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Restoring Order [Eitan]

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 6:59 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
89 Glade, 123

Letters had been going out, by various means, to the heads of the chapter houses of the Order of Reconciliation that existed outside of the Zaichaeri borders. The house in Kalzasi was not answering, and it was a suspected and unofficially confirmed fact that it had been destroyed. The fact that the whereabouts of the members who had belonged to it had not yet been located spoke for itself as to their fate. The other chapters had answered, though how and when each had done so told individual stories as to how they were reacting to the fall of the government and collapse of the nation as a single unit.

Over time the higher-ranking remaining members of the Order within Zaichaer had also made contact with each other and, between all the various groups within and without, had been discussing who should take up the mantels of the Provost-Marshal and the High Sentinel. The latter had been an area of significant contest, not only in putting forward names as to who should take the post but also in if the post should even remain in its current form.

A lot of discussion was happening but it was happening, and, so far, Stefan did not see any in-fighting, which was a great relief. He had worried that the heads of the other chapters would pull for their own advancement but it seemed that none of them wished to give up their currently safe and stable posts to try and put the country back together. At least, that was what he had gathered from the parts of the talks he had been privy to.

It was mid-afternoon and Eitan was due for a meeting in his office any moment. The meeting had been set up to discuss the in-roads being made in the retaking of the West End, which was going as well as could be expected. The main problem was that they could take ground, but did not have the manpower to hold anything outside of Fort Cathevelle. The rate at which the cleared areas refilled with mist-spawn, shadow-spawn or other ill-intended groups was slow but not nonexistent. What they needed was more troops, large numbers of them.

That whole issue would still need to be discussed but an official missive had arrived from the Order of Reconciliation, signed by the leaders of all the outside chapter houses and several of the highest-ranking members under his own command. It was a combination of informing him of their decision and asking his permission that he wasn't exactly sure how to respond to. However his eventual reply was worded, he needed Eitan's thoughts on it first.

Looking up when Deinerin's distinct knock alerted him to the presence of his brother, Stefan stood, straightening his waistcoat and clearing his throat. Today was one of the days that changed things, he could feel it in his stomach.

Re: Restoring Order [Eitan]

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:36 pm
by Eitan Angevin
Eitan, too, had been a busy man. Fort Cathevelle was defensible, but in large part, that was due to his wards in these trying times. Stone and steel only did so much against mistborn mutants and the eclipse's shadowspawn. He and his warders had figured out how to negate such things, but they were terribly persistent and even perfect wards could be worn down given enough time. Warders were few and far between, as well. The ranks of the Order where diminished, and even with some of the licensed coven witches joining, they were not at full strength.

During the attack, he had nearly died, nearly burned himself out defending the Windworks. Some days felt like he was losing a battle of attrition, skirting the edges of overstepping and the madness that lay just beyond the brink. Thankfully, he had his family to anchor him. He could not cross that line. There were people who depended upon him, people who loved him. When he entered, still smart if a bit careworn, he immediately crossed to his brother-in-law, took him by the arms, and kissed his cheek. Dienerin knew better than anyone that they had a romantic friendship, and as they were both producing heirs with their wives, it was only natural two such heroic men should find solace in each other.

"Stef," he said softly, firmly, in a cadence particular to him that was ineffably intimate.

Eitan had also been criss-crossing Karnor when there was time and an airship to be spared. He had become the face of the home chapter of the Order, and it took frequent and strident effort to prove to the Sentinels of other city-states that they needed help, but that the leadership structure was not broken. The last thing they needed was those other Sentinels acting like divers generals and attempting to carve out little kingdoms to fit their large egos.

And then, "I regret we must be brief. This evening, Delia and I must fly to Gel'Grandal to see to the inheritance, as well as attempt to open communications with the Guild of Coin. We will be as quick about it as possible, but we will also attempt to gauge the situation in the Imperium vis-à-vis our position." He took Stefan by the hand and led him to the sofa like a child, tugging him down beside him. An arm slung around Stefan's shoulders, and he threw a leg over Stefan's knee. He was casual about such affection now. It was nice.

"I just renewed the wards around Schiller. We have a rotation set up so that no safe zone is without a dedicated warder for more than three days. I don't want any of them to overstep; we can't afford to lose anyone. Oh, and when I return, Stechpalme wants me to take her to the Ilex estate. I can't remember if I told you about him... Gelerian physician. Apparently a brilliant researcher. She wants to see if he stayed, if he survived, and if he can be persuaded to join us. I saw his place once and if it has escaped banditry and any mistborn vectors, it might also be fortified and used as a bastion much like the Dornkirk chateau."

Eitan paused for a moment, then relaxed just a skotch. In that time, he seemed suddenly old and tired.

"I'm sorry... I meant to report and I'm not sure if I'm babbling. How are you?"

Re: Restoring Order [Eitan]

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:31 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
There was so much on the minister's mind that he had intended to allow the meeting to begin without the sort of comforting intimacy that he so often craved. Eitan had other intentions and as Stefan's manservant discreetly closed the door he gripped his brother's upper arms in both of his in a sort of half hug that managed to be more intimate than an actual one might have been and pressed their foreheads together. It wasn't quite nuzzling, but he held them there for a moment, acknowledging their connection with Eitan's name said quietly.

A nod of acceptance that was not reluctant followed, he knew that Eitan and Delia would be away for some time seeing to personal affairs now that lives were out of danger and things had settled into a routine that could sustain itself.

"Seeing as you will be wholly in charge of the ship in question I'm afraid I may have to delay your departure by a little time." Moving apart he sat down on his side of the desk, which was hollow all the way through so that he could work on one side and another person on the other as they passed papers between them. He worked too often with Deinerin, Delia or Eitan for a one-sided desk to be practical.

"Pull up a chair and I'll get through it as quickly as may be." Even having said this, Stefan hesitated while the other man seated himself, the letter he pulled into his had was lengthy, detailing a lot of information but the part that they needed to discuss was on the final page and there was no use beating around it so, after a moment, he handed the pertinent section over.

"I received this from the Order, at least, the highest ranking members of each group both here and aboard, today. I know you've been working with them but it seems they felt it was right to inform me before informing you. An understandable action considering my rank but I can't possibly form a reply until I know your thoughts on it."

After this he was silent for a time, waiting for Eitan to read the missive and then consider it, if he needed to. In short, the letter stated that the leadership of what remained of the Order were prepared, and intended, to offer the position of High Sentinel to Eitan Angevin. There were quite a few caveats, but a High Sentinel was needed significantly more in the current situation than a Provost-Marshal, and while the post might not be permanent as it would have been under normal circumstances, they were still in a state of emergency.

Stefan got the feeling that many of them were unsure of the ability of such a young man, however tested in battle he was, to lead the organization and were using the caveats as a trial of sorts. If he proved up to the task he would probably keep it, and if he did not they could replace him without all the fuss. So, he imagined, they hoped. Underestimating Eitan Angevin was a failing it seemed likely people would stop making quite soon.

Re: Restoring Order [Eitan]

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:55 pm
by Eitan Angevin
Eitan made a small, boyish noise of distress when Stefan pulled him back from the sofa and to the desk, but he let it go with a sigh. Of course there would have to be work that required a desk. Stefan knew that they had planned to travel to the Gelerian capital to acquire funds from Delia's inheritance; some would be used to buy things that Zaichaer required, and some would be invested to maintain the wealth for Amalia and future generations of Dornkirk.

It only took a beat for Eitan to regain his working stride, and he sat down with his damnably perfect posture that looked so natural for him.

"They aren't normally wont to share much in the way of Order business with those outside it, even political personages," he said as he accepted the missive. "But I suppose it makes sense when the ranking members of the Order's home are a Seeker and an Orator." He sighed and began to read. There was some politicking and phrases that he would have to double-check with a trained solicitor in their vagueness, but by the end, his dark brows had risen nearly to meet his hairline.

Of course, he had always dreamed big: Grand Marshal; High Sentinel; King Eitan I. Perhaps part of him had never been quite convinced he could achieve lofty goals. Certainly, his father had laughed whenever he expressed ambition. It had always been a strange game for him. Dratori blood precluded him from greatness, but Leir Angevin was just haughty enough to believe that even the halfbreed fruit of his loins could be the stuff of legends, and Eitan had been twisted and pulled between these and other extremes—expected to excel, but never enough.

Then he frowned, re-reading with an exigent eye for some loophole, some trap. Nobody gave up power willingly, and at least two of the Sentinels had given him the keen impression that they wanted the loftiest of titles. Finally, he carefully refolded it and placed it on Stefan's desk. It was addressed to him, after all.

"Well," he said matter-of-factly, "it can't be Beeman. I respect the mists out of her, but she hasn't a head for politics or leadership beyond mentoring and organizing scholars. It would be a waste of energy to give her the title and then have to do the work behind the scenes. I wanted to earn it." His lips twisted around that, self-defeating, a bit defeated. At least, some of the wind was lost from his sails, but he was tired and stretched thin. They all were. He wasn't his best self.

"I suppose you ought to consider it while I'm gone and, once I have returned, you can tell me your decision. Ultimately, weighing in your opinion will give them more of a mandate to decide. This way, at least we can avoid more inefficient strife. I can demand resources from them. We could make more serious progress in reclaiming the streets. Containing Lyra's den of iniquity. Exploring whatever the fuck is going on in the Knob."

Heavy was the head that wore the crown. Sometimes, he wished they could just fly their islands toward the horizon, but they were tethered to their homeland. It needed them, Dornkirk and Angevin. He didn't want his bequest to young Brenner to be a father that ran away from responsibility, especially responsibilities he craved.

Re: Restoring Order [Eitan]

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 11:43 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
Eitan's protest as Stefan got down to business warmed the older man's heart and nearly pulled him back. His ability to resist the desires of his family members was weak and he knew it. He could never decide it this was a good thing or a bad one, as it often meant he took better care of himself and those he loved, but also meant it was very difficult for him to ever tell them 'no'."

If the topics of discussion had not been of such import he knew he'd have stayed on the couch and probably performed several unmanly acts of cuddling. When things were of great import, or interest, Stefan could become intently single minded however, and, in this case, it was probably the best thing.

When the break down began to some Stefan was fully focused on it, nodding at the first assertion, which was undoubtedly correct. Beeman was an excellent Orator, but she, like Stefan if he didn't control himself, got lost in projects too often to lead.

"Eitan," Not stern but something close to it, came out at the second part, "You did earn it. Not one of us would have survived without you. You organized the Order, parlayed with the Covens, ensured we survived, more than anyone else. More than me. Perhaps, if the 34th had never happened you would have worked your way up by conventional means but there is literally no one who understands the situation of the Order and what is needed as well as you do. You are uniquely qualified to lead in this moment. The greatest men are not made by slow increments, but by stepping into situations that no one else is able to and succeeding. Don't try to deny that you have done that."

After a moment,

"It isn't my decision, but I'll tell them my opinion based on whether you want it, whether you think its best. I think it's best, but, there is more you need to know before you choose."

A sigh accompanied the last of this as he pulled open one of the desk drawers and withdrew a black leather box a little larger than his palm.

"I'm sorry that this is coming all at once. I know you're stretched thin as is. I didn't know the Order was sending over their letter when I asked for this meeting. The fact is that I've been speaking to the airship captains we have," It was the highest rank of ZADC officer associated with the Islands, "And we all agree that we need a leader, other than myself, one who understands the branch better. Its inefficient and I honestly thought it might lighten your load."

He handed the box over, waiting for Eitan to open it before continuing. It contained the insignia and rank of a ZADC Admiral. An undertone of guilt slipped into Stefan's voice when he did speak again.

"It was unanimous, who the captains wanted. Maybe it will still make things more streamlined, less chaotic. People won't be running all over not sure who to report to. You can set up a hierarchy."

The older man was clenching his jaw behind his closed mouth when he finished speaking, the last thing he wanted was for this man, the one he relied on more than anyone, to be overwhelmed. They all were overwhelmed, but at a level that had become normal.

"You don't have to take either. You can choose one, or both, or none. I'll support you. We're alright as is, you know we are."

Re: Restoring Order [Eitan]

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 12:16 am
by Eitan Angevin
After a few slow breaths, he sighed and smiled.

"Thanks, Stef," he said.

They needed to prop each other up from time to time. They were all of them shouldering herculean burdens. It was only natural to doubt. He would have said more, but Stefan sighed and clearly had more to say. He accepted the box and opened it as he listened to what his brother-in-law had to say. It had been a while since he was the victim of a Stefan Dornkirk one-two combination, and they weren't even in the gym's ring.

In some ways, it wasn't a surprise. In others, it very much was. Eitan struggled not to hyperventilate. He set the box on the desk, then loosened his collar. It wasn't enough. He stood up, went to the sidebar, and poured himself two fingers of warm, tawny spirits. He downed them in one gulp, and then poured another. He set the decanter down. Dienerin could fly the airship while he napped if need be. The whole while, he was calculating, assailing his emotional responses with logic. He sat down again.

"I needed a drink," he explained unneccessarily.

"All right.. this doesn't have to drastically change things. I'm leading the Order already... de facto." De jure as well, some might argue, but not him. "With the title, I can simply leverage the rest of the Order to come to our aid. More reports from abroad, but the Sentinels are semi-autonomous anyway. If they are supporting me, then everyone else will fall into line. As for the captains—were I consulted, I would have suggested Captain Merovech, but of course, he doesn't want to command more than the Noble Gambit. A captain without a ship is much like an admiral. I will be coordinating, making larger strategical commands, while the captains run their ships per the code. And with unanimous support from the captains, well... who has ever boasted that? No, I have to do both. I'm the logical, obvious choice, ambitions aside. If not me, one of the other Sentinels would jockey for position, and the two most likely to do so are rivals. That could tear the Order asunder. And the captains need a voice of authority they can trust. It's fine. It'll be a matter of efficient delegation more than anything else. Scheiße! Thank Progress the Dienerins didn't reenlist. I am going to need to restructure things... command more assistance..."

Eitan fell quiet, took a sip. These calculations could be made in private and provided in a brief report. He didn't need to ramble them now.

"So be it."

Re: Restoring Order [Eitan]

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 10:33 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
The older man was not surprised, nor worried when the younger rose to gain a little of the detached clarity offered by a stiff drink, and had, in fact, ensured that his decanter was filled with something he knew Eitan liked. Neither of them could afford to become drunk, but neither was unable to hold their liquor either; a glass or two would do no harm.

If someone had been able to warm Stefan ahead of time of either of his meteoric rises to power (that of becoming a Minister or that of shoulder the burden of leading during the disaster of the 34th) he certainly would have wanted a drink and as assuredly would not have handled the news so well. Pride in his friend rose sharply into his chest and did him as much good as any liquid courage might have. Standing from his seat he pulled over one of the chairs lined against the wall for when there were more people in a meeting than just two and set it opposite Eitan's, facing him.

"With you in these positions of power we will be justified in reestablishing protocols, promoting those who deserve it, settling where we have been only surviving. What we have lacked in the Order and our military forces is real structure, which is, as you know well, something none of our countrymen do well without."

Crossing one leg over the other he settled his clasped hands on top, not relaxed, exactly, but no longer to the degree of worry he'd held when the meeting had began.

"It has come to light that there are significant numbers of the Order who were outside the city on the 34th who have been hesitant to return, not knowing who was to lead and thus not knowing if they would be breaking any vows by following those who claimed leadership. This is an admirable kind of loyalty, if also... timid."

The last word twisted his mouth. There was no room for timidity if Zaichaer was to rise again, but if anyone could shape the Order into a working unit again it would be Eitan.

"Now that the decision of the Sentinels is to be proclaimed, so long as I give my approval, and perhaps even if I do not, I, and Orator Beeman as well, believe these errant members will return. The majority will, of course, be Watchers of Purity."

The majority of the College of Minders had been either already recovered of presumed dead when their headquarters was destroyed. A few field teams had yet to be contacted but that was a matter for the Order, once it had man power to dedicate to such. Large numbers of the Watchers had been sent out with the various military units to assist with the war effort and it was known that most of them had survived. There was a possibility that the ones who had held a higher rank than Eitan before his current promotion might resent him for it, but Stefan could hope that men and women who had dedicated their lives to the protection and sustenance of the State would be willing to accept the emergency measures and support him.

"When they do you'll have a real force under your command again. I know you've done a great deal with mostly Minders under you but your real talents always were with your own branch. This will aid us greatly in the retaking of the capitol."

He paused here for a moment, glancing away but knowing he needed to press on. It was good news, for once, it was all good news, but it was a lot and Stefan knew that. After letting the first bit of information settle he continued,

"There isn't anything you really need to do, concerning the Order, until you return and even then the Watchers will be trickling in as they can. As for the ZADC... I'm going to need to ask for your help.

"You know I've been attempting to contact the generals outside the Riverlands Forts, as well as those in Exile. I think I'll be able to handle the Exiles, they seem more than happy to discuss matters and come to conclusions that are best for the State. The generals are proving... less comfortable. With me."

Stefan Dornkirk had served his time in the military but it had been neither distinct nor lengthy, and he had never seen real combat outside the minor-est of skirmishes. While the Fort Generals had known him from their working relationships before the fall, the rest did not and were proving recalcitrant to his overtures.

"When you return, I'm afraid I need you to lead a team to seek them out and parlay with them on our behalf. They'll respect you far more, if perhaps less than we might wish. I have no doubt that you can disabuse them of any notions of our inability to handle the situation. Once we have one of two of them on our side the others will have no choice but to come along, at least in name. This will greatly increase our number of fighting men and enable us to actually hold the ground we are taking in the city. Between the two, I think you might be the linchpin that causes the tide to turn in our favor."

It was a mixed metaphor, but it felt apt. An ocean of ill had washed over Zaichaer. That their little contingent had managed to tread water long enough to survive was impressive, but they needed to get to shore so they could start building back.

Re: Restoring Order [Eitan]

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 1:38 am
by Eitan Angevin
Eitan nodded along to everything Stefan said. They were generally of one mind about things, and if he was hearing things that merely corroborated his own thoughts, it was comforting to hear his brother-in-law's calm, steady voice. He knew he had support there. His drink in one hand, his weight resting on the other fist, pressed into the desk, his jaw twitched. Finally, he downed the rest of his drink and set the tumbler down. He wasn't going to lose control now. Stefan had taken a seat; he did too. It was overwhelming until he broke it down into the realities of the situation, compared the costs and benefits.

"Tell the Sentinels I have your support. Then I can tap them for information about the generals. Whenever you see your Kavafis friend next, press him to run down any rumors of Order members gone to ground in Kalzasi. We'll want them back, as well as any information they have gathered while there. If he's coordinating with Valencia Grey, have her send a loyal witch along with him, as well. Extol the virtues of collaborating with the airborn government and the new Order. Bring any back who are willing to work on reclaiming Zaichaer for all of us."

He paused. "I suppose you can announce the admiralty while I'm gone, but Delia and I must leave tonight. With her inheritance, she might as well become our finance minister." He grinned at that. "When I return, I'll track down the Ilex lead for Stechpalme, bring him into the fold with the Minders. Now we have the Institute secured, we might as well put any scholars under the eye of our next Provost, Agata Beeman. All study ought to go toward whatever helps us survive, and whatever will deal with the damn rift.

"Once the Watchers with the armies hear that the Order at large has rallied behind a new Sentinel of Zaichaer and High Sentinel of the Order, they will be more inclined to either defect to us or put pressure on the officers to rejoin the fold. We need them back here to help us hold the ground we take back from the mist mutants and shadowspawn. We just don't have the manpower to retake the whole city as it stands."

Re: Restoring Order [Eitan]

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 2:05 am
by Stefan Dornkirk
Lifting one hand Stefan laid it lightly on Eitan's upper thigh where he stood, as one might lay a hand on someone's shoulder, leaving it there until the other man calmed enough to sit again.

He nodded, his relief at the acceptance of the Order's proposal significant, yet, he would not have supported it without Eitan's consent. Even if it had caused rifts and issues there was one thing, and one thing only, that held greater claim to his loyalty than his nation. His family came first. If it became undeniable that Zaichaer was either lost beyond repair or being taken over by those who would see him and his blood as a threat he would take them elsewhere. It would pain him for the rest of his life to lose the land that he loved, but he would not let even Zaichaer take what was left of his family from him.

The suggestions were good ones, making use of new resources in useful ways. It seemed unlikely that the bloodthirsty aether-whore that had taken over the Kalzasern government would have left any of their Order members alive but only the most resourceful people would have been sent to that forsaken land in the first place, so all hope was not lost.

Pulling over a pad of paper the minister made several shorthand notes for things he might forget off the top of his head. He let Eitan finish, glad that he was warming to the new reality he found himself in so quickly, interjecting only occasional iterations of agreement without stemming the flow until it had come to an end. When it had he cleared his throat a little and said,

"As to when you return... The scouts we sent to make contact with the generals directly, as well as those sent to discover their numbers and positions have returned. All say they are willing to meet with us but based on the reports it seems obvious that most expect us to submit to their authority. I'll need you to speak to them personally, and the sooner the better. If you can stop by and pick up this Ilex man on your way back, so be it, but there is a unique opportunity that requires your personal attention as soon as can be managed.

"The general holding the Eastern Border, the one that's managed to evade our scouts thus far, one of the groups managed to catch up with the man. We received that report late last evening, after you and I had retired for the night. I've had reports compiled with all the information we have. Lots of surprises in there but the pertinent one is the identity of the man himself. Didn't you serve with a Major Reichart? Benedikt Reichart, I believe I heard you and Brenner speaking of him on occasion. I might have even met him at a party at some point but I never served with him. If you've any personal connection with the man it could be our way in. Not to mention that he's had to step into the role of general after his commanders were slain, so, he might be more inclined towards an alliance than the others."

Re: Restoring Order [Eitan]

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 2:41 am
by Eitan Angevin
After a while, he realized that Stefan was taking notes like a secretary and he stopped giving even the semblance of orders. But it wasn't taken amiss; Stefan was merely codifying their brainstorming session so he could enact things in Eitan's absence. He smiled tightly. His jaw continued to twitch, perhaps a new tic or tell for all the stress bearing down upon him.

But he listened to the new intelligence. When the name was mentioned, he gave an odd look, then a slow smile.

"Benedikt Reichart? Yes. Good man. Also, a good man with a gun. Was ZDC before he joined the ZADC. They must have mixed air and ground forces, then. If he's in charge." He frowned, connecting new dots. "If these meetings are imminent, then Stechpalme can wait for Ilex. Yes..." He grinned. "Yes, I can talk sense into Reichart. I know what he drinks. I'll bring some along. Meanwhile, we'll have eyes on Overmann with the Order in Kathiid. If the Sentinel of Kathiid is backing me, even the Watchers in Overmann's army are going to be swayed toward our side."

His grin widened. The pieces on the board were finally aligning in favorable positions.

"Stef... we can actually pull this off! Then, I would suggest we start favoring Vonnegut a bit. Hillebrand has a ready ally in Deutsch, so she's in a stronger position to negotiate. Same with Lang and Jäger. Vonnegut is too smart not to work with us, especially if we are bringing Reichart along with us. So, we can work the generals on the ground, we've got a united Order, and we have the covens boosting those ranks, too, and making us more efficient with what we have. I will put feelers out in Gel'Grandal. I have heard the so-called Free Citizens are gathered there, currying favor with the Imperium and the Guild of Coin. Perhaps you can throw Kavafis at the anarchists, as well. He seems to be comfortable enough traversing the dangerous parts of Zaichaer on his own..."

Aye, it was all coming together now.