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Shadow me not

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:51 pm
by Dakkur Doelish
38 Searing 123

That mass elimination of the unnatural monsters which roamed Zaichaer for so long by that so called god? While Dakkur had been unable to bear witness to it himself he was still able to see the result of it. For most people that would mean finally a moment of peace and respite. Dakkur on the other hand saw it for what it really was. An opportunity. For the last day or so after that little adventure- an opportunity which he too took the chance to explore, Dakkur like so many others took his time to linger around the borders of what used to be the dangerous zones of the city. Each time just like those others he too tried to press his luck a little more to test the borders and see if it really was safe to go in. It was. Sort of. While there still were the creatures, they were easily dispatched by the soldiers. Even the ordinary folk if they made the effort, could defend themselves although there was still a little bit of a risk. If they could do it, then why not Dakkur who was filled with strong Moratallen blood?

For Dakkur the best part of the city for his goals was either Shackle Alley or Verowa End. Fortunately both were in such close proximity to one another he may as well visit both. On the one hand, there was the nice part of town with plenty of good stuff to find and on the other hand there was the part of town for those like him. A flip of the coin then. Dakkur simply walked around until he found a group of soldiers, after all those groups of soldiers which he ran into that did nothing but chase the civilians away, and then kept a safe distance away as he followed the group from behind. There were two reasons for this. Whichever route the soldiers decided to take would make it safer for him from whatever dangers which still lurked within the settlements and the other was he could get more used with the way the soldiers operated and be able to observe their habits so he could maybe avoid them in his own attempts to venture into the area in the future.

It was truly a flip of the coin as it were. In a moment of realization after he started to follow the group, and found that it was actually hard for him to do it in a way which would keep him safe and unseen, Dakkur knew he was going to need some help. There was nothing he had on hand which could help him. Such was the way of him being so ill prepared. However he did find some avens scattered on the ground. A bribe? Hardly. Maybe for one soldier if he was looking for a little spending money for a cup of coffee or something but the whole group of them where in all likelihood there would be some killjoys? There would never be a chance. instead the coins were going to be used in a different way. In a way only he could.

Ducking into an alley and out of sight, Dakkur quickly used his aether to open up a portal which sounded weird because it went with a faint skree, skree skree instead of the usual loud bzzt, bzzt, bzzt and summoned a cute earth spirit from the elemental planes. It was not even a strong one. Just one he could use because just what else could be as dumb as rocks? As this was going to be a rather short adventure, Dakkur did not even bother to try a concordant. "Hey friend, I'll give you some of my aether for today and all you need to do is get into this coin and roll around. Follow some people. Yeah people are fleshbags. Like me. I'll just roll you after them and you just need to continue when they are not looking. That's all. Easy right? And you get to look around this town. And if you are interested in anything else we could probably arra-" Behind him? What?

And there it was, on the other end of the alley. One of those fucking shadows. The earth spirit was not going to be of any help as Dakkur had summoned a rather weak one and he doubted it could make any contribution. The portal was still open so there was no telling what else may take the opportunity to come out. This distraction was not a good thing to have at the time and Dakkur was going to have to deal with the situation fast. "One moment..." that was all he needed as he spun around. Where else was that earth spirit going to go? Back into the portal? That would actually end up being better for Dakkur since he would be able to close the portal and properly dispatch the shadow which had ambushed him but failing that...

'Swish' the pistol had quickly went from his hip and pointed straight towards the shadow.

'Clunk!' A shell was rushed straight into the chamber as quick as he could. Dakkur only hoped it was fast enough.

'Click' went the pistol, the hammer getting ready to blast out the shell and...

'Bang!' for a loud resounding blast as the shell was discharged.

'Skreeeeeee!' went the shadow at the sudden and violent attack as the readied itself to retaliate.

Silence. Nothing. Well it was a shadow after all. What else did Dakkur expect?

'Thunk' was the sound as the shadow finally dropped.

At least his aim was true. For a moment there Dakkur thought that he would have to try for another shot as he was out of practice. Despite Zaichaer being so dangerous he had kept to the more known safe zones so rarely did he ever have to encounter one of the monsters which the city had been full of. The earth spirit was uncharacteristically excited. Why? Apparently to sate Dakkur's own curiosity it expressed how much it hated the shadows- it and a lot of its kin since those creatures represented a big problem which had prevented them from making visits to the 'plane of adventure' for a significant amount of time until recently. How about Dakkur slay another shadow or two for the earth spirit's gratification in exchange for Dakkur's own fun and profit by acting as a spy for the rest of the day? No such luck. His own aether it was although the offer he had made was more for his own convenience that it was for costs. Though he could make his own shells materials were sort of hard to come by that he did not want to have to waste his ammunition unnecessarily.

The payment promptly made before there could be any further interruptions, Dakkur quickly confined the spirit into the coin. "Yes. Silver. You have a problem with it?" Dakkur could see no problem with it, as a runesmith it was known there were some qualities to the different metals one could use in their work and when it came to silver it was rather conductive for the purposes of working with aether. More importantly when compared to something of a similar quality he could use, it was also cheap but if it was only for a little while... "you want gold instead?" Dakkur offered with the assumption the spirit wanted the better container and gold was likely as luxurious as it gets but no, "copper? What? Why?" Oh that was interesting. Earth spirits actually felt copper was better for them. That should be an interesting point to note for future dealings with them.

But without further delay Dakkur gave the earth spirit its choice among the copper coins he found and confined the earth spirit in it instead. "Happy?" which now that it was, he was able to close the portal. Now to find the group of soldiers. Though the portal was closed he could still hear that faint skree, skree, skree which now that he listened closely had some yelling and clanging and banging and, "Oh I guess they're in a fight so we'll just follow the sounds. No wonder no one has come to check on our fight with the shadow" and making sure there was nothing else in the alley like yet another disgusting shadow lying in wait, Dakkur turned back the way he came from to catch up with the group he had been following.