bells in the distance, and for a moment, Rickter could feel the sensation of flight taking place somewhere north of Kalzasi. "That's the alarm, there's trouble somewhere beyond Kalzasi's walls." The blonde urged from her wheelchair with a look of concern to the wolf, as Hannah and Patrick focused on him also when he slowly pulled back from the map table.

"What's happening, big guy?" Hannah's words weren't lost on him, but Rickter's gaze looked further out than just the windowpane to the office. As though he were searching for something specifically, or rather, something else was reaching out to him when he needed to confirm just what it was.

"I'd know that chill from anywhere, and even with it being faint from this distance, I can still smell his scent in the air..." Perhaps that moreso played in part with the fact he was the Lord of Frost, Rickter hadn't fully ascertained it yet, but nonetheless there was always a subtle connection between him and the being in question he started to sense. "Hikami is on his way to face the horde! Patrick, Ivar! Are you both ready?"

"Shit! Ready as I'll ever be!" The Atinoran remarked with a fist banged on his brigandine armor, which hadn't been fully patched since the Onishio attack. The wolf paid him an earnest grin before he focused on Ivar, and with an answer from him, Rickter then proceeded to grab the Superior Dawnstone in their possession. He then led the pair out into the gardens of the manor. From there he would focus on the location on the map and rely on his sense of perception, picking up where he could see Hikami going with Spatial Mapping first; before activating his Traversion rune to open a portal there in turn.

"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
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Re: Clear Water Assault{OPEN}

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 5:42 pm
by Ivar
Rickter's dwelling was as welcoming as ever. Last time, Ivar had felt like he could get used to these kinds of living arrangements… and every time he stepped foot on the property he felt worse about his own finances. Still, he couldn’t complain. He’d been rewarded with a greater shard and while it wasn’t the lion’s share of the rewards he really couldn’t complain. He now had one of the best night lights that anyone could ask for!

Ivar joked, “thanks for your package. Although, seeing as I ended up on your doorstep a few days later, I might as well have picked it up in person. Here’s to hoping this adventure is as exciting as the last!"

Ivar soon found himself half-listening to the conversation that buzzed around him. He was surrounded by individuals who spoke about things he had little clue about but he didn’t want to sound uninformed so he just nodded along.

He was more focused on the pretty girl from the last time than the task ahead of them. There was an undeniable attraction he felt towards her. The last thing he wanted was to come across as just another guy hitting on her. However, that didn’t prevent his heart from racing a tad faster or the fleeting thought of what it'd be like to share a quiet moment with her, away from the chaos of their adventures.

He was snapped out of his trance when someone asked if he was ready. He nodded, "Yes, I'm ready." And with that affirmation, he followed them through the portal with his dragonshard in hand.

He figured he was ready to get his butt saved by Rickter and Patrick again. Besides, he couldn’t imagine how things could be that bad. Why would they be scared of shadows when they had shards that literally created light?

Re: Clear Water Assault{OPEN}

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 9:49 pm
by Hikami
龍 13th of Glade, Year123, A,o.S 龍

The further he flew the stronger the feeling was, the ice spirit stirring more and more as he came around the bend of the coast that led to the village. He could feel the dark aura, as the waters were all connected and the water that flowed into the lake seemed to have met him here as well. From high above he could see it. A swirling mass of black, amethyst lights thundering through it like a stormcloud. He could see the defense of the village faltering, many of the void spawn swarming the village as the defensive force was split between evacuation and fending off the coming horde.

He had to help ease the flow of enemies, and soaring in rapidly, he descended along the port village coastline. In his hand Aoi Ryu materialized, its icy aura permeating like a rolling fog off it as ran the icy blade along the water. The horde of shadowy sea abominations never saw what hit them, as a massive dragon of ice came from one swing of the guandao, Hikami using the water to fuel the frozen beast. In its destructive wake, a wall of ice formed along its trajectory. Landing atop the icy wall, extending his elemental reach to the water surrounding the mass of black.

Making a circular motion he began forming a ring of ice around it, but that caught the attention of the void spawn on the beach as they quickly rushed the avialae. "Fucking hell!" he hissed as the void spawn were closing in on him, but he needed more time to finish what he was doing. He had no choice as they were within striking distance of him, and with Aoi Ryu he descended off the wall, cleaving each one apart. He could see his attention was needed elsewhere, and crystalizing his wings he flew into the city. Coming upon a family struggling to lift fallen debris, he sent a rush of wind to blow it up long enough for them to get free.

One of the defense force soldiers came to usher them away, but it was already too late. They were soon surrounded by voidspawn. "You might wanna stay close to me, it's about to get very cold very fast." he instructed, the group coming in close, prismatic wings forcing them in close to Hikami. His eyes glowed, as he could feel the ice spirit's presence, and the temperature around them dropped drastically. From that cold icy glitter began to form and soon there was a ring of it around them.

It began to rotate around them as the void spawn closed in on them, forming an icy razor ring and slicing them all in half. Extending his wings he allowed the civilians and soldier to flee, his wings dissipating into icy dust as he went to help others escape.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

[Capricious Wind]

Re: Clear Water Assault{OPEN}

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:20 am
by Rickter
It had not gone unnoticed the way that Ivar had warmed up to one of his pack members, and, while Rickter would've normally mused at the fact under normal circumstances; time was literally of the essence at the very moment. Thus the meeting in the gardens of the manor led to Rickter aiming through the spatial reaches of Slipspace, and following the trace that he felt leading him to connect with the ice warrior already at the forefront of the battle. Hikami was nothing short of eager if not reliant when it came to the action, and such activity was what made it easier for the wolf to rely on such a trace to begin with. "Here's to hoping we just have to do a quick extermination. Pest control has never been my forte."

"With the reports I've received, I'm hopeful that it's not another Onishio. It'll be easier to push back if it's not a singular force at work." Rickter remarked as he reached forward to generate the portal with his aether, the spacial boundary rimmed with a watery cerulean glow as the air rippled in response. He hoped at the very least it was just that, for as bad as the Demon Tide really was, dealing with a teaming horde of Voidsent still sounded easier to manage in the long run. They would all find out soon, once they arrived at least.

The rippling of his portal hardened the aether he used to coax Slipspace, and with a Railway created they were able to see what awaited on the other side. People were running for their lives already, the alarms chiming louder through the portal now that they were a mere few steps from crossing through. The wolf could literally smell the fear and corruption beyond the portal's threshold, and deep down he knew right then, that another hellscape would await them on the other side. "Ready yourselves mates, keep your weapons drawn once we cross through."

A flash of magenta rimmed the outline of his portal, and with a glance past his shoulder, Rickter noticed Hannah had stood behind the group as they prepared to cross. "Any refugees in need of a quick escape, send them through, I'll hold this portal for as long as I can!" The rogue insisted as it led Rickter and Patrick to glance at one another, an understanding nod spared to the woman as they quickly turned to head on through. It was a rather quick and smart idea to say the least, as the worst they could do was provide shelter at the manor in the event things went south.

Any stragglers that did come through would have to be sorted out, but, House Senue would likely help in that regard on Rickter's behalf once he returned. Regardless, they each had a role to play once they crossed through, and when Ivar had finally crossed the portals threshold to join them, Patrick was already on scene to start directing some of the traffic through the portal itself. "Ivar!" The wolf called out above the chaos as he urged the Traverser to remain close. "Stick close to either me or Patrick, help any stragglers you see cross the portal, and if a Voidsent attacks then fight well." He instructed with a look of determination, hopeful the man would put the katana to full use in this situation.

"Otherwise, trust in us to watch your back." Rickter urged as he turned to face forward and look ahead, his eyebrows raised when he noticed the sound of diamond dust in the wind. The prismatic wings of Hikami had turned the air colder where he was now, and though the wolf had yet to see him, he could feel the exact location of where the Iceborne remained. We're here mate, Rickter urged in thought as he extended a mental reach to Hikami, you've got me at your back now! At this express of thought the wolf felt the powers of ice fill him, coursing through him as they would empower Hikami like they did the night of the Onishio attack.

It was then he saw the raid of shadows that plagued their part of the town, as figures that had taken on mammalian shapes stormed the street they arrived on. Trouble had finally come for him, just as it did for everyone else, only this time Rickter came prepared in full force. "Patrick!!" He called out with a flick of his dominant arm out past his waist, the flash of light from his hand brandishing a lengthy silver bastard sword in turn. The Atinoran wasted no time in joining his side, seeing as how people in the immediate area realized there was a portal to escape out of. While the wolf would've liked to enact a large-scale protection ward against the Voidsent, he knew he had little time to prepare such a grand barrier against the creatures.

No, what he had in mind would've likely taken a bit more time than necessary, but as it stood they were pressed by time constraints already. "At your back, pal!"

"Good, let none of them get through!" The wolf urged as he pointed his blade forward with both hands gripped at the hilt, Patrick's own broadsword gripped in a similar fashion but with just the dominant hand. When the shadows closed in to assail them, both men started to hack and slash at the creatures, cutting down one after another as to prevent them from passing toward the citizens fleeing for the portal.

"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"

Re: Clear Water Assault{OPEN}

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2023 7:39 am
by Ivar
Ivar, amidst the pandemonium, nodded at Rickter's words, the weight of the situation settling in his chest. Even though the situation was dire, the solidarity he felt from Rickter and the pack’s presence was comforting.

Ivar felt an acute awareness of every shadow creature that lurched toward them as he waved his hands and focused on creating a portal larger than any he’d ever created that split open in front of him. He opened it up so that the mouth was parallel to the ground. This would have been strange to witness for those who did not know that his portals were more than passageways… they were also weapons.

The shimmering edges of the portal emitted a faint hum, and with each creature that charged into it, the sound grew to a crescendo, reminiscent of a blade cutting through the air. The dark entities were torn asunder upon contact. Each time a creature met the portal, the forceful grinding was almost tangible. It was as if the very fabric of the portal held a voracious hunger, consuming each shadow that dared come close.

The way the portal chewed through the monsters was eerily mesmerizing to Ivar. Tendrils of darkness were lopped off, spiraling into the air, only to disintegrate moments later. The ground near the exit portal was now a scattered mosaic of shadow fragments, pulsating weakly before dissipating entirely.

Ivar had little time to spend watching the portal, however. He kept his focus on it as much as possible to keep it maintained, but he also had to help people escape. This mostly amounted to pointing people towards the portal and helping up people who tripped.

Amid the destruction, Ivar's eyes occasionally drifted towards the wings of Hikami. He supposed they were also here to help. The more he hung around Rickter the more interesting people Ivar seemed to see.

"Rickter!" Ivar called out, as another wave of the shadow entities rallied for an assault, "Is it time to use the illumite?" Ivar didn’t know how long he could maintain his portal, given the size and aether he was pouring into it.

Re: Clear Water Assault{OPEN}

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:46 am
by Moon Jae-Seong
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Once shifted, Jae-Seong, more bird than man but still bipedal, took to the air– he wanted to help, but in almost greater measure, he wanted the thrill of battle. He was a graceful, if strange, sight; most would be familiar with Avialae and Rathari in Kalzasi, but as far as avian humanoids went, Avialae were much more common. There were times where he wished he could manifest his wings when Zoan, but he did like that they were not an omnipresent facet of his physicality. The overall travel time wasn’t long, and as soon as the settlement was in sight, it was easy to tell why the alarums had been sounded.

His first few moments were spent gauging the situation, clear blue eyes flitting from panicked, fleeing citizens to the monsters that assailed them before his gaze landed on a man with wings of crystal– no, ice? …or perhaps a combination thereof. Nevertheless, he didn’t have time to ponder that, for the nonce, because the situation became more pressing as each moment passed. Further, the man with crystalline wings was then joined by others, and it became abundantly clear that if the mercenary wanted to actually be of use, he ought to join up with the rapidly forming defense force.

Wordlessly, Jae-Seong would descend from the air and land alongside Hikami, Ivar, Rickter and his packmates; the crow possessed an air of elegance and an austere sort of poise. He’d soften his landing with a small zephyr, but say nothing; like this, he was unable to speak, so instead, he’d materialize his own weapons– two long, sharpened blades, one in each hand– then join the fight alongside them, making his intent to assist abundantly clear. He would also take great care to avoid Hikami’s ice, even weaving in his own elemental wind to redirect some of it away from him and into his foes.
- - -

"Synskrit Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"

Re: Clear Water Assault{OPEN}

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 2:09 pm
by Hikami
龍 13th of Glade, Year123, A,o.S 龍

The arrival of new players in the defense effort sent a breath of relief through the Iceborne, and he recognized this feeling. It was Rickter and his gang that showed up, and that gave Hikami a boost in morale. If they could handle the shadow creatures within the village, he could handle the ones amassing at the large frozen wall.

"I leave the village clean up to you Rickter, join me when you have finished." he said as he turned his attention to the wall. Ice and prismatic wings sprouted from his back as he took to the skies towards the wall. He could see the hordes swarming the wall and came in swinging his guan dao cleaving them down one by one. He commanded the ice from the wall he erected to jut out and impale them as he went.

Once the climbers had been dealt with he perched himself upon the wall, overlooking the growing mass of shadow pooling within the water. He could feel its pulsation, the darkness that exuded from looking at it. The spirit within him wanted balance brought back to the environment, and the spirit of the lake wanted the corruption that had been affecting the sealife erased. He had to stop the mass from growing any larger than it already had and decided to synergize with the uncorrupting waters that surrounded it.

Connecting his soul and aether to the lake water below as well as the waters that flowed from Udori Lake, Hikami's eyes became a bright glowing turquoise hue. moving his hands in a circular motion, the water around the mass began to churn and swirl around it. At his command, the winds blended in with the maelstrom that had now engulfed the mass of darkness, and with a loud resounding clap of his hands, Hikami formed a spherical dome around it. Extending his hand forward he gave a snap, and the dome instantly froze over, coating the dome in several thick layers of ice.

"That should hold it for now. I need to go check on everyone else, help them with the voidsent." he thought to himself as he flew back to aid his comrades, though with Rickter he was certain they would be alright.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

[Capricious Wind]

Re: Clear Water Assault{OPEN}

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 1:54 pm
by Rickter
The dark horde did not seem intent to relent in the assault on the village, luckily, there had been several volunteers ready to gather in defense of the settlement. Whereas Rickter's ragtag group had landed dead center of the town, another had soon joined them once the excitement had begun. As the wolf briefly witnessed Patrick hack and slash into a sliding dash through a line of Voidsent shadows, Rickter finished his own combo with a hefty swing of his bastard sword around, and slammed it downward as the blade's length smashed into the ground.

That was when he'd noticed another Rathari, one whose familiar scent led him to recognize the arrival, had joined the fray to help out further within the township itself. From the looks of things, Hikami would have the backup he needed, which fed the wolf plenty of time to finish cleansing shadows from the streets as they were. "Not quite!" He soon called back to Ivar as he glimpsed back to the Traverser, aware of the mage's power as he had started to use incredible spells with his craft.

As some of the shadows left around Ivar shuddered to prepare their assault, a crimson spark zipped through each one of them, before a red flash erupted into thunder from each of the shadow, and Ivar was kept safe from the Voidsent threatening to close in on him. "Reserve what's left of your magic, Ivar! You've got me and Ricky to keep you safe!"

"You can imbue your weapon with dawnlight from the Illumite shard you carry, that ought to be enough to cull the weaker Voidsent that have flocked here!" He suggested before the wolf lifted his bastard sword once more, the hand that gripped the hilt moving into another rotary swing as he cleaved through another couple of shadows. Patrick gave Ivar a firm yet encouraging look before he reached for the glittering shard hanging from his neck. With a moment to concentrate the Atinoran demonstrated, focusing on his weapon as he channeled the aetheric properties of the dragonshard he carried.

Meanwhile, as the light of the dragonshard began to coat Patrick's broadsword, Rickter noted the sound of Hikami's voice upon the wind itself. It was likely the Iceborne knew the wolf had come, which was a favorable observation given the circumstances, but that left one thing left to do before the wolf and his pack could join the warrior's side. "The village will be safe once I've produced a massive barrier, but cleansing the Voidsent from it will take a bit longer by doing so. Therefore," Rickter looked sharply to Patrick and Ivar, "I'm going to be asking for a bit of help on that front."

"What do you need, big guy?" The Atinoran inquired as he moved to cut down another couple of shadows, his glowing blade sent hurling forward to cleave more coming through a chokepoint before the weapon reeled back toward him.

"Keep the Voidsent at bay, as they'll be eagerly seeking me out during this attempt." Rickter explained as Patrick caught his blade by the hilt, before he stood ready to defend the rear flank of Rickter's guard.

"Got it! Ivar, you cover his front, I've got the rear!" At Patrick's quick decision the wolf nodded before he curled the hilt in his hand, thrusting the blade downward as to free both hands from his weapon. He had faith in his comrades that much was for certain, but to pull this off, he'd have to rely on more than just their faith.

He needed the faith of his own beloved Patron. "Are you certain of this?" He felt the voice of his ancestor Echoing through, remembering the last time that he had attempted this sort of spell. "It must be done. I know the words, and I know He will hear them." Rickter felt the approval of Alistor from where he stood, his hands flattened as he pressed them together almost in the form of a prayer. Shadows hissed and cried as Patrick continued to hack and slash at any that drew close to the lupine demigod, and as he watched Ivar continue to help as well, the wolf's eyes drew to a close with stillness found in his breath.

"Light of the Morning, I call upon the radiance of the Dawn, sacred light of Arcas, come forth! Let this holy light cleanse this place and protect these souls." From his left forearm the emblem of Emblence burned with a brilliance like no other, the light in which he invoked shining brilliantly between his hands as they pulled briefly apart. A luminescent orb nearly as bright as the sun beckoned between his palms, as he felt the power of Dawn flow through his hands in that very moment. "Come, I invoke Salvation!" With a press of his palms together over the spell, the Negation rune on his right shoulder brightened as well.

Silver light radiantly burned off from his entire left arm as a result, as he weaved his aether through the Negation rune, and cast with the spell a ward that would reinforce the village in turn. It was to be one of his greater protections yet, as Rickter intended to unleash a powerful spell to repel all Voidsent from the village in turn.

"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"