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A Dream of Spring

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 10:38 pm
by Kala Leukos
► Show Spoiler
First thing first:
I'm going to say all the words inside my head.
I'm fired up and tired of the way
That things have been.
The way that things have been.

Second thing second:
Don't you tell me what you think that I can be.
I'm the one at the sail; I'm the master of my sea.
The master of my sea.

Singing my heartache to my brain;
Take up my message from the vein.
Speaking my lesson from the brain;
Seeing the beauty in the pain.

A creature clawed its way out of the ruins of Avaelor’s capital. It was a horror of smoke, fire, rage, and death. It rampaged across the ruins of the old country, devouring all in its path, body and soul. Some believed it to be a corrupted dragon. Others believed it to be a god gone mad. It was a mouth—a hungry, devouring mouth—a pit like those described by poets imagining the infernal realm. It ate a person and stole the promise of the Grimlord, the natural, terrible order of things. He died. She died. He died. He died. She died. There were so many attempts to conquer the thing. It strode to the fissure, no more than man-high yet terror seemed to go before it. They could see the furnace-fire of its eyes from afar; its arms were very long; it had a red tongue. No, that wasn't it. He died many more times. Each of their death screams was taken into its choral voice. Noble elves and new races fell before it. She was screaming. She was screaming. She was...

Emmerich and his band of followers offered themselves to the infamous necromancer. He gave them new bodies and new powers, but his first gift was...

You make me a, you make me a believer, believer.
Pain, you take me up, you break me down. Believer, believer.
Pain, I let the bullets fly; I let them rain.
My luck, my love, my God, they came from
Pain! You make me a, you make me a believer, believer!

The wind blew harsh and cold over the escarpment. Kaus was alone with the runestone erected to memorialize his father. He was never alone, but his sister...

His sister...

He looked up and there were no stars in the sky, only the bluster of storms. The light was strange. The rock was empty but for the reminder of his father whose bones had been picked clean by raptors and carrion eaters as was their custom. For a moment, when his eyes lowered from the roil, he thought he saw Saedene's relic, but no.

"Ho, Stormrider," called a weary voice.

Kaus turned, saw an old man in rags that were once finery hobbling toward him. He descended a few determined steps and offered his arm, wings mantling to protect his spindly limbs and swollen joints. His skin wasy gray, his beard white. He looked like death. A wheezing chuckle came from the man like some broken-down accordion even as he took advantage of the proffered arm.

"Like death, aye," he said wryly. "Dead, actually."

"Grandfather," he called him in the manner of the mountain folk, "you shouldn't be out here in the elements..." He was confused, but also accepting of the fact his thoughts could be read by this man.

"I was young once," he protested. "Strong, like you. Athletic, even." He pinched Kaus' bicep, hardened by years of training, training meant to make up for his literal shortcoming. "I am beyond Mythori's reach. He's dead anyway, same as I. You, though. You are alive and you have a task... if you want it. A task for one of Garel's angels. You with your manners like one of Avaelor's paladins..." He laughed until he was breathless. It didn't take long.

"I don't understand." Kaus' voice echoed back from the mountainsides even though he hadn't raised his voice. Even though the winds were raging around them. "I don't understand. I don't understand. I don't understa—"

Stop. There was a flicker of power in the old man, and it silenced the young Avialae. Then he crumpled, leaning into Kaus' youthful strength. "I'm dead... or still dying... parts of me remain... But... that doesn't matter now. You must go to the place where the sky was torn open to spill the Mists. From there, find the dragon who oughtn't to be there. Whitescale. Subdue him and perhaps spring will return."

Lightnight flashed blinding him.

He was in darkness.

Seek the dragon white as winter... Spring must come again...

He was in darkness.

Third things third:
All the prayer to the people above,
All the hate that you have seen
Has turned your spirit to a dove
Your spirit to a dove.

I was choking in the crowd,
Living my heart up in the clouds,
Falling to ashes on the ground,
Hoping to drown, into the pain.

You make me a, you make me a believer, believer.
Pain, you break me up, you break me down, believer, believer
Pain, make the bullets fly, I let them rain.
My luck, my love, my God, they came from
Pain! You make me a, you make me a believer, believer.

Kala's eyes were old as stars as she watched him, perched on the edge of his bed. Her hand rested on his hand.

"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where," she said calmly, quoting one of his poems back at him—a poem, a koan, a way to calm his careening heart. He died over and over again with their forebears. He died with their father in service to the dead Shokaze. Everything was death and dying. Winter wasn't supposed to last this long.

He took a breath. He answered.

"I love you directly without problems or pride:
I love you thus because I know no other way to love,
except in this form in which there is no me or you,
so close that your hand upon my chest is mine..."

She smiled and finished, "So close that your eyes close with my dreams."

He reached up to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear. It wasn't strange to see folded wings framing her face any longer; she had always had wings—it had only taken Garel of Atoria to manifest them. She shook her head at the unasked question; she hadn't shared his dream, but she felt everything around the edges. If it were a message from the Gods or not, it certainly felt much as her own quest from Mother Naori had felt, and so they must act accordingly.

Kala bent down to kiss his brow where the perspiration was already beginning to cool and evaporate. Her hair tickled at his chin.

His sister rose and went to write a letter to Minister Dornkirk, and Kaus threw open the casement and fell out into the night, wings spreading to catch the air, blade appearing from the aether.

Kaus had to train. There was a dragon to subdue.

You're the face of the future.
You're the blood in my veins.
You're the face of the future.
You're the blood in my veins.

You make me a, you make me a believer, believer.
Pain, you break me up, you break me down, believer, believer.
Pain, I let the bullets fly, I let them rain.
My luck, my love, my God, it came from
Pain! You make me a, you make me a believer, believer.

The Blue Star flew south and west one night, and straight on until morning. Whatever she had written, the words of Lady Kala of House Leukos held weight with the Zaichaeri First Minister despite the enmity that remained between that nation and Kalzasi. Kaus would have flown directly, but there were the exigencies of mortal politics and she could have stopped him if she wanted to. She wouldn't. This way, though, the Zaichaer Air Defense Corps wouldn't shoot them down and three Avialae would have safe passage into Zaichaeri territory.

What could go wrong?

Re: A Dream of Spring

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 4:31 pm
by Rune
An ancient mind turned over and over, seeking, always seeking. What it sought was its own and not its own; the sort of belonging that, to one of great power, transcends mortal ken. It had been persuaded to wait, by mortals and magic. Until Glade, it had promised, but Glade had not come.

The white-scaled monstrosity stretched in the place where it had lain, all but dormant, for it would wait no longer.

Ripping, thrashing, tearing its way, it reached for the surface.

The First Minister had granted the Leukos family safe passage into Zaichaer. Though he did not fully understand their reasons for coming he had his own for wanting them there. Trade would be absolutely vital to the continued survival of his nation and, it seemed, almost all others. The high house of Starfall was uniquely situated to survive a prolonged winter and were more likely to have retained their plant and animal life than others. Animals were terrifyingly scarce after a full year and more of freezing temperatures. Dornkirk might not fully understand everything that went into maintaining an ecosystem but he knew enough to know that the world would be forever changed by the Eclipse and its fallout.

Zaichaer would have to reach farther than it had even before the disaster to repopulate the flora and fauna needed to restart, but if it could get some from closer at hand it would be a boon.

For reasons he did not fully understand, but which his Semblers and Negationists both assured him was not due to enchantment, he trusted Lady Kala, her presence, however young she was, was reassuring and she had offered Zaichaer aid that came without threats or expectation of repayment, something no other group had done. There was every reason to hope that their budding acquaintance could grow into a mutually beneficial connection.

With the new government established and the city beginning to resettle the First Minister felt comfortable inviting the Leukos party to dock at the Sky Islands, should they so choose. Perhaps he could, at last, return the favor of hospitality long overdue.

Re: A Dream of Spring

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 5:17 pm
by Kala Leukos

Kaus' eyes were slits against the wind and sun, gazing in the direction of the dragon. He felt it, straining against restraints, physical and otherwise. He didn't know what was going on. He didn't know details. What he knew was a soul-deep thing beyond words. Thankfully, his twin understood him on a soul-deep level beyond words. She had tried to merely get Blue Star passage through their skies now that they were once more patrolled with some regularity, if not their old frequency, and permission for an Avialae to fly those skies without incarceration or hindrance.

But Dornkirk had invited them to the Sky Islands, and she couldn't exactly refuse and maintain his good graces. So, instead of three Avialae, there were two. She accompanied her brother because hers was the face Dornkirk trusted and her brother's focus seemed entirely fixed on the divine quest he felt he carried like a geas.

When Blue Star docked, her wings were hidden under her cloak's glamour, but Kaus' were clearly visible. They were not hiding him. She might, if circumstances required it, show her own to the First Minister. He was unlikely to send her to the Imperium in chains, and he didn't seem likely to have an Avialae-breeding program of his own. Relationships required trust, and she was brave or foolish enough to take that first step.

Asallon remained behind. If he didn't debark, he wouldn't be required to put himself upon the Order's books. Even without wings, he was clearly not human and had no desire to partake of Zaichaeri hospitality. He merely wanted to remain nearby should his goddess and friends need him.

She waited, wanting permission to step upon their flying island. Kaus stood behind her and to the side, showing more deference than he normally would. It might settle their fears if he seemed a tamed pidge. From what he gathered, Talon's trip to the Brass City had been a diplomatic nightmare. He could do better.

On the island, Sentinel Angevin was picking a bit of lint from his brother-in-law's shoulder even as he concentrated upon the mutable ward he had fashioned around him. There were magics unknown to the Order—at least, they hadn't any semblers who had witnessed them and could pass on what they felt like, so he couldn't ward against, say, time magic, but he was suiting the man up with invisible armor should his faith in the foreign woman prove misplaced.

It wasn't that he didn't trust Dornkirk's judgment, exactly, but it was his job to be certain.

"Blue Star has been sighted, sirs," said Dienerin.

Re: A Dream of Spring

Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 5:48 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
The First Minister was just beginning to become used to his new title. The newly appointed members of his Cabinet had swooped in, built their own, targeted cabinets and taken the majority of the work he had been doing off his plate which meant, confusingly and unexpectedly, Stefan Dornkirk actually had less to do as the holder of the highest civilian office officially than he had when he had been only de facto leader of the State. Eitan had, it seemed, as much to do as ever, though his work was also able to concentrate a little more. Rebuilding the ranks of the Order, establishing and overseeing their many important missions was his priority, it seemed, though Stefan knew he was also taking stock of his naval officers and servicemen as well as deciding which grounded ships needed to be seen to first.

The last excited Stefan significantly for more personal, if still professional, reasons than did any of the government requirements. Bringing the damaged but still airworthy ships up to the Windworks meant that it would, for the first time in two years, be put to it's original and true purpose. The idea that he would soon be able to set his hands and his mind to the work that he loved filled his heart with almost as much anticipatory joy as did the now obvious swelling of his wife's midsection.

The impending arrival of their second child was second only because it was accompanied by no small amount of trepidation concerning Delia's well being and that of the child, or children. The doctors seemed to think it might be twins, which did nothing to lessen his fears.

He set them aside for the day, however, worry and excitement both, in exchange for duty. He was to meet with the delegation from Starfall, which he considered distinct from Kalzasi for several reasons. The aid the fief and its family had offered Zaichaer in its time of need had to have bordered on treason considering the war was, at that time, in stalemate. This endeared the Leukos' to Stefan specifically, and he had convinced his Ministers of Finance and Foreign Relations that trading with them would be beneficial to all. Opening up trade with as many nations as they could was the major platform for his government in it's first whole season. There was little to trade but, thanks to Zaichaer's hard working and industrious people, as well as the alliance of Coven and Order mages, the State was now producing enough food, despite the continued frozen state of the world, to sell some. It was the most precious commodity almost everywhere, at present.

Based on the letters exchanged, Starfall was comfortable in terms of sustainable, which meant that the two sides of their negotiating table could work out something more long lasting. At least, one could hope that the food shortage would not continue to the point that exporting as much food as could be managed would remain the highest priority option.

When his manservant appeared to say that their guests would be arriving shortly, Stefan nodded, waited for him to leave and then leaned closer to give his brother-in-law the sort of embrace that did not stand the observation of the public. When this was done and they had exchanged a brief final summery and hope to see each other at dinner, he left.

Moving through the building to the office of the Minister of Welfare, he announced himself to Delia's secretary and then knocked politely before entering. Therein he waited until she had finished instructing several junior assistants before stepping forward, bowing, and then offering her his hand.

"The deligation from Starfall is arriving shortly, my love." They had agreed to greet the foreigners together, so, when she took his hand and rose, he kissed her fingertips and led the way to the dock that had been prepared for the Blue Star.

Re: A Dream of Spring

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 1:55 pm
by Kala Leukos
Eitan left his brother-in-law to check on his own wife, who was swelling once more with child. Supper would be, he hoped, when they could all come together again—unless Stefan invited the foreign noblewoman to supper. Delia's rising was as graceful as she could manage with her center of gravity once more off kilter, but she seemed comfortable enough as they made their way to the meeting. For a minister focused more on the interior, it would be a nice change to be with her husband for exterior matters of state. She did him proud standing there on the dock, beautiful of course, strong and elegant in impending motherhood. Delia Dornkirk was a boilerplate for Zaichaeri femininity.

Kala Leukos might have seemed scrawny and coltish in comparison, but her foreign dress draped off of her to create a silhouette with gravitas despite her young age. Her wings were hidden beneath Torin's cloak and charms as powerful as Great House Briathos could manage; Sahfri still took secrecy to new levels, wanting to protect Kala as an asset to the race.

Kaus debarked first, then offered his sister his hand, then his arm, as they approached. Everything was civil, even the young Avialae lord who knew how hated he was in Zaichaer. Kala was warm with Stefan, though, and tentatively so with his wife. Delia was far too polite to make Kaus feel uncomfortable, and the women stopped as one, each interrupting a compliment from the other with regard to raiment. Kaus cracked a smile at that.

Delia had refreshments at the ready should her husband invite the dignitaries for such, but she knew this Kaus Leukos was apparently here present with a quest from the gods. Such a quest might be met with disdain if not for the fact that it would conveniently ameliorate at least one problem facing the High City. Perhaps he would want to be off immediately. Certainly, she would breathe a bit more easily if the winged man was sent away to kill or be killed while they enjoyed conversation and, perhaps, trade negotiations with Vice-Minister Leukos.

Unheard by the rest, Kala also greeted the winged spirit that always flew within Stefan's orbit like an albatross to a ship upon the sea.

Your nephews... how do you think they will handle it?

Re: A Dream of Spring

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 5:50 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
Stefan was unexpectedly pleased to see Vice-Minister Leukos even if she was accompanied by her winged twin. The young man, with his bright blue eyes and nearly white blond hair might have fit in anywhere in Zaichaer had his back not been adorned in abomination, for he was neither as tall nor as girthy as the typical Avialea stock. Perhaps his human bloodlines were trying to assert themselves. It would make sense if they were, Avialae, after all, could never breed with their own; always having to seek out partners of other races. Forcing their children into the women, according to his research, often caused complicated and dangerous pregnancies, a prospect which he had person reasons to resent. At least, if this younger Lord Leukos ever decided to procreate his own offspring would likely be less of a burden on his chosen bride.

Putting these thoughts away he returned the warm greeting with equal warmth, which may have surprised his wife. After hands had been shaken, bows and curtsies made and compliments exchanged Stefan asked if the twins might like a tour of the facilities. Where he would not have offered the same a year before, he felt secure enough now to do so. Having a fully operational government, military and Order again emboldened him to offer to show off the accomplishments of his nation once more. The refreshments were to be laid in the sitting room that he had once used to close deals with customers when the Windworks had been only a business. The room had been used for a dozen different purposes since, but had been restored for the use of the various Ministers when they needed to entertain.

"If you are fatigued from your journey we can introduce you to our Minister of Finance and allow you to rest." He suspected their journey would not require a recovery time, considering it had all been by airship, but it was polite to offer. "If Lord Leukos has other pressing matters to attend to, his escort has been arranged and awaits at his convenience."

The winged apparition that remained tied to it's living brother looked down fondly at the swelling of the newest additions to his family but his expression sometimes morphed into worry, and once, into a ghastly, inhuman anger.

Re: A Dream of Spring

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 4:06 pm
by Kala Leukos
A line of worry appeared between her brows as she took in the ghost's worry and anger, and she attempted to silently soothe him. Unfortunately, to communicate more clearly with him, she would have to divest herself of the Dornkirks and meditate. Perhaps later.

"I may look delicate, Minister," she chided gently and with good humor, "but it would take more than a ride on an airship to wear me out. In any case, you all have worked so hard for so long, even were I weary, I would feel it incumbent upon me to work through my weariness by your example. I am at your disposal either as Vice-Minister of Finance for Kalzasi or as my mother's empowered agent. As for Kaus..."

She glanced to him, allowing him to speak for himself.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Ministers," he said, including Delia in his nod of gratitude. "I know how Zaichaer feels about me and mine, and I know that attempts to co-exist peacefully have often fallen apart, but I hope to set a better precedent. And while my sister will surely find mutually beneficial arrangements for you, I am here to deal with your dragon problem and would fain see that work complete."

Kala nodded, pleased with her brother's diplomacy. He often felt like a sword and nothing but a weapon. It was good to have proof to point to otherwise.

"Perhaps he ought to be escorted toward that problem, but I would love to see the Windworks and anything else you would like me to see. And await your finance minister's leisure, though it will feel odd not to speak directly with you. But I have had to learn to delegate. I can only imagine how much moreso 'tis required of you."

She hated that she couldn't be standing by, at least, while Kaus flew into danger, but he hated that she would be at the mercy of a people who would hate her as much as or more than they hated him if they became aware of her wings and her divinity. There was no mutually beneficial solution to that conundrum. They had merely to play their roles, as was ever the case.

Re: A Dream of Spring

Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 4:07 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
"If there is one thing we know in Zaichaer it is that appearance of weakness often hides the greatest strength."

This might have been a reference to the apparent wounded state of the nation, or it might have been one to how magic could be wielded by the most unlikely of people, or it might just have been a compliment.

"After the tour, there is a luncheon prepared. After that, I must relinquish you to our own Minister of Finance and the Minister of Foreign Relations. They wish to discuss what might be possible between our two nations as well as Starfall specifically. As you do not know how long you will be staying I imagine they are eager to begin. When that is completed I hoped you might be willing to join us for dinner. Just family, nothing official."

Stefan looked the male half of the twin Leukoses over sternly but not unkindly when he spoke.

"So long as you abide by our laws you are welcome in Zaichaer."

The 'dragon problem' he referred to was something that Dornkirk knew almost nothing about. There had been government reports before the fall but they had been lost and, as it seemed the beast had departed, of very low priority. According to the letters Lady Leukos had sent the creature was still within their borders and her brother believed it was his duty, for some reason that had not been specified, to take care of it. From the little information he'd been able to gather by those who vaguely remember the incident, a party of random adventurers had taken care of it the last time so the suggestion that the same might be done again was not without merit. Even so, he was sending along a large battleship equipped with enough canons, ammunition, soldiers and Warders to take out of contain a reasonably sized town.

He explained this briefly, partly to inform the man and partly to reassure his sister that his quest was being taken seriously.

The Phönix was the first large-scale ship that he had seen fully refitted after the recovery of the partial fleet that Commander Reichart had managed to ground before the Mist Storm hit it. The name was new, but believed fitting by all who heard it. It was captained by the man who had landed it safely after its original captain had been killed.

"Captain Dornbusch is a steady soldier, he won't balk, whatever comes flying at him. He isn't under your command, Lord Leukos, but his orders are to escort you and see your quest completed."

There was a soldier standing by to lead Kaus to the ship if he wanted to go immediately, if not, he could follow along as Stefan took his wife's arm on one side and Lady Kala's on the other and led them towards the building that stood as the heart of the island and the government.

Re: A Dream of Spring

Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 5:14 pm
by Kala Leukos
Kala nodded, accepting the schedule, and watched quietly as Kaus handled himself. His wings were not shrouded from view, and she felt guilty that hers were. But she had a good feeling about Stefan Dornkirk, and she thought that eventually, she might be able to break his family secret to him without undue negative effects, which might lead to peace between their nations.

"Of course, First Minister," Kaus replied with a bow of respect. "If you will forgive my alacrity, I should like to see to my purpose. My sister will be far superior company until I have accomplished what I came to do. Minister." He bowed to Delia Dornkirk, who nodded graciously. "Sister."

With that, he moved with a military economy of movement that even Stefan would have to admire.

"Little brothers," Kala said softly, with a lilt of humor and a touch of compassion, knowing the story of Brenner Dornkirk. While he had committed crimes against her nation, she could still empathize with Stefan's loss, and if he could see Kaus through her eyes, through the eyes of an elder sibling, perhaps there would be hope for them all. In fact, Kaus was taller than her by quite a bit, and only younger by minutes, but that was part of the joke.

Kala worried after her brother, and wondered if their bond would become too tenuous for her to feel his emotional state. In any case, she had to trust him. If he was called to action by a dead god, then his safety was in powerful hands.

Kaus thanked the soldier who brought him to the airship and called up to the captain, "Permission to come aboard, captain?" He would not make a social faux pas if he could help it; he already was a social faux pas in Zaichaer.

Later, when Delia could speak privately with her husband for a moment, she sighed.

"It is irksome to admit, husband, but I like her."

Re: A Dream of Spring

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 5:55 pm
by Rune
As the Ministers and their guest walked away to begin their tour the captain of the waiting ship looked over the Avialae lord for a long, stern moment before giving a crisp nod.

"Permission granted, Lord Leukos." It was his duty to serve honorably in the name of his nation and his orders had been transmitted to him as being of the utmost importance. He had expressed his expectation that his crew maintain the dignity of their positions with the foreign guest however distasteful they found him personally. The mission was not personal but for the good of their people and thus it would be treated.

He had also had any airmen that he suspect would not be able to maintain their dignity quietly reassigned. They did not deserve to be punished for their natural aversion to the winged creatures.

As the young Lord stepped aboard the captain and his attending officer gave him a crisp salute.

"I am Captain Stadelmayer, and this is First Lieutenant Koch." The captain was a sturdily built man in his forties with dark hair and a full mustache, the First Lieutenant was slimmer with a shock of bright red hair peeking out from beneath his airman's cap. "We welcome you aboard the ZAS Sturmreiter and put her, and ourselves at your disposal while you remain within Zaichaer."

The orders Stadelmayer had received had been short on details but the concepts were all laid down clearly. He was to aid Leukos in his mission to rid Zaichaer of a threat the young lord was somehow uniquely aware of and had been given significant discretion to decide how to do so within the confines, and even to an extent outside of, the law. He was not to continue to render the aid should Leukos appear to be acting counter to the well being of Zaichaer, nor was he obligated to follow his orders outside of the border. The orders had stated that he could cross the border if it appeared, to his best judgment, that doing so was necessary to the completion of the mission and would be unlikely to cause any international incidents.