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[Couronne] Connections (Solo)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 2:44 pm
by Reima

City: Amoren
Location: Church of The Omen
Time: Early Evening

42nd of Glade, 120 AS

Reima leaned on the railing in the upper portion of the Cathedral, a section of the church which was generally off-limits to those not a part of the Omen themselves. A soft orange glow filled the large open space below her, filtering in through the large stained glass windows located in the rafters above. Down each hallway that split from this main chamber came another shimmer light, this one a steady blue of mage fire that burned in special lanterns that hung in brackets along the wall. Statues lined the walls beneath the overhanging balcony, each nearly 10 feet tall and depicting the Archa and other religious figures of Ulendreasim. The architecture of the building was like twisting vines, with curving arches that ended in sudden spikes of darkened wood or metal. The sharp angles of the building cast an almost sinister shadow on the floor below, like thorns or black flame that twisted around the scene reflected from the glass panels.

The last of the sermons had already been given, and only the Tribunes and Brothers/Sisters remained to tend to the cleaning and preparations for the morning services. Some cast raised eyebrows in Reima's direction, but she simply smiled and pulled back from the railing to return to her work. Sitting in the middle of the balcony was a small figure of the Eye of Ulen, crafted of wood with a base that let it stay upright. Two more had been positioned elsewhere, one on a balcony directly across from this one, and one rested on the altar where the speaker of the sermon would stand. At each place, Reima had already set one of her nodes, and those points she could feel like a hum in the back of her mind pointing back to them no matter what direction she faced. As she noticed the feeling she absently reached out a hand and touched the wall to her left, focusing for a moment as she gathered the shifting aether within her and began to tie and weave it into a noted patter over the place her hand rested. There was a slight shimmering in the air as the node came into being, and in her mind, she captured this node and added it to the mental map before stepping away.

"Now then," Reima whispered, kneeling before the figure.

Pulling in a breath and holding it Reima reached out and cupped her hands around the figure, focusing on the rune of negation that rested between her shoulder blades. A feeling cold lightning began to race down her arms, and with a mental effort, she directed this flowing aether to spill from her palms and begin to encircle the figurine with this power. It twisted and molded itself, forming into an orb that completely surrounded the idol before it flashed and vanished from sight. Though she could no longer see the aether, with her hands still encircling the idol she could feel what felt like a slight static coming from the item now. The anchor was yet unfinished, and reaching a hand out Reima focused on the anchor she had set on the figure on the opposite balcony. She could feel her magic there, humming softly not in a way she could hear, but rather could feel through the rune she bore. Once located she called to that anchor, snatching from it a thread of aether that she caught and connected to the anchor before her.

The humming buzz increased in her mind, and Reima closed her eyes to focus on the sensation. She followed the sensation back through the connection to the other balcony and 'read' the parameters there. With a thought, she imagined the two anchors overlaying in her mind, and through the connection she felt the parameters of the finished anchor shift and split, a portion of the anchors magic fading as the parameters were copied onto the newly created anchor resting under her left hand.

With a sigh, Reima opened her eyes and stood, stretching before setting her hands on her hips. The figure looked unchanged to the eye, but she could feel the anchor there as it buzzed with power. From it she felt the line of magic which stretched across the distance to the other balcony where it connected with a 2nd anchor, this one buzzing with slightly less vigor as some of its magic had been used up in the transition. That anchor would need to be recharged before she continued.

Stepping back the Fae felt through her mental map and located the node on the other balcony, and with a sudden jerking sensation at the pit of her stomach, she blinked and found herself standing on the other side of the cathedral. Once there she knelt and placed a hand over this figure and connected with the partially departed aether. She poured in power until it too buzzed with a power equal to the anchor it connected with. Thus her preparations were complete and, blinking once more, she stepped up to the altar and picked up the 3rd and final figure.

"Let's see if this works."

Re: [Couronne] Connections (Solo)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 3:23 pm
by Reima

Closing her eyes Reima was filled with the feeling of cold lightning once more as she began to tie the anchor around the figure in her hand. This time she took more time, concentrating on each strand as it was woven in and out. As she did she began to focus on her intent. Letting her mind fall still she let her imagination grow as she searched through the abstract thoughts and began to pull solid principles from them. This anchor was to be different, unique to the two she had done previously. The first she had made was tasked with very simple parameters. The first was at activation a triangular shield would be created above the anchor point. The face of the shield pointing toward the alter would then be tasked to prevent light passing beyond it, making the shield's face shimmer while it was active. The second anchor was an exact copy of the first, and the two were now linked by a strand of aether. This one, however, needed to be simpler. It was a connection, a point of power that would allow Reima to connect with the other two anchors. That thought brought a sudden sense of clarity, and for this anchor, she imagined a window, one that could be open and closed by her. The window would be a gateway to her connection to the rest of her web of magic, and when opened provided a one-way connection to the anchor it was directly connected to. The idea solidified, and with a final thought, the anchor fully formed and snapped in place.

This time Reima felt a sudden chill as she opened her eyes, a reverberation between her and her other anchors as they seemed to respond to the intent she had placed upon this last anchor. She trained her eyes toward the left-most balcony and extended a hand, pulling from the anchor there another thin line of aether that she grasped and connected with the gateway anchor in her other hand. The connection snapped in place with a hum that traveled from the gateway to each anchor in turn. With that done Reima set the figure down, staring at it for a long moment before turning to look up at the balcony's above.

The idea for this had come to her late one evening as she thought about that night once more. She couldn't help but think 'if only I could have acted faster', then perhaps, just perhaps she could have saved her master from his fate. The simple fact of the matter was that Reima was not equipped to wield her negation rune at the drop of a hat. She did not have the mental capabilities to construct anchors and raise shields suddenly and unexpectedly. That wasn't where her talents lay, and no matter how much she struggled to change this about herself she knew that there was nothing for it. Reima was the type of mage who excelled in controlling a certain area that she knew well. She wasn't a combat mage. Thus she realized she needed a new way of doing things, something that fit more with who she was.

Looking back at the anchor on the alter Reima raised her hand and felt her magics vibrating softly. Her eyes raised to the balcony's above, and through her rune, she 'opened' the gateway beneath her fingers and her mind traveled up the connected line to the anchor above. She could feel it then, as clear as if she were standing right before it herself. With the mental command, she had programmed in a shield snapped into place and reflected the light of the magic lamps back down toward Reima. She squinted, and pushing another command turned the shield just slightly so that the light did not striker her directly. A thrill ran through her system as she grasped the reality of the situation, but restrained herself as she looked to the right balcony. The last anchor was connected to the one she now controlled. Her will traveled that aetheric connection until it contacted this final point, and once more she issued the command. A 2nd shield sprang to life, flashing brilliantly as the first. Then at last Reima let herself smile and laugh aloud.\

"Yes!" she cried, her hand coming away from the gateway as her concentration broke. The two shields shattered, and their anchors unraveled and faded, but the Fae didn't care. It worked. She could connect her anchors together, and through the connection, she could activate them. With this she could do it. If she could set the space, even she could handle herself no matter what the situation turned into.

Re: [Couronne] Connections (Solo)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 12:29 pm
by Taelian


Negation: Activating Shields through Connected Anchors
Negation: Anchor Gateway
Negation: Aether Network

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 5

Comments: Absolutely love the depth you do with these solos; you've really spent your time consuming the lore and ensuring accuracy, and it shows! The quality is also exceptional; well done.