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Dawn Peak[Location]

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:13 pm
by Aegis


On the eastern coast of Ailos, sits a lonely mountain, the highest peak on the island. It has been known as Dawn Peak since the founding of the island. During the many years that Ysadre presided as ruler of Ailos, she would often be found leading a procession to the top of the mountain to welcoming the morning sun to the island.

And it was upon this very peak that Ysadre, called down Ysadrin's Sunlight and helped to protect Ailos, losing her life in the process. This turned the peak of the mountain into one of the largest known Illumite stones in the world. Following this, Ailos became known as the Island of Light, the glowing mountain serving as a beacon for sailors searching for Ecith's shores. For the residents of the island, it became the holiest of places to worship Ysadre and her mother Ysadrin, both goddesses that sacrificed themselves to save mortals during the Sundering.

It was this light that drew the earliest Dawnmartyrs to the island. They came, they learned the stories and histories of the people here, and many settled here as they became acquainted with the culture of Ecith. And their influence grew from there, and they joined in the morning processional to the top of Dawn Peak.

Dawn Peak has provided more light and warmth to the island. After the death of Ysadre, a host of green dragons helped to guide and adapt the living plants and creatures to the additional source of light. During the events of the Eclipse and the perpetual winter, Ailos was spared the neverending darkness of the rainy season that has plagued Ecith proper since 122.

Curiously, at the base of the Illumite, carved in a bit of stone that looks like glass and yet is entirely unbreakable is a set of characters from an unknown language. Many an Ecithian and Ailosian scholar has studied them, but none have determined their meaning, nor even recognizing the language displayed there. Other such instances of this language have been found in places all over the Ecithian region.


 ! Message from: Aegis
There is a Grandmaster Secret located here. If your PC has begun or completed a Path to Grandmaster in a skill, contact a local mod to see if it matches that tied to this location. Additionally, any PC that has discovered and learned the unknown language above can learn the secret as well.

Secrets Link: viewtopic.php?t=4997