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Just a Birthday Shindig (Astraea)

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 7:16 am
by Vypsan

Glade 45, 124

Early morning...

Small rings of blue tinted smoke lazed out, growing wider and more faint as they disappeared over the viridescent gardens of the Val'Nasennius family manor. Golden eyes peered out from behind a cigar as Vypsan soaked up the morning sun. The slight breeze upon his naked form was refreshing as he stretched out more upon his cushioned lounger. He held out a hand, and it was filled with a cold drink in a crystalline glass. He sipped at it, savoring the desert melon concoction of cactus liquor. The drink was handed back to the servant before he looked over at her. "How much longer until I need to suit up?"

The human woman spoke softly, "After lunch."

He closed his eyes, letting his muscles further uncoil and relax under the warmth of the suns. "How many available suitors will be coming to this thing?"

There was silence from the servant. Vypsan's head lulled to the side, glaring at her, "Speak or you'll find my gaze on you tonight."

Her lips tightened into a thin line. All the servants of the manor knew the ire that would be earned from Vopisca if any of them caught Vypsan's attention. "Twenty-two." Vypsan's head rolled back to its resting position. "Impressive. That's going to annoy the Val'Torinnas, only eight showed up to their son's party." Her brought the cigar to his lips once more, taking in a deep pull, savoring the taste in his mouth. He puffed it out in a ring once more. A sly grin grew on Vypsan's face. Twenty-two men that he would get to watch squirm under her vicious gaze. It was going to be a fun night.

He held out his hand once more and once more it was filled with the ice cold drink.

Shortly after lunch...

Vypsan was roaming the halls of the manor, bored and killing time until he had to be ready for the party. He was passed constantly by other members of the family and servants, all focused on putting together all of these preparations in the ballroom, dining, room and the many other rooms that would host this event. And the gardens, of course. He bit heavily into his oasis apple, stopping, turning slightly and looking back, to see the servant who'd been tasked with making sure he showed up on time and in the clothes made for him. "I said fourteen paces away. That's thirteen." The human woman took a step back. Vypsan turned and continued down the hall.

He stopped by the various suites, peeking in at all the cousin groups. There were the dye makers, scrubbing away at their hands and arms as much as they could. He snorted and watched them amused, they knew they couldn't get the stains out. They'd have to have them Masqed, at cost. Another suite down the row and he found the indigo farmers, the closest relatives to Vopsica's seat. He liked them, unlike many of the family heads, these ones knew both the importance of work and play. They'd be drunk and singing with him later tonight, that much was certain.

He popped into another guest suite, seeing the common room of it rather empty. Someone was either already ready or running late. Vypsan tossed his apple core back to the servant and wandered over, plopping down on the cushions seated around a fine little table. He grabbed a dune pear from the bowl of fruits and bit into it. He could ask the servant who was staying in this suite, but since he had time to spare, he figured he'd follow a curiosity and wait on them. It wouldn't be empty after all, the house was fully booked and the lesser guests were in nearby homes rented for them.

He looked over at the servant, "Go find some wine. Something chilled and crisp. And two glasses."

A curt nod and the servant disappeared as Vypsan waited.

Vypsan Speech

Vopisca Speech

Re: Just a Birthday Shindig (Astraea)

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:44 am
by Astraea
The representatives of Templum Mediae Noctis Matris had arrived early in the morning that day. They had been ushered into a cushy suite in the manor. There was no denying the wealth of the Val’Nasennius family. It was impressive, even for a noble family. They must have quite the success in their business. All of them gawked at the gardens and the polished furniture gilded with gold - except for one, the starborn elf who didn’t seem at all that impressed.

In fact, the young woman was frowning, more focused on whining internally about how she was working on what was supposed to be her day off. While it was nobody’s fault, Astræa was still quite vexed. Kallista had been the one assigned to bless the birthday of Fadia Val'Nasennius Vopisca, but since yesterday the girl had an unfortunate case of food poisoning and so Astræa had been appointed to take her place - which entirely ruined her plans for a pleasant lunch in a rising-star restaurant at the Aurecine District.

Then she had to sit in front of a mirror for the better part of two hours as everyone pampered and dressed her. By the time they were finished, even the priestess had to admit that they had done a marvelous job. Her makeup was simple enough, only designed to enhance her features. Her platinum blonde hair was styled into soft waves and sported a silver circlet. She wore a dress darker than the soil of Mount Sorokyn that hugged her curves tightly. Thin silver chains were draped over her bare shoulders and down her arms.

They had made sure no one would be able to miss that the priestess was a portrayal of the undeniable perfection of Deiori. But it was also not too much. Ultimately, Astræa wasn’t here to outshine any of the partygoers. It was just enough to announce a priestess’s importance.

Before noon, most of the girls that had come with her to prepare had left the premises to return to their duties. Only Helen and Danae, younger members of the temple, stayed behind to assist her with the ceremony. This would also be their first time experiencing a house call ceremony - which meant Astræa was also assigned to babysit them. Astræa simply watched as the two giggle-gaggled about the handsome nobleman and guards they had seen in the manor.

“You two sound so serious about hunting down a husband. It’s impressive, actually. I don’t think you two are ever this serious when studying the scripture,” she teased, her hand mindlessly toying with the thin silver necklace around her neck.

Danae rolled her eyes as she checked herself in the mirror, carefully putting on a red tint on her lips. “You don’t get it, Astræa. Once you announce your intent to marry, men all over the realm will be falling over themselves to court you. You never need to worry. We, on the other hand, need to scout for prospects anywhere we go.”

The young woman laughed and shook her head. “Just don’t get carried away. We’re not here to socialize.”

Once the pair got bored, they asked one of the servants if they could take a quick tour to see the gardens. Astræa opted to stay behind while they left with the servant. She had an inkling that they might not be as interested in the gardens as they were in the men they might encounter.

Instead, the young woman took the chance to take a brief nap among the cushions. She couldn’t tell how long she had dozed off, but when she woke she was still alone. Not even a servant in sight. As she sat up, one of the pins and chains that held the back of her dress together had snagged against a cushion and popped open. While it did not cause the dress to fall apart, it was enough to expose most of her back to the elements. She could not reach and fix it by herself. Astræa waited for a while but there was no sign that her companions would be returning soon.

When her impatience finally took over, Astræa leaped to her feet and left her suite. The state of the dress was now much more revealing than it was intended to be, but her hair was long enough to reach past her waist and it mostly covered her. She spent several minutes wandering around in the gardens. No sign of them at all.

Astræa strode back into her suite in a huff, annoyed that she had failed in her mission. Her mind was already preoccupied with how she would scold the two. The young woman was already a few steps in when it finally registered in the corner of her eyes that the room was not empty anymore.

She froze in place, her pale golden eyes landing on the stranger lounging on the cushions. A sunborn male with rugged features who was clad in fine clothes - handsome enough to spark an interest. He was most likely one of the family members. Despite the fact she could easily outrank almost everyone - if not everyone - in the building, Astræa lowered her head in greeting. She was always a priestess first.

“Oh, forgive me. I must be in the wrong ro-” The priestess turned to look at the door she just walked into, then back at the mysterious man. She was quite sure she didn’t make a mistake. Sure enough, when she scanned around the room, Astræa spotted one of her headpieces on the vanity. “Actually, this is my room. Is there anything I can help you with?”