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Frost 123 Registry and Calendar

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 3:13 pm
by Aegis
Calendar & Registration
[Frost 123]


FORECAST: Unnatural winter gives way into true winter, and thus, the rains and the dark clouds continue. Flooding and ground saturation has rendered travel over land completely unfeasible. The flooding has begun leaking into the Archives beneath Drathera, and as such, mages have been called upon to try and reinforce the caves so as to protect the art and history, but it seems that it is only temporary measures. Disease is taking over every day life for all walks of life and causing unrest and a slowing of all industry, bureaucracy, and the functional life of the city it seems. This has been attributed largely to the cold and wet nature, but some also think that the massive food shortages have caused a weakening of immune systems that are used to healthier diets. The more plentiful races have specific ailments, while all races who experience disease have found more common ones being more aggressive and persistent.

OOC - This particular calendar will not have specific dated events as the country is being ravaged by disease and weather woes. Any additional details about the ailments or weather can be directed to Aegis or Memento.

Orkhan - Nest bugs - Similar to the bed bugs of the northern continent, nest bugs seem to prefer the group sleeping chambers of Orkhan. They are as large as a thumb, and nearly invisible when not feeding. They are silent, their bite is numbed and unnoticeable, and where there's one, there's a hundred. It doesn't take many of them to drain enough blood out of an Orkhan to cause lethargy, weakness, and even death.

Moratallen - Foot Sprouts - An aggressive variant of foot fungus, Foot Sprouts are fire and alcohol resistant, and a single spore can cause a massive infestation that begins among the feet of the Moratallen and steadily climbs higher. One Moratallen man was found whose entire body was infested, rendering him unable to move, but still alive and aware. He's being observed but no cure has been found yet.

Fae'ethalan - Stuck Sneeze - A lung infection that causes chest pains and trouble breathing also causes the occasional sneeze. This particular sneeze is loud, powerful, and also causes the Fae to shift into an unexpected form, and be stuck there until the next sneeze. While this ailment is active, the Fae cannot manually shift their own form intentionally. No known cure.

Goblinoid - Gobodyodor - An ailment that causes muscular weakness, blurry vision, trouble sleeping, and horrible, unwashable body odor to radiate many meters in all directions from a goblinoid. While not seemingly deadly, it does appear to be long lasting and a cure is unknown.

Rathari - Rathbies - Rathari are being infected at an alarming rate through an unknown medium. The disease progresses fast over the course of 10 days. By day 2, the Rathari is irritable and easily annoyed, aggressive. By day 4, the Rathari is unable to access their Zoan form and their aggression continues to grow. By day 6, their body radiates heat and everything feels like needles. By day 8, paranoia and delirium begins to set in. And by day 10, the Rathari can no longer access their Lycan form. No known cure.

Adult and Ancient Dragons - Wing Rot - This disease appears to be fungal in nature and spreads quickly across the wings of a dragon. Switching to their mortal form slows this disease, but does not stop it, and it will continue to spread across their skin. If it spreads too deep, wings and other limbs will die and fall off.

Wyrmlings and Young Dragons - Dragon Flu - An aggressive disease that attacks the lungs of the young dragons, it is debilitating and deadly if not treated early. Treatments are erratic and unreliable, and it appears that the disease can spread via all races but only shows symptoms in younger dragons.

Mages - Aether Creep - A rare and never-before-seen disease has begun to appear in those with Cardinal Runes. There doesn't appear to be an obvious method of infection, but the disease causes a slow, constant drain of the mage's aether reserves. Every 10 days of having this disease doubles the drain, which, if too much is lost, will cause overstepping. It does appear that mages with more runes are more susceptible to both the infection as well as the overstepping from the draining. It is believed to be deadly, though none have died as of yet.


Code: Select all

[b]Name:[/b] Name or Alias, please
[b]Race, Age, Sex/Gender:[/b] Character's Race, Age, Sex/Gender
[b]Requests from Previous:[/b] What did your PC experience IC that you would like to see expanded upon more in lore or IC?
[b]Requests:[/b] What would you, the writer, like to see more information on, experienced either IC, OOC? (Specific locations, plots, creatures, etc)
[b]Why here?:[/b] What is your PC doing in Ecith?
[b]Goal for the Season:[/b] What are you hoping to achieve this season? What is your PC's Goal?
[b]PC's Thus Far:[/b] Provide a brief summary of your PC as pertains to the current season change. What are they involved in, what are they doing, what state of mind are they in?
[b]Control:[/b] If your PC had a spirit animal, what would it be? If you had one, what would it be?


Re: Frost 123 Registry and Calendar

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 1:15 pm
by Myles Arnnett

Name: Myles?
Race, Age, Sex/Gender: Human? 29. Please/Male
Requests from Previous: Casual dragon interactions
Requests: Easily understood threats
Why here?: Rebirth?
Goal for the Season: Re-establish a hero's heart
PC's Thus Far: Dead? mostly dead?

Control: Golden retriever / Ant-Mimicking Spider

Re: Frost 123 Registry and Calendar

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 6:50 pm
by Læbirius


Name:Phozenzia Len’Nagarath Læbirius
Race, Age, Sex/Gender:
  • Mixed Blood {Re’hyæan Hytori Father/Human{Vastian} Mother}
  • 23
  • Male
Requests from Previous: What did your PC experience IC that you would like to see expanded upon more in lore or IC?
  • More dragon things
Requests: What would you, the writer, like to see more information on, experienced either IC, OOC? (Specific locations, plots, creatures, etc)
  • More ghostly related things and more Ruins and archeological stuff.
Why here?: What is your PC doing in Ecith?
  • Figuring out a way to defeat the Queen of Kythera
Goal for the Season: What are you hoping to achieve this season? What is your PC's Goal?
  • Gain more power to defeat the Queen of Kythera
PC's Thus Far: Provide a brief summary of your PC as pertains to the current season change. What are they involved in, what are they doing, what state of mind are they in?
  • Not much has happened as he is still getting his bearings and he is a bit nervous in such a new setting.
Control: If your PC had a spirit animal, what would it be? If you had one, what would it be?
  • Læ: Some form of serpent or reptile
  • Me: A nine tailed fox or dragon