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Another Day At the Inn

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 9:58 pm
by Patrick
Another Day At the Inn
Glade 17th, 120th AoS

Lunch's usual busy activity had passed and with it, a brief period of respite for those who worked at the Silver Lion Inn. Middays being typically the more hectic parts of the day, the staff usually found it difficult to find a moment's rest. So in order to keep the locomotion everyone maintained going, everybody was allowed a bit of time to eat lunch and rest. Vincent, Rose, Connor, and Dominek had already taken theirs, so naturally the parents and Patrick were next to rotate into their much needed respite.

Over the past week things had proven interesting for the Barnell clan, granted that they had experienced quite a scare several nights back. While the family wasn't the ones in immediate danger at the time, it did raise a high amount of concern between the staff members. And of course the ones who were the targeted in the attack on the eleventh were fine, as far as Patrick knew, and still under his care and hospitality until their departure came. Ultimately their very arrival had caused a bit of a stir from day one, but after the persistence of an ambitious journalist; a story had to be given to at least satiate some of the curiosity buzzing about.

Hardly anybody in Atinaw would scarcely believe the fact two Avialae rented rooms, so of course confirming that there were two guests from the North had to be necessary. But of course Patrick held no blame nor ill will towards either of them, in fact he quite appreciated the fact they stayed here; even if they had enemies that sought them out. Regardless they were still Patrick's own tenants, and it was his sole responsibility as a Barnell to ensure their stay remain pleasant. Not that he felt sure he was doing a good job at times, what with the warmer weather bringing in more patrons once more.

Another Cuvindas and another beef patty special, except this time Connor boiled up a batch of brown beans instead of white. It didn't matter to Patrick though, he'd eaten this platter numerous times anyways. The Atinorin couldn't help but exhale a long sigh when he'd exited the kitchen, pleased to find a seat at the end of the bar with his plate placed before him. "Finally time to eat huh?" Dominik posed as he walked down from the bar towards his brother, warranting a brief scoff from Patrick as he dug into his first beef cake.

"I'm starving. If it keeps gettin' busier we may need to consider hirin' a new hand." Patrick mused as the first bite was taken, with a quiet groan of joy to follow once he tasted the blended seasonings. Dominek of course laughed while he started to fill a mug with ale, placing the container next to Patrick's plate as he tore another chunk of meat off with his fork.

"Yeah I'm sure Pa Pa will love to hear that." Dominek remarked with a lean onto the bar. "How's the patties this time?"

"Mm," Patrick murmured briefly before he swallowed a large amount of food, "little spicier actually, Connor's either experimenting or just going nuts with the seasoning." Patrick reasoned with a hand brought to grab the mug, with a few hefty gulps taken to wash everything down.

"Geez lil' brother, careful you don't choke."

"Pff, takes more than a couple mouthfuls of meat to get me to choke." Patrick boasted quickly before realizing how that sounded, which lead the both of them to stare at one another briefly. "But not like that, got it?!" Immediately Dominik laughed and shrugged, with a casual nod to follow as Patrick resumed eating.

"Whatever you say Pat." The older brother teased as he looked down the bar, his attention brought to a couple of patrons that needed refills. "I'll be back, try eatin' a lil' more slowly while you're at it." For a moment Patrick expected his brother to mock him further about the whole meat thing, but it seemed as though Dominik had something else on mind for the moment. Regardless the middle-aged bartender seized the moment, thinking he had hopefully got away with an unintentional joke at best. Thus he resumed eating his meal, already halfway through the contents on his plate almost without slowing down.

"Feels good to take a breather and fill the gut."

Re: Another Day At the Inn

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 6:58 pm
by Linden

Glade 17th, 120, Age of Steel



The auburn haired woman threw the flowers back at Linden's face as his cheek held onto the bright red color. "Don't! Don't you even dare! This is all on you!" She was causing a scene in the middle of the street where some stopped to stare. "You sent a messenger to me, Linden! You didn't think about coming to me yourself! Even on nights when you worked late, you didn't come to me!"

"I didn't wish to disturb you and those late nights you may have been sleeping," he replies and reaches for her hands. Linden's thumbs rubbing slow circles on the top of hers to which she didn't resist. "I care for you, Silla. I want us to spend more time together and with the Plague finally ending we can-"

"You care about me?" She whispers as watery blue eyes look up to him. "Did you ever love me?"


"I loved you, Linden. The way you are so kind and gentle. You are passionate about your work and very intelligent, but not arrogant. You... Why didn't you ever want to hold me? Why all the times where we could have kissed you always shied away?"

Linden looked around to see that the conversation has brought more people to look busy as they listened in. "Maybe here isn't the place to talk?"

"You are not running away from me, Linden Asmund. You will answer me of may the Old Ones help me," Silla squeezed Linden's hands as she took a shaky breath. "Am I not good enough?"

Linden was taken aback. His face burning red with embarrassment with chocolate eyes looking into ocean depths that sought answers. Silla's pink lips pursed together to hold back her emotions. "I never held you because I believed the right moment never presented itself. While I have kissed your fair cheeks and never your lips is that I wanted to be proper with you... I wanted to cherish you more and -"

"Cherish me? Like I am one of your delicate plants?"

"That's not what I meant-"

"Corbin said he loved me, Linden. That he wished to make a marriage contract with me," her hands squeezed his as eyes widened at the expression that Linden made.

"You and him?" Linden released her hands, but they stayed because of her grip. It felt like his heart sank and a chill ran down his spine. "He doesn't love you, Silla. He is fooling you because he knows you and I are together."

"Are you jealous?" She asks tentatively while releasing one hand to reach out and cup the cheek she slapped earlier.

"Disappointed more than anything... I... I wish you and your family the upmost happiness during your marriage contract with Corbin if he follows through," he gingerly takes her wrist and removes it from his face when her nails now dig in. "You are more angry than me, Silla. Does that mean I didn't fall for what you were hoping for? You hoped that I would get angry and say we will go somewhere now where I can claim you as mine?" The nails dug in more as the hand he held trembled. Tears trailed down Silla's cheeks when she slapped his hand away and cursed at him in Kokalath.

Silla ran off with Linden kneeling down to pick up the flowers that seemed to have lost its hue. A few petals fell with bent stems giving the bouquet a more pathetic visage as Linden brought them close. Giving a heavy sigh, Linden turned and made his way back to the Silver Lion Inn to eat and drink away what has happened. Her words stinging him as he wondered if all of this was his fault. If he would have laid with her, kissed her like she wanted, would that have been enough or would Corbin still find a way to slither his way in?

He never changes even though we are not children anymore.

While Linden walked he began to pick through the flowers and plucked out the ones that were damaged. The ones that held on and survived the violent thrashings were handed out to random women and children. Sometimes even men as Linden suggested to give it to someone to show appreciation for everything. It seems like that losing women have seemed natural to him that he didn't feel any tears threaten to come forth or an ache in his chest. Instead it was just a numbing cold and his body feeling like lead.

Again his internal thoughts worked through the entire scenario and what he could have done to make it better. Should he have done this? Should he have done that? Should he have kissed her for all to see on the streets so she can feel validated that he desired her? Did he desire her? Physically speaking that is?

Walking inside the Inn and going to the counter, Linden discarded the flowers he held and ordered a pint and whatever special they that for the day. Patrick was eating with gusto as the crowds didn't seem to be easing up anytime soon. There was a holler for more water and drink from a back table when a pint was placed in front of Linden.

"Thank you."

Re: Another Day At the Inn

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 8:29 pm
by Patrick
Another Day At the Inn
Glade 17th, 120th AoS

His meal couldn't honestly get any better when he drew closer to finishing, the plate's contents raked towards his mouth as he held the platter close to it. When he finished he then started to suck his fingertips, liberating them of the flavorsome juices found there when he touched his food a couple of times. After he was done with that and he took a few hefty gulps of ale, Patrick then stifled a hefty burp within his lips before a sigh of satisfaction came out. It never failed to amaze him how decent of a cook Connor was, everyone else was lucky he preferred working in the kitchen otherwise.

Patrick doubted Dominik would've ever been as good of a cook, hell he even doubted his own cooking skills and he helped every now and then. "Damn that was good!" He complimented with a rise from his chair, ready to handle the rest of his work day with renewed vigor. Yet when he started to move back to the kitchen with his plate and mug in hands, a familiar customer fell in line of sight when he glanced over to Vincent and Dominik. It was the one customer they had last season, the one who brought in tokens Patrick's mother had to exchange later. It took a minute to remember who this person was, but seeing as how he looked in the dumps; Patrick took it upon himself to see how the guy was doing as of late.

"Oh, Rose!" Patrick noticed as she started to walk out the kitchen. "Do me a favor would you? Place this near the wash basin in the kitchen?" The auburn haired busker looked to him glibly, a cheeky smirk shot at him before she took the plate.

"Fine," she coyly agreed as she turned to walk back to the kitchen, "but you owe me one!"

"Yeah, yeah..." He reluctantly agreed as he watched her walk away, mindful to enjoy the view before she disappeared back into the kitchen. "Whatever." He then added lowly as he looked to the bar once more, his mug raised for a sip as he took to approach the guy in question. Patrick swore he remembered the name from way back then, but it took a little longer than expected for his mind to jog the memory of it. Therefore he was left with only one other option...

"Hey buddy!" Patrick greeted him warmly as he took a seat next him. "Been a while since we've seen you come in. You're lookin' good though, healthy given the circumstances last seaon." Dammit if he could just remember that name... "Somethin' eatin' at you by the way? You seem a little uh... occupied." Patrick's question was more or less genuine, as Linden did seem to be troubled by something. Wait that was the name! Regrettably Patrick grinned softly at Linden, a little more confident with the conversation now that he finally remembered.
"Hey wait, I know that guy..."