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Just Another Morning (Solo)

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 4:08 pm
by Vypsan

Timestamp: Glade 1, 124

The first rays of morning light began to warm the western walls of the manor, nestled comfortably within the plant life of the oasis that allowed it to exist there. As the Golden Sceptre rose, light peered through a window, falling upon the dark tresses that lay tosselled upon her naked back. As she warmed, she let out a content mewling, and rolled on her side, coming in close to lay her head upon a scarred chest. Vypsan was staring up at the ceiling, hands behind his head, just comfortable in his home. There was no familial politicking here, there was no having to watch what one would say. He could do what he wanted, when he wanted, how he wanted, with whom he wanted.

A set of slender fingers snaked beneath the thin sheet that served as a cover for them, and one of Vypsan's eyebrows raised. "Do they not have cock in Tertium? You're running me dry."

There was a smug chuckle, as she gazed up his chest at him, first with a bit of amusement, then just a moment of disappointment when his eyes never found hers. "Most men would die to have such problems." This got a chuckle out of the man who looked down at her now, "I suppose I could indulge you. You're a guest, after all. Would hate to be impolite."

She smirked and he continued, "But go tell the cook we might be an hour or two, and I want my food hot."

She huffed, rolling out of the bed, naked in the morning light. He eyeballed her silhouette as she walked to pick her robe from its crumpled pile on the floor. As she was bent over it, "Leave it." She looked over at it from her position, taking in his smug grin. She stood up, turning to face him, eyes seeing his reaction beneath the sheet. A feral grin grew on her face as she left the bedroom, to make her way through the house to find the cook.

It was going to be a good day.

~~~Some time later~~~

Vypsan and Eliya sat around the table in the dining room. He had a plate of fruits, fresh and dried, and another of a spicy shakshuka, eggs from some wild birds that lived here in the oasis. He sipped at his chilled wine, in just a pair of linen trousers. There wasn't any conversation over breakfast, that was the way Vypsan preferred it. They had been here for about ten days now, Eliya and the various staff that Vypsan hired out of Tertium anytime he came home. And when he left, so would they. Eliya was one of several women that Vypsan would occasionally sweep off their feet from Tertium to come stay at his manor with him, as company. None were anyone of any importance, that was crucial. Didn't need Vopisca finding about them.

As he broke another yolk over a fried flatbread, he heard a hawk's cry break through the silence, and he sighed. He called out toward the open door to the kitchen, "Coffee." The cook, an older mixed human woman popped her head in, "Right away, sir." She looked over at Eliya, not saying anything, "No, I'm fine, thank you." The cook disappeared back into the kitchen.

Eliya looked across the table, "So, what's wrong?"

Darkened eyes looked back at her, annoyance still hot within them, "Why would something be wrong?"

Eliya rolled her eyes, "I'm not Jira or Tania. This is not my first or fourth time to your castle. You only take coffee when you have to do something you don't want to do."

His eyes narrowed, studying the features of the stunning mixed elf, the third daughter of some Tertium merchants of middling success. There was a clenching in his jaw, a tensing in his neck, before he let it all loose, relaxing into the back of his chair. "I suppose you are not Jira, this much is true." He looked over at one of the open windows on the far side of the dining room and on cue, a hawk flew through, a letter tied to a harness around it's chest. It landed on the table before Vypsan, staring the man in the face.

"And here's my problem. His name is Jekra, and he means that our time here is finished."

He reached out, untying the thin leather straps, taking the scroll. He didn't bother to look at the wax seal, there was only one crest it could be. Using his table knife, he broke the seal, reading the letter quickly. "Duty calls." He sighed. Back to the city. Back to his little suite in the family manor. The scent of Vopisca's musk wafted up from within the scroll and his grin grew. Well, there was one benefit to being back in the city he supposed.

Eliya, "When do you leave?"

The cook popped in with a silver pitcher of coffee, "When I finish this. You all will leave tonight."

Eliya pouted, "Can't I come with you? I haven't been to the city in ages."

A derisive snort escaped from Vypsan's lips, "While I know just how well you can ride, I don't think many basilisks have been between those lovely thighs of yours."

"What about the horses? We brought extra, with your new furniture, remember? We can take those then."

No, to take those would delay his arrival by a couple of days and Vopisca would look into why. "Enough. You will go back to Tertium, tonight."

He poured his coffee, and when Eliya went to speak again, he held up a hand, silencing her. And he went back to his quiet and peaceful breakfast. The last he'd have for a while, of that he was sure. He cast one look up at Eliya over his coffee that he sipped. Maybe he'd bring Jira next time. Eliya was getting a bit too comfortable.

~~~Some time later~~~

A tightening of a cinch here, buckling down there, and the runeforged saddled was in place on the docile basilisk. Patting her on the head with a gloved hand, "Just me and you again." He rubbed her around the base of her skull and around her neck, where her armor was thinner to allow mobility but wasn't the easiest of places for her to scratch. She pressed against him gently, as he started to give her pats. "Maybe we can find you some good hunting on the way."

A bird fluttered into the stables, catching both Vypsan's and the basilisk's eyes. "Be careful Jekra or Sweetpea will eat you." He knew she wouldn't. The hawk was barely even a snack and Sweetpea had already been fed this morning. Vypsan went about to securing his various saddlebags, double checking everything. Didn't need the saddle to slip, not like that time when him and Sweetpea were training and bonding. What a headache that was. His thigh still throbs painfully when it rains after that.

Once everything was ready, he saw Sweetpea staring toward the doorway. He followed her eyes to see Eliya there. He patted Sweetpea, looking at the elf, now garbed in a light, flowing dress, the color of bleached bones under a setting sun, "Hey. I'm sorry I pushed you like that." She stepped into the stables, and Vypsan watched with curiosity. He could see that she was nervous around Sweetpea, but he wanted her to sweat a bit. He didn't respond. So she took a step closer, "I just don't want to go home. I've had such a good time with you." Still, he was silent. And she forced another step more, "And I think you have too."

He looked away, watching Sweetpeas eyes, following the thin woman as she approached closer and closer. Soon she was in reach of the basilisk, "I'm sorry, Vyps."

Vypsan's eyes flared hot, locking in on Eliya's, his brow furrowing sternly. "Do not call me that. That name isn't for the tongue of one such as you." She looked shock, freezing in her place, and Vypsan stepped forward. "You will leave, now. My patience has waned and I tire of your presence. Forget this place for you will never soil the halls again." Her face was stricken, paled, "Bu..."


With that, she turned and fled, looking over her shoulder at the unmoving and uncaring basilisk. Once the woman was gone, Vypsan sighed, and he and Sweetpea looked at one another. He shrugged, "Women." Another firm pat, "Let's get going. Brego is going to be so excited to see how big you've gotten." He snorted, "He still owes me a couple avens anyways."

He climbed up into the saddle and led the great beast out of the stables. The staff would clean up and lock up, and Vypsan and Sweetpea would be heading south, back to Solunarium. "Or maybe I find someone new for next time."

Vypsan Speech

Vopisca Speech

Re: Just Another Morning (Solo)

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 9:43 am
by Talisman

Name: Vypsan

XP: 8 Points, no magic
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None

Notes: Welcome to Solunarium! Eliya needs to learn to watch her step just a bit more, doesn't she?