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Andromeda Val’Aværyan Astræa

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 10:06 pm
by Astraea

Full Title: Andromeda Val’Aværyan Astræa Dux
Cognomen: Astræa
Race: Dryadalis Platinum
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Height: 175 cm (5 ft 9)
Weight: 58 kg (128 lbs)

Birthdate: 11th of Sun’s Zenith, Year 101 of the Age of Steel
Birthplace: Solunarium

House: Vlahos-Sol’Aværys, The House of the Lorekeeper
Profession: Priestess of Templum Mediae Noctis Matris
Housing: Sanctine District, Umbrium
Partners: None

Fluencies: Vallenor, Vastian
Conversationals: Common
Ineptitudes: None


Blessed by the blood of the Varværyn dynasty, Astræa is certainly a pleasant sight to look at. Her eyes, the color of pale gold, are often unreadable - holding a steadiness that is almost disconcerting. Testament to her status as a starborn, her fair skin and platinum blonde hair seem to shimmer with gold under certain lights. While she is proud of her heritage and flaunts it in front of her fellow clerics and the devout, Astræa will often darken her hair when she goes out and about on the streets - her experience had taught her that some types of attention can be troublesome. When not on duty, she can often be found in light dresses that show off her graceful figure and golden jewelry that accentuates the color of her eyes.


Astræa knows the act she had to play. Her voice is perpetually calm, a soft-spoken murmur that seldom draws attention. She is often overlooked in conversations, her polite and quiet demeanor making her seem almost invisible among more assertive personalities. Due to her demeanor, it can be surprising to find out that Astraea isn't so gentle on the inside. The deiori can cast away her demure mask as easily as she put them on. While the young woman often flinches away from violence, she has a knack for convincing others to engage in it. She can be harsh if she wants to, even taking joy in it a lot of the time. It is well-known that anyone who tries to undermine her will find their precious possessions tossed into Mount Sorokyn. Mistakes, after all, must be punished.

Initially, her decision to serve in Templum Mediae Noctis Matris was made out of desperation. However, as she learned more about the religion, she became a true devotee. She has always been drawn to the stories of Avaerys and Varvara, who toiled and suffered before their glorious return. Now, Astræa understands her mother’s desperation to claw her way into the gilded world of the Unbroken Line. But Eudora had been foolish, choosing to torture a child she did not love in a failed attempt to gain power. Astræa swears she will be different; she will achieve what her mother dreamed of. Her mother believed that power must be visible to all, but Varvara taught her otherwise.

Although she spends most of her time serving the temple, those who know her well are aware of her debaucherous habits. Whether it stems from a lack of freedom under her mother’s roof or is simply her nature, Astræa does not shy away from her darker urges. What she will never admit is that deep inside, she is plagued by insecurities, constantly thinking she is never enough. This internal struggle drives her relentless pursuit of perfection and power, as she fears that without these achievements, she will remain insignificant.

Despite their estrangement, Astræa has an inexplicable attachment to her brother. A part of her still longs for family, and he was the only one who ever showed her warmth. Many of her ambitions are rooted in the desire to be worthy to stand by Vraedyn’s side. She believes that if she tries hard enough, she will be able to support him, just as Varvara did for her brother.


Non est ad astra mollis e terris via.

Some people said that the name of a child was a parent’s prayer. It was certainly true for Astræa. From the first moment everyone laid eyes on her it was clear: the girl was blessed by the stars - Eudora’s prayers were answered. Nonetheless, it did not change the fact that she was an illegitimate offspring of Valius Kædryn Princeps. And her mother had always wanted more.

The moment she was old enough, Astræa was cycled through the best tutors her family could afford. It was lesson after lesson from the moment she got up till supper. Whatever childish curiosities and mischief were quashed by Eudora. If Astræa was to be the perfect daughter, she could not waste any time playing around. The girl was bright enough, but nowhere near enough for her mother. Anytime Astræa made a mistake or displeased her mother in any minor way, a punishment would surely follow - either by her hand or a thin whipping crop.

When Astræa turned ten years old, her mother made arrangements for her to stay with her father and brother two days a week. As it meant time away from her mother, those short times were always the highlight of her week. Despite the routine, she rarely saw her father or her brother. The few times she did spend with Kædryn, he always looked like he was disappointed in her. She was mediocre and he did not want a mediocre daughter. Vrædyn was kinder, but he was always so busy. Still, when did find the time to send her gifts and sweets, Astræa remembered every single one. It felt lonely, but at least no one was hurting her. Her mother’s beatings only got worse as she grew older, but she always made sure that the marks and welts were somewhere hidden by Astræa’s clothes.

Time went on and Astræa blossomed into a beautiful young woman. Under the watchful eyes of Eudora, she was initiated into Mesmer. She was fair at the magic, but fair was not enough. No matter how much she studied or practiced, she was mediocre at best. Still, Astræa sacrificed sleep and rest to do everything she could to avoid Eudora’s wrath.

Things changed when Valius Kædryn Princeps died.

Once they returned from the funeral, Eudora’s rage was nothing like anything Astræa had seen before. At first, it had started with the screaming. Stupid. Worthless. Failure. Those were the kindest words that spewed out of her mother. Then came the beatings. It was the worst one she had ever experienced. Astræa barely remembered all of the things Eudora used to hit and throw at her, but she did remember crying and screaming and apologizing as the onslaught went on. To her mother, if her own father did not deem Astræa worthy of bringing into their family, what chances would she have now that her brother was the Princeps Pontifex? Eudora had thought that they had time, but Kædryn had died far earlier than anyone expected.

Some days later, once Eudora retired for the night, Astræa packed up as much of her belongings into bags and left her home. Her whole body still ached and her left eye had swollen shut, but it did not matter. She had to leave. None of the servants or the guards who saw stopped her or tried to wake her mother. Astræa couldn’t bear the pitying looks they were giving her, but she was grateful for their silence.

Before she knew it, the starborn elf was already standing in the Palatine District, staring at Prædium Vlahos. She could see that the place was alight with activity, it seemed like there was some sort of party or gathering. This was the only place she could go, right? Vrædyn was the only family she had left. But she was scared. What if he didn’t want her? What if he turned her away? As much as she despised her mother, Eudora was right. Her father did not adopt her because she was still lacking. Astræa needed to do better, be better. Instead of asking her brother for shelter that night, the eighteen-year-old woman left for Umbrium.

Astræa sold some of her jewelry and stayed at inns until her bruises faded. Once she looked like her old self, Astræa came to the temple of Midnight’s Queen and told them she would like to dedicate her life to the deity. From then on, she lived with the other priests and clerics - never telling anyone what happened between her and her mother. Eudora never even came to look for her. It wasn’t as if she did not know where her daughter was - she simply did not care anymore.

Years passed and Astræa slowly established herself as a respected cleric in the temple. During her early days, whenever she made the trek to the volcano to deliver a sacrifice, the starborn was always fascinated by the quiet power and heat residing in the depths of Mount Sorokyn. Eventually, Astræa found herself an elementalist and was initiated into the magic. Elementalism came much more naturally to her and she quickly progressed.

Whenever she traveled to Luxium, she often meandered to the Palatine District and Templum Solis Radiens. She couldn’t help herself. The thought of encountering her brother was both exhilarating and daunting. She often wondered if he even ever thought of her. She had always been curious if he ever looked for her and if he did what her mother had informed him. Still, no matter how much she wanted to know, Astræa would never ask her mother that.

Perhaps, one of these days, Astræa can finally gather up her courage to finally present herself to her brother.

Re: Andromeda Val’Aværyan Astræa

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 12:35 am
by Astraea

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Arcana: Elementalism 40/100Apprentice
Arcana: Mesmer 33/100Apprentice
Perception: Psychology 15/100Novice
Charisma: Persuasion 15/100Novice
Artistry: Dancing 13/100Novice
Charisma: Seduction 10/100Novice
Intelligence: Torture 5/100Novice
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Re: Andromeda Val’Aværyan Astræa

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 4:12 am
by Astraea

1 Set of Fine Clothing
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel
1 Signet Ring
1 Stiletto Knife


1 basic 20x20 single room cottage (400 sq. ft.) complete with a hearth (or heat source equivalent), bunk, chest, chair, small table and rug.

0 gp+150 gp Starting Package150 gp
150 gp-3.5 gp Stiletto Knife146.5 gp

Re: Andromeda Val’Aværyan Astræa

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 4:33 am
by Astraea

27th of Ash, Year 118 of the Age of Steel - Silly Fancies

Year 124
1st of Glade - A Pious Lady
6th of Glade - Revisiting the Gardens
14th of Glade - Just a Birthday Shindig
17th of Glade - Travels
19th of Glade - Sea of Sirens