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A Polite Inivitation (Aura)

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 4:34 pm
by Rune

2nd Frost, 124

First the army came to clear out bodies and any dangers left lurking in the streets, this began around Fort Cathevelle in the West End but, with very little resistance remaining, quickly spread out. Once the West End was fully under the lawful control of the new government, the soldiers moved on to the East End. With them, or soon after them, came government officials to distribute aid to any who had managed to survive as well as the large groups of refugees that were now pouring back into the restored safety of the city.

Survivors and refugees alike were given houses if they did not have them, but they were not moved if they had already claimed places of residence. Second came a human man and a woman who delivered packages of food and asked how many people lived in the house, who was the head of the house, and a few other questions that would allow them to continue to provide free supplies and know who to contact. If the eyes of the man had lingered a moment too long on the horns of the Xaela family, he hadn't said anything about it.

In fact, none of the many people who soon filled the neighborhood said anything, and those who also looked too long did not seem inclined to do more than look. The young family was treated by the army and officials the same way everyone else was and it was several weeks before any mention of their race was made at all.

On a bright, cold morning in the still Frost-locked land, a new government official wearing the uniform of The Order came knocking on the front door. When it was answered she asked to speak to the head Citizen of the house (all people were being refereed to that way now, regardless of gender, everyone was 'Citizen'). When Aura identified herself as the head of the house the young woman offered her a smile and a quick nod of her head before asking if she might come inside.

Re: A Polite Inivitation (Aura)

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 6:02 pm
by Aura


Fear, uncertainty, distrust.

Several long seasons of constantly fighting for survival had changed Aura. She was only a teenager but she felt like she’d matured twenty years since the disaster. It would have been simple to simply leave, go somewhere else to start anew. She’d stayed though. She and her bodyguard had kept the property safe for no reason other than it was their home. As much as she hated the way Lysanrin were treated, she’d grown up there and she did not want to relocate her siblings unless worst came to worst.

When aid first came, Aura thought the time had come where they’d be kicked out of their house. She’d had seasons to ruminate on what would ultimately happen to them. They’d held onto their property because nobody had come fighting them for it. Monsters she could defend against, but she knew if humans came knocking with weapons in tow… that was a fight she wasn’t going to win.

But the aid came without condition. Then more people started moving into the area and she noticed that something was off. She couldn’t tell at first whether they were scared of her, or perhaps it was respect – anyone who’d stuck around would have seen her flying around on a near daily basis, actively keeping the neighborhood clear of as many monsters as she could handle. In any case she’d decided to stay on the safe side, and her family kept to themselves.

One morning, while Aura was in the middle of drawing aether from her family’s treasured dragonshard, she heard someone call, “Sis! Someone’s here to see you!”

She tucked it into her pocket then hurried down to see what was going on. It wasn’t aid, not today. This was someone new.

“She wanted to talk to the head ‘citizen’ of the house,” said the young boy.

“That’d be me, Au Ra Xaela,” Aura said without approaching the door, sizing the woman up. “Yes, you can enter, but I’m afraid we’re not used to hosting guests.” She motioned for the woman to come in and take a left to the dining area.

The inside of the home was a mess. Much of the first floor was in disarray or simply destroyed. There were multiple sizeable holes in the structure, most of them from fighting monsters that happened to slip inside. The dining area was the most well kept area, being where they kept the aid they were given and where the children tended to congregate. Aura waved them away as she walked in and said, “go fetch Amat," with an urgent tone. It was odd that he hadn’t been the one to inform her there was company, he was likely occupied in the back yard. If there was going to be trouble, it would be best if he was there to help.

Aura took a seat at the table, assuming her guest would do the same. “So, why are you here?” She figured she would give the woman the benefit of the doubt that she wasn’t here with ill intentions. Still, she had a dragonshard in her pocket and had absorbed a good deal of aether from it beforehand. She was confident that she could get her family to safety if she had to.

I have a plan - Attack

Re: A Polite Inivitation (Aura)

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 7:11 pm
by Rune
The woman, who was probably less than half a dozen years older than Aura nodded her thanks as she entered the house. Her keep eyes observed everything but didn't seem to judge, who could judge at times like these? The seat across from the head of the house was taken and, as there was no small talk offered, none was had.

"My name is Aspirant Seigel and I am here on behalf of Vigilant Sterling to ask if you have heard of the initiative the government has begun concerning Lysanrins?" Here she reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a little paper pamphlet and placed it on the table between herself and Citizen Xaela.

On the cover of the pamphlet was a picture of a human and a Lysanrin standing shoulder to shoulder in obvious solidarity. Both figures were crispy Order uniforms with the same rank on the insignia, they were smiling out from the picture, looking both proud and determined.

"As you must know, all loyal citizens are pulling together to rebuild our great city, our great state, better and stronger than ever. Each person is expected to do their part in whatever way they are able. Everyone has their own, unique abilities and skills and the government is trying to learn as much as they can to ensure that all our needs are met. The aid society representatives noted down that you have several very useful skills that will be highly prized. Should you choose to employ them for Zaichaer you can achieve full citizenship and a place of honor among your peers.

"Vigilant Sterling sent me to answer any questions you might have and offer you an invitation to come for a formal interview to assess your skills and abilities so that you can be provided with training and materials as soon as possible."

Here she pulled out a second item from her pocket, this one was an envelope with Aura's family name written on it in strong, clean handwriting. Inside Aura would find, just as advertised, an invitation to come to Fort Cathevelle to meet with Vigilant Sterling at her earliest convenience. The invitation would, presumably, get her past the garrison.

Re: A Polite Inivitation (Aura)

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 5:53 am
by Aura

Aura shook her head at the mention of the project. She hadn’t socialized with others at all and had made sure her siblings hadn’t either. But the woman went on to explain what she was talking about well enough.

“I suppose I have noticed that there aren’t any more monsters in the area and that people are moving back in. I took it to mean that things are going back to normal, no? What use could you possibly have for my abilities now that the city is safe?”

She accepted the pamphlet then the invitation, skimming over each in turn and finding that the information she’d asked for was plainly written before her. Just as she’d finished, another door to the room opened and in strode Amaterasu.

“What’d I miss?” he asked as he went to stand by Aura’s side.

“Aspirant Seigel, this is Amaterasu, my family’s bodyguard. This woman has come to offer me a path to citizenship,” Aura explained absent mindedly.

Amaterasu frowned slightly, “I was wondering when someone would show up about that. I’ve heard a thing or two and it might not be such a bad offer... but it sounds dangerous. I believe they wish to weaponize your ability to aura siphon.”

Aura folded up the papers neatly while nodding in agreement. “You’ll have to forgive me, Aspirant, but I’m not so used to being the ‘head of the household.’ See, my father passed before the disaster and he was really the one running things around here. My mother and brother died in the disaster so I’ve been doing my best to keep what’s left of us together and alive…”

She trailed off then blinked hard to force herself to remain focused. “So what I meant to get at, is that there’s little more important to me than giving the people I care about a good life. If this path to citizenship is what it takes, then so be it… but I do believe it to be a waste of my talents.”

“What she means to say, I think, is that she would be much more help to the city if she were allowed to work as an artificer. She’s had ample training in the area and is quite good at it, even at her age.”

“Yes, perhaps I will bring it up with Vigilant Sterling,” Aura murmured to herself before turning her attention fully back to Seigel. “I will accept this invitation. If you have anything else you believe I should know before the formal interview, please let me know.”

I have a plan - Attack

Re: A Polite Inivitation (Aura)

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 1:09 pm
by Rune
The messenger offered the newcomer a smile and if it wasn't as bright nor as friendly as the one she had been giving the head of the household, well, he was a servant. Perhaps that was it.

She nodded at the next thing Aura said, a look of genuine sympathy on her face.

"I understand, a lot of people, maybe all of us, are having to step into roles and take on responsibilities that we never expected to have to do."

So many people had died, noone could live the life they had expected to only two years before, and while it was a phenomenon that was affecting everyone, that did not make it easier for any individual. The Aspirant herself had lost most of her family members and been promoted without ceremony to fill her current role. It was an odd thing, to feel grateful for an opportunity and mourn the reasons for it at the same time. She didn't blink away tears, her training was solid, but she did press her lips together briefly before regaining her full composure.

"Full citizenship offers many benefits, now more than ever. The First Minister is determined that no citizen should go without all their basic needs being met. The first government official he appointed was the new Minister of Welfare, that's where the care packages and aid society representatives assigned to each neighborhood are coming from."

Seigel blinked at the sudden information that the young woman sitting across from her was an aspiring world mage but did her best to take the information in stride.

"Well, if your talents do extend to other things that may be useful to Zaichaer or the Order I am sure the Vigilant will want to know about them. All such abilities are in demand, as you might imagine. You'll need a new license before you begin any sort of work, of course. I'm sure you had one before, but so many records were lost, it's just easier to start over."

Her cheerful smile didn't waiver but something about the tightness around her eyes said that she was not at all sure that a Lysanrin had been properly licensed and may have been practicing magic illegally. It was not her place to worry about that though.

Shaking her head to the question the visitor stood,

"No, that was all. The Order looks forward to working with you. I'll see myself out."

With that, the woman was gone from their home.

Re: A Polite Inivitation (Aura)

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 4:19 pm
by Rune


Points: 0

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: None

Notes: Unfortunately this player has been banned from the site.

Mod XP: Rune: 6