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Dance, Dance, Dance [Hilana]

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2023 12:31 am
by Raithen
50 Glade, 123

Raithen was tired. Not physically, but mentally, emotionally, of being on an small island where he now knew everyone by sight but also could speak to basically no one, of being 'on-call' at any time of the day or night. Part of it was exciting, sure, and it was nice to feel like he knew what they rest of his life would be like (serving Avaerys, not acting as prophet to the fish-folk) but after months away from everything he'd known his whole life, except for brief visits, a part of him was exhausted.

When the tribe turned in for the night, something they tended to do early unless there was a specific celebration or sacred reason to stay up past the setting of the sun, Raithen slunk away from his assigned sleeping place and vaulted across the great ocean expanse back to his home. If any servants noticed him lighting a lamp in his own rooms they knew better than to have anything to say about the comings and goings of members of the family. It was a little earlier in the city than it had been on the islands, so the sun was not quite down when he vaulted directly from his room to Sweet Remedies. The shop was closed up for the night but that wouldn't stop him. Peering in through the window he waited until his target's back was turned in what seemed like it would be a task of at least several minutes before vaulting himself inside. He used his runes in combination, something he'd had plenty of time to practice while bored on the island, so that, when he appeared, the air didn't move away from him as it usually would. He knew how to appear in silence, but most sentient creatures also could feel air moving around them even if they didn't realize it consciously. Stopping the air's movement also meant that anyone with a sensitive sense of smell would be unaware of his coming. This was important when there was a nosy snake around to alter it's mistress to his arrival before he intended.

He landed, soft as a feather, directly behind Hilana, waited just a moment, and then leaned close enough to whisper against the back of her ear,

"Come away with me."

Re: Dance, Dance, Dance [Hilana]

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2023 11:24 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

With the door locked and the lights dimmed inside the shop, Hilana was finishing off with the cleaning up of the equipment that she had been using to mix and bottle the salves that helped with the ever-present light that came from the Sceptre. Sunburn and sun poisoning was far more prevalent than it normally would have been, and so lotions that helped for prevention and treatment were in high demand. She was finishing the washing up when he came in behind her, and while Tiaz and Fiya didn’t notice him at first, what with the way he had stilled the air, the shadows did. Shadows that lurked everywhere in the low lights of the Herbalist Apothecary, and they presented Hilana with the images of the Avialae who appeared there.

They hadn’t had to; she knew that voice anywhere.

She lifted her head from her task, and she smiled., leaning back against him. “Always,” Hilana wiped her hands and turned to face him, her arms going around him as she took in her lover. He was always a sight for sore eyes, and she was pleased to see him. She hadn’t been expecting a visit, but she was thrilled with the surprise. She stood on tiptoe, seeking Raithen’s lips for a kiss. Oh, but did he look fine. He was dressed like he was ready to hit the clubs, and she was down for it. Wherever he wanted to go, his Vastiana was always up for an adventure. Her long skirts settled around her legs, a blend of red, white, and gold. She grinned up at him, her eyes dancing as she pressed against him. Her long hair was tied up in a bun, and Tiaz moved on her shoulders. The smaller steely-grey python peeked at the golden winged prophet from her hiding spot under Tiaz.

“Hello, Lux. Where do you have in mind?”

Re: Dance, Dance, Dance [Hilana]

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 10:13 pm
by Raithen
Swearing quietly under his breath, but not seeming genuinely put out, he said, louder,

"I can't ever surprise you, can I?" It would take a great deal more magic than he had, it seemed, if he was to be able to sneak up on his Shade. Letting this go with a put-on sigh of defeat he took her hand and spun her about, making her skirts twirl.

"First," He said, "Home, where you can put on something to show off how lovely you are."

With this he finished the spin, snatched her close to him, and vaulted them both across the space between the shop and her apartment. Releasing her once they had their feet under them he tapped his mouth with one finger as if considering how long he wished to give her before saying,

"You have, hm, ten minutes." There was a spark in his eyes, playful and interested but also just a tad frantic, a tad wild. To give her at least a little context he said, "We're going to lose ourselves in whatever dance and celebration we can scrounge up."

Despite having spent the vast majority of his time outside for months he felt cooped up, trapped, in need of release in ways that simply emptying himself into a willing, even enthusiastic partner would not sate. He knew many places in the city to find a party, but even the less tightly laced parts of the city seemed as though they would be too tame for what he was craving. Hilana's home city, however, had a reputation for being barbarian. Raithen wanted that, wanted to grow mindless and free with himself in a place where, even if some might suspect his heritage, none would know it.

None but Hilana, of course. He smiled as the beautiful woman scrambled off, possibly catching his mood, to ready herself.

Re: Dance, Dance, Dance [Hilana]

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 1:32 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

“If you hadn’t stopped outside, and had come right in, you definitely would have,” Hilana smiled when he talked about surprising her. “But my shadow knows yours, you know, and the shadows saw you when you were out there... and they showed me.” His Vastiana had mentioned going to the Shadowlands before to attune to that element earlier in the season, and apparently that was a trip that had been successful. She spun easily, her step light in her sandals, her bright skirts swirling and spinning for him. Tiaz and Fiya hunkered down on her shoulders, the elder python entirely unsurprised by this, as fast movements usually happened when Daddy arrived, and Fiya clung to her big brother.

When they landed in her living room, Hilana stole another kiss from him, putting Fiya and Tiaz in their terrariums for the time being - they were definitely not coming to party in Tertium, not with the activities that were clearly planned, before darting into her room. Oddly, her shadow came from her bedroom, looking almost like Hilana, coiling around him to embrace him as Hilana had. She felt real enough, cool to the touch and pleasant against his own body warmth before the shadow interacted with his own, giving it a similar hug before it darted into the kitchen. It would return, bringing him a large square of halva from the kitchen. The thick, fudge-like sesame cake was loaded with toasted pistachios and just enough cardamom to remind him of home and of his Umbra’s cooking. The shadow blew him a kiss, before losing its shape and retreating to the bedroom while Hilana stripped out of her work garments and selected her clothes.

He wanted to dance and celebrate, and as such, Hilana selected one of the skirts that her father would have been apoplectic over if he knew she had anything like it still, much less wore. In the sands, she’d often worn skirts with high slits, some as far as her thigh, that had less fabric that what she had taken to wearing in the cities. She could show off those long, toned legs, legs that could very easily wrap around her Avialae mate, at any given moment without having to hike them. And this skirt had a diagonal cut going all the way to the hip, though the folds of fabric up top tantalized and teased while allowing freedom of movement and imagination. The skirts themselves were patterned with black, silver, and white. As most of her blouses and tops exposed her midriff, this one was no different... except for how low-cut it was. The linen came together just enough to cover her chest, and the Vastiana traded sandals for high heeled ones, laced at her ankle and exposing her toes. While she kept her pendant on that Cithaera had given her, as it essentially never came off, she also added a delicate, slinky chainmaille necklace with plenty of chains and fringe. Its length ended just before her cleavage, sitting just so on her chest.

Her copper earrings were switched out for her other silver sets, so that the rings and studs in her ears matched better for the setting. Her long hair was released and freed from her bun, and she shook it out before adding a quick spritz of her favourite scented oil to it and working it into her ebon tresses - the scent he knew well, and likely had it completely ingrained in his senses that it was hers, the lilac and gooseberries. She added a few more beads into it, well-satisfied before getting out her box of cosmetics on the table. A little kohl helped frame her eyes, a faint dusting of some shimmering powder on her bare collarbone and shoulders, and added a bit of gloss to her lips before she came sauntering from her bedroom - all within the ten-minute frame. “Well, Lux, shall we?” her big brown eyes danced, now at a level height with him with those heels of hers. She spun again for him, making the skirts flare out and flashing her thighs for him.

Re: Dance, Dance, Dance [Hilana]

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 8:12 pm
by Raithen
The smile of approval that graced the young Duke's lips when he saw what his companion for the evening had chose to wear walked the line directly between admiration and lechery.

"Well," He murmured, voice somehow lower than it was wont to be, "If I'd known you'd be that enthusiastic I'd have brought a stick to beat away the suitors."

It was teasing, because that was not how courting worked in either of their home cities, but it felt accurate. Not that Raithen needed a stick to keep a woman safe in his company, and not that Hilana needed anyone to keep her safe from unwanted attention.

Under his long cloak the Avialae was, unexpectedly, actually wearing a pair of pants, tight at the waist and ankles but thin and flowing between. There were slits on the outside of each leg, but this was difficult to tell when he wasn't in active motion. Above was a similar shirt, tight at his wrists and tucked into the pants but otherwise light enough to move any time he did or in the slightest breeze. Dancing was hot work, and while he typically preferred to go with his legs bare, it would not do to risk exposing those who did not wish to know his anatomy in intimacy if things got wild.

"Shall we?" He asked, more a politeness than an actual question, but when she took his arm he closed his eyes, finding his connection to the lines of rushing aether all around them. Wrapping his arm tightly about the slim, bare waist beside him he pulled Hilana close and tugged them both out of reality with a split second.

When he opened his eyes they were standing just outside the city of Tertium. Dusk was falling and the gates would soon be closing so they pair hurried along to slip inside before Raithen would be forced to risk flying them over and startling guardsmen. Once they were safely inside the ancient walls he turned back to the beauty on his arm.

"This is your home ground, you'll have to show me where a good time can be found. Unless your father kept you away from all such debauchery, in which case we'll have to make up for lost time."

Re: Dance, Dance, Dance [Hilana]

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 12:12 am
by Hilana Chenzira

She was pleased by his reaction, her eyes brightening as she stepped in close, breathing in his scent. Her lips found his jaw, and then his, giving him a light kiss. She wasn’t too worried about the idea of him having to shoo anyone off of her - Raithen’s presence, not just physically with his wings and his physique, was plenty, and with her attached to him, well... They weren’t monogamous, really, but tonight was for them to enjoy themselves and cut loose before everything else demanded their energy and attention. “Let’s,” she agreed, her arms around him when he asked if she was ready, and she pressed herself against the Duke, staying close and tight.

And there they were, Tertium. While the Vastiana might have preferred the wildness of the sands, this had been her home for years, and she was not unfamiliar with it. It might have represented a rough few years to her, but Raithen was one of her very favourite people, and where he was, she was happy to go. Her father had been strict, true, and his expectations when it came to what was acceptable had to relax a bit when it came to the fact she needed to network with those her own age, too, of a higher status than what she may have preferred. As it was, Hilana’s elder sisters knew where the best clubs were, and so with a bit of supervision, Hilana had gone to those to burn off some of that excess energy and see whose eyes she might catch.

And it was to those clubs that were prized and frequented by Equestrians that she was going to take Raithen. His status could have gotten them into those that were more exclusive, for Patricians or even Re’hyaeans, but considering they were keeping a bit of a low profile... Equestrian-level it was. In Tertium, it was far less likely that he’d be recognized, and there was almost certainly going to be a more eclectic mixture than one would find elsewhere in the Kingdom. “I have some idea about where we will go,” Hilana chuckled. “My father certainly tried, but my former intended was good for something on occasion.” Her hand found his, and they were soon off into the bustling city.

Tertium had a different energy to it than the capital of Solunarium Proper. It was was more frenetic, and as they headed through the streets, Hilana waved an open horse-drawn cab for them, and directed the driver to the entertainment district at the piers. “Aestus Maximos,” she was cheerful, and with a clap of the reins, they were off. She had ridden her camels throughout the city, and right now, it was a mecca of activity that they were wading through. “People arriving for the derby,” she told him with a smile. She would be coming back this way soon, too, with Hayima’el, after all, but for now, they were going to have fun and not worry about that sort of thing. His mate was a good guide, though, which was something she had been doing since she was a teenager with various peregrine guests, and now Raithen was on the receiving end of it. She had no doubt he’d been here before for multiple reasons, but it was a lively conversation as she pointed out things that locals tended to be more familiar with.

They arrived at the destination, and with the driver paid, off they went. Hilana was having no problems whatever in those high heels of hers, and headed for the big doors, holding onto his hand. The ride in the open cab had tousled her curls even more, making her ebon mane wilder. “Chenzira,” she told the doorman, and after a moment, and a scrutinizing look, the Vastian man let them in. With the doors opened, there was a throb of music echoing from within, and Hilana guided her mate in. They went through a hallway, where Raithen could check his cloak if he wanted to with a servus, and through another set of doors that opened as they approached on their own thanks to the magic contained within, the beats swelled. It may not have been the Noctis Aeternae, but there were far more people here in the club. Down below was the dance floor, while on the upper levels, where they had come in through the doors, offered staffed bars on each wall - money didn’t talk here, it sang, and keeping the wealthy waiting was never a recipe for success. There were tables at which people could sit or stand and observe below, as magical lights flashed in a darkened room. There was a stage, however, with a band playing, and the stage itself lit up as the singers moved upon it, following their movements over the panels.

“Something to drink, first? Or go right down?” Hilana wanted to know. The lights below flashed and moved with the music, and her hips had certainly found the beat, swaying and shifting slightly as she would let him choose what he wanted. If he wanted to go down, there were multiple portals as opposed to steps that took them to the dance floor - no need to make those who were already tipsy or otherwise inebriated navigate something as plebeian as stairs...

Re: Dance, Dance, Dance [Hilana]

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 4:44 pm
by Raithen
The ride was pleasant, in the cooling of the evening, winds blowing his hood back and off his shoulders. When they arrived he could already hear music low in the ground of several places. It made sense that these dens of entertainment might be sunken into the ground of the city; the better to keep cool in the day and warm at night.

Letting himself be led to one specific door it amused him that they were scrutinized, but he was intentionally keeping his wings tucked low under his cloak to allow for just such a lack of recognition. Once inside, however, he did check his cloak, knowing full well that, if the night went as he hoped, he would likely forget it altogether. He had dozens of its like, however, and had never concerned himself about the loss of his clothing on wild nights out, one way or another.

His wings were noticed by some, not by others who seemed to think they were a clock as he kept them tucked tight and low against his back as he had trained himself to do in crowded spaces.

"Drink, I think." He said, taking her hand and gently pushing their way through the sea of bodies to where they could order drinks. His order was for a alchemical liquor that made inhibitions relax and grow loose around the edges. Not every place carried them, but he imagined any establishment that Hilana had enjoyed likely at least had herbal enhanced beverages and he knew several of those that had a similar effect. To his pleasure, they had what he ordered and he quickly took two shots back to back, allowing Hilana to make her own choice before thoughtlessly throwing a handful of coins onto the counter that would more than cover what they'd had.

"Now," He said, grinning, eyes glowing very faintly a sort of silvery blue from the magical alcohol, "We can go down."

Re: Dance, Dance, Dance [Hilana]

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2023 10:05 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Hilana had to admire his outfit once that cloak was off. She didn’t know what she had expected him to wear, though she knew it would be finely cut and well-made, just like her mate. Her fingers squeezed his as he led her to the bar, and she enjoyed taking in his form and what skin peeked through the slits of the fabric. She made a mental note of where the cloak was checked and where it was, in the off-chance it was forgotten... She would retrieve it herself when she got to Tertium for the derby. Of course, she’d probably have company, but she could snag it back. Then she had a little something of her Avialae’s to snuggle up in and enjoy his scent when she was missing him.

When Raithen ordered his drinks, Hilana got her own shot of runeshine and sipped it, enjoying the flavour and letting the strong alcohol wake up her senses before she downed it, swinging her hips and setting the glass down on the counter before smiling at the handsome man she'd brought into this den of endless, energetic music and writhing bodies. One thing she was happy about was that while she saw a few people that she recognized from her time in this city, none of them seemed to have recognized her. Possibly it was the outfit and the wild way of styling herself compared to what she would have normally have worn considering she had to get approval to leave the house in certain outfits... but she was happy about it.

Hilana took his hand again, her own eyes bright, and there was no mistaking the blue tinge to the former mercenary's. "Come with me, lover," she purred, sauntering towards one of the swirling blue portals. Even with the alcohol, the Vastiana had no problem whatsoever with her high heels. It was a pleasant sensation, and everything just felt that much more awake, and the music seemed just that much better with it. It wasn't Finn's, of course, but the band playing had a strong beat going from a variety of instruments. From the portal, they emerge below on the lower level, into the cavernous dancing space. Despite the amount of people down below, there was plenty of room for them, as if there was some sort of magical spacing going on down below that was utilizing slipspace in the way one might a featherlight satchel.

Only once they were on the glowing floor did she press up briefly against him before stepping back and beginning to shimmy her hips, her arms coming up from her sides and starting to twist in a snake-like pattern as her curves as her toned stomach undulated and shifted. In many ways, it was like different parts of her were moving in isolated movements to the beat, but each of those movements came together as she focused on him. Hilana loved to dance - she may not have been a professional or every be on the stage before an audience, but there there was a delight in the movements and the rhythms. The body said what words could not, and now that she was here with Raithen? It couldn't have been any better. Magical lights shone in the darkness, catching on her jewelry and her skin, and when those hips moved, she exposed flashes of thigh for her partner.

Re: Dance, Dance, Dance [Hilana]

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:44 pm
by Raithen
As they slipped through the portal and the music grew from loud to something he could feel through the soles of his shoes a sense of well being began to suffuse him. It was the magic in the alcohol, he knew that, accepted it, and, far from fighting it, allowed it to have him. The lights filled his eyes, but, like the music, it did not overwhelm him.

Bodies moved all around, each according to their own desires, but all to the same beat, and this was it. This was the thing that he'd been wanting, missing. He got it in sex, and in conversations, in many kinds of connection, but it was on a different level when it was like this. Grinning, as he watched Hilana join the dance he took a slow breath, aligning himself to the beat of the drums and then he also began to move.

Time passed, probably hours, but he had little concept of it. He was absorbing something nourishing and delicious. It was something he could keep having more and more of without growing too full or becoming sickened, it could sate him, but that never seemed to mean he didn't want it. A lot of the time he was dancing with Hilana, but not all the time, and at times there were multiple partners.

There were pauses, when the band reset, or perhaps was replaced by another? When he took stock of his body, checked in on his partner, fetched them water to replenish what sweat had taken from them, or other drinks, to refresh the buzz of chemical perfection that looked so good on her, and he imagined, also did on him.

Tomorrow might bring anything, but tonight he could just exist as a part of something larger then himself that wanted only his participation, nothing more. It was good.

Re: Dance, Dance, Dance [Hilana]

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 9:39 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Time was meaningless for her in the Aestus Maximos. All of the boundless energy that she possessed was being put to good use on the dance floor. Hilana had visited plenty in Solunarium Proper, in the Luxium and in the Umbrium, and this was as good an outlet as any for it. She could let her body do the talking with the music. Her rounded hips swayed to the beat of the drums, sometimes faster, sometimes slower, always letting the music and Raithen's own movements guide her. The girl was not hindered by the high heels that she wore to put herself at her mate's height, and balance was key. If she had to, she could certainly run in them. The muscle isolations were very much a part of her personal style, though the nimble Vastiana was not about to be boxed into one form of dance.

At the Aurisian ball, she had been proficient enough in the 'formal' dances with the different Vastii that she had been there with, but here in the depths of the club, this called for nearly the polar opposite. The music encouraged a different type of energy and dance; the distances expected between partners of the courtly promenades were forgotten here. She could get so close to Raithen that the dancing they performed seemed to be the vertical expression of a horizontal wish. She was not shy about getting close to him, and she would certainly brushed against him just so. When others joined them, she was all too happy to involve them, her long curls bouncing down over her back and shoulders, and the flashing lights reflected on the chainmaille necklace that rested on her chest.

They were refreshed as the night went on, and the girl handled her Runeshine well. But while Hilana was hardy with a strong constitution, there was a brightness to her eyes and a rosy glow to her dusky skin that definitely suggested the impact of the libation they had enjoyed thus far upon his Umbra. This was a different way to see Raithen down here, to watch him move and admire his own strength and agility. She knew that he was like her, with energy that was able to go the distance and keep up with her, and it was one of the many things that she loved about him. The way his eyes were glowing with the alcohol was drawing her in, and she pressed against him, the skin of her own legs brushing against his as she shimmied, her body sinking down against his before coming back up, spinning around and making the panels of her skirts flare as she pressed her backside against him, twisting her head to let her lips almost brush his before turning back towards him.