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Illuminating the Path [Finn]

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:55 pm
by Hilana Chenzira
32 Searing, Year 123

[Closed - Finn]

“Will you be out in the desert today?” Lia asked her sister as they watched her putting together the lunch. Breakfast had been eaten, and the young woman had turned her attention to packing the picnic basket. Grilled lamb pitas with tomatoes and onions and tzatziki, hummus and crackers, fruit, olives, cheeses, crunchy roasted chickpeas, and cardamom pistachio shortbread cookies. Hilana had made a half a dozen large trays of them the day before, and a large bag of them had gone with Raithen, along with his own basket of food to take back to the Neptori with him.

“Something like that. I’m making a quick trip with Finn, and I like to make sure we have snacks on the road,” Hilana explained. Lia’s head tilted in question. “If I could bring you, soror, I would. But where I’m going today, it wouldn’t be wise for you to accompany me until Lykos has purified you. And then I will get permission to bring you with me.” She squeezed Lia’s hands before pulling her into a hug. Lia returned it, touching her face.

“I understand, Hilana. You’ll have to tell me about it after, hm?” She smiled at her. She wouldn’t begrudge her such trips - Lia did not have the adventurous spirit Hilana did, at least, not in such amounts. Her sister had enough for all of them. “We will see you for dinner. In light or shadow, go in grace,” she touched her cheek before stepping back, making a little gesture with her hands to encourage her younger sister to go. "You do not want to be late."


She took the portal to the Luxium and hurried to Sweet Remedies, tucking the basket out of the way until Finn got there. With it being his day off, she’d figured to work until he was ready to go, and Vasilei had a whole list for her to work on and prepare from the inventory check he had done the day before. The Vastiana knuckled down and got to work on mixing the first batch of anti-fatigue teas. The main ingredient in these were dried magma bloom petals from the flowers Hilana had collected in Frost from the Umbrium, having been drying and curing so that they could be crushed and added to other herbs and plants - ginger, ashwagandha, and rhodiola rosea, all of which were good for revitalization and improvement of physical abilities. Finn might like some of that, too, and she resolved to set a packet aside for him. Vasilei liked her friend, after all, they could talk quite a bit about northern plants and Kalzasi. There was always something interesting for them to cover, especially as Finn's grandmother had been the local witch, as he had told Hilana before, and his father was interested in much of the same subjects.

The ginger had been shaved down into slices when it had been fresh and candied in order to allow it to crystallize. That served multiple purposes - preserving the fresh ginger root, modifying the flavour, and allowing honey to be involved without needing a bottle of the fresh, liquid gold. The ginger syrup that resulted from the process of making the honey-candied ginger was used in multiple other applications, as well as being sold on its own. Hilana weighed and measured out the ginger before it went into the great mixing bowl. Ashwagandha roots had been dried and ground into a powder with the mortar and pestle, and that, too, had been weighed out. Fine though it was, once it was submerged in the boiled water and activated by the heat, it was still beneficial if it seeped through the mesh strainers or circulated in the tea. The honey of the ginger helped with the flavour, as did the tangy leaves of the magma blooms.

The rhodiola rosea wasn't native to Solunarium, and as such it required specialized growing conditions that Vasilei had paid mages to recreate. But it was well worth it - the roots of the attractive ground-cover plant contained strong adaptogens, which helped the body manage stress along with fatigue, boosting and enhancing concentration. All of which were helpful, and when combined with the other components, could create a strong pick-me-up that was not unwelcome in these trying times. The big bowl was blended carefully with the whisk and spoons, before it was weighed out again into labeled paper packets. Vasilei had her pack different sizes - some individual portions, others held up to a week's supply with the measurement instructions on the back.

Hilana did keep an eye on the water clock, though; she wasn't about to be caught flat-footed when she knew Finn would be coming.

Re: Illuminating the Path [Finn]

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 12:18 pm
by Finn
When the sun wasn't beating down too fiercely, Finn did rather enjoy walking through the Luxium. He could always vault, but it was his day off and so he ambled. His Sentinel blacks were at home, but he wore the less formal training greys because most of what the servi kept in his closets were too fine to walk the Sceptre-lit streets, and he preferred not to attract notice unless notice was what the situation required.

In any case, his fair skin and pale eyes marked him as peregrinus to most eyes. He had grown comfortable in his Sentinel weeds, veiled and anonymous. He could let his face show when he was among friends, or don an entirely different sort of costume for high social events.

With his aura and symphony safely contained behind Cithaera's charms, he found Sweet Remedies, and knocked before entering. He had become even more polite in those regards; here in Solunarium, the startle of a suddenly opened door was more likely to reveal peril than back home.

"Good day!" he sing-songed as he squinted, eyes adjusting to the relative gloom out of the Sceptre-light.

Today was the day he returned to the Realm of Light. At least, he hoped to. Finn knew the way, and was reasonably sure that Talon would let him return unless there was some reason to interdict - like some divine struggle with Shaeoth or similar. Of course, he hadn't asked specifically if he could ferry anyone other than Arvaelyn with him when he came.

But it was a plane of existence, not a vault. Hilana would meditate upon the Light until she could work it into her elemental weaves, and he would meditate upon the music he heard there. If everything went off without a hitch, he wouldn't have to pray to Talon for guidance. Even though it would be informal, merely a means of communication, he knew he would feel the judgmental glare of Avaerys all the same.

Talon was a friend. Avaerys was his God.

"Are we ready to slip the bonds of this material plane and become one with the Light?" Finn grinned.

Re: Illuminating the Path [Finn]

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 9:02 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

He didn't need to knock, but it certainly told them who it was before the door opened and the bell chimed overhead. "Salve, Finn," Hilana beamed at him, sweeping up the table that she had been working at now that the bulk of the work was done for the moment. "How are you doing? How has your day been?" She did have a few paper packets there with the apothecary's logo on it, and a note on the contents within. She couldn't have planned the timing better, and she reached for her basket. That was something else Finn was doubtless familiar with; they'd had many picnics out of that basket when she was teaching him about her homeland and taking him around with her. The packets went into the basket, likely for Finn. That was a tendency of the friendly young woman, constantly giving and passing things on to him to try. Protests would have been met with more insistence, and she was as stubborn as they came.

"Salve, Master Finn," Vasilei gave him a little bow. Her sometimes caustic mentor quite liked Finn, and he was pleased to see him. Traversion was a shared Rune, but while Vasilei could store such a spell in one of Hilana's lodestones... he didn't know the way to where the Vastiana needed to go today. She was able to get back to the Shadowlands and explore using her Mask, and pick up plants for them to investigate and study, but the Elemental Plane of Light was going to be a new one, and the girl had had a difficult time shutting up about it. She had packed her mask, though she didn't think it would be of any help or any use there, considering what light did to pierce the shadows. "She's ready. Now I won't have to listen to her talk about it for the next several weeks. Or, rather, I probably will... but it will be less speculation and more about what happened there," the older Vastian was amused despite his candour. He liked his student, and as her great-aunt had promised, she would work from sunup to sundown and later as needed.

"I'll tell you all about it tomorrow," Hilana grinned brightly, all but dancing down between the rows and shelves over to Finn. She didn't bring her snakes today, it seemed, but that was probably for the best. She wasn't about to risk them, and she didn't want to cause any problems where they were going. It was easier for her to meditate without worrying about her pets. She wrapped her arms around her friend, claiming a hug from him. "Lead me out into the light."

Re: Illuminating the Path [Finn]

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 5:21 pm
by Finn
"So far so good," he said, translating the Kalzasern idiom into Vastian with ease now. "Salve, Master Vasilei." He nodded in response. His nods were more respectful than those of other magnati; rather than embarrass people with equal bows, he tried to make it clear he saw them and acknowledged them with respect.

"Enjoy the respite, then," he said with a grin. "Assuming Dæmon allows me to bring a friend, we might be some time there."

Strong arms encircled his friend as she embraced him, careful not to crush like one of her more muscular serpents. They weren't visible, so he assumed she had them resting, otherwise they were wont to come out and seek his affection. Between his patience, good humor, and the occasional bit of Command, he had developed relationships with most of her pets. Sometimes that was a hindrance to getting out of there, though.

"The Light awaits," he proclaimed in sonorous tones, marred only by a boyish smile. But it faded and he stilled, concentrating on that connection he had learned from his friend. It was not his habit to leap from this plane to another, and it was a categorically different effort though he wasn't sure he could articulate it even with all his skill at composition.

A portal opening into blinding light might have been dramatic, but instead, Vasilei saw their bodies seem to flatten into a bright white silhouette, which then faded, leaving the negative of their shape burned temporarily into the backs of his eyelids.

Finn focused on the Aetherium in the only way he knew how - sensing aspects of it via his Cardinal Runes - and found that thread that led to a realm that "sounded" like Dæmon to him. He pulled and they traveled along that thread, not causing a rent in the Veil of Suffering, but passing through its weft and weave as a needle was wont to do. He didn't know how to shield Hilana from the Mists, from the Aetherium, but hoped that her own magical training would keep her sane. If he felt her slipping, he could shore her up with Command, though he wanted to focus on the interplanar travel as best he could. They had talked about this already, of course.

But the Mists didn't touch them on this golden path. The chaotic lighting sparking along, lighting up swathes of it like the most magnificent of storms merely served to give the mind some idea of what was transpiring, though their mortal minds were too small to hold it. The thread took them into the eye of a storm and within, there was Light.

When vision was restored, they were landing upon an alabaster platform skirting the palace or temple that was Dæmon's domain. Finn would not take her inside without express permission, of course, but she could attune to the elemental light from here. He wondered if she could hear the music he heard; he wasn't entirely sure he was hearing it with his ears. For a while, he was as rapt as she, but he didn't let go, not until she gathered herself. While she didn't worship Dæmon, any mortal soul would feel an atavistic awe here in this place. He didn't worship Dæmon either, but the place made his soul sing.

He looked down at Hilana, gauging her state. She was beautiful in the mortal realm, but she was even more beautiful here. In this place, there were no shadows. Nothing was left in darkness. He wondered what revelations they would have about each other here in this place.

While she took in the crystalline spires and the light-bound creatures floating and flying, he focused on her. When she seemed to come back to herself, he gave her shoulders a squeeze.

"All right?"

Re: Illuminating the Path [Finn]

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 10:24 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

"Oh, good," Vasilei chuckled. "Otherwise I was going to send her to the swamps of the northeast for a break with a list as tall as you of plants that I want her to gather from there..." Whether he was serious or joking, it was hard to know with him some days, but Finn had gone along on some of Hilana's forays, and some of her lists that she was set on collecting had been considerable. Of course, the girl and her enormous camel were more than equal to the task, but one might wonder if part of the reason she got those tasks was to get her out of the shop and give the proprietor a break from her...

It wasn't that Hilana was incapable of being quiet. It was more that if she got excited about a topic... And, well, visiting another Elemental Plane was apparently one of those topics that got her going. All the same, the older Vastian waved them off, watching the created portal with interest until they were gone, blinking a bit. That would take some time to fade, but so be it - it had been worth it.

Hilana hung on tight and otherwise stayed quiet, letting Finn focus on what he was doing. She, on the other hand, had to peek here and there, but when her mind told her it was too much, she closed her eyes and focused on Finn and her own self. That was easier. When she felt something solid under her feet again, she opened her eyes, and began to peek around, still tucked in against her friend. "Oh, glories," the girl whispered, the wicker basket still clutched in her hand and her rucksack over her shoulders. Their shadows retracted underneath Hilana's skirts, the excess of orange and white fabric with the red and white hems swirling a little more as her ever-present companion sought refuge. "I know, I'm sorry," she apologized to the shadows. "You will be fine there. Both of you," she amended, to include Finn's, apparently.

"Beautiful," the light was warm and welcoming, not unlike the light of her homeland. But this was somehow different, and it was less... harsh with the heat. But it was light all the same, and it shone on Finn as well. Her free hand found his, and she squeezed gently as she admired him. "I thank you," Hilana told him quietly. Her symphony was muted by the pendant she had gotten from Cithaera, but he didn't need Mesmer to read the delight and joy that was plain on her face. She had a glow to her that was barely-restrained excitement and curiosity. Her big brown eyes were shining, and her dusky skin had an almost gold-touched sheen. She released his hand briefly and set down the wicker basket with their lunch, and adjusted her rucksack to pull out her Volumen Errantis. She removed it from the scroll case, and unrolled it. "Regio," she instructed the map, and just as it had in the Shadowlands, the map changed from looking like a normal map of her homeland to a map of the Elemental Plane of Light, along with its major landmarks. She could expand on that later, but for now, she showed Finn so that he could have a look, too, and see if the Volumen helped with his understanding of the place.

"Do you want to stay up here, or go down a bit and explore?" she offered. She was perfectly happy either way, but if he wanted to galvanize himself, then she would be delighted to assist however she could.

Re: Illuminating the Path [Finn]

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2024 5:50 pm
by Finn
Finn didn't say much as she took it all in. He was a bard, but he understood that some things were ineffable. She spoke to shadows, and it hadn't occurred to him how that might change here. While he was neither an elementalist nor a summoner, the Vigilia Argenti had given him some magical education, the better to counter such things for the most part.

Traversion had made something of a cartographer of him, so he observed her map magically exploring the realm for later study. Someday, he supposed, Talon might show him around the place. So far, he had only taken in these vasty vistas and gone into his palace to speak.

"I'll stay," he said. "I don't think it to be perilous here, exactly, but you can focus on your meditations with me watching over you, and anyway, I just want to be inspired by the view and play." His smile was earnest. And he could always come back at the drop of a hat; she was the one who had a goal and needed the ride. But Finn could stand sentinel—pun intended—and be present should Talon or any of his spirits who dwelt in the realm of light come to investigate their presence.

"Anyway," he said, sitting down and getting comfortable, "I don't want to miss lunch."

With a wink and a flourish, he pulled his lute down and around from where it was slung across his back and began to tune it. The instrument already sounded perfect, but his ear was trained for it and his hands were deft with strings and pegs and such. The place itself had a symphony, a blending of those light-bound souls who dwelt here as well as echoes of Arcas. Talon was less himself here, and more Arcas. He supposed there was some religious truth hidden in there, but Finn was not a wise man.

Re: Illuminating the Path [Finn]

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2024 11:04 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

"When we went to the Shadow Realm, the same type of Voidspawn that we have been dealing with on our home Plane were there, too. But the Shadows were not unduly upset about it. I guess they were not doing too much there to cause umbrage... but I imagine that in the Plane of Light, they have not yet managed to get access." The girl admitted, looking over the Volumen before she rolled it up and put it back in its case, and then into her rucksack. She was satisfied with what she'd seen of it, but as much as she might have wanted to go look at flowers and plants, there would be another time. For the time being, she was here to attune and enjoy her day with Finn. She trusted him to have her back, after all, just like she would have his.

"Trust me when I say you won't miss lunch," Hilana's eyes twinkled at that as she hefted up the basket. She usually always had something packed, no matter where she was going, in the off-hand chance she might want it, or someone else might. But she followed him over and setting the basket down for him to investigate when he was ready to eat. "This sometimes takes me a little while," she admitted. "But please eat when you are ready." The Vastiana sat down, smoothing her skirts and getting comfortable. Her rucksack was beside her, and she folded her legs in front of her in order to stack her ankles, each foot lightly touching against the opposite calf. Her back was straight, and she formed a concentrating mudra with her hands - her thumbs and forefingers formed rings, with the remaining fingers outstretched, and turned her hands so that her palms were facing down. Her hands rested on her knees, and she smiled at Finn, listening to his lute.

She'd enjoyed his music in many forms and on many instruments, and she knew that today would be no different. "So much magnificence," she murmured, smiling at him before she closed her eyes, letting herself relax. All was safe, all was calm. All was well. As she breathed, she opened herself up not just to Finn's song, but to the song of Light that was everywhere around around them. There was a soft melody, and she breathed with it, letting it fill her with warmth and peace.

Re: Illuminating the Path [Finn]

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 2:18 pm
by Finn
Finn smiled in answer and settled down even as she did. He spent time learning bits and pieces of the symphony of Light, but it was too much for his merely mortal mind to comprehend in whole or at least in one sitting, so eventually, he let his mind relax with more whimsical fare. Hilana seemed absent from the world, though from what he knew of meditation exercises learned from the Sentinels, it was more that she was highly present, but also letting the impressions around her pass over and through her rather than reacting to them at all.

A mote of light hovered near him, seeming almost to dance to the rhythm of his song. He smiled up at it and sang to it, not knowing whether it was some soul freed from its body by death or some spirit of light native to this realm.

"And if I die today, I'll be the happy phantom
And I'll go chasing the nuns out in the yard
And I'll run naked through the streets without my mask on
And I will never need umbrellas in the rain...

He laughed with pure delight as other, similar motes gathered and danced like Searing fireflies before him. His fingers pulled forth melody, and even the odd percussion when he slapped the body of his lute.

"Ooh, the time is getting closer
Ooh, the time to be a ghost
Ooh, every day we're getting closer
The sun is getting dim
Will I pay for who I've been...?

"Yeah." He chuckled and let the lute rest in his lap, his hands coming up to interact with them. He didn't seek to touch them; he didn't even know if they existed as material or were pure energy. But they hovered and danced over his palms as if they were the floor of Noctis Æternæ.

And that was how Hilana would find him whenever she came to.

Re: Illuminating the Path [Finn]

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 3:34 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Finn's music was there, a gentle sound in the back of her mind as she breathed and let go. Hilana was almost always on the go, perpetually in motion, from sundown to sunup, and very rarely was she still or quiet unless she was sleeping, or meditating, or grooming her Lux's wings. And as she relaxed, and encouraged all of those thoughts to hush, to allow them their own time and attention, her body seemed to relax too. She didn't lose her posture, nor was she rigid. Tension melted like the shadows had here, though hers and Finn's were safely tucked away under the volume of fabric that pooled around her.

With every breath, she was letting go. But as she had in the shadow realm, Hilana offered tiny tendrils of aether to the spirits of light that dwelled here in this comfortable realm. Shadowwalker. Lightsinger. Two halves of one. Shadow and light were always intertwined, but she did notice here that where there had been faint low lights in the Shadowlands, there were no other shadows here. That did make her wonder, but at the same time... she understood. Light was light, and there was no contrasts here. But the deeper the shadow, the brighter the light, and vice versa. She opened her awareness to the spirits, and she listened.

The shadow is the greatest teacher for how to come to the light...

A faint sensation tickled the edges of her awareness, and with her eyes closed, she wasn't looking at the larger butterfly of light that alighted in her hair, its wings fluttering gently as it enjoyed the offered aether like a normal butterfly in their plane would enjoy nectar. Softly, softly. Hilana stayed still, and she stayed quiet. Her breathing was even, steady, calm, relaxed. She was present, while listening to the light and its whispers. It seemed louder than her shadows had, but that made sense. Light had to be, in order to present itself. The confidence of light and shadow felt different.

Time didn't have meaning to the young woman as she let the light in. She felt its warmth, its revelation, and the relationship it had to the shadows that she had come to appreciate and care deeply for. Even though there was so little of it here... perhaps the way she had visited the Shadowlands first was a smart choice, even if she hadn't thought about it like that at the time. Light elementals, formed and unformed, were gathering around the two who had come to share a picnic here. There were more voices and sounds, a whole conversation as the spirits discussed the Mesminstrel across from her. Some of that which she was understanding was more emotions and ideas than words, but there were others that were sentinent, advanced...

When Hilana's eyes opened again, seeing Finn radiantly adorned with the spirits, she lit up into her own smile. Her hands left her knees, coming together to her chest, palm to palm, before she bowed to the spirits that had come to them. The butterfly did not move with her motions, though she might have expected it to take flight rather than staying there. "They see a kindred spirit in you," Hilana was quiet as she smiled at him once she straightened. "When you have light within... it attracts it without."

Re: Illuminating the Path [Finn]

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:19 pm
by Finn
A delighted smile made him look positively boyish when he turned to see her coming out of her trance. He didn't think he could live here in this place that was all Light, but it was certainly full of wonders.

"I think they're just bored," he assured her. "All light all the time must get boring."

He looked back at them and they seemed a bit less interested now that the music had stopped, but they hovered nearby like fireflies in summer. Finn missed the summers of Kalzasi, where heat was a precious thing and he would lay out in the sun like a cat and just soak it all up.

"I don't know about that, though," he added, more thoughtful. "The light. I mean, I've always been cheerful, I suppose. I'm still not sure why Aværys chose me, you know? I know we grew up in very different places and Arcas' name is only now being rehabilitated in Solunarium, but if I had known he was alive again... I would have imagined being his, perhaps. A bard following around knights pledged to justice and noble things. Or, you know, I used to leave offerings for Suion, but the Dragon Gods don't seem to meddle in human affairs.

"Aværys is light in some ways. He's not the Sun, and Varvara isn't the Moon, but as they are the Gods of Solunarium, they do seem almost like a solar and lunar pair..." He frowned, not trying to trod upon her orthodoxy, but trying to work through religious things that weren't truly his bailiwick.

"I never thought of myself as ambitious. I mean, sure, I wanted everyone to love my music. I wanted to be famous, but not... I don't know. Not for me. To make my parents proud, sure. To... have a wider audience to share with. I don't even know if I would have caught his attention if it weren't for Arry. Arvælyn." He was still making an effort to think of his beloved as prince rather than how he had known him before. Sometimes it was easier than others.

"I feel the hunger now, though. The desire for power. Is it mine, though? Or did Aværys put it there?"

Blue eyes peered at her, brighter for all the Light around them. It seemed like he thought she might have the answer.