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Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 1:34 pm
by Uwyn


Full Name: Uwyn
Race: Siltori Opal Dragonborn
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5'5
Weight: 158

Birthdate: 104 Steel 13th Glacial Dusk.
Birthplace: The midden
Profession: Thief, Hunter
Housing: Rough Cave 30x25 single entrance chamber (750 sq. ft.) complete with a vented iron Stove, bunk, chest, chair, small table and rug.
Partners: Null

Titles: None
Factions: Midden Gangs?

Fluencies: Silandris, Common.
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None

A Syltori With silvery ashen skin, silver hair, and bright ocher eyes. Their arms and legs are dotted with light opal scales irregularly around them that glow slightly in the presence of strong magic. Tough hands and feet with longer and sharper nails than the average Sylotori Uwyn's appearance belies their draconic heritage. Arms and legs crisscrossed with scars from spelunking and knife fighting with the denizens of the Midden. Lean but fit Uwyn's countenance speaks of pride in spite of the ruined clothing he oft wears. After all why invest in something nice just to ruin it on an average walk in the midden.


A tumultuous personality is Uwyn's to bear, draconic vanity combined with a since of kindred with the lowborn have created one who would rule but hates rulers. Growing up in the sewers etiquette and it's trappings are fanciful privileges of the rich, it's stab the grackle in the face before it stabs you, or after it stabs you in the midden, either way have your knife ready. He's keen to rake what he wants when he wants it. Loves excess and loves to encourage it in others Uwyn is a hedonist, his draconic resilience letting him imbibe alcohols and drugs that would cripple normal people with relative ease.


Son to Ovetha the opal dragonness and Loc Valden A Siltori Smuggler and sometimes mage for hire. His mother ran the brothel he was raised in and he was mostly left to the care of the more motherly staff his mother employed while she focused on matters she actually considered worth her time, namely money and drugs and expansion of her domain within the midden and her influence within Kalzasi. His father, Loc, stayed busy and was often away for months at a time, often only coming home when he had some trinket or other thing he knew would guarantee him some quality time with Ovetha. While neither parent spurned Uwyn, going so far as to gift him things and offer him the occasional bit of their time, but it was apparent from a young age that Uwyn would have to make something of himself by his own means. Thankfully he had more support than he realized in the form of Urgaa, one of his mother's eldest employees, she'd known his mother before his father had even, though why the Orkhan traveled with his mother was beyond him. Still it was thanks to her Ecithian values for family that Uwyn had anything remotely close to a loving figure in his life, teaching him to fight, and when he was older, introducing him to the surface.

It was on a rare fateful trip to the surface that Uwyn learned a truth the midden had been hiding from him. Food could taste good!

It was with this spark that Uwyn's first real passion sparked, no longer just content with the dregs that were the staples of the average midden residents diet Uwyn expanded his pallet and began sneaking to the surface as often as he could to steal spices and try new foods, the rare recipe or cookbook worth its weight in gold to the young dragonborn. Soon he found his niche in the kitchen of the brothel, no longer just serving booze and enough calories to sustain you, but food people actually wanted to eat. not perhaps happy, but content to have found something that earned him the genuine praise of his parents and a small amount of local praise as well the young dragonborn got his first taste of of every dragons favorite flavor, pride.

With spoon rather than scepter would this dragon conquer.

Re: Uwyn

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 1:34 pm
by Uwyn
SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Cooking 25/100 Apprentice
One handed: Knives. 20/100 Novice
Botany 15/100 Novice
Butchery 15/100 Novice
Alchemy 15/100 Novice
Mining 10/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
None yet+00 0
None yet+00 0

Re: Uwyn

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 1:35 pm
by Uwyn


1 Bronze Dagger
1 Iron Dagger
1 Set of Clothing (Cloak or Coat and footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel

House description here

1. Starting Gold, +50/0 gp. 50/50 gp Total.