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Inquisitive Inquiries [Dreyfus]

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 9:41 am
by Talisman
23 Ash, Year 122

[Closed - Dreyfus]

Continued from here.

They emerged into a moderately-sized room with stone walls and sharp lines. The architecture was austere, but impressive nonetheless. The absence of sunlight suggested that they were in the Umbrium, or perhaps hidden away somewhere underground, as the window of the room that they were in would reveal very little beyond darkness and enchanted lights. Beyond that, though, the room was largely empty but for a pair of sturdy-looking wooden chairs that were stained black, lacking any sort of upholstery that might have made them more comfortable. Lights overhead were comfortable, and lacked the painful brightness of the sun of the Luxium from which they had just departed. “Have a seat,” the first Sentinel instructed Dreyfus, indicating one of the two chairs that were in the middle of the room they had portaled into. Which chair was up to him, but the instruction was not to be denied.

“And you will come with me,” the second Sentinel told Dimitri, walking towards a door. The suggestion in their voice all but Commanded the young man to follow him. Perhaps they were just going to be separated briefly, or they wanted to discuss something important with Dreyfus... Whatever it was, it seemed that the Vampyre was going to have to do this alone. Despite the severity of their new surroundings, the use of Mesmer was potent here. There was no need to be afraid, no need to be concerned. They simply needed to listen and obey. To be calm, and to listen. There was no danger here, everything would be fine.

"You mentioned that you are from Zaichaer. What business do you have in Solunarium?" the veiled figure stood a few feet away, looking down at the blond Peregrinus. It was impossible to discern anything about them, even if he attempted to use his Semblance. The Vigil was well-warded, and their voice was ambiguous enough that there were no tells that way, either. You must tell the truth. You may not lie. You must tell the truth. You may not lie! hammered away at his head. A kingdom of mages was a terrifying prospect, and Solunarium held many masters. A weakness against Mesmer was one glaring oversight, but considering how little knowledge was known about this place before he came... One that might be forgivable. After all, he was in no danger here.

Re: Inquisitive Inquiries [Dreyfus]

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:56 pm
by Dreyfus
⚔ 23rd of Ash, Year 123, A.o.S ⚔


He wasnt surprised when the hooded figures came to impede their path, causing the vampyre to glare at them. Glancing over to Dimitri he could see the human tense up, and he could see the aetheric signature of magic around his head. One of the many things he learned after coming from the aetherium is that his ability to detect magic that was being used had returned to him, albeit in a new way. The demand to come with them, spurred by the presence of magic, was headed.

Once through to the otherside of the portal, Dreyfus felt himself enter a state of self-defense. He wouldn't allow his freedoms to be usurped, but he would not jeopardize the mission he had come to aid the Dragon Prince with. Taking a seat he watched them take Dimitri away somewhere else. For a while, he remained silent. The mental barrage was apparent, and he sat there for as long as he could before relenting and giving in. "Well that depends on who's directive? When you venture into a rift in the sky and walk the aetherium, let alone talk to the Eikaen the King of the Dragon Gods things can get a bit hazy afterwards."

He went for another moment. With a sigh, he had no other choice but to spill everything he knew. "Whether you believe me or not, I was asked by the King of the Gods to free his son, and upon meeting the Dragon Prince, I learned he was to be coming here. For what purpose I was not told, but I endeavored to venture here anyway. Unfortunately, I arrived sometime after him, or before him. I am honestly not sure." he relented, folding his arms over his chest and crossing his legs.

He allowed them to take that in before adding to it. "That is truly all I know in a nutshell. I'm curious as to what happens to us now. I hope the ruling powers of the Solunarium don't strip the freedoms of visitors. You know me by name which means you have done some research into me, be it by magical or mundane means." his words were pleasant, but his gaze held content and caution as he couldn't be too sure. They had caught him off-guard at the restaurant and going into things blind didn't suit him at all.

Whatever happened next he would weigh his options carefully and go from there.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

[S E T T I N GxxT H E M E]

Re: Inquisitive Inquiries [Dreyfus]

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 11:12 pm
by Talisman

The veiled Sentinels gave away nothing in their black garb and hoods. There may have been some silent communication going on, but even with the Vampyre's enhanced sensitivity to arcane activity, he could feel nothing to hint at it. Whatever it was, if there was something, it was warded far too well for him to detect. Still, there was nothing to worry about here. Surely, considering he had just told them he was following a divine mandate, that counted for something.

"So you entered the Rift, and met with Eikaen," the one who had addressed him before spoke again. "And he directed you to assist his son. You speak of Arcas?" Apparently, the Justicar's nickname, the Dragon Prince, was known even here. Where Hilana had been nervous at the very mention of him and encouraged him not to utter that name here in the reclusive desert Kingdom, the Sentinel's voice was bland. There was no indication of emotion, nothing to tell Dreyfus if he was giving the 'right' answers to what they wanted to know. Only the continuation of the line of questioning was any clue, but one that the experienced interrogator might pick up on. Even still, that endless demand of producing the truth, and nothing but the truth, did not cease. Its urgings remained. Perhaps they were scouring his thoughts and memories to verify what he was saying. He had no way of knowing, not with the wards that obscured his senses now. These figures may as well have been black holes. There was nothing to be gleaned from them.

The cards were stacked against him here - there was no knowing how Dimitri was faring in the other room, either, and Gods only knew what was going on there.

"Do you have plans to meet up with him here?" The Vigil wanted to know. Dates, locations, times... all of it might be useful information. Or it might be useless. But they were only getting started.

Re: Inquisitive Inquiries [Dreyfus]

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2024 4:45 pm
by Dreyfus
Company: ??? | Thoughts: ??? | Mood: ???

The way he saw it, they couldn't outright kill him, as they would get nothing in return for that. And they would get equally nothing from Dimitri as the human knew only what was told to him by the vampyre. It was a safety measure he knew from his days as a reconcilator. The mental nudging to spill the truth persisted within his head, which caused an annoyed scowl to cross his face. He truly found this type of method barbaric and unnecessary, to say the least.

They repeat his responses, monotone and unmoving in emotion as if he was dealing with constructs instead of actual people. In any case he would continue to answer their inquiries as best he could. "If I knew that I think we would not be having this conversation." he rubbed the bridge of his nose as he didn't know what else they expected of him. Talon didn't give much details and all the vampyre knew was to show up here.

"Since you are assaulting my mind I'm sure you can ascertain that I truly know nothing more than what I've already disclosed. I'm not sure what else you want of me?" he paused for a moment, and then looked to the door. He wondered just how difficult it would be to make a break for it if he could kill this one and then retrieve Dimitri. But he knew that would be more work than he was willing to go through, not to mention he would be of no use to Talon if he was wanted by the Solunarium.

"So where do we go from here now?" he asked, glaring into the veiled void of his interrogator.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: Inquisitive Inquiries [Dreyfus]

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2024 11:15 pm
by Talisman

The Assessor could read that aggression clear as words on a page when Dreyfus wondered just what he could get away with, and the plan was communicated silently between those present. The changes in his demeanour did not go unnoticed: that he had gone from calm and collected to scowling and frowning within mere minutes said plenty about his self control, or lack thereof. Interesting. Perhaps he was close to losing it. "According to a Zaichari, our methods are barbaric. Interesting."

And they were only getting started.

The Negation wards activated in the room, cutting off the power of Vitalis completely. And since only one of them was a Vitalitasi, well... the Vampyre would soon be feeling the effects of having the power of his Rune severed. The power that kept him whole and strong and full of vigour... was gone. The connection had been severed. Depending on when he had last fed, the effects would be devastating in short order. It likely would not take very long at all for him to fall into the Feryl state. The only question was what he could manage before his body devoured itself, cut off from the power that had been keeping him going. There was enough aether in play in the room around him to make it difficult for him, especially without Semblance, to try to understand what spells had afflicted him and how to reverse them. If he even could.

"Who are you feeding on to keep yourself from rotting?" the Vigil asked him, then. Apparently, they were done with the subject of Talon and what connection he had to him. They were going to focus on something else now, something far more personal. Something that he couldn't live without. "And when did you last feed? You know now that Vitalis is a restricted Rune in Solunarium, and further, that Peregrini such as yourself have less rights than even a slave. It is not legal for you to feed here, Dreyfus. But Vampyres such as yourself, especially one has no power nor ability to feed upon Solunarian citizens." The Mesmeric assault on his mind did not cease, and if anything... it felt louder, nearly painful, like the beginnings of a particularly vicious migraine.

 ! Message from: Talisman
Any attempts to use any power from Vitalis will fail. The Rune has been shut down entirely with Negation, and none of its powers are working anymore.

Re: Inquisitive Inquiries [Dreyfus]

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 4:25 am
by Dreyfus
Company: ??? | Thoughts: ??? | Mood: ???

Crimson eyes widened when the interrogator spoke his thoughts aloud. It was clear nothing was safe from their intrusive methods. He couldn't react much once he felt the connection to the Vitalis rune fade. "What is this?!" he hissed internally as the panicked thought raced through his mind as he tried to piece things together. There was only one thing he knew that could cut off magic and that was negation, he himself was a practitioner of the magic and was familiar with how it worked.

It felt as though he was hit in the gut by a strong force, which only added to his annoyance, that and the continuing mental assault they had been employing. The questions posed made the vampyre scoff as he looked to the one questioning him. It seemed that the reason he was here was no longer of importance as they now honed in on him. It was evident already that they could gleam his thoughts so instead he focused more on remaining calm. He was once a reconciliator and they too employed methods of a similar degree. He was taught to handle himself when interrogated and eased himself into a controlled calm.

He let out a deep breath and with a strained voice answered them. "If you must know, I feed on the mortal you have taken elsewhere. I just fed a yesterday, but I am able to survive 7 days before I have to feed again." He spoke, his eyes never gracing the figure now, but focused on the table. He had to keep his thoughts as blank as possible. If he wanted to know something, he would simply have to ask.

"I know that I have no rights, but do I have the right to ask what I have done to be subjected to treatment? I understand that you all are wary of outside influences but I have come here to help a diety that has come to aid your realm. With what, I was not told, and so I can not give you details I myself am not privy to. So I must ask again, what is the point of detaining me and my human?" At this point he was at his wit's end, and more so, he had come to realize something since they had come to cut him from his Vitalis rune.

He felt mortal.....once again.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: Inquisitive Inquiries [Dreyfus]

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:03 pm
by Talisman

"So you claim that you feed from a single mortal man once a week, and you think it is enough. Occasionally animals that you catch with magic... which produce no aether. Am I correct, Lord Monteliyet?" the Sentinel's tone was dry. They could do this all day. They hadn't necessarily needed Hilana to set a trap, nor had they arranged it or planned it and nudged the unaware Vastiana into being their unwitting accomplice, but he had been watched since he went through Customs when he had arrived in Tertium the week prior and made his way to the Capital. And he had laid it all bare for them in a restaurant with, frankly, a complete stranger. "That does explain why your human servus is poorly. Biology dictates that the victim must be able to recover, and since you lack the arcane or alchemical means of doing so, another feeding 'next week' as you schedule it... he will die from it." He let Dreyfus absorb this information. "Which means your next victim will be Solunarian, and that is unacceptable."

It was almost amusing that for someone who claimed to be a Master, how little he seemed to know about his own Rune. About that strange force that kept him from dying. And how those weaknesses were easy to expose with the properly opposing Craft like the one he was now experiencing.

"Vampyres are well-monitored within our borders. We will not suffer Peregrine Vitalitasi coming here and attempting to subvert our rules and inflict damage on our citizens, or spread such a Rune around when they should not be." The veiled Vigil watched the way Dreyfus reacted to being cut off from his Rune. There might have been some satisfaction had their face not been hidden, but such as it was, it was impossible to know. He may have been trained as an interrogator, but so was the one opposite of him, and they held all of the cards.

"You say that Arcas is coming here to 'aid' us, and you desire to help him with his endeavours. Arcas is the sworn enemy of Solunarium, and his presence will be met with the appropriate response. By coming here and asserting that bond between the two of you, you have chosen to be judged as well. An ally of Arcas is an enemy of our Kingdom." The black-clad figure considered the options. Without access to Vitalis, the Vampyre would not be able to heal from damage sustained. But to judge by how he was starting to look and how much Semblance revealed about his state, it would not take as long as Dreyfus thought it would before he started to fall apart. "And you have made a threat to an agent of law and order."

 ! Message from: Talisman

A Master Vitalitasi needs to consume at their body's capacity in blood every day, more if they are utilizing Vitalis. The average body contains approximately 5.5 litres of blood. Dreyfus is a solidly built man, but we will go with 5.5 litres of blood.

The average safe donation that a human can give when they donate blood is 450 millilitres.

If they were to donate one litre, not quite 20% of what Dreyfus needs on the daily, the blood bag would go into shock. The organs fail, the heart stops beating. They will most likely die without medical intervention. Further, while blood volume may recover in a week or so, the proteins and red blood cells of the blood will not recover properly for approximately 56 days for a man, or 84 days for a woman. This is due to the fact that red blood cells need time (months!) to replenish. This can of course be lessened if alchemical restoratives are ingested, or they are treated by a Mendicant.

That being said, 450 millilitres is not even 10% of what Dreyfus needs on a daily basis. He would need at least 13 people to eat from every day to avoid killing them, and they would all have to be different and could not provide blood again for months unless they are being treated.

Dreyfus needs 5,500 millilitres each day, or 38,500 millilitres each week. 450 millilitres is 1.17% of his required MINIMUM weekly intake. This means he is chronically starving.

A rat contains maybe 18 millilitres of blood, and a seagull 180 millilitres. And they do not provide any aether recovery for the magic he must utilize in order to catch them to feed.

Not only is he chronically starving, he is near the threshold of overstepping. The regular avenues of recuperating aether are not available to vampyres - they do not function the way a normal living being does anymore, so eating and drinking does not help them recover. They need either alchemical assistance or they require the blood of beings capable of wielding aether, or even better, those that actually do.

As such, Dreyfus is getting closer to the Feryl state, and feeling the beginning symptoms of overstepping.

Re: Inquisitive Inquiries [Dreyfus]

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2024 1:04 pm
by Dreyfus

Despite his overall calm Dreyfus knew what was coming next. Despite his overall panic, he couldn't help but finally give in to the gnawing feeling he had been suffering from. Before this experience, having his rune cut off, he ignored the hunger, feeding when he could. The vigil was correct in its assumption that the animals gave him no true nourishment and that despite his care for Dimitri, the boy would have died by the next feeding.

He couldn't help but smile now that he had seemingly come to the end of the line. What could he possibly do now that he was at the mercy of foreign powers? It was made very clear to him that he could do nothing and that his life was now forfeit for his association to Arcas. However he wasn't made or upset, no a wave of amusement washed over him as he looked to bare cieling above. He had been given a second chance at life and got to experience a form of power most would give their life to experience.

A smile eased its way onto his face as they spoke of him being judged and punished for claiming to aid their enemy. "Well then, so be it." he whispered, uninclined to speak much more as they had already decided him guilty. He wouldnt waste his breath on it and awaited his death, sentence, punishment or whatever it was they had in mind for him. He simply closed his eyes, head tilted up towards the cieling humming a tune his father would hum.

The burning sensation in his chest, where his rune was now echoed to the forefront of his attention, the nausea and dizziness, a rush of pain throughout his body. This was what his aunt had warned him about. In hindsight he should have told Eikaen no, and been smited then, at least he would have been able to say the King of Gods had killed him.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: Inquisitive Inquiries [Dreyfus]

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 4:52 pm
by Pharaoh
Sentinel Alaurion glanced up from his desk as a veiled Vigil darkened his door and stepped forth to hand him a missive from one of the ongoing interrogations. He began reading whilst it was still floating across his desk, instantly frowning at some of the highlighted touchstones: “Peregrine Vampyre”, “Outspoken associate of Arcas Maledictus Renatus." Both annotations were troublesome, but the latter was more complicating than it would have been quite recently. Mere days ago this would have been a simple death sentence but, despite being firmly middle management, Sentinel Alaurion had been briefed about the revealed presence of the accursed Arcas. The Assessors had confirmed via divine residue in his Aura that this “Dreyfus” had in fact been in contact with the loathed of the Founders and, while Sentinel Phocion was abroad of the city negotiating with the realm’s great rival, it would be poor form to execute an associate of this vexing but very dangerous entity out of hand. Solunarium, he was sure, could hold its own against the Blight of Ailizane, but Arcas could deal great damage if wronged. Frankly this was above his pay grade.

Alaurion rose to his feet and made the rather lengthy trek from his lowly offices in the basement of the Prætorium to those of the Vigilia Magna in the spire high above. He was stopped in the antechamber, not to be announced to High Sentinel Cithæra, but to be handed her written instructions for how to handle this issue about which he hadn’t even yet briefed her. He sighed, a bit disappointed and a bit relieved that he would not have to consult the head of their order directly. He would make the return trip to his offices to sign Cithæra’s writ as director supervisor over the interrogation.

Within half an hour, another veiled figure stepped into the interrogation chamber to relieve those who’d been interviewing Dreyfus thus far. They didn’t identify themselves and it wouldn’t matter if they did, for what was to come would void the relevance of such details. The vampyre would, for one meagre moment, feel something alien creeping into his mind and then it all went black.

Hours later, Dreyfus would wake propped up against a sturdy tree in the jungles of Central Ecith hundreds of miles from the Solunarian capital. He would find a weak and weary Dimitri, unconscious with his head in Dreyfus’ own lap and he would be quite confused and quite famished for his recent temperance. Why was he here? Where had he been prior? He certainly had no memory of visiting the desert to the East. In fact, there was something in his very soul compelling him to avoid that place at all costs. He recalled his time in the Imperium and that a trip took him far East of Gel’Grandal, but he couldn’t for the life of him remember where he’d gone after Cathena. First he was at a port, next he was here in this dense jungle with strange eyes peering at him from the shadows. He didn’t recall any time on a ship or any of the details of what transpired in the time between there and here. And, perhaps strangest of all, he wasn’t particularly curious about this gap in his memory. When Dimitri woke, if the hungry beasts of the jungle or his starving master didn't slay him before he stirred, he would be equally ignorant of and incurious about his time in Solunarium.

The pair were alone in a remote stretch of wilderness, and it was up to Dreyfus- weak, hungry and piqued by the scent of Dimitri's blood, to decide where to go from there.
 ! Message from: Pharaoh
The consequences of Dreyfus’ major missteps in Solunarium have come in the form of an Arcane Exile. Potent mages from the Solunarian College of Compliance have swept his Aura to the level of Master of any signs of having visited Solunarium and have completely erased his memories of Solunarium and his goals and intentions for having gone there in the first place. They have instilled in him a deep sense of aversion toward visiting Solunarium, though he strangely bears no ill will and in fact has strangely favorable feelings about the realm. This conditioned sense of respect does not translate to a desire to ever interact with the realm or its subjects, but he will henceforth feel an innate sense of obedience toward Solunarian citizens if he meets them abroad of their homeland.

Due to his very limited sanguine diet of late and the remoteness of his Ecithian environs, Dreyfus will be compelled to feed on Dimitri. As hungry as he is, it would be very unlikely for him to leave Dimitri alive, but I'll leave it up to you how you choose to write out that struggle if you do want him to survive.

As Drey has been stripped of his memories, so is he stripped of the corresponding XP. This is true of both Dreyfus and Dimitri. You are hereby docked all XP pertaining to Dreyfus’ time in Solunarium. If any XP or other relevant skill increases or acquisitions have been logged from threads set in Solunarium, please subtract those from your tallies. Drey and Dimitri have no memory of anything that took place there nor do they retain memories of anyone they may have encountered during their stay. Please adjust your character sheet to reflect these consequences.

As you may have inferred from what has already been exposited, Drey and Dimitri are also effectively exiled from Solunarium. As an additional note in direct response to your support forum complaint about this thread: I will remind you how often and how explicitly I have warned you that Solunarium is a high stakes environment. That said: I don’t now and have never wanted you to find yourself blindsided by the consequences that may come from bucking the Solunarian status quo. None of this should have come as a surprise, but based on your reaction it seems that it did. As such, I would ask that you approach someone on the Solu mod team before engaging in future threads with your PCs in this challenging setting. I would prefer you know what you’re getting into beforehand and adjust your plans accordingly, rather than digging into plots that get your PCs into more danger than you’re willing to accept. There are plenty of places on the board you can write without assuming those risks. It would be unfair to the players who choose to accept these dangers and have put in the effort to understand the lore, if I cater consequences to players for OOC reasons as you’ve requested in this instance.

Please submit any questions about these instructions and alterations directly to me. Beyond that, happy writing and remember: Consequences in a collaborative writing game aren’t a punishment, they’re an opportunity explore new narrative paths and when visiting Solunarium note the old Vastian proverb: Caveat emptor.
