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The Mission Begins

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:58 pm
by Korvaelis
Korvaelis Dahshida

He didn’t belong here.

That’s how he felt as he sat across from his brother in a posh tea shop. Lovely as it was, Korvaelis only stood out. Sipping his bitter tea, he did a bit of people-watching. Nothing more than a teenager at the time, it did not take much for insecurities to settle in and barrage him with comparative thoughts he was all too familiar with. He learned that Kalzasi culture is a lot more expressive and colorful compared to back home. Everyone seemed to wear colorful clothing– fashion seemed to be at the forefront and maybe a sign of wealth. Korvaelis couldn’t understand why he felt so embarrassed, he was a foreigner at the time anyway, but the half-Neptori sunk into his seat as a way to hide his boring brown clothing of the Zaichaer fashion. It wasn’t of bad quality, his waistcoat and straight pants. Their family was incredibly well-off considering their status. The poor boy just didn’t think it compared to the city’s trend.

“You’re a beautiful boy, lovely.”

Kodi’s voice penetrated his thoughts. Still, Korvaelis couldn’t help but notice that his older brother was dressed like them too. His hair was pulled back and tied with a ribbon and unlike Korvaelis’ dull color scheme, Kodi’s was a bright blue with embroidery.

“You’ll fit in soon,” Kodi answered him. His brother had a way of understanding him that was almost telepathic. On many occasions, he could tell Korvaelis what he was feeling. “I have faith that you will. These are our origins, y’know.”

“Our origins?” Korvaelis placed his cup on the table before folding his hands in his lap.

“Yes. Did you not know? We’re from Kalzasi.”

“Us? From here?”

No way. Korvaelis grew up within what he often described as the confinement of Zaichaer. He didn’t recall a time in or even a story from his wet nurse about Kalzasi either. The place felt unfamiliar too. As beautiful as the city was, Korvaelis couldn’t say he was feeling some special connection to it upon arrival. He felt like nothing except a foreigner. Which was the truth.

“Yes, yes. Have you ever wondered why our common accents were so different than those of Zaichaer?”

Korvaelis took a moment to think about it. A few times, he recalls a few children poking fun at how he spoke and pronounced certain words. He didn’t think it was too different though and the young man could credit his mother for the slight accent he might’ve had in the past.

“You’ll notice it when you begin to learn Synskrit.”

“Synskrit? I’m sorry…why did you bring me here, big brother? Why did you bring me to this city?” Korvaelis tried his best to understand. At first, he thought of this trip as some sort of vacation. Kodi had kept his distance for so long like the rest of his siblings, he thought the third eldest child was taking pity on the youngest of the small clan and decided to show him a new world. At some point, the mixed blood believed his brother would return him to Zaichaer and (if he were lucky enough) pay for his schooling in the city.

“I want to give you a new life, lovely. A life that you and I both deserve. Korvaelis, something precious was taken from us. Status, wealth, and fame…it was all ours at some point. We were to inherit it as the last of our name. But everyone seemed to give up on it.” Kodi paused to take a sip of his tea, he’d soon let out a sound of satisfaction before continuing his speech. “I want it back. I want to be someone here and with your help, I know I can do that.”

Searing of 116

Re: The Mission Begins

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2024 2:24 pm
by Korvaelis
Korvaelis Dahshida

"So I am to no longer return to Zaichaer?”

In a matter of a few hours, Korvaelis' world was beginning to change. Shortly after a conversation, the mixed blood cannot say he truly understood, his brother rushed him out of the tea shop and a carriage that awaited them outside. Being the sort of person who paid close attention to detail, he noticed an emblem on the carriage. It was a scarlet color and a very detailed depiction of a badger. The two sat in silence until they exited the Plaza and entered Adira’s Promenade. Korvaelis had no problem with the silence whatsoever, taking the time of the first half an hour to imagine what the inside of certain family houses looked like. It was Kodi who broke the silence by mentioning that he should cut ties with anyone from back home.

“You’ve got no reason to return there. I will be taking full responsibility for your care and you will be staying with me here.” Kodi waved his hand in the air, referring to their current location.

“What about Maui?” Korvaelis was referring to his nurse. Well, he had long outgrown needing one. Maui was more like family now and maybe the only person he could have an honest conversation with. She nagged him a lot, that was for sure, but he knew she was listening when he talked. The woman spent a great deal of her life fulfilling the role of his mother and he treated her as such. He couldn’t possibly leave her behind.

“She is in the process of selling our home then she will return to Kalzasi to her kids.”

“Oh.” He sunk into his seat a little disappointed. The young man knew she had family elsewhere, Maui visited them quite often, but he always imagined the woman by his side.

“You have to let her go,” Kodi sighed irritated, “you have to move on. Dear brother, you do not need her anymore. Or anyone else.”

“I guess you’re right.” 

It wouldn’t be hard for him to forget about Zaichaer. Korvaelis didn’t have much there anyway. He didn’t make many friends and for some reason, he swore their neighbors hated him. So he spent the majority of his time inside anyway. The time of his life, when the Brass City existed, will be long forgotten anyway.

The carriage driver began ringing a bell as they approached a golden gate hidden amongst trees. An indication of their arrival, the same gate opened and allowed the carriage in. It would be a good mile before they’d see anything. A mansion, if we’re being particular. He hadn’t been in the city long yet he could spot the difference between this house and others seen in passing. It was a marbled house, slanted and appearing as if it were coming out of the ground. Still, a sight to behold no less. A bright figure stood at the entrance.

As they drew closer, Korvaelis could make out a statuesque woman of the Hytori kind in a silk robe dragging along behind her. 
“Estel, great to see you again.” Kodi greeted the woman after the carriage halted and a footman opened the door. “I have a guest for you.” The two shared a platonic kiss as a greeting and embraced each other.

“A guest for me? You shouldn’t have, m’dear.” Estel replied with words that sounded like a song even in common. After separating, their attention turned toward Korvaelis as he exited the carriage. 

“You’ve truly given me something to work with,” Estel exclaimed with so much excitement. “He’s as pretty as Kelfinia. A spitting image of your sister in her youth, I might add.”

“You knew my sister?”

He had only heard about his two eldest siblings in passing. It wasn’t the first time he heard the comparison to Kelfinia, his older sister. Whenever Oceana, his mother, was in a delusional state of might she would call him Kelfinia. He’d never admit to it, but sometimes he allowed her to treat him as such too. Korvaelis’ mother seemed to be proud of his older sister especially. She would sing nothing but praises of her and even beg her to stay.

“I know your entire bloodline, love. We’ve been good friends for ages.” Estel seemed to float toward him. Eventually, she reached out and collected him by the shoulders. “You will be here long enough to hear about it though. You have a lot to learn.”

She guided him toward the mansion, hugging him tight. He gazed up at the woman’s face for a few seconds. Korvaelis could feel a pair of heated eyes watching him from the house. He looked away to see if he could catch a glimpse of the person. Sadly, by the time he looked away, it was too late. The house only looked empty without the owner of it present.

Searing of 116

Re: The Mission Begins

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 2:28 am
by Hikami
The Mission Begins

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  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!