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Akantha Sol'Eilran

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2024 11:50 am
by Akantha SolEilran


Full Name: Akantha Raellyn Sol'Eilran
Race: Hytori
Sex: Female
Age: 27
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 145 lb

Birthdate: Glade 45, Year 97 Age of Steel
Birthplace: Silfanore, Sol'Valen

Profession: Princess, Socialite
Housing: Rooms in Eilranoikos, the Royal Palace in Silfanore
Partners: None

Titles: Princess
Factions: House Sol'Eilran

Fluencies: Mythrasi, Vallenor
Conversationals: Common
Ineptitudes: None

Tall and athletically built, Akantha has straight golden blonde hair that goes to her waist if she is wearing it down. Her skin is lightly tanned. Unusual for her race, she has sky blue eyes. Never does she wear the same thing twice, and Akantha's eclectic tastes when it comes to fashion keep the designers of Sol'Valen quite busy. She might be seen in something traditional, expertly wrapped, pleated, and draped, and she is just as likely to be seen in a more figure-hugging gown with a long train, or some unconventional, avant garde designs that are meant to shock and stun. Her long, pointed ears are pierced, and she usually wears golden rings or bejeweled drops in them.

Raised to be composed and elegant, there's usually a little bit of an edge to everything Akantha does. How sheathed that edge is, however, is another matter entirely. She is a proud young woman, and she knows her status and her worth. She knows when to respect the conventional wisdom and when to push the boundaries of tradition. The Princess has all the confidence of a great cat, and she is not deterred easily. While she is an Hytori supremacist, she is not outright racist, as she trends towards the paternalistic attitudes of her family when it comes to the lesser races. She treats her staff and servants quite well, and she can be generous with those she likes and trusts.

Akantha does love attention, perhaps because she personally feels she didn't get quite as much of her Royal Father's as she might have liked when she was growing up, and she certainly doesn't get as much of it now. She does have an excellent relationship with her mother, but because she was more readily available than the Phoenix King, the Princess determinedly chased his attentions and affections, and she is determined to keep them. She doesn't know yet if she wants the Crown, but she does want to make him proud of her. She gets along well with all of her siblings.

Akantha is fairly religious, and she attends many religious rites and leaves offerings and sacrifices regularly, on special days and otherwise. However, her primary devotion is to Thiovan, Raella, Aedrin, and Aileor. It is not unusual for her to throw feasts and celebrations for them. She welcomes any and all excuses for parties.

The eldest child of the Phoenix King Ailuin Sol'Eilran and his first wife, Princess Vomira of House Val'Melua, Akantha was practically born into the spotlight. It was the first marriage for both of her parents, and their firstborn came in the middle of First Bloom. Her middle name, Raellyn, was in homage of the Goddess Raella, and she was the apple of her parents' eyes. Vomira is the younger sister of Prince Artaher.

Akantha wanted for nothing as a child, though she did have some strange requests that needed to be worked around ("Daddy, can I have a pet dragon?") and used as learning experiences. But for the most part, what she wanted, she got. A pet unicorn? Done. Meeting dragons? After lessons. Outgoing and curious, the Princess took to learning like a duck to water. When she was deemed suitably prepared for it, she received her first Rune, Semblance, from Princess Vomira when she was 14 years old. That was followed by her Rune of Animus from another esteemed mentor just before she turned 18.

Due to the status and duties of her parents, and the fact that she has since had younger siblings following her, Akantha has definitely chased attention and found other (acceptable) ways of getting it. She has always found fashion interesting, and her tastes became stranger and more, well, creative, as she got older. She began to frequently visit and sponsor various clothing designers, making it a habit to feature at least one new designer each season for her attire at courtly affairs and events. Some outfits may be eyed for being on just this side of outlandish, but while others may not understand her taste in art, they respect it.

With her parents' marriage contract very recently dissolved, Akantha has remained at the Royal Palace of Eilranoikos, though she does go visit her mother and maternal family regularly. She has been encouraged to focus on building relationships, observing and sitting in on meetings when allowed, and continuing her lessons across the board - in the arts of arcane, political, and otherwise. She does occasionally act as hostess for dignitaries of her own age group. The Princess does not publicly claim a steady partner of her own at present, but she has her share of suitors interested.

Re: Akantha Sol'Eilran

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:03 pm
by Akantha SolEilran
SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Resistance 25/100 Apprentice
Animus 40/100 Apprentice
Meditation 25/100 Apprentice
Semblance 55/100 Journeyman
Leadership 20/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package+100-100 100
Approval Bonus+30-30 130
Little Bear+20-20 150
Dragons of a Scale+15-15 165

Re: Akantha Sol'Eilran

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:14 pm
by Akantha SolEilran


1. Fine clothing, one set
2. Signet ring of House Sol'Eilran
3. One Crystal Dragon Scale from Adamantos.

Akantha has a suite of rooms in Eilranoikos, the Royal Palace of Sol'Valen.

1. Starting Gold, +150 gp. 150 gp Total.

Re: Akantha Sol'Eilran

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:06 pm
by Akantha SolEilran



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