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The Songs of my People (Part I) [Aurin]

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 5:32 pm
by Rivin
3rd Searing, 123

It had been months since he had first heard the Magus humming a song that had brought back to him memories of the songs his mother had given to him in his extreme youth. When they had remained in the first place he had known. In the darkness and safety of that first existence, her voice had been his only touchstone, it had been the voice of god, the only thing that was real. He did not think of that time, and, in fact, it was often difficult to recall it, not only for how young he had been, but because, without the ability to see, and with stimulation for his other sense so limited, it was a struggle to even form cohesive recollections from what remained.

He had slept, that first night he had given pleasure as well as gaining it, deeply and without waking. This, in itself, was a rare gift and had cemented many of the connection points which had begun to grow inside him where the Magus was concerned. In the months since then, he had gone about even the parts of his assigned work that he considered of less interest with an intent zeal and, unexpectedly, a deeper level of self-reflection.

While he had recognized that he had spent his first year of freedom mostly in fear of discovery, he now realized he had also spent it in a lessened state of consciousness. Animalistic, perhaps, not allowing himself to fully become himself, knowing that, should he be recaptured after he had stretched out into his greater potential, it would kill him. Now he had some safeguards, and while Ilex still loomed massive in his psyche, logically he knew that Aurin was more powerful. At least, personally. Ilex might be able to request the aid of armies, should he desire, but he trusted that Aurin would come to take him back, should he be taken now. To receive the full return on his investment, if for no other reason.

There were other reasons now, Rivin felt. He had the man's interest, and was of use to him, and those were good things, if also, possibly, dangerous. That danger no longer worried him, even if he told himself it should. In truth, it excited him. Aside from that, the new freedom of self that he was growing into allowed him to see what things he actually wanted, where he wanted his life to go and what he wished to gain from it. Studying on both his new sense of self and what desires it held had been a long process, but fulfilling, and he had come out of it with three conclusions he could be sure of.

First, he wanted Traversion.
For whatever reason, of all the magics the Magus possessed, or even others, this was what he wanted and he wanted it with an intense sort of passion that he could not properly leash, so he did not try.

Second, he wanted to learn what he could of his own people, and more specifically, their dead language. Perhaps it would lead him to understanding where his mother had come from, but, even if it did not, he wanted it.

Thirdly, he wanted to be bound to his Magus in some way more tangible than that of simply an employee. It was no romantic idea and had nothing to do with the courtesan training he was receiving. He wanted to know that while he was bound, so too was Aurin, in a way, to him. He did not believe that anything Ilex could devise to either find him or keep him could not be overturned by Aurin, and if he could ensure their compact was concrete, he would be safe.

For this, he would give up much. For any of the three he would give up much, but this last would allow him to concentrate his energy on the others. If he was lucky and clever he might be able to use the last as payment for the other two, or at least one of them. What the other would cost him was something he was willing to discover as he went.

They met on the rooftops, as they sometimes did, chasing each other, or the wind, or some actual quarry. The Magus was not physically quite as good at the game as Rivin, but he had his tricks too, so he always won. This was not upsetting, in fact, it felt right.

When they had come to a halt for a time, he stepped closer, feeling the chill of the wind as the redhead never did, wrapped as he was in his magic cloak.

"I have requests, Magus, and an offering to pay for them with, if you will listen." He was still formal, but it was, in itself, sort of a game between them. Not a contest, a familiarity.

Re: The Songs of my People (Part I) [Aurin]

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 2:44 pm
by Aurin
If he had had Rivin a decade ago, his life might have gone quite differently. Even now, he spent his days poring over ledgers, and glad-handing artists and craftsmen and highborn fucks; in some ways, the nights spent playing in the dark were as fulfilling as more prurient games. He tried to use gradually less of his magic and more of his body in these games; Rivin was younger, more naturally agile, but he just used that as a goad to push himself farther. His magic tricks were tools, nothing more. If one failed, his body or his mind would have to step up to adapt him to the situation.

When they wordlessly paused, he pulled Rivin closer. Aurin was sweating from the exertion, but as the cloak settled around him, no longer flying in the wind, he felt it was the most comfortable temperature to cool off. He shared that luxury with his Lysanrin boy.

"Speak your requests," he said with a theatrical sort of formality. Aurin smirked because of course he did. When Torin called him Master, he felt like Master. When Rivin called him Magus, he felt like Magus. Private names and secret games allowed them all to stretch out into different parts of himself, and he certainly didn't mind feeling omnipotent and omniscient even if he was far from them.

While he could sense the questions trembling upon Rivin's aura like drops of dew coalescing before the sun rose, he didn't dive into them. Instead, he caressed that aura with his mind's eye even as his hands caressed the gooseflesh on Rivin's arms.

Aurin played along. At night, on the rooftops with Rivin, he was the mysterious stranger, the Witch-King of Karnor, or whatever else he wanted to be as a boy wanted to be something more than he was.

Re: The Songs of my People (Part I) [Aurin]

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 3:03 pm
by Rivin
The warmth, or rather, neutrality the cloak offered made him shiver in a combination of interested delight and the vague hunger that came from his biological draw towards aether.

He would not 'eat' the cloak, and, in fact, had realized that he'd had the natural urge to do so beaten out of him so thoroughly it would take something extraordinary to allow him to attempt to do so.

Turning to look up into Aurin's face his own took on a feral sort of grin. The wind ran through his hair, whipping it around his horns and the effect was of something wild and vaguely otherworldly. That the Magus played along with him always felt good in the way that another child playing along with your pretend games felt whole and right. This was not a game and they were not children, which only made the rightness wrap tighter around him.

"I want your trick. Traversion. To move at my will where I wish. I would that you should grant me Freedom, Magus."

He said 'freedom' as though it too were the name of the cardinal rune.

"In exchange for this, I will give you myself. I will pledge my service to you. Write your rights on my flesh with Scrivened magics, to last for a period we will negotiate."

He let this stay in the frozen air between them for a moment before adding an addendum,

"I will do as you instruct, so long as I am capable, with a few exceptions. I will not do harm to the elf Sivan Sunrunner, not him or anything he claims as his own. And, I wish to seek the knowledge of my people, the old ways and words that have been lost. You will not stop me from doing so, as part of your service. Outside of these two things, I will do as you will me."

It was important that the terms of the contract be exact, but assuming his exceptions were accepted, he had no fear of what else might be required. His whole life had been a preparation for obedience even in deeply difficult or discomfiting situations. It was not a naive offer, even knowing that the Magus might choose to end his life. It would be a poor return on investment unless the situation was extreme and Rivin understood the risk.

Re: The Songs of my People (Part I) [Aurin]

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 3:53 pm
by Aurin
Aurin was unsurprised. A Lysanrin craved aether; his part-Lysanrin craved knowledge and power and magic, and this made sense. If Aurin were in his boots, he would want the ability to magically bolt from any situation he didn't like, and while he didn't think it meet to induct him into the Railrunners, he could initiate him in the trick. Later, perhaps, he would speak to Valencia about whether or not he should or could bring Rivin into the coven. He might or might not want the comfort of a group of people he could rely upon. They were lone wolves, the both of them. Perhaps that was why they were frequently alone together.

"Very well," he said. "The duration of service will last until a year and a day from the date you can maintain an active portal as well as phase through solid objects. I will not have you on your own without that level of mastery, lest you harm yourself or others through ineptitude. But I will oversee your training, and I don't doubt you will learn quickly and make me wish I had demanded more of you."

The Magus' hands roamed over Rivin, not overtly sexual, but claiming.

"As for Sivan, he would be the person to scrive the nature of arrangement upon you. He is a... hm, friend. I have no wish to harm him or his. As for your language, that is yours to seek out, though I will advise caution. Even Lysanrin don't like Lysanrin." His smirk twisted into something abnormal for him: judgment. This was not a joke, and while he bore them no ill will, he knew that he had biases written into him. The stories of the Sundering were among everyone's fairy tales and morality plays.

His hands clutched.

"I calculate the risks I put you at. I want some say in the risks you take while you owe me your service." Looking down into those mutable eyes, the hardness in his own softened. "Perhaps someday, you will find my service so agreeable that you make it permanent." He leaned down and claimed Rivin's mouth, an unofficial sealing of the deal. Rivin was one of his now, and he was terrified of losing him, even to disinterest. But he never let on.

Let Rivin think he just wanted an eager warm body and a devoted servant.

Re: The Songs of my People (Part I) [Aurin]

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 6:03 pm
by Rivin
The Lysanrin's eyes narrowed as he listened to the terms, not in suspicion, but in consideration. There was no telling exactly how long it might take him to learn the proper uses of a new rune. Having not been allowed to practice the use of his first without fear of severe punishment had limited both his ability with Summoning and any useful data on his ability to learn one. He still had blocks in his use of Summoning, and though his power grew steadily under Sivan's tutelage Rivin still hadn't made any long-term contracts.

Outside of that with his Aidolon, which was an unfortunate circumstance that came with its own set of problems.

None of that mattered at the moment, however, and, after a moment of considering all the implications he nodded.

"To this, I agree." It wasn't binding, not yet, but it would be. He grinned at the suggestion that Aurin might regret how fast he learned.

"If I take to this new rune so well, what makes you think I won't come right back begging another boon in exchange for more of my life?"

That was assuming his service was deemed worthy of the bargain once it was fulfilled, but he would do all in his power to ensure it was so. The possessive touch felt good, on levels he knew he should reject. Being touched as though he were a possession belonged in the realm of slavery and he shouldn't want it. Bad, he labeled them in his mind even as he stepped into it, opening his stance to make himself available.

The addition of naming Sivan the Scrivener was a comfort. Rivin would have accepted Aurin's runeforger, or even a hired Scrivener, so long as he was allowed time to study the final mark before it was applied to his body.

"He is, a friend, yes."

The advice about his race was fair and his face said as much.

"I do not want the people, I want their history, their knowledge, or that which once was theirs." His tone added 'now it will be mine'.

The additional request was not unexpected, this was a negotiation. Riving had stated what he wanted, Aurin was expected to do the same. He nodded after another, briefer moment of consideration. When the kiss came he opened to it, pushing for it, even as it remained, for him, outside the realm of the sexual.

Re: The Songs of my People (Part I) [Aurin]

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 1:02 pm
by Aurin
Rivin was broken by slavery; Aurin ought to have felt guilty for exploiting that, but he told himself he was giving Rivin what he needed in a way he could accept and that he had his better interests at heart, unlike his old master. Certainly, Aurin also benefited, but there was nothing wrong with a mutually beneficial relationship. He smirked, though, imagining Rivin's life and service engaged for rune after rune until the habit of obeying and serving his magus became second nature and necessary.

His hand came up to cup Rivin's face like a lover, his thumb brushing a bluish lip - blue like bruises.

"I will draw up the contract," he said, "and you can take it to Sivan to be translated into scrivening. If he requires payment, I will see to it, or you can if he demands payment of you." From what he understood, Rivin was frugal with his earnings, and from what he gathered, Sivan might try to dissuade Rivin from this course; all the better, he should hear conflicting opinions before deciding - but he seemed decided.

"Then you have merely to decide where you want your Rune, and I will prepare a time and place for your journey into the Aetherium."

And he would have to see if he couldn't contact Valencia before that time to seek her guidance in safe initiation. He had grown in power quickly, but that had largely been a result of her foundational teaching. His own initiation - well, he didn't know if it was typical or not, and despite the ease with which Arry took to the glamour trick, Torin's nearly fatal reaction to the sembling trick still haunted him.

Re: The Songs of my People (Part I) [Aurin]

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 1:13 pm
by Rivin
Rivin listened, nodding, a small version of his feral grin peeking out when his lips parted in response to Aurin's touching of them. Sivan had never demanded anything of him, had never even really asked anything of him. The things Rivin gave were either volunteered by him or suggested as payment by him in exchange for the elf's expertise on various matters of mundane and magical nature. But transactional relationships were expected, normal and common, so he did not add any commentary.

If Sivan did begin to demand things from him it would have added an interesting dynamic to their friendship, but Rivin needed the simple ease that his only friend gave him and would rather remain as they were then risk its loss for new additions. He did not know what Sivan might think about the contract. One could not usually buy a rune, they were not things for sale in the market, and Rivin wanted to be in service to his Magus. Aurin had to know that this was true, the only difference being that if he suddenly decided he did not wish to be in service, he could not back out. The elven cultures that he had read about included slavery in several forms, so he might assume it wouldn't be a problem, but Sivan seemed a singular version of both his races. The Lysanrin would approach the topic carefully, gauge how it might be taken and take it elsewhere if needed.

The first rune he had been 'given' was on his shoulder blade, but he assumed this had been for the convenience of the one who had scribed it as he had been unconscious at the time. The idea that the new one might be etched into the bone of one of his horns was intriguing, but it would be less trouble to simply adorn his other shoulder blade. He said these things aloud, so that if Aurin had an interesting in unusual rune placement, he could make that choice but if he was not there was a very easy option available.

It surprised him that Aurin had not brought up the nature of his blood, but then, the Magus knew of his rune, had seen it on more than one occasion as well as observing its use. Perhaps the human assumed that if he had one, it meant his blood was diluted enough that any would be accepted. Rivin was certainly hoping that that was the case and also that, should he fall ill as he had with his first rune, he would be able to pay Sivan for the care of him and not bother the Magus with it. It was another thing to discuss with his housemate.

The urge to ask questions about the Aetherium rose in him powerfully, even after having read a book or two on the subject, but he was not in a mood to pester, feeling rather elated that his requests had, so far, gone well.

Re: The Songs of my People (Part I) [Aurin]

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 4:02 pm
by Aurin
"I will let you think on it," he said. "It is your body, after all." That didn't mean Aurin didn't touch it like it was his. He had to keep his boy 'warm'. And it didn't mean it wouldn't belong to him eventually. If Rivin grew comfortable enough with his yoke, he might want to keep it on forever.

Aurin paused, cleared his throat, and was then forthcoming with more information.

"I should warn you, however, that the two other times I have initiated someone into a rune, there were unforeseen complications. I have done some research about reducing the chance and severity of threshold sickness, and I will be speaking to the woman who gave me the trick before I give it to you... But when I was less versed in passing them along, well, the two men who wear runes from me, we are... entangled. One, I gave the glamour trick, and we can... reach out to each other through our runes. I have been able to communicate with him from afar, making an illusory avatar. The other, whom I gave the seeing trick... we have a similar bond. I didn't know then that I could draw the rune in ink. I had been cut, and so I cut in turn. It might have something to do with the blood, this... quirk. But you should know there is a chance that we will forever be bound by this shared trick. I don't know how that would work with the jumping trick. Perhaps we will always be able to find each other in the slipspace...? In any case, I want you to make this choice with full knowledge of the possibilities."

Rivin was, after all, still frightened that his old master would catch him. Aurin wouldn't promise not to use such an advantage to his benefit, but then he would be opening himself up to a vulnerability if Rivin could always find him.

In any case, whether he used quill and ink or scarification, there would be a visible reminder forever. If Rivin wanted to keep it hidden, that was something to consider.

Re: The Songs of my People (Part I) [Aurin]

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 5:09 pm
by Rivin
It was a combination that should have been disjointed, but it was not. Aurin speaking to him as an equal force in their dealings while also running hands over his body as though he were an object. The latter soothed and sated an instinctive part of him, the former did similarly to more conscious areas of him. The Magus seemed to know both things and chose to treat him thus, which appealed to yet a third section of Rivin.

Horned head cocked at the new information. The giving of Cardinal Runes was never a simple process and there wasn't, so far as his research had informed him, a 'normal' version. Each giving, each receiving, was different, individual to the participants. He continued to listen, even as his mind whirred, absorbing all he was offered.

Even under the thick cloak his tail could be felt twitching at the use of the word 'entangled'. It did not imply only a one way connection and Aurin went on to confirm that idea. Being able to locate each other, wherever they might be, would be a useful tool. When the explanation was at an end he responded.

"You may cut me, if it might increase the likelihood of this connection. I am no stranger to the letting of my blood in the cause of experimentation. I would be interested in making notes of the experience and the aftermath. If you do not want this thing, I will accept ink or a brand. Whatever way will be acceptable to you."

He had not been burned as part of any previous experiments that he was aware of but he had read some very interesting texts on several cults that had passed Runes from master to apprentice with fire. After a beat he thought of something and said,

"Where is your Traversion laid?" He had seen the Magus' body bared and while recognizing a Rune was something even mundane eyes could do, he did not know which had been which.

Re: The Songs of my People (Part I) [Aurin]

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 10:30 pm
by Aurin
"I would trust you with that connection," he affirmed. Cutting it would be, then, and more thaumaturgical entanglement. Rivin might not be aware of how much that leap was unlike Aurin, but the man himself did. Then he showed even more trust. "Left shoulder, traversion. Left bicep, semblance. Right bicep, masquerade. Right shoulder, negation." He knew the correct words, but he continued to use his own old nicknames for them most of the timeā€”his magic tricks, as though he were some sleight-of-hand magician and not a powerful member of multiple covens.

"You've run your tongue over all of them," he reminded his horny boy with a dark chuckle.

It pleased him that Rivin came to him for almost all things: work, sex, magic, guidance. It likely added to his unhealthy ego, but he didn't have a mind-healer unraveling his inner traumas. He whispered something into the delicate curve of Rivin's ear, positing a magical question for him. His smirk, invisible, could clearly be heard in what he said. After a nibble on the ear, he swept his cloak back and jumped away.

The chase was on. The rooftops were their fields, chimneys their forest. Torin's leige lady had given them back the stars and the moons, and so he had no trouble seeing where he was going. Now he tried to rely more upon his body than his tricks, though. One never knew when they would be negated by more powerful tricks, and then one had to rely upon one's innate abilities and trained skills. Aurin might never be as naturally agile as Rivin, but competing with him helped him hone his body and his mind for the complex calculations it had to do when taking leaps of faith.