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The Room Where It Happens

Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 3:50 pm
by Aurin

The Menagerie, Zaichaer
40th of Frost, 123 of Steel

Aurin Kavafis was, among many things, a liar. Ernst Klein, however, was a man whose word could be depended upon. As such, Aurin Kavafis had called in favors with various personalities within the major covens in order for Ernst Klein to broker a meeting between self-styled manor lord Dreyfus Monteliyet with people who could get things done within the Zaichaeri covens. Aurin wasn't one of those people; no, not at all. And Ernst was but a man who was trusted by the covens.

Ernst met the seemingly urbane vampir in a predetermined place that wouldn't raise any sort of unwanted attention, then led him into the coven market such as it was. There were ways to get in without the Order knowing, and despite how the covens were collaborating more openly with the Order, he preferred not to be on any sort of lists. Lists could too easily become hit lists and he hadn't survived the Eclipse just to get crossed off a list by High Sentinel Admiral Lord Grand Poobah Eitan Angevin, the creepy fuck.

He was a bit less nervous here than he had been at Monteliyet's place, but then they were on more equal footing. This place didn't belong to either of them, and they weren't surrounded by people devoted to him.

"Right this way, sir," he said, opening the door for Monteliyet. Zaichaer abhorred nobility, but the fact of the matter was, people like old Admiral Angevin had been only too quick to decry how his royal blood meant nothing, while keeping the fact of that royal blood in the forefront of people's minds. And Melchior Dornkirk had styled himself lord though he was common as coal soot. Ernst knew less of Dreyfus Monteliyet, but since meeting him, he had asked some questions and heard some stories. He hadn't sussed out yet which were true and which were false, though.

There were marked differences to the Menagerie since the Eclipse, though the marks weren't visible to everyone. The Myshalarai were illusionists, anyway, so Ernst didn't trust a damn thing he saw in their fancy inn. The taproom had good beer for cheap, though. He had to wonder if they just bespelled rotgut to make it taste fine, though.

Once he followed Monteliyet inside, blue eyes went darting hither and thither looking for Kavafis' contacts that Klein was playing off as his own. Kavafis could have arranged this in no time. It had taken Klein a couple of seasons, though. There ought to be Eshar for the Myshalarai, Valencia Grey for the Railrunners. Muin would likely speak for Farza if they appeared as planned for the Kindred, and someone from the Grymalka, though they hadn't clarified who; nor had the Sunsingers, but he couldn't track down Imogen.

Re: The Room Where It Happens

Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 11:06 pm
by Dreyfus
◈ 40th of Frost, Year of 123, A.o.S

It was quite the day for the vampyre as today could go bad or good for him. He was finally getting a formal sitdown with representatives of the covens. It was always something that he wanted to do but with the village and everything, he never had a moment to send an official introduction to meet. He was glad for Sir Klein for allowing him this opportunity. "I appreciate you doing this for me Sir Klein, it means more than you know." he told the man as he entered the building, patting him on the shoulder.

In all honesty, he wasn't sure what to expect, as he had only been here once, back during his time as a reconciliator, but only briefly. He now that he had witnessed it in all its glory for the first time, he was disappointed it took him this long to get here. He also wondered which of the covens he would be meeting today. If only one of the main significant covens showed up he would call this a good meeting. He also was concerned about how they would react to a vampyre in their midst, as he didn't have the means to hide his unnatural state of living. He knew given who the covens were he would be found out, and even a competent sembler could surmise his state of being.

For now, he would allow Klein to take the lead until it was time for him to commandeer the reigns. His glowing crimson suns peered over to Klein, the vampyre taking a seat as he waited for what was coming, one leg crossing over the other. "Those that are coming to meet with me today, what can you tell me about them? Should I be on guard? Or grovel for their approval?" a playful smile came over the vampyre as he looked at the handsome redhead.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: The Room Where It Happens

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 6:14 pm
by Aurin

Klein had given up correcting the blueblood, and so he was Sir for the time being. He flushed a little, though, not sure if the well-born man was subtly mocking him or not. Red hair, red cheeks, and he flushed more fully when he caught sight of Valencia Grey and other powers that be among the covens scattered hither and thither. Perhaps they were attempting power moves or chicanery, but when the woman inclined her head and began to move closer, he quickly bent to whisper in Monteliyet's ear.

"The woman approaching is Valencia Grey, sir, of the Railrunners. Not their leader, but certainly a leader, and she spent some months aloft at the Windworks with Minister Dornkirk and his lot. She's working with the new Order. There are other people here, but I think they will be observing you... either until they can make a dramatic entrance or until they take your measure. I know not. Be yourself. Don't lie. At least one of them will be able to tell..." There was no coven of semblers here present, but being a Railrunner only meant she had Traversion, not that she had no other runes etched into her soul stuff.

"Mistress Grey," he greeted respectfully, pulling out the chair opposite Monteliyet for her. "This is Dreyfus Monteliyet of... well, I don't rightly know what his manor house is called, but he has one. I could point it out on a map for you. Sir, ah, Monteliyet..." He didn't know whether he ought to call the man a lord in a land that wasn't supposed to have lords. "Valencia Grey of the Railrunners."

He would, of course, tuck her chair under her whenever she chose to sit. Otherwise, he stood upright, a touch of nerves clear as he waited to be dismissed. After all, he had just been the middle man. These were powerful people.

Re: The Room Where It Happens

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 5:19 pm
by Rune
The Menagerie buzzed with every sort of life; quiet conversations flowed from tables all around and music could be heard being played from somewhere deeper in. It was not the fast-paced dance music that sometimes filled the den of business and vice, it was still lovely, tugging at the listeners with suggestions of enjoyment to be had. There were several Myshalarai present, it was their den after all, but none seemed to be spending their attention to the two newcomers. Aether too flowed throughout the building from the people and objects within to its very walls; vibrating with magic of so many kinds it would take a Master Sembler to sort them all out.

At the redhead's indication, a woman of middling height broke off from another group and began to make her way toward them with with a singular intention. She was comely, with long white-blond hair and a face pretty enough that one might be fooled into thinking her a vapid young woman, but only for a moment. Her expression, carriage and the piercing perception of her gray eyes told a story of her being both significantly older and significantly more dangerous. Her manner was that of one suffused with a comfortable confidence and a no-nonsense attitude.


A nod was given to each of them before she seated herself opposite Monteliyet. If the greeting it had not specifically shown respect it also didn't exclude the option, should they show themselves worthy.

"Klein." She said, glancing at him not unkindly by way of thanking him for his assistance as she sat, then her attention turned to the taller of the two.

"You are known, in this place, or who you once were was known. You are dead." She left this in the air for a long moment before continuing, "Legally speaking. Which must leave you in an interesting predicament."

Once Klein had re-seated himself the handsome young man who was often to be seen behind the bar arrived with drinks for each of them. They had not ordered but each drink was to the liking of the one it was served to. The bartender smiled at each of them, lingering a fraction longer on Klein than the other two.

Re: The Room Where It Happens

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 6:24 pm
by Dreyfus
◈ The Room Where It Happens
◈ 40th of Frost, Year of 123, A.o.S

A smile began to form on his lips at the mention of knowing him, before becoming what he was now. Not many would know him by his face, but someone with striking features such as himself stands out. He took her in, looking he up and down. Tilting his head down a bit he looked at the crease in his pants, before turning his eyes back to the woman. "Yes and no. Being legally dead grants me some breathing room. No one is looking for me, yet the more people that come to my estate, spread the word of the miraculous Lord of Monteliyet Manor."

He knew all too well that it was only a matter of time before the powers that be came to investigate the rumors. But he would cross that bring, or crush it, when that time came. "That being said however........" he began, the rune of vitalis coming to life beneath the linen shirt he wore, his hands moving to his face and began to shift and move the flesh. Before long his long golden treses fell away giving way to short hair as black as the void itself. His face had shifted to the one he wore while in Kalzasi, a smirk on his lips as burning crimson orbs peered at the woman.

"I can easily move between groups and organizations without being known. An alias goes quite a long way." he noted, moving to fix his face back to the one he was born with, hands running through his ebon hair as he began to shine golden and gain lengths and inches. He couldn't use any more of that rune, less he take the risk of trying to feed on one of the patrons here. He was outnumbered and he knew that wouldn't be the best first impression to potential allies. "I have a feeling that you and the other representatives if they feel inclined to join us, have questions. I am an open book, so ask and I will answer."
He sat there hands folded in front of him, as he wanted to show them that he was no threat, if anything he could be useful to the covens.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: The Room Where It Happens

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:27 pm
by Rune
Valencia took in the information offered and the spectacle that was Dreyfus Monteliyet shapeshifting before her with a slow blink, like a cat observing something interesting but not dangerous. It wasn't that he wasn't dangerous, he simply was not currently a danger to her.

The demonstration of ability had not gone unnoticed by the room at large and it seemed to have caused some confusion. Was this man interviewing for a place in the Railrunners? The ability to change his appearance aligned far better with the Myshalarai assassins than the procurement of the Railrunners, but perhaps Valencia had been called upon to vet the newcomer.

When Monteliyet had finished his introduction the pale brows of the woman rose in surprise even if the rest of her face remained impassive.

"I was led to believe that it was you who wished something from us. Klein said you asked to arrange a meeting, usually when someone asks to meet with a Railrunner, or a Myshalarai, or any of the Covens, its because they deep what we can provide. Asking for a meeting with high level members implies you need something important, or at least difficult to obtain. So, why don't you tell me what this is about and then if I have any questions, I'll ask."

As she was speaking a different server, a woman this time, with short dark hair and a sharp face passed by, placing an additional cup in front of Dreyfus. The scent coming from it was strong and obvious even to the human's at the table. It was fresh, hot blood.

Re: The Room Where It Happens

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 11:21 pm
by Dreyfus
◈ The Room Where It Happens
◈ 40th of Frost, Year of 123, A.o.S

He wasnt sure how this meeting was going to go, but given the woman's words, and the fact that they sat fresh blood in front of him, it was clear he was at a disadvantage. It was clear that his vampyric status was not lost on them, and only served to pique his interest even more in the covens. Valencia Grey's words caused his eyes to lift from the cup of blood in front of him only for a moment, before darting to the bartender and then back to the cup. Picking it up he drank it all, leaving nothing behind but a crimson stained cup.

The memorial corridor he walked allowed him to gleam some information about the source of the blood, and in his hand formed the crystal rose. Setting it down and his thirst quenched he looked at Valencia with a stern and confident expression on his face. "Well it seems there's no need to be coy anymore." Placing the cup down he took a moment to compose himself before speaking. "I wish for an alliance. My people, the ones who look to me for guidance and safety require supplies. I wish to broker a trade between the covens and myself on their behalf. With my skills and capabilities, I can be of great use to you. The fact that you served me blood from a former reconciliatior lets me know that you are aware of my vampyric nature. I can do things that even the most skilled coven mages can not."

Taking the crystal rose he held it up in front of her. "With a single drop of blood I can see the memories of those I drink from, from their birth to the present day. I can change my appearance to look like anyone if studied long enough. Not to mention the many other talents my vampyrism grants me, I offer myself in exchange for supplies and support from the covens. That is if the Dornkirk contingent hasn't tied your hands and resources." There was a level of arrogance in his words, but not enough to be downright rude. He was stating the facts and laying everything out on the table.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: The Room Where It Happens

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:39 pm
by Rune
The Railrunner Lieutenant watched as the Vamypre use the aether from the blood gift to create a trinket with a similarly stern and confident expression on her face. She did not smile, she seemed the sort who rarely did, but neither did she frown, only blinked evenly as she listened.

What she thought of the idea that this man believed he could do things that no one in the Coven's could was expressed in the merest flicker of her eyes. Her heart beat was steady and slow, her blood running bright through her form. When he finished she waited a long moment to ensure that he was, indeed finished before replying.

"Railrunners thrive on details. You offer yourself. As a sacrifice, a servant, or simply at our disposal? How often, for how long? Will you do anything that is asked of you?"

Her tone was as matter of fact as any merchant, they were brokering a trade agreement, after all. The arrogance of those who considered themselves nobility such as Valencia had been dealing with for a very long time.

"What supplies do you need? How much and how often? What does 'support' mean?"

The questions were slow and even, she was not trying to trick him, but neither was she about to enter into a deal that wasn't precise.

While they were speaking the bartender returned and leaned over to murmur sweetly at Klein's ear. He was no longer needed at the table and The Menagerie was full of delights.

The woman across from Monteliyet did not look away from him as the redhead rose and followed the bartender further into the tavern. The bait concerning the new government did not get any more of a rise than did the use of overt Master level Kinetics.

Re: The Room Where It Happens

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:42 pm
by Dreyfus
⚜ The Room Where It Happens
⚜ 40th of Frost, Year of 123, A.o.S

Crimson eyes looked to the woman as she returned with concerns and preciseness. Straightening his posture he pinched the bridge of his nose as he contemplated an agreeable response. "You would have me at your disposal, at least up till my people can sustain themselves." He took a moment as he had a momentary flashback to his service days in the Order. "I was a servant for too long, though it felt more like being a slave to the order. I won't return to that lifestyle. I refuse. But in exchange for the aid of the covens, I will be at their disposal, plain and simple. As for what's being asked of me, I've done worse things." he noted, thinking back to.....that night.

"I would need enough supplies to help at least a village of eighty people. at least thrice a season. By support, I simply mean keeping a watchful eye on them while I am away." His eyes darted from the woman, looking to the glowing crystal rose, the empty cup of blood, and then back to her. "I have been plagued feels more like I've been possessed. Right now I don't feel it is safe for me to be around them, another reason why I've come to the covens for help. I need a capable group of mages to look after them while I deal with my.....affliction." he noted, fighting his nerves.

With a deep breath and sigh, he straightened himself up before returning back to the task at hand. He looked at the woman with a hungry curiosity, trying to gain some sort of insight into who he was speaking with. It was clear she spoke for the covens, but he wasn't sure if it was for all of them or just the one she was a part of. Her stoic demeanor was offputting but he wouldn't let her know that much. It was infuriating enough that he had to offer himself up as a sacrifice, but who else would come to their aid? He surely couldn't hope and wait for the Dornkirk's government to come and find them, as they would have either starved or worse.....being fed on.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: The Room Where It Happens

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 8:52 pm
by Rune
The Railrunner watched Dreyfus nearly unblinking, eyes as gray as her name intent on his intentions. Her coven was known for making deals of all kinds, but more than anything they were known for their ability to procure anything if the price was right and the contacts exact. One didn't get far in the ranks unless one was able to cut shrewd deals, the highest ranking knew how to do so in a way that left all parties feeling satisfied.

Monteliyet's history with the Order was known, though, as with much in the Order, the details of his service therein were not publicly available.

"Presumably you'll need provision to last a month per delivery, three deliveries a season. All provisions? Clothing, food, soap and sundries?" As she spoke her expression changed to one of someone doing sums in the head, or making notes, though her hands remained impassively folded before her on the table. The look disappeared to be replaced by the former, discerning gaze when the man across from her began confessing something new.

"You want a protection contingent. I see. That is not the preview of the Railrunners. The Kindred might be willing, considering your location." She said this despite Dreyfus not having told her where his people were located. "But the Sunsingers are your best bet for hired guardians, times being what they are."

The Sunsingers were the most diminished of the Covens but they still existed and were capable of protecting a village of eighty people.

"For the provisions, however, the Railrunners can accommodate you. You will be assigned a liaison who will ensure delivery, adjust to any changes in needs or special requests and be your point of contact once the contract has been drawn up. I will also contact the Sunsingers and arrange for a meeting, as none are present today."

She paused here, meeting his eyes with her own for a long moment, much like a strange cat might, neither hostile nor warm, only watching. They two studied one another and it was the first time in a long time a stranger had looked so long at the Vampyre without any obvious reaction of either interest, enthrallment or fear. At last, she said,

"I will return with the contract detailing our obligations and yours. While you wait, there are representatives of several other covens here; the Kindred, the Grymalka, the Myshalarai, of course." They were sitting in the Menagerie, after all.

"Would you like to speak to any of them?"