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The Rebirth of a World (Kaiko)

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 3:44 am
by Aegis

Glade 3, 124

The ice was thick over much of Lake Udori, not yet having thawed out, with winter having finally come to an end after a year and a half. However, around the harbors of the smaller villages and the large port at the foot of Kalzasi, mages were hard at work melting the nearest ice so that ships could be serviced and repaired, so that fishing and trade could resume once more. Even though the air was crisp, there was an air of activity and joy, as many an Avialae could be seen flying to and from the vassal villages and Kalzasi, passing communications so that work could be done, plans could be made.

The world was moving forward once again.

The pleasant bustle was momentarily interrupted by the thunderous sound of ice cracking. Some paused, others didn't bother, this was a fairly common noise through the ice breaking season. Huge chunks of ice broke from a point near the Kalzasi port, and a large wooden shipped sailed up from underneath the ice. It bounced once high into the air then settled in the cold waters. It carried two flags, one was of Zythuran berth, the other declaring a neutral and peaceful arrival.

On the prow, Captain Kynne stood with Kaiko near him as the rest of his crew continued their work, preparing to dock. The captain looked down at the young lass, a bit of a sad and soft smile. This half cocked idea of his was indeed going chaotic and messy, but that was the fun of it all, wasn't it? Plus, he was never any good at making plans. But when he'd returned to the beach on Ash 25th, 123 and found that only a starved, scared, and lonely Kaiko remained, no longer a child yet fighting for her life as an adult though was still something in between, he knew some help might be in order. He picked her up, brought her upon the Duck, and towed her north for something in the aether said Kaiko would be needed. And by the time they arrived, he knew what it was, for he had felt her return to the world in the previous season.

It was time to get the band back together.

Looking out over the port, up at the Jeweled City of Kalzasi, he smiled. Speaking to Kaiko, "Go find Yeva Bleu. She's out here somewhere. We will be here for you both when you return." He removed his hat, running a hand through his hair, tossling it. "You both are needed for more than simply survival, but I'm glad to find you both capable."

He placed his hat upon Kaiko's head. "Good luck."
 ! Message from: Aegis
This is my starter for Kaiko. Continue out this thread however you see fit. Kaiko has been tasked with fetching Yeva Bleu and her disappearance during your hiatus has now been explained. You may do however many threads and use whatever timeline you'd like for this task. If Kaiko does not wish to continue with this, all she needs to do is think it or speak to the hat and we will go from there. Good luck and if you have any questions, let me know. If Kaiko returns, with or without Yeva, ping me and we will continue the moderation there.

Re: The Rebirth of a World (Kaiko)

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 5:31 pm
by Kaiko Marina

Kaiko had been quiet most of the voyage as she worked through her thoughts and got back to health. She mostly stayed in her room refusing to do much more than sleep and eat. Even though rescued she felt abandoned. Everyone had left her including the otter she had rescued. Yes the good ship Duck came back but she knew the ship only came back because she was somehow still needed for something. She remained silent, unwilling to talk. Unwilling to play or sing or dance. She was simply there because somehow she was still needed. 


She was above deck because they were in port and because the captain asked for her. She watched the ice break. Felt the cool air and knew by the smell they were far away from salt water. When Captain Kynne spoke she looked up at him. Finally a task. Find yeva Bleu. Bring her back. They have more to do. He said she was capable of survival. That said, she knew if the ship had not returned she would not have made it much longer. But that did not matter. The important thing was yeva. One of the first to disappear. ”Yeva” she said, her voice broken and weak. It didn't even sound like it came from her. Yeva, a friend of Norani. One that spoke in sand so long ago. One she didn't get to interact with much.

She would give a smile and adjust the hat before she gave a nod. She already learned not to ask for help as this particular captain didn't like to give much help. Besides, tracking a person was not that hard. Right? Her gaze would look over the city for a few seconds before she would go and grab her staff. The staff and her box being the only things the jungle had not taken from her. As soon as they docked she would set off down the gangplank. She did not look back as she walked down the docks. Only looking around enough to find the dock name and the port name. The rest mattered little and therefore did not call her attention. She kept walking away from the water and away from the port. Only one question in her mind. The most important question. Where is Yeva? 

As she walked she looked up. So many different faces. Most of which seemed in a good mood. Perhaps it was due to the winter finally ending. But also everyone had some task they were doing. She would stop a few every now and then with the same question “I'm looking for a redhead named Yeva. Have you seen her?” some ignored her completely. Most simply shook their heads or gave a quick no. But one fellow with wings pointed down the street. Towards a food place of some kind “there is a red head in there don't know her name though” she would smile, that was something. ”thanks” she said, then turned to walk to the building.

 Inside she found the smell of drinks, alcoholic and strong. It was not the same as the bars she knew but a bar nonetheless. She looked around before spotting the redhead. She walked closer only to stop when she noticed this one had wings. Not at all the right person. She would look around a little more before she looked at the drinks. A nice rum would be amazing but she was without coins. Yes, she could play but without her instruments she really didn't feel the call to do so. Instead she would leave the bar. 

 She kept walking and looking at the various faces. None the right one. She kept asking the same question to the people. Some pointed her to the last redhead they saw. But that redhead was never the right one. It became clear that this method was not going to work. She kept walking and looking at the various people. Eventually it dawned on her. If Yeva was as good a survivor as Kaiko was then she was outside the city hurt and hungry. Kaiko would walk faster as she went to find one of the Avialae. Finding one she stopped. 

The Avialae man would not notice her at first so Kaiko would walk up to him “sr?”[/d] She said, as she looked up at him. The Avialae would finally turn and look at her. “yes.” he would reply. 

”I need help.” she said.

“with?” He asked 

She took in a breath and let worry show on her face. “Finding a friend.”

He would start to answer but instead when his mouth opened he laughed. It took him 3 attempts to actually speak. “I can't help you make friends. I got too many of those already.” 

Kaiko would cross her arms. Unamused she would frown. “I meant my friend is lost and I need help finding her.” She said 

He would look around then back at her “sorry kid your friends not here.” 

”I know that. I need help from wings. She is lost in the wilderness around here somewhere.” She said still not amused. ”and I need wings to find her location and report it back to me.” She said 

The guy would shake his head. “Sorry kid got more important stuff to do.” Then turned and started back his business. 

Kaiko was starting to get mad. She needed help and no one was helping “just when you're out flying please look for her. A redhead woman who is probably hurt. I'll be here.” She said. She would then turn and walk away. Every Avialae she saw she would ask the same question. ”Have you Seen a redhead in the woods? She is a friend I think is hurt and lost. all shook their heads. ”please look for her as you travel.” She said. Most would also nod. 

She would keep asking around until it got dark and the street lights were lit. She would grow tired. Not having any coin she knew she could not buy a safe place to sleep so she walked around. Eventually she would stop,  the sound of a band catching her attention. She found her tied self following the music. It led back to the first pub she was in earlier. She sat outside the building on the alley side listening to the music. They sang in a language she did not know but she didn't need to understand to know the song. It was her uncle's favorite song. One she did a twist on for his funeral. As it came to the chorus she would sing I'm a soft voice. 

”As the songs of the dead fill the space of my ears.

Their laughter like children, their beckoning cheers

My heart longs to join them, sing songs of the sea

I remember the fallen, do they think of me?”

She was again sad. ”Do they think of me” words repeated as she asked aloud to herself. She would shed a tear listening to the song. Though the language was foren it was well sung. She would listen as she thought of her family. Her uncle. Her friends. More tears shed as she realized how much she missed them. As she missed all of them including the dragonfly kid. But she missed Norani most of all. 

The song slowed for the last verse. The answer to the question. The answer she needed and sang. 

“I remember the fallen and they think of me”

She would wipe her eyes. Drying them. She didn't need to be sad if she thought of them then they must think of her. She would lean against the building staff in hand as she continued to listen to the songs after the sad one they switched to one she did not know and played. This song has more energy than the last. But she would soon fall asleep. Her mood a bit more upbeat as songs have always done for her. 

She was awakened soon after the sun by a bucket of water. She would be to her feet, staff in hand, fully awake in seconds. She would look at the person responsible. The Avialae she first asked to help locate her friend stood there. A smile on his face. “Relax, miss.” He said. Kaiko would stand down looking up at him now wet and cold. “May have found your friend.” He said, handing her a map of the area. He would then take off into the air and back to work. Kaiko would open the map to find a spot circled. She would turn until the water was near the right spot then looked over it as she got a general direction. Destination in mind she would fold the map pit it in her pocket, and started walking.

Re: The Rebirth of a World (Kaiko)

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 2:42 am
by Hikami
The Rebirth of a World

Points awarded:
  • 12 {Not for Magic}
  • map, Captain Kynne's hat
  • Sad & a little mad, but she will be fine in time
  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!