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An Encounter of the Unknown Kind

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 3:19 am
by Læbirius
☠ 10th of Searing, Year 123, A.o.S ☠


With the increase in rainfall, much of what was needed to be done would have to wait for better weather. He couldn't train with Taidryn as Varinios barred any training until his wound had healed a bit more. And his mentor was out and about running various errands as of late. He wondered what he would be able to do as he watched the businesses of the market below the balcony of his room.

Sometime later a knock came to his door, and moments later Taidryn entered. "Shall we go for a walk, my lord." he urged, a solemn look on his face as he still felt bad about inflicting the wound on his young lord. Læbirius would nod in agreeance as he dressed himself for the current weather. Once dressed the two of them walked the water down streets of Drathera until they found a spot away from most to watch the coming sunset.

The evening sun was tucking itself within the horizon as the young mixed elf sat upon one of the large rocks that sat within a garden that overlooked the jungles of Ecith. He began to ponder his time here, and how he could better himself while he planned his next move against the Queen of Kythera. He couldn't go him unless he got that book, no matter what. There was no room for failure while here otherwise this journey would have been for nothing.

"I will get my hands on that book, I have to." he said holding a hand out to the horizon as he relaxed onto the rock, content with watching the sunset through the rain.


"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"

Re: An Encounter of the Unknown Kind

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 12:30 am
by Aegis
The pondering of one so determined has on occasion invited and inspired aid from others. Sometimes this manifests in individuals uniquely able to provide aid being drawn by an unseen force to the determined individual, other times it seems that luck seems to be in their favor. And now would be no exception. A dark, hooded figure looked down upon Laebirius and his companions, a thin smile growing around the large, protruding tusks. Words were whispered on tattooed lips, words that would carry on the wind and wheedle into Laebirius' mind as though the thought might be his own.

"If you wish for the power of the Lich, do not ask for the powers of dragons. Take them."

So as what little sun there was disappeared, a darkness began to grow around Laebirius' wrist. While certainly a foreign force, it was responding to the man's determination to reach his goal, and he would feel that determination radiating from the shadowy energies that were twisting and entwining around his arm. As drops of rain passed through the shaded energies, they turned black, and when they struck stone or skin, they did not act as water does, rather, seemingly evaporated back into the aether in a wisp of darkness.

Soon, the energies flushed in the deepest possible darkness, and slowly, a bracelet faded into visibility upon Laebirius' wrist. It appeared to be made of several shards of bones, melded together, with a dark, black gem inset. It was snug against his wrist, with no obvious clasp for removing it. The gem shimmered once, and Laebirius would remember the moment in which he'd died, standing as a ghost before the dragons that he'd annoyed. As the memory faded, Laebirius would be able to feel that this bracelet was bound to him and him alone and he would inherently know the power it contained.

The hooded man turned away from the ledge, disappearing, knowing that he'd be back, when this man grew stronger. As he moved deeper into Drathera, he faded away entirely, as several an Ork shivered from an unexpected chill.
 ! Message from: Aegis
This Birthday Bomb is tied to the request found here viewtopic.php?t=4862 . Upon reaching Competent in each of the 3 Ghost Skills, contact me and the Mysterious Visitor will return.


The Bracelet of Death - Made from the bones of various individuals and the soul gem of a Black Dragon, this Bracelet is a known artifact in the world. It seeks out those who've experienced death and seek to wield power beyond themselves. It binds to them and cannot be removed by the individual until they die, at which point it disappears into the aether awaiting to find a new host. This bracelet is considered to be an abomination by many necromancers and Black Dragons alike, however, it oft remains hidden from them, often undetectable to all but that absolute best Semblers in the world. To most, it is simply just an aesthetic but mundane bracelet.

The Bracelet of Death grants Laebirius the ability to transform into a Ghost, as outlined here wiki/index.php/Undead#Ghosts . However, as Laebirius is not actually dead, he does not have the psychological deterioration that oft accompanies ghosts. While in this form, Laebirius has access to the Ghost Skills of Materialization, Possession, and Haunting, and may add those to his Skills and begin leveling them up. Each time that Laebirius transforms into a ghost, it consumes a stored charge from the bracelet. He can maintain a transformation indefinitely, and switching back to his normal body does not consume a charge.

The Bracelet of Death can hold an infinite number of charges for its ability. There are two ways to increase these charges. The first method is touching a Soul Gem to the black gemstone of the bracelet. Doing so causes the Soul Gem to be consumed by the Soul Gem in the Bracelet. This method increases the charges by 3, and each creation of the Soul Gem must be done IC and reviewed before consumption. The second method requires a drop of Laebirius' own blood being touched to the Soul Gem of the bracelet. Doing so will consume 25 years of Laebirius' natural lifespan. This does not age him up, but rather brings his biological clock down. This method increases the charges by 1.

Current Charges: 1

Re: An Encounter of the Unknown Kind

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 12:07 am
by Læbirius
☠ 10th of Searing, Year 123, A.o.S ☠


Looking to the setting sun he felt a chilling sensation coil around his wrist. His eyes drifted down and saw the source of the sensation, the deep vanta black stone set within the bracelet that now adorned his wrist. Instinctively he knew how to use it, realizing it was no regular piece of jewelry. A sly smirk painted his features as he admired it for a moment.

Taking a finger he pricked it on one of the bony barbs of the bracelet, blood dripping from it and onto the black gem. In that moment he would feel himself shift, reminiscent of the sensation he felt when the black dragon had "killed" him. He watched Taidryn panic as one moment he was there and then he was gone. He was amused for only a bit as he walked around the half-orc. He would only be gone for but a moment, but he knew he had to see what this bracelet could do.

Concentrating on the bracelet and allowing its power to funnel through him, he drew on his power to manifest in front of his guardian. It was a struggle, tapping into his aether reserves for just this single feat. "What in the gods!!!!!" Taidryn shouted, the man looking at Laebirius as if he had just experienced a heart attack. The incorporeal mage laughed at the sight as the half-orc regained his composure.

"No need for alarm Taidryn, simply testing something out." he assured, a smile on his ghostly features as he faded from reality. He had to figure out exactly how this worked, as he was only a ghost for but a mere moment. As out of depth as he was, he could feel that the bracelet would make up for the knowledge that he lacked.

It was how he realized how to manifest in front of his guardian. He allowed the bracelet to steer him, as he took to the streets of Drathera. He found the experience freeing, not being bound to the mortal plane by normal limitations. He was able to walk through walls of buildings poking his head through, to move unseen by most mundane people, but he could see that some eyes focused on him. He wondered if that meant they could see him clearly.

Regardless he was not causing any trouble and he simply was trying to figure out all of what this bracelet could do. He felt the tug of the bracelet moving him onward. It pulled him towards a cafe, a young man sitting by himself and quietly drinking something. Approaching him he would feel the need to be........within the man, to be one with his physical form. Reaching out he placed a hand on the young man, and by concentrating on the bracelet he found himself seeing through the eyes of the young man.


"Wow, this is similar to Elegant possession." he said in his excitement. Clapping came from a little distance away. Approaching him was a woman of demure and sophisticated beauty, elegance and poise. "I see someone is having fun, though I am curious how you can do this child of smoke and whispers?" her words caught Lae off guard as he wasn't sure what she meant.

"Forgive me, but I have to admit that I have had my eye on you since your arrival. I know you seek Setrah's Codex, and I wish to help you." she continued, motioning for him to follow her. Hesitation gripped him as he contemplated his next move. How did she know who he was and why he was here? Could she be an agent of his father, a spy to report his movements back to his father? The staff she had been holding was tapped on the ground as a signal for him to move quickly.

In the body he possessed, he stood up and followed the woman. "I was able to possess this poor person through....... a special gift." he posed, chuckling as they walked. For a moment there was silence but she then spoke as strolled through the awnings to protect them from the rain. "You are quite a special little one, and I know you will achieve greatness. You are of a unique bloodline. One that has been lost to time itself, its bearers set adrift in obscurity."

He looked through those borrowed eyes at her with curiosity as to how she could know that. Her eyes drifted to him, and he could see the way she appraised him, looking over him like a jeweler would over a new stone in their hands. "The potential for greatness indeed is there, but it is untapped. Your current mentor doesn't wish to see you excel, it is why you only have been given rudimentary training in world magics, I however can teach you more."

Continuing on they soon reached a pavilion that overlooked the lush jungles that stretched as far as the eye could see. Coming to a rest, she tapped her staff and motioned away from where they were. "You should release him, I wish to speak to you directly now." she instructed, her tone that of a teacher giving guidance to a student in need. With a deep breath, he walked away from her, a few steps before forcing himself out of the body.

The poor guy was shocked at the new location, looking around until he could see where he had come from and bewilderingly making his way back to the cafe. Laebirius stood there for a moment, before tapping into the bracelet and returning to the mortal plane. Appearing whole now, he could feel the rush of warmth back in his body, filling his limbs with life again. "If I may, just who the hell are you, and how do you know so much about me?" his inquiry came out harsh, cautious, and accusatory.

She smiled as she leaned back into the seating of the pavilion, a playful and coy smile dancing along her lips. "How silly of me, I should have introduced myself earlier. I guess my curiosity had gotten the better of me." she purred, motioning for him to come and have a seat. "You may call me Yorha. I am a fellow necromancer such as yourself and a fellow admirer of Setrah and his works." she explained. "I am a part of a group of like-minded individuals and from what I have semblanced from you, I believe you are as well, but time will tell if my assumption is true. For now, however, just know that I will be watching your moves closely while you are here in the Commonwealth."

With those words she stood and sauntered away, leaving a confused and concerned Laebirius to wonder.


"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"

Re: An Encounter of the Unknown Kind

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 7:23 am
by Aegis


Loot: The Bracelet of Death (See modbomb in thread or Player Secrets)
Injuries: -25 years from Lifespan. approx 200 years reduced to 175.

Points: 10, solo + modbomb

Skills Used Eligible for Expert/Master Progression: N/A

Lore Development Opportunities: N/A

Comments: Looking forward to seeing Laebirius pursing his quests.