From Sol'Valen with Love

Rhydian & Karrhei arrive in Kalzasi

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Rhydian ValKor
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Title: Prince Rhydian of Koiláda ton Spathión
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16 Glade 124

Astride the gold-feathered roc Thyellódis, Rhydian and Karrhei arrived, at last, in the skies over Kalzasi. There were faster forms of travel between this realm and their native Sol’Valen, but alacrity was not a priority and the trip was taking them through less trafficked parts of these less civilised lands. There was pomp to be considered and, for the more practical concerns, servants had already been portalled to Kalzasi to see Rhydian’s hotel suite prepared in advance of their arrival.

Upon crossing the border, they were soon intercepted by a pair of Synnekar Skyguards, who guided them down to an assigned point-of-entry to have their credentials reviewed. As an official envoy of the Royal Crown of Sol’Valen, the process was an expedient one and a complement was assigned to see them to an eyrie at which to stable Thyellódis and then conduct them to their lodgings at a luxury hotel in the Cloudhaven District of the city.

The Icewing Grand Hotel had staff on hand to greet the foreign prince and his attache, with all due ceremony (and perhaps a bit more, in hopes of a generous gratuity for their obeisances.)

As was typical of his public persona, Rhydian played the placid prince responding to the enthusiasm of the concierge with a flat affect delivered in a soft tenor voice.

“We will be pleased to dine in our suite this eventide.” A warmer guest might have made excuses, such as the weariness of travel, for declining the effusive guidance of the hotel staff, but Rhydian was direct to a fault. Being so, he gestured for the bellhop to guide them to their rooms.

Upon arriving in their rooms, Rhydian would stalk directly to the window to take in the view. If the bellhop lingered in hope of a tip, it would be Karrhei’s to dole it out. Rhydian had left the cleric in charge of their travel purse for the journey. The prince did not speak again until the door clicked shut behind him.

“It is lovelier here than I thought it would be…” He pursed his lips, “Hm.” With no further scrutiny over the cityscape without, he turned from the window and began to unclasp his travel cape.
Last edited by Rhydian ValKor on Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 413
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Karrhei ValMeraomel
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It felt as though he was finally getting a proper sense of flying when the Skyguard met and escorted them. This trip was already full of firsts for the young priest and they had yet to even touch down at their first destination. Initially he was feeling flight-sick, having never been on a flying mount before, let alone a majestic roc like Thyellódis. At first it was thrilling but more than a bit terrifying, eventually that gave way to more of a sense of lightheaded dizziness. Karrhei spent most of the trip trying to meditate and keep his composure so that the aura of warmth and comfort he projected wouldn't slip to a noticeable degree. Sadly this meant he wasn't enjoying the view, but fortune had it that when he felt well enough to open his eyes he was met with the first glimpses of the city. It was beautiful in a strange and new way.

There was both comfort and pride in watching his prince handle the logistics of their visit that allowed him to mainly stand quietly behind Rhydian, a soft smile on his face as their credentials were checked. A wave of relief at being on the ground again washed over Karrhei quickly followed by a sense of curiosity and excitement that accompanied the influx of foreign architecture, faces, creatures, sounds, smells, all of it. None of it took precedence, he was accompanying Rhydian and as always his focus was directed towards his prince.

He followed behind, projecting the same warm and loving aura he always maintained in his position as a priest of Suion. The ever present smile on Karrhei's lips would seem out of place on the more prestigious demeanor of regal Hytori such as Rhydian. The poise and grace with which the prince conducted himself were far above and beyond Hytori standards, if anyone were to represent their people to these lesser civilizations there was no better choice than Rhydian Val'Kor.

The decision to dine in their quarters was a welcome one and Karrhei found his smile growing as he offered his thanks to the hotel staff. Once they had reached their suite Karrhei offered a tip to the bellhop before he left and only paused for a moment after to wonder if the tip was too great or small for Kalzasi customs. He tipped as he would have were they in Sol'Valen, so certainly that was fine, right?

Rhydian's words pulled Karrhei from his thoughts and he moved to stand by his friend at the window.

"It certainly is a sight, isn't it? I'm not sure what I had been expecting but, it is different from how I imagined. Here, allow me to take that for you." He gestured to Rhydian's cloak, holding his arms open for it. He felt more at ease when he was able to attend to Rhydian.
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Rhydian ValKor
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"Ah. I thank you." Rhydian handed the cloak over with a familiar purse of his lips that stood in the place a smile might inhabit on a less stoical creature. It was a relief, in truth, or would have been if Karrhei hadn't been so prompt in his offer. Rhydian wouldn't have known what to do with the cloak if left to his own devices, because:

"I'd expected the servants from Sol'Valen to greet us upon our arrival..." His lips were pursed again, but this time the furrow of his brow made the expression betoken more of a grimace than the grateful smile he'd hitherto exhibited. His mind was turning as to what their absence might mean. It was clear they'd been here, as their belongings had been situated and the suite had clearly been modified to their specifications. He could Semble that the room had been swept by security as well, and yet the two of them were alone.

He still wore an expression of concern as he perched at the edge of a chaise to unlace his boots,

"You don't suppose His Majesty recalled them for some reason, do you?" His mind spun with the possible reasons for such a move and most of the notions that rose to his consciousness were punitive. Karrhei had been undergoing the Sisyphean challenge of convincing Rhydian this entire trip wasn't a punishment since well before they set off. Rhydian would start to spiral and Karrhei would talk him down, then new concerns would emerge and the cycle proceeded. The dearth of serving staff to help him unlace these boots was only the latest catalyst in a daily spiral. Still, he was a capable prince and managed the task all on his own, placing the boots aside and looking at them, momentarily bemused as to where they should be discarded before deciding they were fine where they lay.

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Karrhei ValMeraomel
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He took the cloak, draping it delicately over his arms before turning to a large piece of furniture that he assumed was a wardrobe of some sort, even though the style was certainly unique seeming. He was happy to have his assumption confirmed and carefully hung the cloak up so as to not wrinkle it. There were a few of Rhydian's garments that had been sent ahead already hanging in there and he made certain it was not touching any of the clean items. He would let the servants know it should be washed.

"I am sure they will be along momentarily. We headed straight here, it is possible they have not been alerted to our arrival." Karrhei could sense Rhydian's worry in his tone without looking at him.

"There is no doubt in my mind that Serrhion would have insisted upon delivering such news to you in person and would have been waiting at the eyrie were that the case. I am sure he will be here any moment apologizing profusely."

Karrhei turned to see Rhydian fussing over his boots and his smile grew a bit. There was something so endearing and beautiful about Rhydian that made Karrhei want to dote on him. "I can assist you if you would like-" However his words were cut off by a knock at the door and he moved to answer it.

It was no surprise to him to see Serrhion and some of the other servants at the door. A welcome sight as at least this would assuage Rhydian's fears for now. Even more pleasantly for Karrhei was the servant who brought in a tray with a familiar tea set they had brought from Sol'Valen. "Serrhion, I put the prince's cloak in the wardrobe, but was unsure where best to place his boots."

Hopefully the valet would not feel guilty for Rhydian removing them himself. Karrhei rather liked Rhydian's servants. They were always very kind and respectful. He sat down at the table where the tea was set down, happy for the familiar comfort. He probably should have seen to removing his own outer layers but as he was unsure of where his own accommodations were situated he had held back, though when the servant who brought the tea offered to take it Karrhei happily accepted the offer. They never attempted to help the priest remove even a cloak, though he was certain they would if he asked. He handed it over and sat back down, pouring himself a cup of tea before turning his attention back to Rhydian. "Shall I pour you a cup Prince Rhydian?"
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Rhydian ValKor
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Rhydian’s hand snapped up to his ear and began worrying the black gold, ruby-inlaid stud he’d worn there since the beginning of the trip. The item of jewelry was as novel to Rhydian as the anxious tic of fidgeting with the lobe that bore it.

“It is possible, yes.” He acknowledged, albeit rather coolly as he scooted back onto the chaise and rolled onto his hip— drawing his stockinged feet up onto the patterened upholstery and reclining propped up on one elbow, facing Karrhei.

“Serrhion would never ‘insist’ in opposition to direct order from His Majesty.” As ever, there was additional gravitas palpable in those honorific words when they crossed Rhydian’s lips. Karrhei might glean the implication that Rhydian would have been far more cross with his valet for questioning the king than for boldly defending the interests of his immediate master.

At that knock, the prince’s eyes snapped to the door and his posture stiffened, even reclining as it was. Stock still he remained as Karrhei answered it, and he let out a slow sigh as the missing serving staff revealed themselves.

“Ah.” The hand that wasn’t cupping his cheek fell from his ear, and he sat upright, swinging his legs round and letting just the balls of his feet touch the carpeted floor as he regarded the small entourage. He remained silent as Karrhei filled them in. Serrhion nodded and, making no apologies, leapt directly into the practical concerns of his work.

”Would His Highness care to cast off the rest of his travel trappings? Your Highness’ dressing room and bedroom are just through here…” He gestured to one of the rightmost of the two doors on the wall opposite where Rhydian reclined. The servant looked to Karrhei.

“If Your Lordship would like to change, your rooms are to the left. Let us know if we might be of assistance.”

“I will take tea first. Thank you, Karrhei.” Rhydian waved Serrhion off, and the valet nodded, moving to tend to the boots and then the cape as the other servants positioned themselves around the room poised to tend to the whims of the noble and the royal present. Rhydian’s gaze trailed languidly toward his old friend.

“Will you stay in tonight, or are you too eager to observe how your patron deity is worshipped in this queeer culture?”
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Karrhei ValMeraomel
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There was a simple nod and thank you to Serrhion for the clarification of the suite's layout. Part of him wanted to check out the extent of their accommodations, but he tempered his excitement for the new surroundings they found themselves in. Enjoying the routine of the simple and familiar tea kept him focused. The tea was hot and the delicate floral aroma with sweet lingering notes of berries filled Karrhei's senses as he poured a cup for his dear friend. Picking up his own cup his mind played over the way Rhydian said 'His Majesty' and the implications there. Rhydian was most likely correct in his assessment of Serrhion, he did know the valet better, and of course no one would dare disobey an order from the Phoenix King himself. Karrhei knew that. There was a momentary hesitation in his smile, covered by his own tea cup pressed to his lips, but he caught himself.

His Majesty Ailuin Sol’Eilran was always the subject of Rhydian's attention and thoughts. It hurt to continuously watch his beautiful prince spiral over a man who would never be able to give Rhydian the consistent affection he deserved. Love was complex and powerful. It was also the reason Karrhei's counsel was welcome, and why his childhood friend kept him around. Karrhei was not so naive to think that this trip and distance would help Rhydian's anxiety, but he was hopeful that he could help his beloved prince through it. It was his duty to do so after all.

Without needing to ask one of the servants brought the tea cup to the prince.

"I believe I will stay in tonight, what is on your agenda for tomorrow?" He did want to know, want to see what these strange people did as far as customs and worship, particularly if any of them were enlightened enough to show proper reverence to Suion. The thought they might not made him pity them.
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Rhydian ValKor
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"Tomorrow I am to take luncheon with one of the Synnekar noble houses." Rhydian replied, extending an arm to gracefully accept the cup that had been poured by Karrhei and delivered by his footman. "The Avialae are an interesting race, in my estimation..." He mused aloud as he drew the cup to his full lips to tip a delicate sip between them.

"For so young a race to have come so far so quickly is rather remarkable." Some Hytori might have scoffed at such a notion. They'd been the first to achieve so many things that it was easy to overlook the successes of younger races, but Rhydian was not quite as haughty as all that, even if he'd not have expressed this opinion publicly and certainly not to a member of the race he was commending. In present company, however, he was comfortable enough to state the opinion plainly.

"They've only been around for a few hundred years and already they've been sundered in twain; half to hold a formidable position in the Gelerian Imperium as the other half somehow rose to become the ruling class here in Kalzasi." It was no Boundless Empire, to be sure, but impressive for a race that was younger than many individuals he knew back in Sol'Valen.

Remembering himself, he continued his reply to the question that had actually been posed him.

"And tomorrow evening I am to see a performance at The Golden Peacock theatre. Will you be otherwise engaged, or would you care to join me for that? I was invited to a box, so there will doubtless be room enough to include you, if you wish it." He took another sip, before placing the cup onto the saucer and the saucer onto the table before him.

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Karrhei ValMeraomel
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Rhydian's musings were fascinating to him. It wasn't something Karrhei had particularly considered, the accomplishments of younger races. All of civilized society had its roots in the Boundless Empire, what little he learned or at least retained about lesser peoples related mainly to cultural views of Suion and her domains. As far as the Avialae were concerned his knowledge was limited to the very basics. They were winged humans, which had been interesting to witness in person, and they were all male. Very strange and interesting indeed. It seemed so obvious that Rhydian's ability to see other peoples in such ways was most likely among the many reasons he had been selected for this trip.

"It certainly is interesting, I look forward to hearing any details of your luncheon with this noble house, that you wish to share of course."

When the invitation to the theatre was extended to him a vibrancy colored his smile. The Golden Peacock Theatre was one of the places he had heard of and was most excited to see. "I would love to accompany you. Do you know what sort of performance it will be?"

The way his face lit up whenever fine or performing arts became a topic of conversation between them was very apparent, even if it wasn't particularly frequent. "My plans for our visit are of course flexible to your needs my prince. I am hoping to visit centers of art and culture within the city, even if most of these people do not formally worship Suion her influence is often found in such expressions. From my limited knowledge The Plaza of Jeweled Arches would be the best place to start, I will consult the staff here in the morning."

The thoughts of exploring new places made his heart flutter in a way that the young priest could only interpret as his Goddess' guidance. Karrhei placed a hand over his heart and closed his eyes for a moment to settle his racing thoughts. His exuberance was still palpable but the focus on his heartbeat and trust in Suion kept him grounded in the present instead of becoming lost in the possibilities of tomorrow. As always the best course of action was look to Suion, she would lead him where he was supposed to be. Upon opening his eyes Karrhei's smile was bright but relaxed once more.

"Is there anything you are looking forward to during our stay in Kalzasi?"
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Rhydian ValKor
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Rhydian nodded, but did not verbally respond to the request for details of his impending luncheon. He didn’t have any particular instructions from the Crown on that count, so there ought not to be any privileged information that he wouldn’t be able to impart. It was more a matter of whether anything interesting enough to be worth repeating would be broached. He really had no idea what to expect.

“I believe it is to be an Hytori high opera.” He replied, wrinkling his nose in scepticism. “It is a queer custom, I think, to invite foreign dignitaries to see their own cultures reflected through the foreign lens of the local art scene.” He couldn’t imagine the forms to which he was accustomed for the performance of Hytori opera to be observed by the Kalzasern theatre.

“At least I am given to believe it is one of the more contemporary operas, so it shouldn’t be too offensive to our ears.” He sounded almost apologetic for having invited his friend to what turn out to be a travesty against the motherland.

“I do not wish for you to centre your experience around me. You have your own agenda here that is entirely valid and worthwhile in its own right… even if it was not handed down by the Phoenix King himself, as mine was.” A barely perceptible smirk would be enough to broadcast to Karrhei, at least, that this was delivered with Rhydian’s approximation of playfulness.

“I shall be interested to try their cuisine, I suppose… and, as I said, the architecture is prettier than I’d expected, so I suppose there will be more of that to see. I just…” His gaze turned down to the table.

“I wish I was here with His Majesty rather than on behalf of him. I know that his duties to the realm make it difficult to leave Silfanore, but… I don’t know. I just wish I could have his opinion on all of these foreign peculiarities.”
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Karrhei ValMeraomel
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"Oh." The initial reaction at hearing it was a Hytori high opera was a concerned furrowed brow and a smile turned sheepish from the second hand embarrassment the thought conjured up. It seemed the act of children trying to gain their parents' approval. "I'm certain their interpretation will be unique. Perhaps we should view it as if it is less a performance of a Hytori opera and more so an homage. If it is something more contemporary it should be a bit easier to do so."

The delicate teacup rose to his lips again and something in the back of his mind reminded him that this was why it was important to temper his expectations. Giving in to the excitement meant there was a higher likelihood of being disappointed, and showing that would be inappropriate. A small aura slip in private or with just Rhydian would be embarrassing; but around others and in this strange place? That could be troublesome.

Breathing in the aroma of the tea his smile set back to normal and with it his aura followed. He knew the slips in his Semblance were not as obvious to most as it was to himself. Since receiving the cardinal rune of Mesmer, his own rhythms were often loud, like a pounding in his ears that had no discernable sound. Letting the mask slip felt like inviting others into his Symphony. Even positive rhythms started to feel dangerous. The mask was safer than a genuine smile, but it was so tempting to let it all fall away and just feel when spending time with his dear friend like this. Karrhei had known that Mesmer would be much harder to learn and use than Semblance, but there were times it felt like his second rune had set his initial one back.

Despite being lost in his head momentarily, all it took was the playfulness gently pulling Rhydian's lips upwards for Karrhei to relax.

"Of course my duties to Suion are of the utmost importance, but they are pliable as of yet. Should things become more concrete I will be certain to tell you."

The conversation shifted to His Majesty as it always did. The prince's down turned gaze was precisely why letting himself slip even with Rhydian was dangerous. It was easy to guide his prince from the perspective of an Eros of Suion, it was painful to do so as a friend.

Karrhei poured himself another cup of tea.

There was a pause. A beat or two where the cleric just observed, but there was no judgement in his gaze, only the warmth and love befitting a vessel of Suion's gifts. "It might be useful to write down the things you wish you could ask or say to His Majesty. I know his advice is invaluable, but he trusts your opinions. The things you wish to share with him can still be shared in some manner upon your return and he is of course with you in your heart. He sent you because he values you. You shouldn't keep your moments of joy from him, and you should not let his absence fill your heart with sadness."

"May I freshen your cup?"
Last edited by Karrhei ValMeraomel on Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:12 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 545
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